Programatically making a tab dirty in UI Shell

Is there any other way to check whether the current tab is dirty before closing it apart from the one given in doc?

In the method that is invoked on tab close:
boolean isTransDirty = false; // holds the transaction state of the dynamic tab content for which close event is fired
DCBindingContainer dcBindingContainer = (DCBindingContainer) AdfUtils.resolveExpression("#{bindings}");
dcBindingContainer = (DCBindingContainer)dcBindingContainer.getExecutableBindings().get(this.getSelectedTabIndex());
if(dcBindingContainer != null){
for( Object exeBinding : dcBindingContainer.getExecutableBindings() ) {
isTransDirty = isTransDirty(exeBinding);
System.out.println(" is Trans Dirty : " + isTransDirty);
}catch(Exception e){
// method isTransDirty(Object ..)
private boolean isTransDirty(Object exeBinding){
boolean isDirty = false;
if(exeBinding instanceof JUIteratorBinding ){
JUIteratorBinding juIteratorBinding = (JUIteratorBinding) exeBinding;
System.out.println(" Iterator : " juIteratorBinding.getName() "\t" + "D.C : " + juIteratorBinding.getDataControl().getName());
isDirty = juIteratorBinding.getDataControl().isTransactionDirty();
System.out.println(" Dirty because of " + juIteratorBinding.getName());
return isDirty;
}else if(exeBinding instanceof DCTaskFlowBinding){
DCTaskFlowBinding dcTaskFlowBinding = (DCTaskFlowBinding) exeBinding;
for( Object taskflowExeBinding : dcTaskFlowBinding.getExecutableBindings() ) {
isDirty = isTransDirty(taskflowExeBinding);
return isDirty;
}else if(exeBinding instanceof JUFormBinding){
JUFormBinding jUFormBinding = (JUFormBinding) exeBinding;
for( Object juFormIterBind : jUFormBinding.getIterBindingList() ) {
isDirty = isTransDirty(juFormIterBind);
return isDirty;
for( Object juFormExeBinding : jUFormBinding.getExecutableBindings() ) {
isDirty = isTransDirty(juFormExeBinding);
return isDirty;
}catch(Exception e){
return false;
hope this helps Vinod ;)

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    Edited by: 996170 on Mar 26, 2013 2:05 AM

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    If you're using jdk1.4, those other solutions won't
    work because the focus subsystem has changed radically
    /FocusSpec.html). The upshot is that you have to
    specifically register the keystrokes that you want to
    use for focus traversal. In your case, you have to
    re-register the Tab and Shift-Tab keys, and
    they don't seem to have provided a simple way to do
    that. Here's what I come up with:Set forwardTraversalKeys = new TreeSet();
    KeyEvent.VK_TAB, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK));
    Set backwardTraversalKeys = new TreeSet();
    KeyEvent.VK_TAB, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK));
    KeyEvent.VK_TAB, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK |
    K | InputEvent.CTRL_MASK));
    backwardTraversalKeys);Or, you can just press CTRL+TAB instead of TAB when
    you get to the JTextArea :).=====================================
    i used the above thing but i am getting exceptions classcast exception n method not found (forwardTraversalKeys.add(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_TAB));)keystroke.get keyStroke(int)???? where i am going wrong as it will be quite helpful for me am using jdk1.4.1_02

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    This posting should help you out:

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    *& Report  ZEXAMPLE
    *   Selection screen
    *Selection screen for vendor1 and vendor2.
                        TAB (23) button1 USER-COMMAND push1,      "#EC NEEDED
                        TAB (23) button2 USER-COMMAND push2       "#EC NEEDED
                        " etc
                        DEFAULT SCREEN 1001,
                        END OF BLOCK tab_block.
      " etc.
        button1 = text-bu1.
        button2 = text-bu2.
        " etc.
        tab_block-prog = sy-repid.
        tab_block-dynnr = 1002.
        tab_block-activetab = 'BUTTON2'.
        " etc.
          CASE sscrfields-ucomm.
            WHEN 'PUSH1'.
              tab_block-dynnr = 1001.
              tab_block-activetab = 'TAB2'.
    ENDCASE.         " etc.

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    Which pop-up blocker are you using?
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    Make no. of context attributes of type wdui_visibility and bind with visibility property of tab.
    By default set it as 02 so that it will be visible to every one. Bind only that tabs which You dont want to display on the condition.
    And based on the user You  can make it invisible by setting it 01.
    I hope it helps.

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    If you want to enter/display field 'Net price' immediately after enterin
    transaction for specific users, you can define function authorizations
    for buyers (customizing transaction OMET) and set for specific function
    authorizations key value in field 'Field sel.' to value display:
    a) Ta: SPRO:
    MM-> Purchasing -> Purchase Order ->
    Define Screen Layout At Document level
    Let say choose: '$DE1' as Field selection key
    Field Selection Group:Choose Quantity and Price
    Field Label: Set 'Price and price unit' to display
    b) Ta: OMET
    Unchecked the 'Indicator: Enter/change conditions' check box and fill
    in the Field selection key as set previously($DE1).
    c) Ta: SU3
    Then for user in User Profile create parameter EFB with value equal to
    function authorizations key defined in OMET.

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    more precisely, we are making FPM tabs (main views) invisible In component configuration HRTMC_EP_OIF of component FPM_OIF_COMPONENT.

    I assume here that at design time you make them via the configuration invisible. At runtime if you see the tabs then i suspect that there are some Dynamic programming involved or other variants exists that you haven't changed yet.
    Go back to the application configuration and test it from there and if it is still not working then use the Debugger to see what happens and why your configuration is not working.

  • Change tab control page programatically using boolean.

    I am wondering if there is a way to programatically change the tabs on tab control when a user clicks a button on  the interface? Here is what I am trying to do and if anybody has any great ideas please let me know. I have a tab control with currently 3 tabs. I want a button on the main area of the vi to go to page 2 and back to page 1 as the user clicks it. The second is that I want about 5 buttons in page 2 that will go to say page 3-5. Any ideas. Thanks
    Derek Tucker
    Derek Tucker
    [email protected]

    Sure, though I don't know why the user can't just click the tabs themselves. All you need is a simple event structure and writing to a local variable of the tab control.
    tab ‏43 KB

  • UIShell template; from Tab to the underlying Application Module

    We have based our application on the UI Shell template from Oracle: .
    Thank to that template, we can launch different taskflows from a generic menu. As you may know, each taskflow belongs to a tab of a panel tab,
    which lets you switch from one launched taskflow to another one.
    The problem is that we need to way detect if any underlying application module referring to the current active tab has some pending changes (is dirty) in some way,
    so that we can make mark the current tab as dirty too.
    That way (once the tab at the view level is programmatically marked as "dirty") a popup asking for confirmation would automatically appear when the user tries to close the tab itself.
    When the user wants to close the tab despite any pending changes, we want to rollback them.
    In short, we need to:
    - retrieve all the AM instances starting from the current TAB
    - mark a tab as dirty when the first change to the only AM's belonging to the current tab happens
    - rollback any pending changes to those AM's when the user wants to close the tab anyway.
    The difficult part comes from a comment iabout a method explained in the UI Shell Documentation, which states that "the model level does not track to which tab the data belongs":
        public void currentTabDirty(ActionEvent e)
            * When called, marks the current tab "dirty". Only at the View level
            * is it possible to mark a tab dirty since the model level does not
            * track to which tab data belongs.
          TabContext tabContext = TabContext.getCurrentInstance();

    you can get the tab binding for each tab in a templae
    List<Tab> tabs = tabContext.getTabs();
    for(Tab t : tabs){
      DCBindingContainer bindings = (DCBindingContainer) t.getBinding();
      List bindingIterators = bindings.getExecutableBindings();
       for (Object bindingIterator : bindingIterators ){
          if(bindingIterator instanceof DCIteratorBinding){
                   DCDataControl dc = ((DCIteratorBinding) bindingIterator ).getDataControl();
                   boolean isTransactionDirty = dc.isTransactionDirty();
                   if(isTransactionDirty == true){
                       ... do what you need to do here ...
    }If you want to have a quick check if any task flow exposed in the dynamic tab shell template is dirty (so if you are not particular interested in which data control has a dirty transaction, as the above code would allow you to figure out) then you can use
       ControllerContext.getInstance().getCurrentRootViewPort().isDataDirty();This would return true if any state of the task flows has a dirty state
    Let me know if it works for your need.
    Edited by: Frank Nimphius on Sep 13, 2012 8:17 PM

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