Programmatic access to SequenceCallModule.SequenceFilePath

Hi there,
I was experimenting wtih ActiveX steps accessing SeqeunceCallModule. If the UseCurrentFile is TRUE,  SequenceFilePath is an empty string. If I uncheck UseCurrentFile in SeqEdit and put in the seuqence file's path and recheck UseCurrentFile, the following programmtic accesses to SequenceFilePath holds the corresponding string. This behaviour kind of caused me some trouble because I expected SeqeunceFilePath to hold the path, even if UseCurrentFile is checked... that's what it's like with expectations...
I've kind of worked around this issue, but I'd like to know if this behaviour is intentional?
Programming languages don't create bad code, programmers create bad code....

The property SequenceFilePath "remembers" the last path you entered or wrote via the API. If you set the UseCurrentFile to TRUE, the value is ignored, but not overwritten. ther same happens in the Sequence-Editor. if you enter a string, then check the UseCurrentFile Flag, and uncheck it again, the entered path appears again.
So this is the intentional behaviour.
To get the path of the used sequence file you would have to check the UseCurrentFile flag first. If it is checked, use the path of the used sequence, if it is unchecked, get the SequenceFilePath property.

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    Hi DrewBob,
    I can't reproduce the issue you're seeing. I can indeed access properties and methods for an Xcontrol from its reference inside a subVI.
    In any case, you can definitely get around this by following these steps. This is overkill, and these steps weren't necessary for me, but should ensure that you can do what you want:
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    3. For the reference input in your subVI, use a generic control reference. You can find one of these in the controls palette under Modern Controls >> Refnum >> Control Refnum.
    4. Now wire that reference in your subVI into a To More Specific Class subVI. Place a copy of your control reference type def on the block diagram of the subVI and wire its output into the Target Class input. The resulting reference should resemble the picture below and will contain all necessary custom properties and methods. Furthermore, you could use a case structure and use this one VI to alter multiple different kinds of Xcontrols using one control reference input.
    If this doesn't work for you, could you post a small VI (or zipped project) that demonstrates the problems you are having?
    Message Edited by Jarrod S. on 03-27-200611:50 AM
    Jarrod S.
    National Instruments
    ToMoreSpecificClass.JPG ‏12 KB

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    No. This tool is free. You should also use the latest Migration Workbench incorporated into Oracle SQL Developer 1.2 (also free)

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    Hi Jens,
    if you can't use the importer, you can still do something if you know the curves data.
    I can't tell you how it would work in the sdk.
    In AE ExtendScript framework shapes are instances of Shape(), which are objects with 4 properties (for version < CS6) and slightly more since CS6 (for the feather, but for your purpose you can ignore those properties and leave them undefined):
    var shape = new Shape();
    shape.vertices = myVerticesData;
    shape.inTangents = myInTangentsData;
    shape.outTangents = myOutTangentsData;
    shape.closed = true/false;
    where myVerticesData, myInTangentsData, myOutTangentsData are to be defined by you from your shape data.
    You might need to do some sort of conversion if your data don't come out in the same form as AE uses.
    They should be arrays of 2D points/vectors ( [[x0,y0], [x1,y1], [x2,y2] ...]) of the same length.
    myVerticesData[k] is the kth vertex of the shape (a point), myInTangentsData[k] and myOutTangentsData[k] the incoming and outcoming tangents at that vertex (vectors).
    Apparently shape objects are being watched so you can't modify shape vertices individually like this: shape.vertices[k] = [x, y]; It won't work (ignored).
    You must set the shape array attributes in one shot as above.
    If the inTangents or outTangents arrays are not specified they will default to arrays of [0,0].
    Once you have transcripted your shape data into a AE Shape() object, you can use it to set the value of a shape layer path or a mask path.
    - For a shape layer it would be like this:
    var comp = [the comp you want to work with];
    var layer = comp.layers.addShape();
    var group = layer.content.addProperty("ADBE Vector Group");                              // adds a Group (Empty) to the shape content
    var shapeGroup = group.content.addProperty("ADBE Vector Shape - Group");       // adds a (custom) Path to that group = "Imported Shape";
    If you don't want a group, omit that line and do directly var shapeGroup = layer.content.addProperty("ADBE Vector Shape - Group");
    Note: for shape layers you'll probably have to work out the fact that they don't have exactly the same behaviour as bounded layers with respect to coordinates,
    so you'll have to translate all vertices.
    - For a mask:
    var comp = [the comp you want to work with];
    var layer = comp.layers.addSolid([1,0,0], "Imported Shape", comp.width, comp.height, comp.pixelAspect, comp.duration);
    var group ="ADBE Mask Parade"); // equivalently: var group = layer.mask;
    var shapeGroup = group.addProperty("ADBE Mask Atom"); = "Imported Shape";

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    Hi Mukund,
    Please check this SAP Note <a href="">199123</a> (Word Settings).
    It explains how to avoid this error message.
    Best regards,

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    Hi Mark,
    Based on the description, you want to launch the Word Accessiblity Checker from code.
    As far as I know, the Word object model doesn't expose this function at present. You can get more detail about it from link below:
    Object model reference (Word 2013 developer reference)
    If you want to the Word object model to expose this function, I suggest that you submit the feedback from link below:
    Submit Feedback - Microsoft Support
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