Proper home directory assignment

It appears that when I use the default shared home settings, it is pointing users to:
I have to jump through some hoops by creating another share for it to use /Network/Servers/server.domain/Users/username instead. What is going wrong here per chance?
How should home folders be "properly" defined and administered?

Hmm, well I'll tell you what Jeff, perhaps the best solution would be to explain how you would normally set up a Portable Home user directory by way of Workgroup Manager in terms of the user's home folder. As I posed this in Portable Home Directories, I'm simply trying to understand the proper share to set up vs. the ones that automatically appear upon user creation. It seems that the default afp share that is created is not quite what one may want.
I've tried a few different options with varied success, finally setting up my own share to afp://server.domain.tld/Users as the Home URL and then Full Path to the username which seemed to do it, however I'm feeling that I'm still missing something. I simply want to know what an "experienced" admin would do in terms of best practice.
Obviously I could even get funky with symlinks, etc. but I want to do what a seasoned user would do.

Similar Messages

  • No home directory

    Since we have upgraded to Mavericks, new macs joining an AD have been giving me this error when a new users tries to log in to the system:
    "You are unable to log in to the user account "..." at this time"
    When I go to ">console" and try to log in I get this error:
    Sandbox kcm(172) deny mach-lookup
    No Home directory: /home/....
    I have tried to unbind the machine from the domain and delete the computer from AD and rebind but that has not worked. I have also tried using a different user to log in and they have the same problem. This has been happening on multiple macs (Macbook Air, Mac Mini, and Macbook Pro) so I know it's not an individual occurence.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    I am in no way an experienced admin, but as far as I've been able to fathom out, a user with no home dir cannot log in.
    I was having the same problem and when I went poking around in various logs, I saw messages to the effect of "posix user must have home directory assigned" and things to that effect.
    If you do find a way of letting a user with no home dir log in I'd love to know how too!

  • Home Directory Creation using Remote Manager

    We are working on OIM-AD. we have two AD domains in our environment. we need to create home directory folder upon AD provisioning such that only admin or respective user can access the folder. We tried all possible stops but we are not able to assign proper permissions. Also in one of the domain the vbscript for folder creation is run by admin and in other domain it has to be run by domain user.
    has anyone achieved this by means of Remote Manager?

    Hi Cmm user,
    Thanks for your posting.
    To set the attribute of homedirectory for a user in powershell, please also try the cmdlet set-aduser:
    import-module activedirectory
    SET-ADUSER $AccountName –HomeDrive $HomeDrive –HomeDirectory $HomeDirectory
    I hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • NSS 324 - set different home directory for FTP

    DOes anyone know - is it possible that when user logs in via FTP, their home directory is not root that can see all fileshares, but a different created share?
    I.e if i create a share called /tftpboot, when user logs in via FTP, they get  sent to that share and thing that this share is root, so they cant see any other shares.

    Depending on what firmware the NSS is running. You need to make sure you have different groups for different users.Assign the user to groups you want to allow access to certain shares. Then you want to assign the group you created to the share and give it proper access. Make sure the users are assigned to that group. You want to uncheck Group (everyone). Also under the user (private network share) make sure the user has access to that share.
    If you would like help setting group and user access please call 1-866-606-1866 and open a case.
    Jason Bryant
    Cisco Support Engineer.

  • Mail says my home directory is full

    I've been having some major system problems of late.
    Following the successful restoration of my laptop's hard drive today I launched Mail. It was very sluggish & came up with the error message:
    "Mail cannot update your mailboxes
    because your home directory is full.
    You must free up space in your home folder before
    using Mail. Delete unneeded documents or move
    documents to another volume."
    My hard drive has 23 GB of free space.
    My home folder is 47 GB in size.
    Can someone please explain what's going on here? Mail won't launch until I sort this issue.

    Yay! It seems to have solved the problem with my e-mail. Thanks very much.
    Now, I'll mention this here, as I know you'll be checking back, but I'll also start a fresh thread in the proper place about another irritating system problem I'm having.
    When I try to copy from my home directory to an external hard drive, (about 600mb of data in this instance), it starts to copy in the normal way, saying about a minute remaining) then suddenly stops...
    ... and waits, while "time remaining" increases.
    A short while ago it got as far as saying 40 minutes!! For 600mb!!
    I tried to launch my browser while this was happening & it was having none of it.
    I tried to launch the "force quit applications" window. Again nothing.
    Then I stopped it copying & the other things opened.
    It's as if "copying" suddenly asks for more power than the computer can supply & everything else takes a back seat. The copying begins, but at an absolute snail's pace.
    If I left if for 40 minutes it would probably copy successfully, but why so slow? I have about 30GB of data I need to remove from my hard drive before I can do a clean install, but at this speed I don't think I'm going to live long enough!

  • How can I change my "Home directory" folder name?

    Hello, everyone.
    I was given a pre-owned MacBook Pro that's running OS 10.6.8.  How can I change the name on the Home directory folder?  I was able to change the Administrator Account settings, but the Home directory still shows the previous owner's name.  It bothers me a bit, though, to see the previous owner's name still come up on the Home folder.
    I came across the instruction listed below, but I can't get past step 4.  It instructs me "rename it just like I would rename any folder."  I can't seem to rename it, though.  The cursor doesn't come up when I click on the folder name.
    For Mac OS X v10.5 or later
    Enable the root user.
    Log in as root.
    Navigate to the /Users folder.
    Select the Home folder with the short name you want to change, and rename it just like you would rename any folder. Keep in mind that the shortname must be all lowercase, with no spaces, and only contain letters.
    Use the Users & Groups pane (Accounts pane in Mac OS X v10.6.8 or earlier) in System Preferences to create a new user with the Account name or Short Name that you used in the previous step.
    Click OK when "A folder in the Users folder already has the name 'account name'. Would you like to use that folder as the Home folder for this user account?" appears. Note: This will correct the ownership of all files in the Home folder, and avoid permissions issues with the contents.
    Choose Log Out from the Apple menu.
    Log in as the newly created user. You should be able to access all of your original files (on the desktop, in Documents, and in the other folders of this Home).
    After verifying that your data is as expected, you can delete the original user account via the Users & Groups pane (Accounts pane in Mac OS X v10.6.8 or earlier).
    Disable the root user.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Hi everyone,
    I followed this
    and got to the stage of having renamed my Home folder with the new name but the Home folder is STILL designated to the old name?
    When I try and create a new user with the new name, I don't get asked if I'd like to use the existing name as Home folder, I get told I can't use the newname because it exists already - thats the end of it - no further options.
    So to clarify - I now have oldname folder STILL assigned as Home folder. A newname folder with all my stuff in - apps, desktop, etc etc but this is just another user folder.
    Interestingly at login stage, the oldname folder isn't an option. I think I've confused the system somewhere by titling things differently at some stage in an attempt to rename Home folder.
    I'm running Mountain Lion (as of yesterday) and because I've kinda lost the use of my User folder as the Home folder, can't get to my Time Machine. I'm in trouble but I'm trying not to panic. Would appreciate any help!

  • More than one network home directory? (newbie question)

    I have a brand new shiny XServer for a small school. They wanted their Macs managed and secured so I eagerly started moving ahead with it. Now, because of the specific file sharing requirements of the school (teachers want access to student accounts and files for homework and such) I created a standard, by-the-book Network Home folder. Then I thought about it, and I shared another directory as a Network User Home folder. And now none of my networked user accounts can log in. They all give me "can't log in, there is an error".
    Is what I did possible? Allowed? Recommended? Discouraged? Can you actually define two separate Network User Home folders on the same server, and then assign different users to different home folders? My server crapped out and now I may have to wipe/reinstall the whole thing to fix it.
    Does anybody have any experience with home folders like that?
    Any information would be dearly appreciated,

    Each user can have one and only one home directory, network or local. (Yes, even if you use Mobile Accounts or Portable Homes each account still has one home directory. You just have multiple copies of the user account and each copy has one home.)
    You can have multiple share points that serve as home directory share points. In other words, not all of your users' homes need to be stored in the same place. By "network home directory share point," we mean a shared folder (share point) that has a corresponding dynamic automount record in the directory domain. The share point mounts at /Network/Servers/servername/path/to/sharepoint, and users defined in the directory domain can have their network homes defined there.
    If you want to grant a group of teachers (let's call it teachers for simplicity) read/write access to student home directories, I'd suggest the following strategy:
    1. Create two network home directory share points - one to house the students' homes and one to house the teachers' homes. For this example, let's say that the student home directory share point is located at /Volumes/Disk1/StudentHomes.
    2. Create home directories for each student as you normally would.
    3. Then add an ACL that allows members of the teachers group to read/write within the student home directory share point. For our example:
    sudo chmod -R +ai "group:teachers allow readattr,readextattr,readsecurity,list,search,\
    write,append,fileinherit,directoryinherit" /Volumes/Disk1/StudentHomes.
    4. Now teachers simply navigate to /Network/Servers/yourservername/path.../StudentHomes/student's name and dig around to find what they want. (The teachers have read/write control of all student home directories now.)
    5. When your teachers find it a little inconvenient to dig around in each student's home, suggest the following alternative: Simply create a share point to which students have read-only access and teachers can read/write. Within that share point, create "turn-in" folders for each teacher or class, and give students write-only (drop box) permission to the sub-folder. You could get more granular than this simple example where all students can turn anything into any teacher's "turn-in" folder, though.

  • Single Student home directory for Multiple users

    Hi all,
    I'm currently working in an education environment and we have 4x labs of mac's. Currently, when students log in, their login info/permissions are pulled from AD and OD. When they login for the first time, it creates a local home directory with their username, so when they login subsequent times they still get all their saved movies, music and pictures. Nothing special.
    We are aiming to change over to a new system in which the students login with thier username/pass, but they all use the same local home directory called 'student' (which will actually be refreshing with the default-homedir-refresh script by Bombich). To compliment this, as they will not be able to use thier movies folder, we will have a seperate partition on the computer in which they save all thier work. Idealy, we would like the files that one user saves not to be accessable (deleted) by another student, but i'm not sure if this is possible even though they have logged in using different username/passwords, as they are all using the same directory. To add to this, the users will also have thier network space mounted on login (as its on a novell server, currently we mount it by specifying the address in WGM under preferences->login items, with Mount item with user's name and password checked).
    My questions are
    1) how do we get the students to use the single 'student' home directory?
    2) If we have a separate partition set up for them, will the files they create have the permissions assigned to the individual users or will they all be able to access each others file as they will use the single 'student' home directory.
    3) Will our method of mounting their Novell drive still work with the new system?

    I can't help asking: Why?
    Might help if we knew exactly what sort of issues you are trying to avoid, since you're moving away from what appears to be a perfectly functional setup

  • Portable Home Directory no longer works on Lion bound to Active DirectoryAD

    Hi, All,
    I look after about 30 MacBook Air/Pro connected to a predominantly Windows corporate network.
    A few months back, I installed a MacOS Server running OpenDirectory and Software Update Services for managing the MacBooks - they are configured in the standard "magic triangle" configuration, bound both to the Active Directory (running on a handfull of Windows 2003-R2 servers) and OpenDirectory; they are configured to use the Mac Server for Software Updates, and with Portable Home Directories replicated on a network share point (through AFP) to keep a backup of the user's data.
    When all the MacBooks were running Snow Leopard, everything was running fine... but the last couple of laptops purchased came with Lion and they cannot synchronise their PHD's anymore :-(
    I have spent a lot of time trying to pin-point the problem, including replicating a whole test-network with its own AD/OD and client Snow-Leopard/Lion laptops to try various configurations... my conclusions so far are that:
    1- using Snow Leopard clients, it just works
    2- using a Lion client, when the network user account is configured in the default Users O.U. on Active Directory, it just works
    3- using a Lion client, when the network user account is configured in another O.U. than Users (e.g. Company-Name or External-Contractors), then the PHD syncinc doesn't work at all
    4- the failure symptoms are a popup window when trying to do a manual sync saying that "your network home at (null) does not allow writing" - if automatic syncing is configured through MCX, it just fails silently
    5- when PHD syncing fails, I can log on using the network account, manually mount the share point used for the network home in the Finder and read and write to it without a problem; so it' not a permission problem, but the fact that the network home directory is (null)
    6- I have traced the root cause to the FileSyncAgent process which raises an exception at startup - here's what I see as the salient lines from the logfile (i've edited out the username):
    0:: [12/02/07 12:45:00.512] ******************************************************************************
    0:: [12/02/07 12:45:00.512] FileSyncAgent-502.2 (r?, BUILT:?, PID:385, OS:11D50b, ARCH:x86_64-64) starting
    0:: [12/02/07 12:45:00.512] LA: FileSyncAgent -launchedByLaunchd -iDiskPlist
    0:: [12/02/07 12:45:00.512] ******************************************************************************
    0:: [12/02/07 12:45:00.512] Engineering log verbosity level = 1
    1:: [12/02/07 12:45:00.512] Registered isRunning port with name ''
    1:: [12/02/07 12:45:00.846] Temporary disk storage at "/Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Caches/Cleanup At Startup/FileSyncAgent-1727909307".
    1:: [12/02/07 12:45:00.846] UserAgentString = "DotMacKit-like, File-Sync-Direct/502.2.? (11D50b x86_64-64)"
    1:: [12/02/07 12:45:03.249] +[SSyncSet_PHD createPHDSyncSetForLocalPath:remoteHomeSpec:mountSuffixPath:name:]: Creating Sync Set with name "HomeSync_Mirror".
    1:: [12/02/07 12:45:03.249] -[SSyncSet_PHD _setupNewPHDSyncSetWithLocalPath:homeSpec:mountSuffixPath:]: We've been given local home path '/Users/[USERNAME]'.
    1:: [12/02/07 12:45:03.249] -[SSyncSet_PHD _setupNewPHDSyncSetWithLocalPath:homeSpec:mountSuffixPath:]: local home at "/Users/[USERNAME]"
    <PHD> 1:: [12/02/07 12:45:06.458] Added new sync set "HomeSync_Mirror".
    <PHD> 1:: [12/02/07 12:45:06.465] _incomingIPC: SFCreatePHDSyncSetMsgId (17) took 3.217627 seconds.
    <PHD> 1:: [12/02/07 12:45:06.526] Scheduling next sync of "HomeSync_Mirror" at 2012-02-07 12:45:16 +0000
    <PHD> 1:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.122] ==========================================================
    <PHD> 0:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.123] Starting automatic sync of "HomeSync_Mirror".
    <PHD> 1:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.126] Peer "local" reports changes since last sync.
    <PHD> 0:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.128] EXCEPTION: NilPtr <-[SPeer_FS_PHD mountPeerVolume] (Peer-FS-PHD.m:142): "'((homePath))' is nil">
    <PHD> 0:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.128] BACKTRACE: {
    <PHD> 0:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.128] ? | 0x105003493  
    <PHD> 0:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.128] ? | 0x104f70866  
    <PHD> 0:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.128] ? | 0x104f6fabd  
    <PHD> 0:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.128] ? | 0x104f6ecb4  
    <PHD> 0:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.128] ? | 0x7fff924bb74e
    <PHD> 0:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.128] ? | 0x7fff924bb6c6
    <PHD> 0:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.128] ? | 0x7fff901998bf
    <PHD> 0:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.128] ? | 0x7fff9019cb75
    <PHD> 0:: [12/02/07 12:45:18.128] }
    7- if I use the same user account from a Snow-Leopard client, the mountPeerVolume finds the remote home_dir, mounts it and happilly trawls through the two directories to figure out what needs to be copied; I get something along the lines of:
    0:: [12/02/08 18:44:15.344] Starting manual sync of "HomeSync_Mirror".
    1:: [12/02/08 18:44:15.363] -[SPeer_FS_PHD mountPeerVolume]: We've been given remote home path "/Volumes/[USERNAME]".
    1:: [12/02/08 18:44:15.363] -[SPeer_FS_PHD mountPeerVolume]: Remote home path exists.
    1:: [12/02/08 18:44:15.363] -[SPeer_FS_PHD mountPeerVolume]: Final path to PHD remote home root = "/Volumes[USERNAME]"
    8- if I use a Lion client and a user account configured in the Users O.U. on Active Directory, it works similarly well
    9- in the failing use-case, if I run a "dscl xxx -read /Users/xxx" to verify that the DirectoryServices deamon returns some information, all looks good: I get all my A.D. user details, including email config and network home_directory, the MCX payload, etc
    10- the only difference that I can see when running dscl between the "working use-case" and the "failing use-case" is that the Attribute for the network home directory is called HomeDirectory (working) or OriginalHomeDirectory (failing) - but the actual value is present and correct in both cases
    11- I have enabled SMB as well as AFP file sharing to ensure that it's not a protocol problem rather than the share point itself that causes problem - no difference
    12- I have upgraded the MacOS Server to 10.7.3 (from 10.7.2) - no difference
    13- I have upgraded the Lion client from 10.7.2 to 10.7.3 - no difference
    14- I have tried to manually configure the Directory Search path on the Lion client to map HomeDirectory to OriginalHomeDirectory - either the mapping didn't work or it's not the real cause of the problem, as again: no difference.
    15- I have contacted AppleCare, raised a case with all the details above, been escalated from level 1 to 2 and 3 - and basically have been told that customers have reported very similar problems & that no more detail is available to me as it is a Directory Services related problem - if I want to take it further with Apple, I need Enterprise OS Support (and hence $1000s per year - and no real guarantee of result)
    [thanks to anyone who's read until now]...
    So my questions are (as I can't believe that I'm the only one using "proper O.U.'s" for managing users in Active Directory):
    - has anyone experienced this before?
    - does someone know of a workaround (other than "stick to SnowLeo" or "redesign your whole A.D."!)?
    - can someone help me figure out where the FileSyncAgent process tries to get its remote home directory from - as this might point to a solution?
    Many thanks

    I was able to fix the issue here. Steps Taken:  From the comand line I ran
    dscl /Search read /Users/jdoe HomeDirectory
    It returned # No such key: HomeDirectory
    This was the big clue.... it should have returned
    HomeDirectory: <home_dir><url>afp://files.hihllc.lan/Users/jdoe</url><path>/</path></home_dir>
    I unbound the Mac from AD and ran the following command in terminal.
    dscacheutil -flushcache
    I then went into OS X sharing preferences and renamed the computer slightly, so it would create a new computer record in AD. I rebound the machine to AD making sure in Directory Utility Advanced, under User Experience that Force local home directory on start up disk was unchecked and Network protocol to be used was AFP.
    I then ran
    dscl /Search read /Users/jdoe HomeDirectory
    and it returned
    HomeDirectory: <home_dir><url>afp://files.hihllc.lan/Users/jdoe</url><path>/</path></home_dir>
    I had the user reboot... which was necessary. When he logged in HomeSync fired up. He had quite a few conflicts, so I told him to select use files on this computer for all conflicts.
    I checked the FileSyncAgent.logs and it was good.
    Let me know if this fixes your issue.

  • Logging in as guest destroyed main account home directory.

    Just quietly, I'm about ready to smash every piece of Apple hardware I have to pieces.
    1. I set up guest account access
    2. Logged out of my account. So far so good.
    3. Logged into guest account. All normal.
    4. Logged out of guest account.
    5. Logged into my account. "What is this I don't even..."
    6. ????
    7. PROFIT!
    Upon logging back into the main account, I found the default desktop.
    "Strange" I thought to myself, "Still, I'm sure my old home directory is there, renamed as something else, ho-ho!"
    It wasn't. My entire home directory is gone. Kaput. Aether.
    Good thing you had time-machine set up, you say? I didn't. I am still waiting for my order to arrive with my sweet, external backup storage. After all, what's the worst that could happen in 3 days waiting for an external hdd for time capsule, eh?
    So, I've lost iTunes library, an assignment for Uni, notes and quotes for my house renovations, everything.
    Does anyone want to buy an iMac, Macbook, 3GS and an Apple TV? Some items may have gnaw-marks on them, but others are in good nick and less than a year old.

    This may be no conciliation but you are not alone. There is a thread on this at <>

  • Active Directory + Resource action to delete home directory

    Hi all,
    I am trying to delete home directory from the disk physically after the user is deleted from AD. I followed the link and implemented the delete resource action as mentioned in the link.
    here are the steps i followed (For testing, I mentioned delete >> C:\test.txt to see if it deletes the text file)
    1. Enter delete after action in the Identity Manager User Attribute column of the resource’s schema map.
    2. In the Attribute Type column, select string.
    3. In the Resource User Attribute column, enter IGNORE_ATTR. Leave the Required, Audit, Read Only, and Write Only columns unchecked.
    4. Add this to the Deprovision Form user form after the </Include> tag:
    <Field name= ’resourceAccounts.currentResourceAccounts[AD].attributes.
    delete after action’>
    5. Create the following XML file and import into Identity Manager. (Change file paths according to your environment.)
    <?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?> <!DOCTYPE Waveset PUBLIC
    ’waveset.dtd’ ’waveset.dtd’>
    <ResourceAction name=’AfterDelete’>
    <ResTypeAction restype=’Windows Active Directory’ timeout=’6000’>
    echo delete >> C:\test.txt
    6. Edit the XML for the Active Directory resource and add information to the “delete after action” schema mapping. Here is an example of a complete schema mapping for this resource with the new additions. (You will be adding the views-related information.)
    <AccountAttributeType id=’12’ name=’delete after action’ syntax=’string’
    mapName=’IGNORE_ATTR’ mapType=’string’>
    To test, I deleted a user from AD and I was expecting the file c:\test.txt to be deleted as it invokes the Resource action after delete. Has anyone been successful in deleting the home directory from drive after the user is deleted. Any pointers or help

    Hi Gaurav,
    I have to implement Resource Action functionality for Solaris system. I followed the link and the first message of this thread. I am using 8.1 IDM.
    But unfortunately I can’t trigger any bash commands on the resource like echo deleting of user wiht next name - $WSUSER_accountId >> /tmp/resultFile.txt.
    There are any errors on log file.
    Can you share your work configuration and steps to reproduce?
    I have done next but Resource Action doesn’t triggered:
    1. My Action:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE Waveset PUBLIC 'waveset.dtd' 'waveset.dtd'>
    <ResourceAction name='AST-ResAct-SOL-AfterDelete'>
    <ResTypeAction restype='Solaris' timeout='6000'>
    echo deleting of user wiht next name - $WSUSER_accountId >> /tmp/resultFile.txt
    exit 0
    2. Added next line to “Deprovision Form”
    <Field name='resourceAccounts.currentResourceAccounts[SOLARIS 10].attributes.delete after action'>
    3. Added a new attribute mapping on the resource:
    <AccountAttributeType id='12' name='delete after action' syntax='string' mapName='IGNORE_ATTR' mapType='string'>
    4. Assigned role (this role provisioned resource to user) to user, delete user from resource via Deprovision IDM page. But my Action commands didn’t trigger on resource.
    Thanks’ in advance!

  • The /home directory

    Good Day,
    While installing Catia in the /home directory, I'm getting permission errors. Normally this is where Catia has to be installed. What has changed with the /home directory under Solaris 9. It appears to be
    a reserved directory for the system.

    /home has always been reserved for the automounter, at least since Solaris 8 :)
    If, in the past, you were able to install software into /home, it means that (at the time) you had a proper configuration set up for the user in question.
    If, for instance, you want to install something into /home/userA you need to make sure that either the NIS+ table auto_home.org_dir or the file /etc/auto_home shows where the automounter can find the physical home directory for userA. There are some shortcuts which you can take.
    For instance, you can enter one line into /etc/auto_home which ensures that ALL directories in /home get mounted from serverA:/export/home/$username (or whichever other location counts as the physical location). This line is:
    * serverA:/export/home/&
    You will of course also need to be running the automount daemon, which is started with /etc/init.d/autofs.

  • Mail wont open says home directory is full. HELP?

    I dont know what happend but i restarted my powerbook today and when i got back to the desktop and tried launching mail it gives me the following message.
    You must free up space in your home folder before using mail. Delete unneeded documents or move documents to another volume.
    what happend to cause this and what can i do to fix it.

    If your hard drive has at least 5GB of free space available, quit Mail first and using the Finder go to Home > Library > Mail > Envelope Index. Move the Envelope Index file to the Desktop.
    Afterwards, copy the Mail folder and place the copy on the Desktop for backup purposes.
    Launch Mail and you will be prompted to import all mailboxes available in the Mail folder at Home > Library > Mail.
    Select OK and allow the import process to complete and a new Envelope Index file will be created automatically by Mail within the Mail folder.
    After confirming all mailboxes were successfully imported and are available, you can delete the copy of the Mail folder and the old Envelope Index file from the Desktop.
    This should resolve the problem.

  • FileSync Failure On Mobile Account Home Directory

    Mac Mini Mid-2012, OS X 10.9.5, Server 3.1.2, OpenDirectory ON, HomeDirectory: /Volumes/HomeFolders/Users
    iMac 21.5-inch, Late 2012, OS X 10.9.5, MobileAccount
    Server exists on a foreign subnet. Client binds to OD Replica on local network. Authentication works without issue. SSH connections to Server work flawlessly. SCP can be used to move files across the network without issue.
    User account automatically creates a mobile profile on any system used. This is set in Workgroup Manager for all users of this User's type.
    The local machine has successfully created a Mobile Account for the user, and User is able to use the machine without complication, except that User complains none of his personal files are present.
    Home Sync reports last sync as being "Incomplete".
    Attempted Corrections
    The log file had indicated that the synchronization process was being cancelled by the next synchronization which started automatically after 20 minutes. To correct this problem, I changed the HomeSync settings to start only on "Manual" requests.
    After this change, I observed that the log file that a file was missing.  I ran SCP to duplicate the home folder on the local machine, replacing the home folder that had been already created.  I no longer find the missing file issue.
    I found an article suggesting that deleting the .FileSync folder from the local and remote home folders would force the system to re-evaluate the status of the sync.  I deleted these folders in order to allow the system to recreate them.  The system continues to have Incomplete home sync processes.
    Help Required
    I am unable to interpret the remaining EXCEPTION lines in the log file.  I appreciate any help deciphering the next steps in fixing the Home Sync process.  I appreciate any tips or advice on what causes Home Sync to fail in these situations, and if any person has information on how to create a local mirror that would be referenced for the HomeSync rather than the main server, that information would be greatly appreciated.
    Verbose Log Output - Reduced to Output from a Single Process
    1:: [14/10/10 08:17:53.358] Received SystemLoadAdvisory notification, new state = 2
    1:: [14/10/10 08:17:53.358] System says now is an okay time for automatic syncs. Starting any automatic syncs which were previously skipped.
    0:: [14/10/10 08:17:53.828] Waking from sleep
    1:: [14/10/10 08:17:53.828] -[SSyncSet wakeFromSleep]: scheduling sync of HomeSync_Mirror in 20.0 seconds
    1:: [14/10/10 08:17:53.829] Scheduling next sync of "HomeSync_Mirror" at 2014-10-10 15:18:13 +0000
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] EXCEPTION: Cocoa error 134030 <+[SSyncSet commitToDisk] (SyncSet.m:352): "(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134030 "An error occurred while saving." UserInfo=0x7fd5a3705f40 {NSFilePath=/Users/drbanks/Library/FileSync/a820661b8a30/SyncSets, NSAffectedStoresErrorKey=(
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935]     "<NSSQLCore: 0x7fd5a0612680> (URL: file:///Users/drbanks/Library/FileSync/a820661b8a30/SyncSets)"
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ), NSUnderlyingError=0x7fd5a3705ec0 "The file doesn’t exist."})">
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] USERINFO: {
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935]     NSAffectedStoresErrorKey =     (
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935]         "<NSSQLCore: 0x7fd5a0612680> (URL: file:///Users/drbanks/Library/FileSync/a820661b8a30/SyncSets)"
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935]     );
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935]     NSFilePath = "/Users/drbanks/Library/FileSync/a820661b8a30/SyncSets";
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935]     NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 \"The file doesn\U2019t exist.\" UserInfo=0x7fd5a3705e80 {NSUnderlyingError=0x7fd5a37004f0 \"The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. No such file or directory\"}";
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] }
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] BACKTRACE: {
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x10b0c7f2b  
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x7fff90496a5c
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x7fff904968c4
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x7fff90539516
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x10b0c7c72  
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x7fff8be812f8
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x10b0c7abd  
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x7fff905090f4
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x7fff90508ea8
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x10b0ce43f  
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x7fff8beb50f4
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x7fff90512494
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x7fff90511fcf
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x7fff905835aa
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ? | 0x7fff904cd755
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] }
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] +[SSyncSet commitToDisk]: exception thrown while saving (+[SSyncSet commitToDisk] (SyncSet.m:352): "(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134030 "An error occurred while saving." UserInfo=0x7fd5a3705f40 {NSFilePath=/Users/drbanks/Library/FileSync/a820661b8a30/SyncSets, NSAffectedStoresErrorKey=(
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935]     "<NSSQLCore: 0x7fd5a0612680> (URL: file:///Users/drbanks/Library/FileSync/a820661b8a30/SyncSets)"
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.935] ), NSUnderlyingError=0x7fd5a3705ec0 "The file doesn’t exist."})").
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.936] ==========================================================
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.936] Starting automatic sync of "HomeSync_Mirror".
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.938] Peer "network" reports changes since last sync.
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.939] [0x7fd5a7500990/<SStore_FS:0x10b1d94f0>] +[SStore_FS newStore_FSForPeer:alias:]: isRemote = NO
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.939] [0x7fd5a7500990/<SStore_FS:0x10b1d94f0>] +[SStore_FS newStore_FSForPeer:rootPath:rootAlias:rootRef:storePath:optionalStoreID:]: peer = <SPeer_FS:0x7fd5a7501500> = local, optionalStoreID = (null), peer.storeIDString = *
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.939] [0x7fd5a7500990/<SStore_FS:0x10b1d94f0>] +[SStore_FS newStore_FSForPeer:rootPath:rootAlias:rootRef:storePath:optionalStoreID:]: rootPath        = /Users/drbanks
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.939] [0x7fd5a7500990/<SStore_FS:0x10b1d94f0>] +[SStore_FS newStore_FSForPeer:rootPath:rootAlias:rootRef:storePath:optionalStoreID:]: storePath       = /Users/drbanks/.FileSync/store.filesyncstatetree
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:13.939] [0x7fd5a7500990/<SStore_FS:0x10b1d94f0>] +[SStore_FS newStore_FSForPeer:rootPath:rootAlias:rootRef:storePath:optionalStoreID:]: rootAlias       = {path='/Users/drbanks', targetName='drbanks', volumeName='Fish_Office_HD', type=DIR, volumeCreateDate=2014-02-05-16:47:04, targetCreateDate=2014-09-26-09:09:23, parentDirID=156740, nodeID=733788, filesystemID=0000 ('0000'), signature=0x482b ('H+'), isBootVolume=YES, isAutomounted=NO, isEjectable=NO, hasPersistentFileIDs=YES, mounted=YES, url='file:///'}
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:15.215] -[SStore_FS setupWithAlias:andRef:] (Store-FS.m:447): unlink('/Users/drbanks/.FileSync/.fstemp.CUtmP-mI4X6yMG0c2.noindex')
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:15.333] -[SStore(protected) cleanupTree]: PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: required 0.1 seconds to execute
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:15.645] -[SPeer_FS_PHD mountPeerVolume]: Mounted remote home server at "/Volumes/HomeFolders".
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:15.867] -[SPeer_FS_PHD mountPeerVolume]: Final path to PHD remote home root = "/Volumes/HomeFolders/drbanks"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::...PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Exclusion/Inclusion pair #1 of 2
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::Exclusions                                                       | Inclusions                  
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path BEGINSWITH "."                                              |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::name BEGINSWITH[c] ".afpDeleted"                                 |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::name BEGINSWITH[c] ".DocumentRevisions"                          |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Documents/Microsoft User Data"                     |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"    |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".SymAVQSFile"                                      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/" |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs/FileSyncAgent.log"                    |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::name LIKE[c] ""                  |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".Cleanup At Startup"                               |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mirrors"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/FileSync"                                  |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".TemporaryItems"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".fseventsd"                                        |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".Spotlight-V100"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs/MirrorAgent.log"                      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".FileSync"                                         |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library"                                           |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "NAVMac800QSFile"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".mcxlc"                                            |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".account"                                          |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::---not changed---                                                | ---not changed---           
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::...PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Exclusion/Inclusion pair #2 of 2
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::Exclusions                                                       | Inclusions                  
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::name BEGINSWITH[c] ".afpDeleted"                                 | .CFUserTextEncoding         
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::name BEGINSWITH[c] "EWS-"                                        | .Trash                      
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::name BEGINSWITH[c] ".DocumentRevisions"                          | .bash_history               
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".account"                                          | .ssh                        
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".fseventsd"                                        | Documents/Microsoft User Data
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/Envelope Index"                       | Library                     
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Safari/Icons.db"                           |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Safari/"                    |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mirrors"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".mcxlc"                                            |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::name LIKE[c] ""                  |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/Exchange-*"                           |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/PubSub/Feeds"                              |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs/MirrorAgent.log"                      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".FileSync"                                         |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Calendars/Calendar Cache"                  |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/IMAP-*"                               |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/" |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/FileSync"                                  |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/PubSub/Downloads"                          |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Application Support/SyncServices"          |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Printers"                                  |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player"       |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".Cleanup At Startup"                               |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs/FileSyncAgent.log"                    |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".SymAVQSFile"                                      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Caches"                                    |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".TemporaryItems"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Documents/Microsoft User Data/Entourage Temp"      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"    |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates"            |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/PubSub/Database"                           |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Application Support/MobileSync"            |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/Mac-*"                                |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs"                                      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] ".Spotlight-V100"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/AvailableFeeds"                       |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::---not changed---                                                | ---not changed---           
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] X::---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] [0x7fd5a7500990/<SStore_FS:0x7fd5a7d01440>] -[SStore_FS prepareForSync]: PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: self.wasPrepareForSyncDoneRemotely => NO
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.353] Store "PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks" started prepareForSync with root version (null)
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.431] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks FSEvents scan
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] EXCEPTION: Cocoa error 134030 <+[SSyncSet commitToDisk] (SyncSet.m:352): "(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134030 "An error occurred while saving." UserInfo=0x7fd5a370b560 {NSFilePath=/Users/drbanks/Library/FileSync/a820661b8a30/SyncSets, NSAffectedStoresErrorKey=(
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650]     "<NSSQLCore: 0x7fd5a0612680> (URL: file:///Users/drbanks/Library/FileSync/a820661b8a30/SyncSets)"
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ), NSUnderlyingError=0x7fd5a3707ec0 "The file doesn’t exist."})">
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] USERINFO: {
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650]     NSAffectedStoresErrorKey =     (
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650]         "<NSSQLCore: 0x7fd5a0612680> (URL: file:///Users/drbanks/Library/FileSync/a820661b8a30/SyncSets)"
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650]     );
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650]     NSFilePath = "/Users/drbanks/Library/FileSync/a820661b8a30/SyncSets";
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650]     NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 \"The file doesn\U2019t exist.\" UserInfo=0x7fd5a3709440 {NSUnderlyingError=0x7fd5a3797170 \"The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. No such file or directory\"}";
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] }
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] BACKTRACE: {
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ? | 0x10b0c7f2b  
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ? | 0x7fff90496a5c
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ? | 0x7fff904968c4
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ? | 0x7fff90539516
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ? | 0x10b0c7c72  
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ? | 0x7fff8beb413e
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ? | 0x7fff904dc661
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ? | 0x7fff904cdd12
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ? | 0x7fff904cd49f
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ? | 0x7fff904ccf25
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ? | 0x7fff90582811
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ? | 0x10b0bd950  
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ? | 0x7fff939bd5fd
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] }
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] +[SSyncSet commitToDisk]: exception thrown while saving (+[SSyncSet commitToDisk] (SyncSet.m:352): "(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134030 "An error occurred while saving." UserInfo=0x7fd5a370b560 {NSFilePath=/Users/drbanks/Library/FileSync/a820661b8a30/SyncSets, NSAffectedStoresErrorKey=(
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650]     "<NSSQLCore: 0x7fd5a0612680> (URL: file:///Users/drbanks/Library/FileSync/a820661b8a30/SyncSets)"
    0:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] ), NSUnderlyingError=0x7fd5a3707ec0 "The file doesn’t exist."})").
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] -[SPeer_FS_PHD mountPeerVolume]: Remote home located at "/Volumes/HomeFolders/drbanks"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] [0x7fd5a8202970/<SStore_FS:0x10b1d94f0>] +[SStore_FS newStore_FSForPeer:alias:]: isRemote = YES
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:16.650] [0x7fd5a8202970/<SStore_FS:0x10b1d94f0>] +[SStore_FS newStore_FSForPeer:alias:]: gAttemptRemotePrepareForSync = YES
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.169] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks FSEvents scan took 0.74 seconds
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.303] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.304] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Desktop/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.304] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Desktop/Desktop/Desktop/EMR IM Unreadable/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.368] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Desktop/Desktop/Desktop/Videos/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.371] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'name BEGINSWITH[c] ".afpDeleted"' to 'normalizedName >= ".afpdeleted" AND normalizedName < ".afpdeletee"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.371] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'name BEGINSWITH[c] "EWS-"' to 'normalizedName >= "ews-" AND normalizedName < "ews."'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.371] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'name BEGINSWITH[c] ".DocumentRevisions"' to 'normalizedName >= ".documentrevisions" AND normalizedName < ".documentrevisiont"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.371] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".account"' to 'normalizedPath == ".account"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.371] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".fseventsd"' to 'normalizedPath == ".fseventsd"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.371] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/Envelope Index"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/mail/envelope index"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.371] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Safari/Icons.db"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/safari/icons.db"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.371] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Safari/"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/safari/"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Mirrors"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/mirrors"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".mcxlc"' to 'normalizedPath == ".mcxlc"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'name LIKE[c] ""' to 'normalizedName == ""'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/Exchange-*"' to 'normalizedPath >= "library/mail/exchange-" AND normalizedPath < "library/mail/exchange."'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/PubSub/Feeds"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/pubsub/feeds"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs/MirrorAgent.log"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/logs/mirroragent.log"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".FileSync"' to 'normalizedPath == ".filesync"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Calendars/Calendar Cache"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/calendars/calendar cache"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/IMAP-*"' to 'normalizedPath >= "library/mail/imap-" AND normalizedPath < "library/mail/imap."'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/preferences/"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/preferences/"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/FileSync"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/filesync"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/PubSub/Downloads"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/pubsub/downloads"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Application Support/SyncServices"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/application support/syncservices"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.372] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Printers"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/printers"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/preferences/macromedia/flash player"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".Cleanup At Startup"' to 'normalizedPath == ".cleanup at startup"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs/FileSyncAgent.log"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/logs/filesyncagent.log"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".SymAVQSFile"' to 'normalizedPath == ".symavqsfile"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Caches"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/caches"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".TemporaryItems"' to 'normalizedPath == ".temporaryitems"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Documents/Microsoft User Data/Entourage Temp"' to 'normalizedPath == "documents/microsoft user data/entourage temp"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/preferences/"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/itunes/iphone software updates"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/PubSub/Database"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/pubsub/database"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Application Support/MobileSync"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/application support/mobilesync"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/Mac-*"' to 'normalizedPath >= "library/mail/mac-" AND normalizedPath < "library/mail/mac."'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/logs"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".Spotlight-V100"' to 'normalizedPath == ".spotlight-v100"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.373] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/AvailableFeeds"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/mail/availablefeeds"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path BEGINSWITH "."' to 'normalizedPath >= "." AND normalizedPath < "/"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'name BEGINSWITH[c] ".afpDeleted"' to 'normalizedName >= ".afpdeleted" AND normalizedName < ".afpdeletee"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'name BEGINSWITH[c] ".DocumentRevisions"' to 'normalizedName >= ".documentrevisions" AND normalizedName < ".documentrevisiont"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Documents/Microsoft User Data"' to 'normalizedPath == "documents/microsoft user data"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/preferences/"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".SymAVQSFile"' to 'normalizedPath == ".symavqsfile"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/preferences/"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs/FileSyncAgent.log"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/logs/filesyncagent.log"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'name LIKE[c] ""' to 'normalizedName == ""'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".Cleanup At Startup"' to 'normalizedPath == ".cleanup at startup"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/preferences/"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Mirrors"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/mirrors"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/FileSync"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/filesync"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".TemporaryItems"' to 'normalizedPath == ".temporaryitems"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.374] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".fseventsd"' to 'normalizedPath == ".fseventsd"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.375] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".Spotlight-V100"' to 'normalizedPath == ".spotlight-v100"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.375] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs/MirrorAgent.log"' to 'normalizedPath == "library/logs/mirroragent.log"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.375] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".FileSync"' to 'normalizedPath == ".filesync"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.375] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "Library"' to 'normalizedPath == "library"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.375] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] "NAVMac800QSFile"' to 'normalizedPath == "navmac800qsfile"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.375] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".mcxlc"' to 'normalizedPath == ".mcxlc"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.375] -[NSPredicate(FileSyncAdditions) optimizedPredicate]: Optimized 'path LIKE[c] ".account"' to 'normalizedPath == ".account"'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.379] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.381] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Application Support/AddressBook/Metadata/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.382] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Application Support/AddressBook/Sources/80E89097-D917-4DE6-8B87-D5ACD34DCBA9/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.382] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.383] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.383] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.383] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Application Support/Dock/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.384] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Application Support/iCloud/Accounts/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.385] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.385] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Calendars/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.385] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Calendars/F3A85C22-7A2C-4D1F-9D43-34720B9AFDCD.caldav/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.386] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Calendars/F3A85C22-7A2C-4D1F-9D43-34720B9AFDCD.caldav/4B6959F3-F05E-4F 30-891A-C8234667064B.calendar/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.387] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Calendars/F3A85C22-7A2C-4D1F-9D43-34720B9AFDCD.caldav/6F039F7E-3CC6-4B 94-AE4C-6F17A7C8CA71.calendar/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.388] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Calendars/F3A85C22-7A2C-4D1F-9D43-34720B9AFDCD.caldav/8A3D1921-C2DE-4F F2-8E0F-0FABED30EE2D.calendar/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.389] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Calendars/F3A85C22-7A2C-4D1F-9D43-34720B9AFDCD.caldav/18273985-1499-47 77-AAEF-EA6093AF2FE3.calendar/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.390] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Calendars/F3A85C22-7A2C-4D1F-9D43-34720B9AFDCD.caldav/A8305227-211A-43 D7-9979-38F79A9F24A7.calendar/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.391] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Calendars/F3A85C22-7A2C-4D1F-9D43-34720B9AFDCD.caldav/B15C90DE-3A13-48 DC-A260-B40B9A40D7E9.calendar/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.391] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Calendars/F3A85C22-7A2C-4D1F-9D43-34720B9AFDCD.caldav/B092C532-DA51-4F 61-BEDF-1CC5B564667D.calendar/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.392] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Calendars/F3A85C22-7A2C-4D1F-9D43-34720B9AFDCD.caldav/F89651C6-3E88-4D 6E-873D-2C2D3A36CD80.calendar/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.393] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Containers/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.393] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Containers/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.394] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Containers/ es/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.395] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.395] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.395] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.395] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Cookies/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.396] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.396] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Google/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.396] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.397] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/TicketStore/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.397] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/IdentityServices/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.398] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Mail/V2/MailData/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.399] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Preferences/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.400] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.401] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.401] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.402] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.402] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.402] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.403] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.403] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Preferences/ByHost/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.405] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.405] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Safari/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.406] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.406] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/Safari/LocalStorage/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.408] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.408] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks Scanning flagged directory "Library/SyncedPreferences/"
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.408] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.409] PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks: -[SStore(protected) checkAndHandleMissingNode:withID:exists:nodeTypeChanged:]: (null): CVV = (null), LVV = (null), converting to breadcrumb
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.552] Store "PHD-L-uCVIYQ8_Ju2-drbanks" finished prepareForSync with root version (null)
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.727] ssh subtask PID:3180
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.732] -[SSHIPCClient handleStderrLineOrEOF:]: [2014-10-10 15:18:17 +0000] 'Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.732] '
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.755] -[SSHIPCClient handleStderrLineOrEOF:]: [2014-10-10 15:18:17 +0000] 'ssh: connect to host port 2336: Connection refused
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.755] '
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.755] -[SSHIPCClient handleStderrLineOrEOF:]: SSH: 'ssh: connect to host port 2336: Connection refused
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.755] '
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:17.755] -[SSHIPCClient handleStderrLineOrEOF:]: [2014-10-10 15:18:17 +0000] '(null)'
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.031] FS-remote: reusing local DB cache (modDate = 1412893054, size = 677707, local: "/Users/drbanks/Library/Caches/Cleanup At Startup/FileSyncAgent-1032/.FileSync/Store-FS-PHD-network-home.filesyncstatetre e", remote: "/Volumes/HomeFolders/drbanks/.FileSync/Store-FS-PHD-network-home.filesyncstate tree.bz2")
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.031] [0x7fd5a8202970/<SStore_FS:0x10b1d94f0>] +[SStore_FS newStore_FSForPeer:rootPath:rootAlias:rootRef:storePath:optionalStoreID:]: peer = <SPeer_FS_PHD:0x7fd5a8202540> = network, optionalStoreID = (null), peer.storeIDString = *
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.031] [0x7fd5a8202970/<SStore_FS:0x10b1d94f0>] +[SStore_FS newStore_FSForPeer:rootPath:rootAlias:rootRef:storePath:optionalStoreID:]: rootPath        = /Volumes/HomeFolders/drbanks
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.031] [0x7fd5a8202970/<SStore_FS:0x10b1d94f0>] +[SStore_FS newStore_FSForPeer:rootPath:rootAlias:rootRef:storePath:optionalStoreID:]: storePath       = /Users/drbanks/Library/Caches/Cleanup At Startup/FileSyncAgent-1032/.FileSync/Store-FS-PHD-network-home.filesyncstatetre e
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.060] [0x7fd5a8202970/<SStore_FS:0x10b1d94f0>] +[SStore_FS newStore_FSForPeer:rootPath:rootAlias:rootRef:storePath:optionalStoreID:]: rootAlias       = {path='/Volumes/HomeFolders/drbanks', targetName='drbanks', volumeName='HomeFolders', type=DIR, volumeCreateDate=2014-07-12-16:04:02, targetCreateDate=2014-07-14-12:08:33, parentDirID=2, nodeID=39476, filesystemID=0x6173 ('as'), signature=0x482b ('H+'), isBootVolume=NO, isAutomounted=NO, isEjectable=NO, hasPersistentFileIDs=YES, mounted=YES, url='afp://[email protected]/HomeFolders'}
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.092] -[SStore_FS setupWithAlias:andRef:] (Store-FS.m:447): unlink('/Users/drbanks/Library/Caches/Cleanup At Startup/FileSyncAgent-1032/.FileSync/.fstemp.CUtmP-d-LEOKGQ6G5.noindex')
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::...PHD-R-GX5KJxmEuF6-drbanks Exclusion/Inclusion pair #1 of 2
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::Exclusions                                                       | Inclusions                  
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path BEGINSWITH "."                                              |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::name BEGINSWITH[c] ".afpDeleted"                                 |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::name BEGINSWITH[c] ".DocumentRevisions"                          |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Documents/Microsoft User Data"                     |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"    |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".SymAVQSFile"                                      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/" |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs/FileSyncAgent.log"                    |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::name LIKE[c] ""                  |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".Cleanup At Startup"                               |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mirrors"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/FileSync"                                  |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".TemporaryItems"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".fseventsd"                                        |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".Spotlight-V100"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs/MirrorAgent.log"                      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".FileSync"                                         |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library"                                           |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "NAVMac800QSFile"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".mcxlc"                                            |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".account"                                          |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::---not changed---                                                | ---not changed---           
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::...PHD-R-GX5KJxmEuF6-drbanks Exclusion/Inclusion pair #2 of 2
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::Exclusions                                                       | Inclusions                  
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::name BEGINSWITH[c] ".afpDeleted"                                 | .CFUserTextEncoding         
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::name BEGINSWITH[c] "EWS-"                                        | .Trash                      
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::name BEGINSWITH[c] ".DocumentRevisions"                          | .bash_history               
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".account"                                          | .ssh                        
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".fseventsd"                                        | Documents/Microsoft User Data
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/Envelope Index"                       | Library                     
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Safari/Icons.db"                           |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Safari/"                    |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mirrors"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".mcxlc"                                            |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::name LIKE[c] ""                  |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/Exchange-*"                           |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/PubSub/Feeds"                              |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs/MirrorAgent.log"                      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".FileSync"                                         |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Calendars/Calendar Cache"                  |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/IMAP-*"                               |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/" |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/FileSync"                                  |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/PubSub/Downloads"                          |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Application Support/SyncServices"          |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Printers"                                  |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player"       |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".Cleanup At Startup"                               |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs/FileSyncAgent.log"                    |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".SymAVQSFile"                                      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Caches"                                    |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".TemporaryItems"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Documents/Microsoft User Data/Entourage Temp"      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Preferences/"    |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates"            |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/PubSub/Database"                           |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Application Support/MobileSync"            |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/Mac-*"                                |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Logs"                                      |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] ".Spotlight-V100"                                   |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::path LIKE[c] "Library/Mail/AvailableFeeds"                       |                             
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::---not changed---                                                | ---not changed---           
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] X::---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] [0x7fd5a8202970/<SStore_FS:0x7fd5a05d7ad0>] -[SStore_FS prepareForSync]: PHD-R-GX5KJxmEuF6-drbanks: self.wasPrepareForSyncDoneRemotely => NO
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.203] Store "PHD-R-GX5KJxmEuF6-drbanks" started prepareForSync with root version (null)
    1:: [14/10/10 08:18:18.333] PHD-R-GX5KJxmEuF6-drbanks Full scan

    Some of your user files (not system files) have incorrect permissions or are locked. This procedure will unlock those files and reset their ownership, permissions, and access controls to the default. If you've intentionally set special values for those attributes, they will be reverted. In that case, either stop here, or be prepared to recreate the settings if necessary. Do so only after verifying that those settings didn't cause the problem. If none of this is meaningful to you, you don't need to worry about it, but you do need to follow the instructions below.
    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Step 1
    If you have more than one user, and the one in question is not an administrator, then go to Step 2.
    Enter the following command in the Terminal window (triple-click, copy, and paste):
    sudo find ~ $TMPDIR.. -exec chflags -h nouchg,nouappnd,noschg,nosappnd {} + -exec chown -h $UID {} + -exec chmod +rw {} + -exec chmod -h -N {} + -type d -exec chmod -h +x {} + 2>&-
    The command may take several minutes to run, depending on how many files you have. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign ($) to appear, then quit Terminal.
    Step 2 (optional)
    Take this step only if you have trouble with Step 1, if you prefer not to take it, or if it doesn't solve the problem.
    Start up in Recovery mode. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select
              Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar. A Terminal window will open. In that window, type this:
    Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
    Press return. A Reset Password window will open. You’re not going to reset a password.
    Select your startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Under Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs, click the Reset button
               ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.

  • How do I enable opening firefox from two different computers sharing the same home directory without having to delete a lock file (linux).

    I just don't want to have to delete a lock file - which has a purpose - in order to use firefox simultaneously from two locations on the network - where the home directory, i.e. .mozilla directory - is located

    You need to use two separate profiles if you want to have two Firefox instances open at the same time.
    See also

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