Programs running on start up

How can I stop all these programs running/opening on start up?

The apps were open on your last shutdown. Make sure you exit all your applications before shutting down. Simply closing the active window does not exit an application.

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  • How to change which programs run at start up

    I am just trying to speed up and clean up my machine.  I would like to know how to control which programs run at start up.  Also any other suggestions on how to keep everything running smoothly and effifiently.  General maintenance type stuff.
    Thanks, Jason

    How to maintain a Mac
    1. Make redundant backups, keeping at least one off site at all times. One backup is not enough. Don’t back up your backups; make them independent of each other. Don’t rely completely on any single backup method, such as Time Machine.
    2. Keep your software up to date. In the Software Update preference pane, you can configure automatic notifications of updates to OS X and other Mac App Store products. Some third-party applications from other sources have a similar feature, if you don’t mind letting them phone home. Otherwise you have to check yourself on a regular basis. This is especially important for complex software that modifies the operating system, such as device drivers. Before installing any Apple update, you must check that all such modifications that you use are compatible.
    3. Don't install crapware, such as “themes,” "haxies," “add-ons,” “toolbars,” “enhancers," “optimizers,” “accelerators,” “extenders,” “cleaners,” “defragmenters,” “firewalls,” "barriers," “guardians,” “defenders,” “protectors,” most “plugins,” commercial "virus scanners,” or "utilities." With very few exceptions, this kind of material is useless, or worse than useless.
    The more actively promoted the product, the more likely it is to be garbage. The most extreme example is the “MacKeeper” scam.
    The only software you should install is that which directly enables you to do the things you use a computer for — such as creating, communicating, and playing — and does not modify the way other software works. Never install any third-party software unless you know how to uninstall it.
    The free anti-malware application ClamXav is not crap, and although it’s not routinely needed, it may be useful in some environments, such as a mixed Mac-Windows enterprise network.
    4. Beware of trojans. A trojan is malicious software (“malware”) that the user is duped into installing voluntarily. Such attacks were rare on the Mac platform until recently, but are now increasingly common, and increasingly dangerous.
    There is some built-in protection against downloading malware, but you can’t rely on it — the attackers are always at least one day ahead of the defense. You can’t rely on third-party protection either. What you can rely on is common-sense awareness — not paranoia, which only makes you more vulnerable.
    Never install software from an untrustworthy or unknown source. If in doubt, do some research. Any website that prompts you to install a “codec” or “plugin” that comes from the same site, or an unknown site, is untrustworthy. Software with a corporate brand, such as Adobe Flash Player, must be acquired directly from the developer. No intermediary is acceptable, and don’t trust links unless you know how to parse them. Any file that is automatically downloaded from a web page without your having requested it should go straight into the Trash. A website that claims you have a “virus,” or that anything else is wrong with your computer, is rogue.
    Because of recurring security issues in Java, it’s best to disable it in your web browsers, if it’s installed. Few websites have Java content nowadays, so you won’t be missing much. This action is mandatory if you’re running any version of OS X older than 10.6.8 with the latest Java update. Note: Java has nothing to do with JavaScript, despite the similar names. Don't install Java unless you're sure you need it. Most users don't.
    5. Relax, don’t do it. Besides the above, no routine maintenance is necessary or beneficial for the vast majority of users; specifically not “cleaning caches,” “zapping the PRAM,” “rebuilding the directory,” “running periodic scripts,” “deleting log files,” “scanning for viruses,” or “repairing permissions.” Such measures are for solving problems as they arise, not for maintenance.
    The very height of futility is running an expensive third-party application called “Disk Warrior” when nothing is wrong, or even when something is wrong and you have backups, which you must have. Disk Warrior is a data-salvage tool, not a maintenance tool, and you will never need it if your backups are adequate. Don’t waste money on it or anything like it.

  • Java Programming - Run Web Start App Through IDE Using Existing JNLP(s)

    I apologize for the cross post. I believe I mis-posted the first time. The thread belongs here.

    You might try pointing JaNeLA *(<- link)* at it, and fixing any errors it reports. Ignore any optimisations suggested. The optimisations are not properly debugged and would not cause the kind of errors you report.
    Oh, and a ++++ to that advice to to ensure the console pops open when encountering a web start app. Make sure the code is not [swallowing exceptions|] *(<- link)* at any stage.

  • Program run time

    Hai all,
                  I am running a program in bw. How do I know how long it took to execute the program. I mean anywhere in SM37 or SM50? I see that jobs like data loads are visible but I don't know how to see the time for a program run, like start, end time taken etc.
    Thank you.

    Hi dear and welcome on board!
    You can see all this details, but only if you run your program in background...then, in SM37, you will find what you want (double click on your job...)
    If you run it can see it in SM50, but nothing is stored and when the process finishes, the row in SM50 disappears...
    Hope it helps!
    (please don't forget to reward the's THE way to say thanks here..)

  • I have followed the Apple Support instructions I did it 3 times and this message always appear: "The program can't start because MSVCR80.dll is missing from your computer" and 'Error 7' but still not able to run iTunes. Anyone have a suggestion... Please!

    I have followed the Apple Support instructions but these 2 errors always appear: "The program can't start because MSVCR80.dll is missing from your computer" and 'Error 7' but still not able to run iTunes. Anyone have a suggestion?

    Try completely removing and reinstalling iTunes and all related components; you may need to do this multiple times. It won't normally affect the iTunes library, but that should be backed up anyway.

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    See also

  • TS1717 What do I have to do to keep the iTUNES program on my computer BUT NOT RUNNING on Start UP? It requires too much CPU usage on my old computer.

    What do I have to do to keep the iTUNES loaded as a program on my computer BUT NOT RUNNING on Start UP? Just opening when I want to use it.
    It requires too much CPU usage on my old computer.

    You can check you Adobe account online to see if the serial number is registered under your account.  If not then your only option will likely be to contact Adobe Support directly thru chat to see if they can provide you with a/the serial number. For them to do so will require you being able to prove ownership.
    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC) ( )

  • TS5376 I have followed the instructions re these 2 errors "The program can't start because MSVCR80.dll is missing from your computer" but still not able to run iTunes. Anyone have a suggestion?

    I have followed the Apple Support instructions re these 2 errors "The program can't start because MSVCR80.dll is missing from your computer" and 'Error 7' but still not able to run iTunes. Anyone have a suggestion?

    Try completely removing and reinstalling iTunes and all related components; you may need to do this multiple times. It won't normally affect the iTunes library, but that should be backed up anyway.

  • Do these Toshiba programs have to run at start up?

    I'm wondering if it is truly necessary for the following 3 Toshiba programs to run at start-up?  They are -
    1.  Toshiba Eco Utility
    2.  Toshiba Service Station
    3.  Toshiba PC Health Monitor
    I don't want to REMOVE these programs, I just don't know if it's critical that they be running in the background continuously?  Thanks for any assistance or enlightenment you can offer me!

    No. You don't really need them at all, but they really don't need to be running resident:
    "Eco" is just a default "power saving" setting. Obviously, you can setup your own power settings.
    "Service Station" monitors the TOSHIBA support site for updates. Again, you can always periodically do this yourself.
    "PC Health" is just like it sounds, it basically monitors the PC for system issues and should you ever need to contact TOSHIBA for support they likely will have you read off info from here.
    IMHO, these are just system resource scavengers.

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    Somehow, all of my exe files are tagged as Acrobat files - I cannot run any of the software on my computer - when I start the computer none of the startup programs run because they all try to open in acrobat.

    See if anything in here helps:

  • Program running under UAC prompt hides mapped drives

    I have a user on Windows 7 with a non-admin account who runs a program that pops up the UAC. She clicks yes and the program runs. However, since the UAC was involved, it is running with a different token than what she logged into the computer with.
    This means that the program doesn't see her mapped drives when doing a File | Open. She has to navigate to the data folder on the server via Network. Needless to say this is cumbersome and inefficient.
    What can I do so that the program sees her mapped drives? I don't know of a way to get rid of the UAC except to turn off UAC which I do not want to do.

    Hi Jonathan,
    I hope this might help you.
    Running Your App with Administrator Privileges
    There are times that you may need administrator privileges for an application. You may write code that directly interacts with a piece of hardware or an app that sets machine-wide settings in HKLM. When possible, you should design your apps to limit the
    need for admin privileges to narrow sections of code, or communicate to an application started with full administrator privileges. Aside from MSI-based elevation, there are two ways to create processes with a user's full administrator token. The Application
    Information Service (AIS) will check during process creation and during the creation of a COM object using the CoCreateAsAdmin moniker to see if the
    binaries require administrator privilege. It is important to note that the elevation occurs at the time of process creation. The process token never has privileges or group membership added during run time, only when it is
    More information:
    Teach Your Apps To Play Nicely With Windows Vista User Account Control
    Making Your Application UAC Aware
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • TS5376 iTunes wont install.  It says " The program can't start because MediaAccessibility.dll is missing from your computer.  Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."  I have uninstalled iTunes 5 times and reinstalled it, and nothing has worked.

    iTunes wont install.  It says "The program can't start because MediaAccessibility.dll is missing from your computer.  Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."  I have uninstalled iTunes 5 times and reinstalled it, and nothing has worked.  Help!!!!

    Click here and follow the instructions. You may need to completely remove and reinstall iTunes and all related components, or run the process multiple times; this won't normally affect its library, but that should be backed up anyway.

  • Process name representation in a LINUX machine for a JAVA program running..

    We are using an Intel machine loaded with Red Hat Linux 7.2 OS to run JAVA programs. We have a requirement to calculate the CPU and MEMORY usage for each JAVA program running. Unfortunately when a java program is run say "java ESR" and we run a ps -ef | grep -i java, it is shown as hkumar 2847 2799 0 19:15 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_03/bin/i386/n
    hkumar 2874 2847 0 19:15 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_03/bin/i386/n
    hkumar 2875 2874 0 19:15 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_03/bin/i386/n
    hkumar 2876 2874 0 19:15 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_03/bin/i386/n
    hkumar 2877 2874 0 19:15 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_03/bin/i386/n
    hkumar 2878 2874 0 19:15 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_03/bin/i386/n
    hkumar 2879 2874 0 19:15 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_03/bin/i386/n
    hkumar 2880 2874 0 19:15 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_03/bin/i386/n
    hkumar 2881 2874 0 19:15 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_03/bin/i386/n
    hkumar 2882 2874 0 19:15 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_03/bin/i386/n
    hkumar 2883 2874 0 19:15 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_03/bin/i386/n
    hkumar 2884 2874 0 19:15 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_03/bin/i386/n
    hkumar 2885 2874 0 19:15 pts/3 00:00:00 /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_03/bin/i386/n
    instead of the actual name of the program ie. ESR.
    Does anybody know why this happens? Is there a way out to ensure that "ps -ef | grep java" gives the actual name of the java program being RUN?
    Thanks in advance,

    You have less chance to identify which programm that VM instance is running right now.
    But you could (as we do) keep track of your programs if you save the process-id when you start the program.
    We need this to shut down running java batch programs but you could find out the used system resources with this way as well...

  • All of a sudden my iTunes stopped working, and I get the following error messages:   1. the program can't start because MSVCR80.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem   and   2. iTunes was not installed correct

    All of a sudden my iTunes stopped working, and I get the following error messages:
    1. the program can't start because MSVCR80.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem
    2. iTunes was not installed correctly. Please reinstall iTunes. Error 7 (Windows error 126).
    Now I've checked the forums and followed the advice of uninstalling all Apple applications, rebooting, and reinstalling iTunes.
    This is not working. I've tried installing as Administrator but doesn't make any difference at all.
    There must be a way to fix this? I'm not a tech geek but I want to avoid having to take my laptop back to factory settings to sort this out.

    Click here and follow the instructions. You may need to completely remove and reinstall iTunes and all related components, or run the process multiple times; this won't normally affect its library, but that should be backed up anyway.

  • I keep getting this error message when i try to install the latest version of itunes, the program can't start because MSVCR80.dll is missing from your computer. try reinstalling the program to fix this problem??

    I am having trouble reinstalling my Itunes on my desktop which uses Windows 7 and I can download it but once it's complete i keep getting this error message...The program can't start because MSVCR80.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. Please help me.

    Go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs (Win XP) or Programs and Features (later)
    Remove all of these items in the following order:
    Apple Software Update
    Apple Mobile Device Support (if this won't uninstall move on to the next item)
    Apple Application Support
    Reboot, download iTunes, then reinstall, either using an account with administrative rights, or right-clicking the downloaded installer and selecting Run as Administrator.
    The uninstall and reinstall process will preserve your iTunes library and settings, but ideally you would back up the library and your other important personal documents and data on a regular basis. See this user tip for a suggested technique.
    Please note:
    Some users may need to follow all the steps in whichever of the following support documents applies to their system. These include some additional manual file and folder deletions not mentioned above.
    HT1925: Removing and Reinstalling iTunes for Windows XP
    HT1923: Removing and reinstalling iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8

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