Prompt Values are duplicated when using the schedule option

I'm working on a Windows Server 2003 XI 3.1 FP1.6 environment and have noticed that there are some Crystal Reports that when scheduled in the CMC, the prompt values are duplicated.  When I delete the duplicate values and click Save, even more duplicate copies show up.  I've run the report with the duplicate values and it seems to return fine, but it's odd that it's creating so many copies of the parameter values.
Any thoughts on how to resolve this? It only happens on a small set of reports, the other reports in the environment do not do this.

Hi John,
My recommendation would be to switch over to the concurrent licences.  What should happen when you try to set more than 5 users as named users is that Enterprise should throw an error and say that you already have 5 named users.
So if you do somehow manage to set all 350 users to be named even though you only have 5 licenses - then yes, that would be breaking licensing.  While with 5 concurrent, you can set them all to be concurrent and not have to worry about it.

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  • Dropdown values are missing while using the function module KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT

    Hi all,
    when i am trying to upload the excel template by using the function module " KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT" to an internal table some field values are missing.
    i am using the function module " KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT"  and i am uploading an excel template and downloading that excel data into an internal table but some field values are missing while uploading the excel template and i found that the field which contains the drop down list values those values are missing.
    And also when i am uploading the excel template by using the function module" KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT"  when i am coming out of this function module one pop up is coming. how can i avoid this popup, can any one please provide me the solution thanks in advance. is showing the below popup screen ..

    hi Feiyun,
    below is the code(highlighted in bold)and after coming out of the function module i am getting popup and also the drop down values are missing.
    DATA: ls_control         TYPE zsfi_fiupload_control,
             ls_header          TYPE zsfi_fiupload_header_v13,
             ls_item            TYPE zsfi_fiupload_item_v13,
             ls_trailer         TYPE zsfi_fiupload_control,
             l_line_count       LIKE zsfi_fiupload_control-rec_count,
             l_current_curr     TYPE kcde_cells-value,
             l_current_postdate TYPE kcde_cells-value,
             l_current_compcode TYPE kcde_cells-value,
             l_currentrow       TYPE kcde_cells-row,
             l_filename         LIKE rlgrap-filename.
       DATA: BEGIN OF lt_intern OCCURS 0.
               INCLUDE STRUCTURE  kcde_cells.
       DATA: END OF lt_intern.
       DATA: BEGIN OF lt_items OCCURS 0,
               a TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               b TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               c TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               d TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               e TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               f TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               g TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               h TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               i TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               j TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               k TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               l TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               m TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               n TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               o TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               p TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               q TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               r TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               s TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               t TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               u TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               v TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               w TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               x TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               y TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               z TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               aa TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ab TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ac TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ad TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ae TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               af TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ag TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ah TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ai TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               AJ TYPE KCDE_CELLS-VALUE,
               AK TYPE KCDE_CELLS-VALUE,
               END OF lt_items.
       l_filename = p_flpath.
    * the file must be an xls file, not xlsx or comma seperated
       IF p_flpath NS '.xls' AND p_flpath NS '.XLS'.
         MESSAGE i261(zfi).
         g_error = 'X'.
    * upload excel file to a generic table
           filename                = l_filename
           i_begin_col             = 1
           i_begin_row             = 1
           i_end_col               = 150
           i_end_row               = 65000
           intern                  = lt_intern
           inconsistent_parameters = 1
           upload_ole              = 2
           OTHERS                  = 3.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    * validate that the format is in the restatement format
    *  this is the only template to have the ledger group in cell G-2
    **  READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0002' col = '0007'.
    **  IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR lt_intern-value IS INITIAL.
    **    MESSAGE i260(zfi).
    **    g_error = 'X'.
    **    EXIT.
    **  ENDIF.
    * create control record values
       ls_control-rec_type = 'C'.
       ls_control-global_id = 'GLU-03000'.
       ls_control-local_id = ''.
       ls_control-rec_count = ''.
       CONCATENATE sy-datum sy-uzeit INTO ls_control-date.
       ls_control-version = '12'.
       ls_control-email = ''.
       ls_control-eor = 'X'.
       ls_trailer = ls_control.
    * open output file and add the control record
       TRANSFER ls_control TO p_unixfilename.
    * create header record values, will be transfered to file in the item loop
       ls_header-rec_type = 'H'.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0017' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-header_txt = lt_intern-value.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH key row = '0020' col = '0002'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-comp_code = lt_intern-value.
    ************doc date
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0011' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-pstng_date = lt_intern-value.
    ************posting date
         ls_header-doc_date = sy-datum.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0009' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-doc_type = lt_intern-value.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0014' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-ref_doc_no = lt_intern-value.
    ************currency moved to line items
         READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0020' col = '0001'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
       ls_header-currency = lt_intern-value.
       ls_header-trans_date = ''.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0010' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-period = lt_intern-value.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0006' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-reason_rev = lt_intern-value.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0007' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-rev_date = lt_intern-value.
    *  READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0002' col = '0007'.
    *  IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-ledger_grp = ''.
    *  ENDIF.
    *  READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0013' col = '0013'.
    *  IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-exch_rate = ''.
    *  ENDIF.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0008' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-calc_tax = lt_intern-value.
       ls_header-eor = 'X'.
    * loop at the line items and append them to a table with multiple columns
       LOOP AT lt_intern WHERE row GE 20.
         IF l_currentrow <> lt_intern-row AND l_currentrow IS NOT INITIAL.
           APPEND lt_items.
           CLEAR lt_items.
         l_currentrow = lt_intern-row.
         CASE lt_intern-col.
           WHEN '0001'. lt_items-a = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0002'. lt_items-b = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0003'. lt_items-c = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0004'. lt_items-d = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0005'. lt_items-e = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0006'. lt_items-f = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0007'. lt_items-g = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0008'. lt_items-h = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0009'. lt_items-i = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0010'. lt_items-j = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0011'. lt_items-k = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0012'. lt_items-l = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0013'. lt_items-m = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0014'. lt_items-n = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0015'. lt_items-o = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0016'. lt_items-p = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0017'. lt_items-q = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0018'. lt_items-r = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0019'. lt_items-s = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0020'. lt_items-t = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0021'. lt_items-u = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0022'. lt_items-v = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0023'. lt_items-w = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0024'. lt_items-x = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0025'. lt_items-y = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0026'. lt_items-z = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0027'. lt_items-aa = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0028'. lt_items-ab = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0029'. lt_items-ac = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0030'. lt_items-ad = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0031'. lt_items-ae = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0032'. lt_items-af = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0033'. lt_items-ag = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0034'. lt_items-ah = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0035'. lt_items-ai = lt_intern-value.
           when '0036'. lt_items-aj = lt_intern-value.
           when '0037'. lt_items-ak = lt_intern-value.
       APPEND lt_items.
    * sort rows by the post date, comp code, curr.
    *  SORT lt_items BY ah a ai.
    * loop at the items, creating a header record if the comp code, curr. or post date changes
       LOOP AT lt_items.
         ls_item-rec_type = 'I'.
         ls_item-post_key = lt_items-c.   "lt_items-b.
         IF lt_items-c GE '20' AND lt_items-c LE '39'.
           ls_item-vendor_no = lt_items-d.
         ELSEIF lt_items-c GE '0' AND lt_items-c LE '19'.
           ls_item-customer = lt_items-d.
         ELSEIF lt_items-c EQ '70' AND lt_items-c EQ '75'.
           ls_item-asset = lt_items-d.
           ls_item-gl_account = lt_items-d.
         ls_item-asset_type = lt_items-m. "lt_items-l.
         ls_item-trans_type = lt_items-n. "lt_items-m.
         ls_item-print_flag = ''.
         ls_item-item_text = lt_items-j. "lt_items-i.
         ls_item-comp_code = lt_items-b. "lt_items-a.
         ls_item-bus_area = ''.
         ls_item-alloc_nmbr = lt_items-l. "lt_items-k.
         ls_item-tax_code = lt_items-q. "lt_items-p.
         ls_item-taxjurcode = lt_items-r. "lt_items-q.
         ls_item-profit_ctr = lt_items-g. "lt_items-f.
         ls_item-costcenter = lt_items-h. "lt_items-g.
         ls_item-orderid = lt_items-ac. "lt_items-ab.
         ls_item-wbs = lt_items-i. "lt_items-h.
         ls_item-trade_id = lt_items-o. "lt_items-n.
         ls_item-part_prctr = lt_items-p. "lt_items-o.
         ls_item-material = lt_items-t. "lt_items-s.
         ls_item-salesorg = lt_items-aa. "lt_items-z.
         ls_item-distr_chan = lt_items-ab. "lt_items-aa.
         ls_item-pmnttrms = ''.
         ls_item-pmtmthd = ''.
         ls_item-pmtmthsupl = ''.
         ls_item-alt_payee = ''.
         REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '(' IN lt_items-e WITH ''.
         REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ')' IN lt_items-e WITH ''.
         ls_item-amt_doccur = lt_items-e. "lt_items-d
         REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '(' IN lt_items-f WITH ''.
         REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ')' IN lt_items-f WITH ''.
         ls_item-loc_amt = lt_items-f. "lt_items-e
         ls_item-loc  = lt_items-k. "lt_items-j.
         ls_item-sas_revtype = lt_items-s. "lt_items-r.
         ls_item-rev_type = lt_items-u. "lt_items-t.
         ls_item-rev_chnl = lt_items-v. "lt_items-u.
         ls_item-bill_to = lt_items-x. "lt_items-w.
         ls_item-payer = lt_items-z. "lt_items-y.
         ls_item-ship_to = lt_items-y.
         ls_item-tax_amnt = lt_items-x.
         ls_item-func_area = ''.
         ls_item-expend_date = lt_items-ae. "lt_items-ad.
         ls_item-wtax_code = lt_items-af. "lt_items-ae.
         ls_item-wtax_base = lt_items-ag. "lt_items-af.
         ls_item-wtax_amount = lt_items-ah. "lt_items-ag.
         ls_item-payment_block = ''.
         ls_item-grp_amt = ''.
         ls_item-anc_amt = ''.
         ls_item-permit_payee = ''.
         ls_item-value_date = ''.
         ls_item-pernr   = ''.
         ls_item-legacy1 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy2 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy3 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy4 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy5 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy6 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy7 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy8 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy9 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy10 = ''.
         ls_item-eor = 'X'.
         TRANSLATE lt_items-ai TO UPPER CASE.
         TRANSLATE lt_items-b TO UPPER CASE.
         TRANSLATE lt_items-a TO UPPER CASE.
         TRANSLATE lt_items-aj TO UPPER CASE.
         IF l_current_curr <> lt_items-a "lt_items-ai
           OR l_current_postdate <> ls_header-pstng_date "lt_items-aj
           OR l_current_compcode <> lt_items-b.
           l_current_curr = lt_items-a.
           l_current_postdate = ls_header-pstng_date. "lt_items-aj.
           l_current_compcode = lt_items-b.
           ls_header-comp_code = l_current_compcode.
           ls_header-currency = l_current_curr.
           ls_header-pstng_date = l_current_postdate.
           ls_header-doc_date = l_current_postdate.
           TRANSFER ls_header TO p_unixfilename.
           l_line_count = l_line_count + 1.
         TRANSFER ls_item TO p_unixfilename.
         l_line_count = l_line_count + 1.
       ls_trailer-rec_type = 'T'.
       ls_trailer-rec_count = l_line_count.
       TRANSFER ls_trailer TO p_unixfilename.
       CLOSE DATASET p_unixfilename.
    * change the format to fixed format for the remainder of the load program
       p_fixed = 'X'.
       p_rstmnt = ''.

  • Sent emails are duplicated when used Hotmail (IMAP) account

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    Thanks, Vin

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  • Drop down values are missing while using the function module KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT

    Hi all,
    I am using the function module "KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT"  to upload the excel template to an internal table but i am not getting the complete excel data into the table the fields which contains the drop down list values those values are not coming in to the table.
    Is there any other function module which can read even the drop down list values? can any one please provide me the solution.
    Thanks in advance
    ** FYI...i am using the below code:
    * upload excel file to a generic table
           filename                = l_filename
           i_begin_col             = 1
           i_begin_row             = 1
           i_end_col               = 150
           i_end_row               = 65000
           intern                  = lt_intern
           inconsistent_parameters = 1
           upload_ole              = 2
           OTHERS                  = 3.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

    Hi all,
    I am using the function module "KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT"  to upload the excel template to an internal table but i am not getting the complete excel data into the table the fields which contains the drop down list values those values are not coming in to the table.
    Is there any other function module which can read even the drop down list values? can any one please provide me the solution.
    Thanks in advance
    ** FYI...i am using the below code:
    * upload excel file to a generic table
           filename                = l_filename
           i_begin_col             = 1
           i_begin_row             = 1
           i_end_col               = 150
           i_end_row               = 65000
           intern                  = lt_intern
           inconsistent_parameters = 1
           upload_ole              = 2
           OTHERS                  = 3.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

  • Premiere Pro CC - Jerky Playback when using the Playback Option (Mavericks)

    I certainly jumped the gun and wished I hadn't, but Mavericks as sort of sunk part of my traditional editng approach. I know, should of waited to upgrade... alas.
    In PPro CC, whenever I have the playback optioned turned on for another monitor, I get stuttery/jerky playback in the program monitor and the playback monitor. When I turn off the feature, I get smooth playback, but have sacrificed the playback monitor, which is quite essential. Has anyone run across this issue or recognize what could be throwing things off?
    This was true in 7.0.1 and the latest update 7.1.0. -- I'm not sure its an Adobe issue, this may be fully on Apple... with high chances of that.
    To try and fix I made sure power nap was turned off on my Adobe Apps and that my Mission control spaces weren't separate for each monitor...
    Running Macbook Retina on Mavericks, Premiere Pro CC, 16 GB Ram...

    Go back to and enter
    in the line under ASK A QUESTION to read previous mavericks discussions (there are several) with at least one having a possible solution
    click the See More Results at the bottom of the initial, short list if the initial list does not answer your question

  • Why is my working area blurred when using the adjustment brush?

    I'm currently just doing some simple highlight and shadow adjustment painting, but each time I attempt to adjust an area, Lightroom blurs at least a 100x100 pixels around where I'm adjusting. This makes it nearly impossible to see what sort of effect my adjustment is having until after I release my mouse.

    Here are the screen shots with the original, with Auto Mask on and without Auto Mask.
    Thanks to C. Frans W  for the suggestion of it being an Auto Mask issue.
    Dorin,  if you have any other comments, I would welcome them.
    If C. Frans W  has additional comments those are welcome also.

  • MacMini: Waking up using the "schedule" option in poer settings.

    Anybody having trouble with MacMini's waking up on schedule after the most recent Mac OS X update? Seeing this problem on both PPC and Intel versions. I have them set to go to sleep for 10 minutes and then restart (They're unattended). After the most recent update, they power down on schedule but do not power up.
    Macbook, Powerbook, MacMini (PPC, Intel)   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Can't set the startup and shutdown times closer than 10 minutes.

  • Getting prompted to Save As when using Save option

    We would like to deploy Reader XI with Protected Mode enabled. We have noticed that when using the Save option the user receives a prompt to Save As instead. I understand this is a security feature to basically grant Reader/Acrobat permission to save to this location.
    Issue is that we have in house software that opens the PDF using Reader allowing the user to make markups and then save, but if the user saves the file to a different location this will cause the in house software to fail. Older version of Reader with Protected Mode disabled allows just the save to be used and the original file location to be preserved.
    Is there anyway to white list this Directory so that Reader can save to it without a Save As prompt?
    Only fix I know of currently is to disable Protected Mode but we would like to avoid that if possible

    There is a notation in the documentation that may be relevant.
    "Permissions granted by other features often overlap. For example, cross domain policies, internet access settings in Trust Manager, and certificate trust settings for certified documents sometimes interact so that the most permissive setting takes precedence. Users should TEST THEIR CONFIGURATION prior to deployment."
    Have you checked the possible overlapping features?

  • When using the camera downloader in Adobe Bridge CS6 with Nikon D5200 we are unable to see previews of the photos and it is very slow to download. The issue occurs under a the users rights, but not under admin level. This is a new issue

    When using the camera downloader in Adobe Bridge CS6 with Nikon D5200 we are unable to see previews of the photos and it is very slow to download. The issue occurs under a the users rights, but not under admin level. This is a new issue.

    Hi Jdentremont,
    Lync client gets user photos by first querying the Address Book Web Query (ABWQ) service on the server, which is exposed through the Distribution List Expansion web service. The client receives
    the image file and then copies it to the user's cache to avoid downloading the image each time it needs to be displayed. The attribute values returned from the query are also stored in the cached Address Book Service entry for the user. The Address Book Service
    deletes all cached images every 24 hours, which means that it can take up to 24 hours for new user images to be updated in the cache on the server.
    To troubleshoot your problem, please follow the steps below:
    1.  Navigate to
     “X:\share\1-WebServices-1\ABfiles\000000000\000000000” folder. (ABS file share)
    You should see some photo files in this folder as the following screenshot.
    2. Delete all the files in this folder.
    3. On test PC, delete local cache files.
    %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\[email protected]
    4. Sign-in Lync with the test account.
    5. Go back to the ABS file share, check if there is any Photo file in the folder.
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Lately when I sync certain albums to my iPhone, the tracks are duplicated one behind the other so that I have to listen to each song twice. Why does this happen and how can it be fixed?

    Lately when I sync certain albums to my iPhone, the tracks are duplicated one behind the other so that I have to listen to each song twice. Why does this happen and how can it be fixed?

    Very strange behavior.  Don't entirely give up on the "Manually Added Items" category ... I have seen things magically appear there even after I've checked and seen nothing there.  I think things got real quirky when Apple released iCloud ... I don't remember extra copies of purchases lingering on my iPhone once transferred to my library before that.  Sure, if I bought an album directly to my iPhone it would stay on there even after I sync to my library, but if I deleted the album from the iPhone it stayed deleted.  Now it seems that there are some phantom copies that come and go with no explanation.
    jcburbank wrote:
    I've tried deleting the album from both the phone and from iTunes and then redownloading them to both and the same problem occurs.
    If you're re-downloading an album to iTunes and your iPhone, that may perpetuate the problem.  What happens if you completely delete every copy of the album, then just download to your iTunes library and then sync the album to your iPhone from your library?  That should put only one copy on your iPhone.
    A few other things to try:
    1- Completely sign out of your Apple account on your iPhone, then re-sync to iTunes, then sign into your account on your iPhone again.  Maybe throw in a Reset or at least a power OFF/ON somewhere in the middle.
    2- Go to Settings/ General/ Usage, then select Music and when you see All Music, swipe your finger across it and tap the Delete button.  Before doing anything else, Reset your iPhone.  This does not actually delete your music, but seems to clear up some cobwebs left behind (people use this technique to reduce "Other" that swells up over time).

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    Not having the problem, don't personally know anyone who is.

  • When using the "Fill & Sign PDF" feature, is there a way to stretch to size the text box, for a specific area on the page...instead of it going on in one straight long line...?

    When using the "Fill & Sign PDF" feature, is there a way to stretch to size the text box on a specific area of the page...instead of the text box going on in one straight long line....? I'm not seeing there's an option or ability to do so, just wanting to confirm.

    Improving the handling of multiple line text fields is in our plans, but for now, you will have to add manual carriage returns (Enter).

  • How can i set songs within a playlist, or an entire playlist, so that they are not included when using the shuffle function on IPOD Classic? Is this possible?

    How can i set songs within a playlist, or an entire playlist, so that they are not included when using the shuffle function on IPOD Classic?
    Is this possible?

    You can set any song to Skip when shuffling.
    In your iTunes Library, highlight the song and right-click/Get Info. On the Options tab is the Skip when shuffling box. Select that and then Sync the iPod with your Library.

  • Why is the search and logins fields are black when using AOL

    Why is the search and logins fields are black when using AOL??

    Seems like we're all asking the same question
    As tst says... try not to use the one at the bottom.. it's ... hummm..
    It's behavior is unpredictable...
    As for the multiple listing I'll have to read Molly's response on this (I asked the same question is the "Xtreme thread")
    === EDIT ===
    Hi Molly,
    I read your answer on the bottom search engine..
    That's what I thought it did... but it didn't work for me.. I tried to use it to find some of my own posts within LV.. and it didn't find anything.
    The search was : serial
    I did this while reading a LV question of the subject.
    I shall experiment with the search engine again and report my findings.
    R.Message Edited by JoeLabView on 03-17-2005 02:24 PM

  • Just downloaded photoshop cc on my pc, when using the camera raw filter noticed there are no descriptions for the sliders! Very difficult to edit photos. Already checked preferences.

    Just downloaded photoshop cc on my pc, when using the camera raw filter noticed there are no descriptions for the sliders! Very difficult to edit photos. Already checked preferences. Anyone else have this issue?

    They should be labeled....

Maybe you are looking for