Processing Class 25

Kinldy explain the same, with examples, and which wagetypes i need to assgn to P25.
Dont send me sap help doc.

All wage types for external bank transfers (VBL, payments) must be  assigned to this processing class.
0 -  The wage type is transferred unchanged as it is required for processing  bank connections.
1-  The wage type is stored summarized and protected by the transfer code in  the in RT. For safety reasons you can run a check using Operation ADDCU  to see whether a collective result was entered incorrectly by the wage  types (that have been specified as transfer wage types). This error  would appear in the remaining test.

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  • Error in processing class 10

    The scenario is like this u2026u2026u2026
    When an employee getting transferred within the company code or to other company code , HRA AND WASHING AND FACTORY allowance are getting doubled, to avoid this we have changed the processing class 10 from 0 to 1(Reduction with factor /801). After changing this those wage types is not calculating any double and the problem is resolved but the actual problem started the Wahsing and Factory Allowance is calculating based on attendance. After changing PC 10 from to zero 1 its not calculating based on attendance how to resolve this.
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for the reply. I have checked the all the options in PC 10
    0     No reduction
    1     Reduction with factor /801
    2     Reduction with factor /802
    3     Reduction with factor /803
    4     Reduction with factor /804
    5     Reduction with factor /805
    6     Reduction with factor /806
    7     Reduction with factor /807
    8     Reduction with factor /808
    9     Reduction with factor /809
    A     Reduction with factor /801, with rounding 005
    But none of above sloving my purpose. Without touching pcr is there any way to do or else pls guide me step by step how to handle with PCR
    Thanks in advance

  • Tax model/type/authority to Processing class

    Hi All,
    I am configuring tax type, tax authority, tax model, can anyone tell me how we will attach all this things to Processing class of any wage type.
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    The tax class in your tax model is the specification for processing class.
    If you used the existing tax class in  your model no need to do any thing, based on PC71's value , the tax model will be called. And the taxes will be accumulated to respective tax types / tax auth.
    If you creating a new tax class in your model , then that value will appear in PC71's value. The tax model will be called based on this new value you are selecting for any wagetype.. And the taxes will be accumulated to respective tax types / tax auth.

  • Processing Classes in PY-IN

    Hi All,
    I have one small query. In my system, 1 wage type is getting projected on monthly basis i.e. every month, its getting added in the gross salary and showing up in Remuneration Statement. Whereas it shud get projected on yearly basis.
    Please advise by which processing class we can control the same.

    Evaluation Classes
    Evaluation Classes  are generally used for reporting purpose. There are 20 possible evaluation classes. For each evaluation class, there will be a subset of values. The payslip and the Payment summary use evaluation classes. So u2013 For example : the payment summary uses evaluation class 11. SAP provides default settings for evaluation class 11 (Such as Taxable Gross, Tax, Lump sum A, Lump sum B etc). The consultant will go into each wagetype and set evaluation class 11 to a value based on where it is to be reported onto the payment summary.
    Cumulation Class
    This is used for storing certain wagetypes into a bucket. The bucket is the /1nn wagetypes. So, if a wagetype had cumulation class 01 set, this will add the value of this wagetype into /101 wagetype. This is actually how the total gross works as all wagetypes which are gross wagetypes are set with cumulation 01 which cumulates into /101 (Total gross).. Other uses for this are taxable gross, superannuation totals, totals for allowances, totals for deductions, etc.. There are 100 cumulation classes. These are either turned on or off.
    Hope This will help you.

  • How do we know that which processing Class doing what functionality ?

    Hi SAP HR Experts .
    Q:-1 How do we know that which processing Class doing what functionality ?
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    Kind Regards : rajneesh

    Hi Rajneesh,
    The best way to understand the processing class is to go thru each and every class in table T512W_D ( Go to SM30 -> t512w_d ).Here in this table you will have the wagetypes ,just double click on the wagetypes and you will find the screen with processing classes. Just go thru each and every class by f1 . Each class is having its own importance and implication.
    Same with Cumulation class. Go to SM30 -> enter T54C3. Follow the same logic here too, and try to analyse the max thru f1.
    This is how we can understand the logic.

  • Report for finding wage types using a processing class.

    Hi All,
    Is there any standard report that gives a list of all wage types that use a processing class given as input?.

    You can use the wage type utilization for this.  Go to transaction PC00_M99_DLGA20.  Leave the wage type selection fields blank.  Select "Continuous list" as your output.  Click on the execute button.  You will see the meaning of processing classes and their values.  If you scroll down past this (should be page 3 if you look for the number to the right side of the screen), you will see a list of the processing classes and which wage types are assigned to the class by valuation.  I don't know of any other standard reports to get you this information.  I hope this helps.
    - April King

  • How to create confirmation pop in process classes

    Hello experts,
             I have a requirement to create a Confirmation pop up in a Zprocess -> Z process class-> method. This method is triggering when user selects contract line item and press on change contract button than selects any one process from drop down list and press on the start process in the contract management screen.
    Thanks in advance.

    here an example where we create a confirm popup before a contactperson could be deleted:
    * prepare popup and instantiate it
          DATA: lv_title type STRING,
                lv_text type STRING.
          if CONFIRM_POPUP is not bound.
            lv_title = 'Popup'(001).
            lv_text = 'Ansprechpartner löschen?'(002).
            call method comp_controller->window_manager->create_popup_2_confirm
                iv_title          = lv_title
                iv_text           = lv_text
                iv_btncombination = if_bsp_wd_window_manager=>co_btncomb_yesno
                rv_result         = CONFIRM_POPUP.
            CONFIRM_POPUP->SET_ON_CLOSE_EVENT( iv_event_name = 'CONFIRM_POPUP_CLOSED' iv_view = me ).
          CONFIRM_POPUP->OPEN( ).
    Kind regards

  • Processing Classes in SAP Payroll

    Hi all,
    could you kindly fwd me the file,if u have it with u .
    How Do I Use Processing Classes in SAP Payroll? 
    by Steve Bogner, Managing Partner, Insight Consulting Partners
    Explore how your Payroll system uses processing classes. Our HR expert offers helpful hints and tips and explains how to create your own processing classes.
    No Worries
    processing class
    Check the above threads u may get some use ful info..................................

  • Processing class 10 documentation

    Hi Experts,
      Can any one give the over all idea about processing class10. How it will effect the payroll? What are the effects in /801 and so on? If i give 1 in P class 10, what will be the effect and if 2 and so on. I could not found any documentation on this.

    Hi Proseccing class 10 is for the Factoring your wage type. It will help to do factoring of the particular wage type.
    Factoring refers to partial pay period or partial month amount.It includes the PCR's like XPPF,XPP1,XVAL etc.
    For Ex: Employee salary is 3000$ per month and in the particular month ee has taken LOP leaves so the amount has to be deducted. How much amount it has to deduct that will be calculated by prc class 10 with the help of PCR's.
    When you run the payroll for the particular employee it will check any deviations are there like ee applied any unpaid absence or any basic pay change or joined in mid of the month / terminated in the mid of the month.
    All the above conditions will be checked in PCR XPPF if there are any condition succeeds then it will go and check in second PCR XPP1 that how much it has to deduct.
    If you see the PCR you can find KSOLL,ASOLL,DIVI,ADIVP,AAUX, etc.
    Go and login to PE02 -->XPPF and XPP1 you will get better idea.
    You can get documentation in processing class list for the WT.You can check in SPRO>payroll>country specific>First/Second node> Click on help docummet of that particular prc class.
    I hope you got some idea on prc class 10.
    Or else you can go and check in the V_512W_D where for all WT Prc class are stored.

  • Processing class 10 and partial period factor specification /807

    dear experts,
    I want to know the difference in specification of /801 or /802 or 803 or /804 or /805 or /807 when we give or maintain processing class 10 for an y customised wage type in table v_t512w_d. there is no documetation for /806 or /807 wage types .can any one send me the documetation on this or explain

    Just go to X013 PCR.  There you can find the documentation.
    Open the PCR in display mode and press F1 for documentation.
    Reward the points.

  • Doubt on exec method from Process class

    i want to use exec method from Process class to run an external exe.
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    Also can i run a file like notepad.exe present in system32 by providing the path of notepad.exe as an arguement in exec

    i would be really grateful to you if you can write
    the syntax for me along eith the class.i tried it out
    and i got a lot of errors
    this is what i obbtained from the documentation
    "public Process exec(String command)
    throws IOException"
    l to comprehend is what that class Process is doing
    in the syntax.from the method its supposed to return
    Process class.can you explain it and the usage of
    exec too
    import java.lang.*;
    class abc
         Runtime ob1;
    //i am getting a compile time error for this code
    which cites that <identifier> required at line 6You need to put the exec call in a method or constructor. You can't just place code anywhere within a class.
    You should also cal Runtime.exec just as I told you. It's a static method.
    There are lots of examples if you google.

  • Smatrform and processing class

    I'm New to SAP CRM.
    My requirement is to send a the activity transaction details to a customer as a PDF in the smartforms.
    Here we can execute the action using a Smartform or Method call.
    How to go about it.
    How can we know the processing class for a gievn smartform. In which table can we find the entries or relationships between a smartform and processing class.

    I am sorry. I am not able to understand ur question properly. Actually i did some smartfroms work in my organisation relating to CRM 2007.
    Here, our functional people first assign the standard method and class and smartform. Then take a sample data. Then i used to copy the std form to zform and apply my logic in program lines. I got success.
    The std methods and classes depend on the action type.
    in service area i used.
    cl_doc_processing_crm_order (processing class)
    crm_srvorder_exec_smart_form (method).
    if u goto std one u find a lot.
    u better get the details from the funtional team.
    hope this will help you.
    best wishes,

  • Function PIT don't recognize a Custom Processing Class

    Hi all,
    I've defined a brand new custom processing class, in order to evaluate some WT for labor cost, but when I try to call the PIT function, with param 2 set to P90 (my processing class in numbered with 90), the check give me an error message:
    With regard to function PIT, specified processing class 90 does not exist                                                                               
    Message no. 5P 414                                                                               
    You have specified a processing class which does not exist or is not   
         permitted for the country grouping of the schema.               
    Is there any additional operation to perform?
    Thank you in advance.

    Hi Paolo,
    could u please explain the solution in more detail....Even I have overcome the same problem, I have tried the following that what you had meant in ur reply..
    pe02 -> attributes -> vountry grouping = 13 (Australia) in place of *
    is that all ...else could you plz explain the situation.

  • About process class

    Is process class in java is OS dependent???

    In what sense?
    By the way, this is not a Swing question.

  • Processing classes , evaluation classes and cumulation classes

    Hi All ,
       Can anybody give the details of PCR in HR and how to use processing classes and evaluation classes in PCR.
    Regards ,

    we have an operation VWTCL which checks the Processing class and its specification in PCR.
    go to T.Code: PE04 and check the operations documentation you will get clarity.
    Operation VWTCL VV reads the specification of processing class VV for the current wage type in table T512W, and enters this as a single-character entry in the variable argument of the personnel calculation rule. Function VWTCL is a decision operation.
    for example:
    X010 Determination of valuation bases INTERNATIONAL
            VWTCL 01   Processing class
                ERROR      Cancel processing
                ADDWT *    OT   Output table
            VWTCL 01   Processing class
                ADDWT *    OT   Output table
                ELIMI Z    Elim.time period ID

  • Processing Classes

            How to create Processing Class? How to add more gto existing processing classes? How many processing classes can be used in PCR i mean limit of processing classes in PCR?

    U can create ur processing classes by going to SPRO->Payroll->Payroll India(if India PY)->Basic Settings-> Environment of Wage Type Maintenance -->Processing and Evaluation Classes --> Maintain Processing Classes and Their Specifications.
    U can create procesing classes as many but I think beyond 2 numbered number U cannot create.
    in PCRs U can use all the processing classes defined in the system.
    award points if helpful.

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