Program to download your owns Z Developments

Somebody can give a program to download my owns Z Developments.

report  zdata_download.
tables: reguh.
types: begin of ty_lfa1,
         lifnr type lfa1-lifnr,
         name1 type lfa1-name1,
         name2 type lfa1-name2,
         ort01 type lfa1-ort01,
         pstlz type lfa1-pstlz,
         stras type lfa1-stras,
         adrnr type lfa1-adrnr,
         anred type lfa1-anred,
       end of ty_lfa1.
types: begin of ty_adr6,
         addrnumber type adr6-addrnumber,
         smtp_addr  type adr6-smtp_addr,
       end of ty_adr6.
types: begin of ty_adr2,
         addrnumber type adr2-addrnumber,
         telnr_long type adr2-telnr_long,
       end of ty_adr2.
types: begin of ty_lfbk,
         lifnr type lfbk-lifnr,
         banks type lfbk-banks,
         bankl type lfbk-bankl,
         bankn type lfbk-bankn,
         bkont type lfbk-bkont,
       end of ty_lfbk.
types: begin of ty_bnka,
         banks type bnka-banks,
         bankl type bnka-bankl,
         banka type bnka-banka,
         bnklz type bnka-bnklz,
       end of ty_bnka.
types: begin of ty_bkpf,
         bukrs type bkpf-bukrs,
         belnr type bkpf-belnr,
         gjahr type bkpf-gjahr,
         usnam type bkpf-usnam,
       end of ty_bkpf.
types: begin of ty_bsak,
         bukrs type bsak-bukrs,
         lifnr type bsak-lifnr,
         gjahr type bsak-gjahr,
         belnr type bsak-belnr,
         buzei type bsak-buzei,
         bldat type bsak-bldat,
         xblnr type bsak-xblnr,
         wrbtr type bsak-wrbtr,
         wmwst type bsak-wmwst,
         sknto type bsak-sknto,
       end of ty_bsak.
types: begin of ty_bsec,
         bukrs type bsec-bukrs,
         belnr type bsec-belnr,
         gjahr type bsec-gjahr,
         buzei type bsec-buzei,
         name1 type bsec-name1,
         name2 type bsec-name2,
         pstlz type bsec-pstlz,
         ort01 type bsec-ort01,
         stras type bsec-stras,
         anred type bsec-anred,
       end of ty_bsec.
types: begin of ty_final,
         laufd type reguh-laufd,
         laufi type reguh-laufi,
         zbukr type reguh-zbukr,
         lifnr type reguh-lifnr,
         rzawe type reguh-rzawe,
         vblnr type reguh-vblnr,
         rwbtr type reguh-rwbtr,
         waers type reguh-waers,
         anred type reguh-anred,
         name1 type reguh-name1,
         name2 type reguh-name2,
         stras type reguh-stras,
         ort01 type reguh-ort01,
         pstlz type reguh-pstlz,
         hbkid type reguh-hbkid,
         hktid type reguh-hktid,
         ubknt type reguh-ubknt,
         valut type reguh-valut,
         zaldt type reguh-zaldt,
         empfg type reguh-empfg,
         alt_anred type lfa1-anred,
         alt_name1 type lfa1-name1,
         alt_name2 type lfa1-name2,
         alt_stras type lfa1-stras,
         alt_ort01 type lfa1-ort01,
         alt_pstlz type lfa1-pstlz,
         smtp_addr type adr6-smtp_addr,
         telnr_long type adr2-telnr_long,
         bankn type lfbk-bankn,
         bkont type lfbk-bkont,
         banka type bnka-banka,
         bnklz type bnka-bnklz,
         usnam type bkpf-usnam,
         bldat type bsak-bldat,
         xblnr type bsak-xblnr,
         wrbtr type bsak-wrbtr,
         wmwst type bsak-wmwst,
         sknto type bsak-sknto,
         one_name1 type bsec-name1,
         one_name2 type bsec-name2,
         one_pstlz type bsec-pstlz,
         one_ort01 type bsec-ort01,
         one_stras type bsec-stras,
         one_anred type bsec-anred,
       end of ty_final.
types: begin of ty_field,
         name type char30,
       end of ty_field.
data: i_lfa1 type table of ty_lfa1,
      k_lfa1 type ty_lfa1,
      i_adr6 type table of ty_adr6,
      k_adr6 type ty_adr6,
      i_adr2 type table of ty_adr2,
      k_adr2 type ty_adr2,
      i_lfbk type table of ty_lfbk,
      k_lfbk type ty_lfbk,
      i_bnka type table of ty_bnka,
      k_bnka type ty_bnka,
      i_bkpf type table of ty_bkpf,
      k_bkpf type ty_bkpf,
      i_bsak type table of ty_bsak,
      k_bsak type ty_bsak,
      i_bsec type table of ty_bsec,
      k_bsec type ty_bsec,
      i_final type table of ty_final,
      k_final type ty_final.
data: i_reguh type table of reguh,
      k_reguh type reguh.
data:  l_v_filetype    type char10 value 'ASC',
       l_v_flength     type i,
       l_v_fullpath    type string,
       l_v_filefilter  type string,
       l_v_pathname    type string,
       l_v_filename    type string,
       l_v_user_action type i.
data: i_field type standard table of ty_field,
      k_field type ty_field.
Constansts Declarations
constants: l_c_path type char14 value 'D:\New Folder\'.
*---Selection screen definition
select-options: s_rundt for reguh-laufd,
                s_runid for reguh-laufi no intervals,
                s_ccode for reguh-zbukr no intervals.
*---Start of selection
select * from reguh into table i_reguh
                    where laufd in s_rundt
                    and   laufi in s_runid
                    and   zbukr in s_ccode
                    and   xvorl ne 'X'.
if i_reguh[] is not initial.
  select lifnr name1 name2 ort01 pstlz stras adrnr anred from lfa1
                                             into table i_lfa1
                                             for all entries in i_reguh
                                             where lifnr = i_reguh-lifnr.
  message 'No Record matches selection criteria' type 'I'.
if i_lfa1[] is not initial.
  select addrnumber smtp_addr from adr6
                              into table i_adr6
                              for all entries in i_lfa1
                              where addrnumber = i_lfa1-adrnr
                              and   date_from  le sy-datum.
  select addrnumber telnr_long from adr2
                               into table i_adr2
                               for all entries in i_lfa1
                               where addrnumber = i_lfa1-adrnr
                               and   date_from  le sy-datum
                               and   consnumber = '2'.
  select lifnr banks bankl bankn bkont from lfbk
                                       into table i_lfbk
                                       for all entries in i_lfa1
                                       where lifnr = i_lfa1-lifnr.
  if i_lfbk[] is not initial.
    select banks bankl banka bnklz from bnka
                                   into table i_bnka
                                   for all entries in i_lfbk
                                   where banks = i_lfbk-banks
                                   and   bankl = i_lfbk-bankl.
select bukrs belnr gjahr usnam from bkpf
                               into table i_bkpf
                               for all entries in i_reguh
                               where bukrs = i_reguh-zbukr
                               and   belnr = i_reguh-vblnr
                               and   gjahr = i_reguh-laufd+(4).
select bukrs lifnr gjahr belnr buzei bldat xblnr wrbtr wmwst sknto from bsak
                                                       into table i_bsak
                                                       for all entries in i_reguh
                                                       where bukrs = i_reguh-zbukr
                                                       and   lifnr = i_reguh-lifnr
                                                       and   gjahr = i_reguh-laufd+(4)
                                                       and   belnr = i_reguh-vblnr.
select bukrs belnr gjahr buzei name1 name2 pstlz ort01 stras anred from bsec
                                                       into table i_bsec
                                                       for all entries in i_reguh
                                                       where bukrs = i_reguh-zbukr
                                                       and   belnr = i_reguh-vblnr
                                                       and   gjahr = i_reguh-laufd(4).
loop at i_reguh into k_reguh.
  move-corresponding k_reguh to k_final.
  read table i_lfa1 into k_lfa1 with key lifnr = k_reguh-lifnr.
  if sy-subrc = 0.
    k_final-alt_anred = k_lfa1-anred.
    k_final-alt_name1 = k_lfa1-name1.
    k_final-alt_name2 = k_lfa1-name2.
    k_final-alt_stras = k_lfa1-stras.
    k_final-alt_ort01 = k_lfa1-ort01.
    k_final-alt_pstlz = k_lfa1-pstlz.
  read table i_adr6 into k_adr6 with key addrnumber = k_lfa1-adrnr.
  if sy-subrc = 0.
    k_final-smtp_addr = k_adr6-smtp_addr.
  read table i_adr2 into k_adr2 with key addrnumber = k_lfa1-adrnr.
  if sy-subrc = 0.
    k_final-telnr_long = k_adr2-telnr_long.
    concatenate text-100 k_final-telnr_long into k_final-telnr_long.
   concatenate '''' k_adr2-telnr_long into k_final-telnr_long.
  read table i_lfbk into k_lfbk with key lifnr = k_reguh-lifnr.
  if sy-subrc = 0.
    k_final-bankn = k_lfbk-bankn.
    k_final-bkont = k_lfbk-bkont.
  read table i_bnka into k_bnka with key banks = k_lfbk-banks
                                         bankl = k_lfbk-bankl.
  if sy-subrc = 0.
    k_final-banka = k_bnka-banka.
    k_final-bnklz = k_bnka-bnklz.
  read table i_bkpf into k_bkpf with key bukrs = k_reguh-zbukr
                                         belnr = k_reguh-vblnr
                                         gjahr = k_reguh-laufd+(4).
  if sy-subrc = 0.
    k_final-usnam = k_bkpf-usnam.
  loop at i_bsak into k_bsak where bukrs = k_reguh-zbukr
                             and   lifnr = k_reguh-lifnr
                             and   gjahr = k_reguh-laufd+(4)
                             and   belnr = k_reguh-vblnr.
    k_final-bldat = k_bsak-bldat.
    k_final-xblnr = k_bsak-xblnr.
    k_final-wrbtr = k_bsak-wrbtr.
    k_final-wmwst = k_bsak-wmwst.
    k_final-sknto = k_bsak-sknto.
    read table i_bsec into k_bsec with key bukrs = k_bsak-bukrs
                                           belnr = k_bsak-belnr
                                           gjahr = k_bsak-gjahr
                                           buzei = k_bsak-buzei.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
      k_final-one_anred = k_bsec-anred.
      k_final-one_name1 = k_bsec-name1.
      k_final-one_name2 = k_bsec-name2.
      k_final-one_stras = k_bsec-stras.
      k_final-one_ort01 = k_bsec-ort01.
      k_final-one_pstlz = k_bsec-pstlz.
      clear: k_final-one_anred, k_final-one_name1, k_final-one_name2, k_final-one_stras, k_final-one_ort01, k_final-one_pstlz.
    append k_final to i_final.
    clear: k_bsak, k_bsec.
  clear: k_final.
refresh: i_field.
k_field-name = 'Run Date'.
append k_field to i_field.
clear k_field.
k_field-name = 'Run Identification'.
append k_field to i_field.
clear k_field.
k_field-name = 'Paying Company Code'.
append k_field to i_field.
clear k_field.
k_field-name = 'Vendor Code'.
append k_field to i_field.
clear k_field.
k_field-name = 'Payment Method'.
append k_field to i_field.
clear k_field.
k_field-name = 'Payment Document Number'.
append k_field to i_field.
clear k_field.
k_field-name = 'Amount'.
append k_field to i_field.
clear k_field.
concatenate l_c_path
            'File 1'
            into  l_v_filename.
concatenate cl_gui_frontend_services=>filetype_excel
            into l_v_filefilter.
call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog
    default_extension    = 'xls'
    default_file_name    = l_v_filename
    file_filter          = l_v_filefilter
    prompt_on_overwrite  = 'X'
    filename             = l_v_filename
    path                 = l_v_pathname
    fullpath             = l_v_fullpath
    user_action          = l_v_user_action
    cntl_error           = 1
    error_no_gui         = 2
    not_supported_by_gui = 3
    others               = 4.
if sy-subrc = 0.
  if l_v_user_action = 0.
  Downloading into the Presentation Server
    call function 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'
        filename                = l_v_fullpath   " Name of file
        filetype                = l_v_filetype   " File Type ASC
        write_field_separator   = 'X'            " Columns by Tabs
        wk1_n_format            = 0
        filelength              = l_v_flength    " Number of bytes tra.
        data_tab                = i_final " Transfer table
        fieldnames              = i_field[]   "l_i_fieldname " FieldName DBF FileTyp
        file_write_error        = 1
        no_batch                = 2
        gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3
        invalid_type            = 4
        no_authority            = 5
        unknown_error           = 6
        header_not_allowed      = 7
        separator_not_allowed   = 8
        filesize_not_allowed    = 9
        header_too_long         = 10
        dp_error_create         = 11
        dp_error_send           = 12
        dp_error_write          = 13
        unknown_dp_error        = 14
        access_denied           = 15
        dp_out_of_memory        = 16
        disk_full               = 17
        dp_timeout              = 18
        file_not_found          = 19
        dataprovider_exception  = 20
        control_flush_error     = 21
        others                  = 22.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
Download successful. File name:
      write: / 'File downloaded to', l_v_fullpath.
*Excel download failed
      write: /2 'Error while downloading the file'.
     MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'W' NUMBER sy-msgno
                DISPLAY LIKE 'E'
           WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

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    Application Builder - Create
    Application Type - Database
    Create Application - From Scratch
    Name - jQuery Application
    Add Page - keep default and Click Add Page
    Click CreateMy application defaulted to Theme 2, you will need to switch the theme to one of the following: If you don't the tabs will not render properly.
    8 Orange
    10 Sand
    13 Classic Blue
    14 Simple Green
    15 Light Blue
    16 Dark Blue
    18 Simple Gray
    19 Red Gray
    Message - Application created successfully.
    Click Shared ComponentsUnder User Interface Click - ThemesIf you don't see one of the above Themes, you will need to Create and switch your Theme.
    Click - CreateFrom the Repository selected Click - Next and select one of the above Themes
    Click - Switch ThemeSelect one of the above Themes and Click - Next
    Click -NextClick - Switch ThemeReturn to your newly created Application by Clicking on Application xxxxxxx Breadcrumb
    Click - Create PageSelect - Blank PageClick - NextAssign the page a name
    Click - NextAccept defaults and Click - NextClick - FinishClick - Edit PageI still work in Component View, to toggle to this View, click on the control adjacent to Page number and Go button. Hover over the ones on the far right and you will see both Component View and Tree View
    From Component View
    Click on the Page Edit Control
    In the Text Area labeled Javascript/Execute when Page Loads - paste in the following code:
    $x("tabs").appendChild( $x("tabs-1"));
    $x("tabs").appendChild( $x("tabs-2"));
    jQuery("#tabs").tabs();In the Text Area labeled HTML Header and Body Attribute/HTML Header - paste in the following code:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
    <script src= ""> </script>Click - Apply ChangesRequired use of the Google jqueryui libraries is being questioned by recent threads created by Alistair Laing since it appears that 4.0 does not currently support jQeury tabs
    Create a Region
    Type HTML Text - accept defaults
    Provide a Title like "Tabs" and accept defaults
    Template - Reports Region
    Sequence 10
    Click - NextIn the Enter HTML Text Region Source: Text Area - paste in the following code:
    <div id="tabs">
    <li><a href="#tabs-1">Employees</a></li>
    <li><a href="#tabs-2">Departments</a></li>
    </div>Click - Create RegionCreate a second Region
    Type Report/Sql Report
    Provide a Title like "Employees" and accept defaults
    Template Reports Region
    Sequence 20
    Click - NextIn the Enter SQL Query or PL/SQL function returning a SQL Query: Text Area - paste in the following code:
    SELECT empno,
    FROM   empClick - Create RegionEdit the newly created Report Region
    Under Attributes/Static ID - paste in the following code:
    tabs-1Click - Apply ChangesCreate a third Region
    Type Report/Sql Report
    Provide a Title like "Departments" and accept defaults
    Template Reports Region
    Sequence 30
    Click - NextIn the Enter SQL Query or PL/SQL function returning a SQL Query: Text Area - paste in the following code:
    SELECT deptno,
    FROM   deptClick - Create RegionEdit the newly created Report Region
    Under Attributes/Static ID - paste in the following code:
    tabs-2Click - Apply ChangesRun you page and you should see you tabs.

    Great post Jeff,
    With regard to Jquery UI and tabs I've contacted the Apex dev team and received a reply from them.
    All the jQueryUI files are included in the APEX 4.0 distribution, but not all jQueryUI components
    are loaded by default to avoid a huge initial download. It's not necessary to load your own version of jQueryUI, just load the missing component.
    For the "Tabs" you have to add
    <link href="IMAGE_PREFIX#libraries/jquery-ui/1.8/themes/base/jquery.ui.tabs.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#libraries/jquery-ui/1.8/ui/minified/jquery.ui.tabs.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    to your page template or the header attribute of your page where you want to use it.They did not mention which other Jquery UI widgets were not included so people need to check to see if they get any JS errors Like "$('#tabs').tabs() is not a function" this would suggest that tabs is not being loaded. To included it in you page header directly after #HEAD# you need to place the css and js as stated above.
    If you need jquery help just post you queries here or the is some other jquery links that maybe of some use
    jQuery - Official jQuery Website - jQuery API Library - jQuery Plugins (Not APEX related)| - yayQuery - jQuery Podcast - Official jQuery UI Website - jQuery UI Demos
    Edited by: Alistair Laing on Jun 9, 2010 4:04 PM
    Add more links
    Edited by: Alistair Laing on Jun 9, 2010 4:09 PM

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    You can get iTunes from
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    Not exactly your own app store, but close.  Apple has an App Store Volume Purchasing Program for Business >
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  • USEREXIT to adjust the rebate credit memo request to your own require

    We are using function module SD_BONUS_CREDIT_NOTE_CREATE in one of our rebate program.
    This Functional provides the option to use USEREXIT to adjust the rebate credit memo request to your      own requirements.
    With Present form of  functionl module it take standard doc type to  create the  rebate credit memo request.
    So Question here which  are userexit we have in this FM  which can be used to create  the  rebate credit memo request to our requirement.
    Has any body used this FM before to this length..
    appreacite your help

    Hi Serma,
    I haven't use this FM. I only can advise you how to find user exits in this (any) FM.
    Open your FM via SE37 and then try to find in this Function Group any CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION 'xxx' ..., where xxx is a 3-digit number which refers to the relevant FM EXIT_<FG>_xxx.
    <FG> is the name of the Function group to which the FM belongs to.
    When you find such an EXIT-Function, take a look at the parameters. When you find parameters which satisfy your needs, go ahead and build your EXIT enhancement in the predefined ZX-Include (you can find this inside the FM EXIT_<FG>_xxx).
    I hope this helps,

  • Steps to create your own self signed certificate with java plugin working

    You need two tools that comes with your jdk which are keytool and jarsigner.
    Steps explain below in detail. Don't use netscape signtool, it will NEVER work!
    * keytool -genkey -keyalg rsa -alias tstkey -keypass 2br2h2m -dname "cn=Test Object Signing Certificate, o=AI Khalil, ou=Java Products, c=AU"
    cn = Certificate name
    o = organistation
    ou = organistation unit
    c = country (first two letters)
    If don't put the -dname, you can fill it line by line.
    The -keypass has to be verify at the end, and you have to wait for it to create the rsa signing keys.
    On NT by default it will put the alias information at D:\WINNT\Profiles\Administrator (if log in as administrator) with the default file called ".keystore". Windows 98 etc, don't know, search for .keystore
    file. When you update it, check for the timestamp change and you know if you at the right spot.
    You can store your alias information via the -storepass option to your current directory you work on, if you don't want to update the default .keystore file?
    The .keystore contains a list of alias so you don't have to do this process again and again.
    Another tip if you want your certificate encryption validity to be more than the default one month is simply
    add the -validity <valDays>, after the -genkey option, to make your certificate usage for encryption to last much longer.
    Note: You MUST use the -keyalg rsa because for starters the rsa encyption alogorthim is supported on ALL browsers instead of the default DSA and the other one SHA. Java plugins must work with the RSA algorthim when signing applets, else you will get all sorts of weird errors :)
    Do not use signtool because thats a browser dependant solution!! Java plugin is supposed to work via running it owns jre instead of the browser JVM. So if you going to use netscape signtool, it starts to become a mess! ie certificate will install, but applet won't start and give you funny security exception errors :)
    * keytool -export -alias tstkey -file MyTestCert.crt
    It will read the alias information in the .keystore information picking up the rsa private/public keys info and
    create your self sign certificate. You can double click this certificate to install it? But don't think this step is needed but maybe for IE? Someone else can check that part.
    If you make a mistake with the alias, simply keytool -delete -v -alias <your alias key>
    If not in default .keystore file, then simply keytool -delete -v -alias <your alias key> -keystore <your keystore filename>
    * Put your classes in your jar file, my example is tst.jar.
    * jarsigner tst.jar tstkey
    Sign your testing jar file with your alias key that supports the RSA encryption alogorthim.
    * jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs tst.jar
    Check that its been verified.
    The last step is the most tricky one. Its to do with having your own CA (Certified Authority) so you don't
    have to fork out money straight away to buy a Verisign or Twarte certificate. The CA listing as you see in
    netscape browsers under security/signers, is NOT where the plugin looks at. The plugin looks at a file called
    CACERTS. Another confusion is that the cacerts file is stored in your jre/lib/security AND also at your
    JavaSoft/Jre/<Java version>/lib/security. When you install the Java plugin for the first time in uses your
    JavaSoft folder and its the cacerts file that has to be updated you add your own CA, because thats where
    the plugin look at, NOT THE BROWSER. Everything about plugin is never to do with the browser!! :)
    * keytool -import -file MyTestCert.crt -alias tstkey -keystore "D:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1\lib\security/cacerts"
    Off course point to your own cacerts file destination.
    Password to change it, is "changeit"
    Before you do this step make a copy of it in its own directory in case you do something silly.
    This example will add a CA with alias of my key called "tstkey" and store to my example destination.
    * keytool -list -v -keystore "E:/jdk/jdk1.3/jre/lib/security/cacerts"
    List to see if another CA is added with your alias key.
    Your html, using Netscape embed and Internet explorer object tags to point to the java plugin,
    your own self sign applet certificate should work
    Abraham Khalil

    I follow Signed Applet in Plugin, and it's working on
    my computer. Thanks
    But When I open my applet from another computer on
    network, why it does not work ..?
    How to make this applet working at another computer
    without change the policy file ..?
    thanks in advance,
    AnomYou must install the certificate on that computers plugin. Can this be done from the web? can anyone suggest a batch file or otherwise that could do this for end users?
    I want a way for end users to accept my cert as Root or at least trust my cert so I dont have to buy one. I am not worried about my users refusing to accept my cert. just how do I make it easy for them? IE you can just click the cert from a link, but that installs for IE, and not the plugin where it needs to be.

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