Production Premium Package question

I want to edit videos. Would the Production Premium package be sufficient for my needs?

Would the Production Premium package be sufficient for my needs?
More than sufficient.
CS6 Trial Download - where can I find it?
CS6 - Buy the Perpetual License version (Not Creative Cloud rental) reativesuite6.html?promoid=KFPMZ
To buy an upgrade instead the of full version, click the buy button
then select 'I want to buy: Upgrade' instead of 'Full'.
CS5 and CS5.5 Products are eligible for upgrade to CS6.

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    No, you still have 2 activations. The licensing model is no different than for the commercial version. It just adds this extra stipulation on top of it.

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    Adobe After Effects CS4 LangPack (en_GB)
    Error 2.
    Adobe Encore CS4 LangPack (en_GB)
    Error 2.
    Adobe Flash CS4 Extension - Flash Lite LangPack Common
    Error 2.
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    Error 2.
    Adobe Illustrator CS4 LangPack (en_GB)
    Error 2.
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    Error 2.
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    Error 2.
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    Adobe support answered to my question. I was missing a DOCUMENTS folder from my USERS - PUBLIC path and after I created that and un-installed & installed my production premium package, everything worked like it should! You might encounter to this same problem also if your USERS - PUBLIC - DOCUMENTS folder has some security settings on... Just right click the folder, choose security and check full control in permissions and remember to sign in as administrator when you install any software...
    Hope this tip is helpful!
    Now...Back to work!

    WOH, just what I needed.
    My problem was, that I have moved my documents to another partition, but the public parts I unfortunaly don't had thinked about. . This was 'the solution'! Thank you J_Suhonen!

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    What should I do to get Extended working?

    That did the trick! Thanks for the quick response.
    Weird thing is that the Deacitvate option was greyed out on the 64bit version. I looked in the 32bit version and it was available there. I permanently deactivated it, exited Photoshop (32bit) to check the 64bit version again. This time a CS5 Production Premium window appeared with the option to install Photoshop CS5 Extended. I clicked install and Photoshop opened up almost immediately; all Extended options now available.

  • Adobe CS3 Production Premium Installation

    (Brand New) HP xw8600 Workstation
    Intel Xeon 3.00 GHz Processor
    3.25 GB RAM
    Windows XP Professional
    Service Pack 2
    DSL High Speed Internet Connection for Activation
    I'm trying to install the Adobe CS3 Production Premium package on my new computer. After I select "Install Adobe CS3 Production Premium" from the initial dialog box, a new box saying "Initializing Adobe Creative Suite 3 Production Premium" appears with a progress bar. When the progress bar completes, nothing happens. The license agreement window fails to launch. I've tried copying the Adobe CS3 folder to my desktop and running setup.exe alone with no success.
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    Any help you guys can give me would be appreciated.

    try installing the latest microsoft installer 9f4&DisplayLang=en

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    They're all available under a standard Creative Cloud Subscription.
    Adobe is no longer making Creative Suite packages.

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    ID Proof

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    If your registrations do not show at you will not get help in an open forum
    You MAY get help at Contact Customer Care
    -Select your product and what you need help with
    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"

  • Licensing CS 6 Production Premium question

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    I've currently installed CS 6 Production Premium on two computers, which is allowed as I've red in the licensing terms.
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    Or do I need to deregister one of the computerinstallations on any adobe webpage before.
    Please let me know.
    Thanks in advance,

    There is a forum specifically for licensing/installation/de-installation/transfer and all such questions ... but I do believe you need to go into the "help" menu section of your current (old) machine, and de-activate that. Then in the new machine, select activate license. You need to know the license data, I think ... hope my dim memory serves you!

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    That's an invalid resolution. Adobe products only support standardized resolutions as they are commonly used in video production, well, at least in Premiere. This has something to do with hardware acceleration features for realtime playback. You should be able to open the file in After Effects, though. If that still doesn't work, you may have to run it through a conversion tool like Handbrake. To avoid such issues in the future, you should set your preferences on teh phone to a standard resolution like 640x480, 360x480 or 720x1280 pixels. It may look squished on the phone, but will be much better for later video processing. Also use plain MP4/ H.264 files, not MOV if possible.

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    Am I able to install the software on the computer I have now, and then once I have purchased the new computer, deactivate and uninstall CS4 from the old computer and reinstall and activate on the new computer?
    I believe the Licence states that the software may only be installed on one computer. Does that mean one computer at a time or one computer ever?
    Thank you!

    A good and frequent question - and I think you should be OK...  Check out the entries in this FAQ, "Do the Student Editions have restricted functionality?" and "How many computers can I use a Student Edition on?"  (under "How Can I Use My Software?")

  • Simple question: upgrade to CS5.5 Production Premium

    Hello everyone,
    After a quick chat with Adobe Chat Support I was inform that it was not possible to upgrade from CS2 Premium to CS5.5 Production Premium.
    The box upgrade of CS5.5 Production Premium states the following: Adobe CS5.5 Production Premium English Upgrade FR Suite 2/3V Back
    Is this true?

    Hello Bob,
    My question is simple: I have the disks of CS5.5 Premium Production upgrade from CS2/CS3, and I just want to confirm that I can use them with Adobe CS2 Premium.
    I dont want to buy CS5.5 or CS6 from no-one.

  • Can't install 32-bit support package for Production Premium CS5

    Installed CS5 Production Premium. None of our computers are 64 bit so we need the supplementary CS4 32-bit versions of After Effects and Premiere Pro. Downloaded the zip file designated for this. Unzipped app but when I tried to install it, got this error message that says "the file archive part" of these is missing, and says to "download all parts." All what parts? There's only one download, the zip file. I've been over the page that explains about downloading and installing the 32-bit package--can't figure out what's missing or where the heck to find it. 

    The following steps should allow you to locate and download your purchase:
    Log in to your Adobe account to download your software.
    Go to the Adobe Store for your country and sign in with your Adobe ID and password.
    Click My Orders and then My Order History.
    Locate the order number, and click the Download link in the Downloads column.
    Start the download by doing one of the following:
    Click Download and follow the onscreen instructions.
    Click Akamai Download Manager and follow the onscreen instructions.
    Click Alternate Download Method, and then click the .7z and .exe files (Windows) or the .dmg file (Mac OS) to download the software to your computer.

  • Question for Anyone Using CS4 Production Premium with Windows 7

    I'm testing Windows 7 at home with CS3 Production Premium and have not had any issues. Of course CS4 is quite a bit different.
    Anyone using CS4 Production Premium on Windows 7 regularly? Any issues to report?

    Thanks for replying to my post:
    mark_m wrote:
    "I notice that when I open an old CS4 project and PPro asks you to locate the file, that the "show only exact file name" tick box seems to have no effect.
    This is on Windows 7 RC 64bit."
    On our systems at work that have XP and Vista + CS4 Production Premium.  I've noticed this with preview files in particular and possibly some others, I don't remember. The "show only exact file" checkbox is greyed out. This is somewhat annoying because projects can have a huge number of preview files with long  cryptic names making it a pain to locate the correct one manually to get the ball rolling. If I don't think it'll take too long to re-render, I just select "skip preview files".
    We bought 3 licenses for Windows 7 and I'm encouraged by the performance, reliability and features on my home test system (RC 64) that has CS3 installed. Can't wait to get rid of XP and Vista.

  • Adobe CS5.5 Production Premium Install Errors and Other Issues

    I just  installed Adobe CS5.5 Production Premium on my computer and had some  errors pop up at the end of installation.  I  will paste the summary below.   I've tried to install Procction Premium a couple of times.  I've used  the Adobe Cleaner Tool.  From what I've researched, the Flash Issue  is a  a false error since Flash was already installed on the computer.   Is  the rest of it connected to the Flash issue as well?
    Thr programs all seem to work fine except for the issue below.
    My  other question is that when I am in Windows Explorer and I Right-Click  on say a .jpg file and select Open With...  I am not able to select  Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator for that matter.  I have Dreamweaver CS4  and that shows up as an option.  I have gone through the process of trying to add the  Adobe Photoshop .exe file, but it still doesn't work.  However, if I open Adobe Bridge, I am able to select Photoshop or Illustrator to open a file.  Is this  connected to my install or is there something else going on?  I did  uninstall an ancient version of Adobe Photoshop 7.0 that I've had for  years, but that was prior to installing Production Premium CS5.  Could  that have caused an issue?  I read that uninstalling an old Photoshop  can cause problems like this.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Exit Code: 6
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 4 error(s), 2 warning(s)
    ----------- Payload: {CFA46C39-C539-4BE9-9364-495003C714AD} Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0 -----------
    WARNING: DF029: ARKServiceControl::StartService: Service not started/stopped SwitchBoard. Current
    State: 0 Exit Code: 0 Service Specific Exit Code: 0(Seq 1)
    ----------- Payload: {2EE4F060-CEE6-4002-AA8B-91B791541767} Pixel Bender Toolkit -----------
    WARNING: DF035: CreateAlias:Icon file does not exist at C:\Program Files (x86)
    \Adobe\Adobe Utilities - CS5.5\Pixel Bender Toolkit
    2.6\windows\pb_app.icofile:\\\C:\PIXELB~1\source\winwood\Staging 0X1.7E8FC6P-
    1021rea\windows\pb_app.ico42178f80493091e8e552c84a2897e9da68fce32_32_f80493091e8e552c84a28 97e9da68fce  for icon C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Adobe  Production Premium CS5.5\Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.6.lnk with target  C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Utilities - CS5.5\Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.6\Pixel Bender Toolkit.exe(Seq 89)
    ----------- Payload: {43A1C48E-3E50-410e-951C-E17A66BBF824} Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin -----------
    ERROR: Error 1722.There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part
    of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action
    NewCustomAction1, location: C:\Users\RYANAN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\InstallPlugin.exe, command: -
    install plugin -msi
    ERROR: Install MSI payload failed with error: 1603 - Fatal error during installation.
    MSI Error message: Error 1722.There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run
    as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.
    Action NewCustomAction1, location: C:\Users\RYANAN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\InstallPlugin.exe,
    command: -install plugin -msi
    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:                                                  
    ERROR: DW050: - Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin: Install failed
    Message was edited by: rynohose

    Yes, your installation errors appear to be the innocuous false errors related to the brain-dead Flash installer. If the programs seem to be working fine, don't worry about it. As far as not being able to open images with Photoshop from Windows Explorer, I recommend taking that question to the Photoshop forum.

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