Profile Manager IPhone 4S - "new device"

Dear all,
after I bought my new IPhone 4S, I tried to enroll the device via "https://server.xxxxx.xx/mydevices". The certificates installed successfully, but the device is shown in the profile manager as "new device". My profile manager is working as I don't have any issues with my other devices (Ipad / Macbook).
Did somebody else encountered this issue?
Thanks in advance

If your devices have SIM cards fitted that's probibly what's causing your problem
For some reason apple grabs the SIM card info and ties it to the device
Removing the device doesn't seem to remove the SIM card info
Hence the "new device" and being unable to push settings to the newly enrolled
device with the old SIM card fitted
The SIM card info has to be removed from the MDM DB manually
I'm not sure if the latest osx server updates fix this behavior
See this post on how to remove the SIM card details

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    I too am running into a similar issue. Although I am also seeing a problem with the server being able to push configuration profiles to OS X devices as well.
    Are you seeing the same issue?

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    an I have an airport ext problem due to the latest update to server app.
    I did try this:-
    but it didnt work..
    Many Thanks.

    Hi Gerry,
    Thanks. I will take note of it.
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  • Profile Manager Tasks Queue up without completing

    I've got a fresh Lion server, fully-qualified, publicly-addressable DNS, brand-new SSL Cert installed and working, ready for Profile Manager.  I can enroll the iPad just fine, and it shows up in Profile Manager as a New Device.  Unfortunately, it never makes it past that point.  The initial tasks that Profile Manager performs on new devices (the "Update Info: New Device" tasks) just queue up, and never complete.  If I do anything else with the iPad (setting restrictions, attempting to lock it, etc), those tasks just get added to the end of the queue and don't go anywhere.
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    Am I missing something?

    Hi Josh,
    I don't know if this fits with what you are doing!  But, instead of automatic push, try manual download of profiles.  You open profile manager/my devices in safari and log in as the user on your client machine.  From there you can enroll and download profiles.  You will have to configure the General payload for each device/group etc., to manual though on your server.
    I've found this to be the easiest option because of all the hassles with auto push etc..  This means you can reapply your firewalls and close your ports.
    LS 10.7.2 doesn't improve on any of the issues either.  Very buggy indeed!
    I hope this helps.

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    We use OS X:10.9.5/iOS:8.1/Server:3.2.2

    You can only rename supervised devices with the profile manager.
    All other devices will not show the Rename option at the Devices section.
    The users can rename the devices and the new name will be shown after executing "Update Info" at the profile manager. I don't know any other way, with the exception of using the Apple Configurator.

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    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.
    See "Basic Troubleshooting: Make a new profile":

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  • Profile Manager Mavericks & Active Directory Users.

    I have recently being trying to implement MDM Profile Manger to facilitate the deployment of Mavericks OSX on our domain.
    We currently run a mixed environment of Windows 7 and OSX Mountain Lion. Using Workgroup Manager with Active Directory created users. The old Workgroup manager works brilliantly the way we want it to do for Snow Leopard OSX.
    MDM however does not work in the same fashion. It might be my understanding of MDM that is misconstrued and that it doesn't do what I want or I'm not setting it up correctly.
    MDM works fine for mobile devices. The issue is with iMac's. I can send 'device' settings to my test mac and they get automatically implemented. However if I sign on as a domain user that is assigned to a group created in MDM. None of the 'profile' settings get applied.
    The test iMac I am using is first joined to AD then the OD of the MDM server.
    To enroll a device on MDM. I use the OD administrator account. I then remove the device from the OD Admin account. As each iMac needs to be logged into by various users with different levels of access. So our iMacs cannot be associated to just one user account.
    I then login to the test iMac using an AD user that is assigned to a User Group created on the MDM server. No User Group settings get applied to the test user.
    Also which is a little weird. If I assign the test iMac device to My AD user. The profile settings get applied to the local account that I accessed profile manager to enroll the device. Even though the account is not linked to the MDM in any way.
    I’m just wondering if anyone has had any success with AD users and MDM.

    first you should consult
    and then you have to import the specific users. You can do this in the by adding a new user an then select not new user but instead import the user from the Active Directory. I hope this helps. It is confusing
    that Lion Server does not uses the Active Directory to store the information, but instead creates a new Open Directory Master an uses augumented entries for the ADS users.

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    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I found the problem.  The device group that the laptop in question was assigned to also has an option for fast user switching that was not enabled.  I enabled it there and the problem was resolved.

  • Profile Manager Active Tasks Status stays on Pending

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    Any pointers or ideas would be well appreciated.

    Hi dankgus, I was reading this article which explains how the mechanics of this work.
    I then thought about your firewall comment, when I configured my firewall to work with my Mac MDM I used this Apple KBA ------> however I did not open TCP:443 for security reasons. I actually thought this was just for device enrollment and management however it looks like the iOS device might actually require it to function properly. I opened the port and ran a device update which worked. I think it worked ok initially because internally users can get to the MDM over TCP:443 through our split DNS and as soon as they took their iOS devices out of the reach of our corp WIFI it stopped working. I will observe the results and report back and of course I welcome comments.

  • I Can't Open [Profile Manager] In FireFox

    Hello ....
    I Have Firefox 31.0 , The Last one
    I Can't Open [Profile Manager]
    When I Make those paths
    "firefox -ProfileManager"
    firefox.exe -p
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -no-remote -p'
    Now The problem when i write one of the paths , It opens Firefox [Browser]
    I need to open The Profile Manager and make new user and use both of them in the same time
    Thanks .....

    Otherwise a new browser window will just open instead.
    Though if entered correctly the -no-remote switch along with -P should open the ProfileManager so you can run a second instance with another Profile. Basically you cannot run more than one instance on same Profile.

  • Command line control Profile Manager 2

    Greeting All,
    Any guide that introduce command line that can control Profile Manager 2 to make device camera on/off? Do know is this possible via command line?
    Here is the sernario.
    1. User scan a QR code that trigger App to commnuicate Profile Manager turn off camera.
    2. App to login Profile Manager in background and turn off camera in profile.
    3. Profile Manager push profile to trun off device camera.
    4. App logout Profile Manager in background.
    Any advise is welcome.

    The CommandLine tool is also shipped with JCAPS and which is very useful to tool.
    We can do deploy, redeploy and undeploy with this tool. and the respective docs are available as said in the above location.

  • Iphone 4s unknown device

    I have buy factory unlocked iPhone 4s, update software to ios6 by wifi, i download itunes because i want to download music to my iphone, firstly connect iphone to pc by usb, charging is ok, but PC can not recognize my iphone and itunes too, faults like "USB Device Not Recognized" and then "software for the device has not been established" in device Manager iphone called "Unknown Device", i was try to reinstal itunes, chenge cables, ports, computers (window mac), reboot all but nothing works, what i should do?
    ps Charging is gone good!

    Hello Veiz,
    You may need to re-install the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver on your system.
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Check out the section labeled, "5. Verify that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed", in the sub-section for the version of Windows that you're currently running.

  • CalDAV and Profile Manager question

    I am attempting to set up CalDAV in Profile Manager for our mobile devices. I am applying these settings to a group. I can't complete configuring the CalDAV payload because Profile Manager tells me that a CalDAV username is required. Again, this profile is for a group, so each user should be entering his own username to connect to his personal calendar. I've included a screenshot below to illustrate what's happening.
    Is there something I'm misunderstanding about how CalDAV needs to be configured, or is this a bug?

    Hi Adams,
    You can use variables keys in Profile Manager to push groups settings
    (I don't know if this list is exhaustive or not)
    User keys:
    Device keys:

  • Disable Wireless in Profile manager

    Is there a way to disable the wireless adaptor in Profile Manager?

    That may be a way of doing it although I would have disabled wireless when setting up a deployable image.
    What you could try is log into Profile Manager. Select a Device Group you've created and have populated with desired devices or computers. Or simply select an enrolled device/computer. Under the OSX Section select Custom Settings. Click Configure and click Add Item.
    For the key, type in - DisableAirPort
    For the type, select Boolean
    For the Value, tick the box
    Test with the client machine.
    It's been a while since I did this and unfortunately I have no way of testing it at the moment so it might not work?

Maybe you are looking for

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