Proper way to backup after jumping/editing in Photoshop

I understand that backuping my catalog will save all my adjustments in Lightroom.  However, I jump over to edit externally in Photoshop often.  I understand that to create a Tiff file next to my original file.  However, isn't just backing up the catalog missing the Tiff file now in the backup?

No, it isn't.
If you do nothing in Lr to your TIFF, the file name and location will be stored in the catalog.
And, if you do edits in Lr on top of your edits in Photoshop, these will bestored in the catalog, too.
If you put the TIFF in a Lr collection that will reflect in the catalog.
Backing up the catalog does not back up your images (neither your TIFFs, nor your Raw files). The catalog is the data base of Lr that is a separate file and stored in a different location than your images. So a catalog backup makes a backup of the data base but not a backup of your image files.

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    -- Debug: Received Message:
    -------------------------- BEGIN NETLINK MESSAGE ---------------------------
    [NETLINK HEADER] 16 octets
    .nlmsg_len = 36
    .type = 2 <ERROR>
    .flags = 0 <>
    .seq = 1421583995
    .port = 1853883468
    [ERRORMSG] 20 octets
    .error = 0 "Success"
    [ORIGINAL MESSAGE] 16 octets
    .nlmsg_len = 16
    .type = 16 <0x10>
    .flags = 5 <REQUEST,ACK>
    .seq = 1421583995
    .port = 1853883468
    --------------------------- END NETLINK MESSAGE ---------------------------
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    TThe sync process you're describing is not how it should work. When you edit in Photoshop with Ctrl-E, Lightroom, should pass the raw file plus the XMP data for your edits over to Photoshop. Photoshop uses its Camera Raw engine to render those changes and you should see a background layer that has all your edits included.
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    Once you do that, opening in an older version of Photoshop will trigger a warning that will allow you the choice to "open anyway," or "render in Lightroom."  You should choose to render in Lightroom.

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    You can also choose 'ZIP' Image Compression in both the LR and/or PS Save dialogue. If adding layers also choose 'ZIP' under Layers Compression. This will typically reduce the file size by ~25-50%.
    5D MKII files
    Raw           25MB
    TIFF        100 MB
    TIFF (ZIP) 75 MB
    Another option is to setup a second editor using PS 32bit, assuming you have both PS 64 bit and 32bit installed. Don't make any radical Histogram changes in PS (Curves/Levels) using the 8 bit/color JPEG, or you may get some banding artifacts. It's usually better to make these adjustments in LR anyhow.
    I have my LR4 2nd Editor setup to use PS 32 bit, primarily because some of my plugins are only 32 bit.  I use TIFF 16 bit ProPhoto RGB for my second editor, but you can certainly use JPEG as below.

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    In the Library Module go >View >Sort and check <Filename> and <Ascending> or <Descending> whichever you prefer.

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    I'm aware of all that, ssprengel, but that's not what I'm talking about.
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    You might be able to remove the recent backup from the backups folder and the old one should be usable at that point
    Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/
    Note: The "~" represents your Home folder. If you don't see Library in your home folder, Option-click the Go menu.
    Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
    Note: To quickly access the Application Data folder, click Start, and choose Run. Type %appdata% and click OK.
    Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8: \Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

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    10/12/13 8:25:12.755 PM[19003]: Starting manual backup
    10/12/13 8:25:12.841 PM[19003]: Attempting to mount network destination URL: afp://[email protected]/TimeMachine
    10/12/13 8:25:14.645 PM[19003]: Mounted network destination at mount point: /Volumes/TimeMachine using URL: afp://[email protected]/TimeMachine
    10/12/13 8:25:14.687 PM fseventsd[48]: disk logger: failed to open output file /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.fseventsd/fc007524359f8bb3 (No such file or directory). mount point /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.fseventsd
    10/12/13 8:25:14.687 PM fseventsd[48]: disk logger: failed to open output file /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.fseventsd/fc007524359f8bb3 (No such file or directory). mount point /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/.fseventsd
    10/12/13 8:25:40.251 PM[19003]: Disk image /Volumes/TimeMachine/iMac.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups
    10/12/13 8:25:40.253 PM[19003]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb
    10/12/13 8:25:41.831 PM[19003]: Inheritance scan required for /, associated with previous UUID: 30DCBA86-7702-31FD-B8A5-0CFBCE325E36
    10/12/13 8:25:41.923 PM[19003]: Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
    10/12/13 8:25:41.966 PM[19003]: Deep event scan at path:/ reason:must scan subdirs|new event db|
    10/12/13 8:25:41.966 PM[19003]: First backup after disk inheritance for / - complete scan required
    10/12/13 8:41:23.297 PM[19003]: Finished scan
    10/12/13 8:49:06.137 PM[19003]: Found 1059692 files (565.28 GB) needing backup
    10/12/13 8:49:07.658 PM[19003]: 679.85 GB required (including padding), 143.39 GB available
    10/12/13 8:49:15.324 PM[19003]: Ejected Time Machine disk image: /Volumes/TimeMachine/iMac.sparsebundle
    10/12/13 8:49:15.324 PM[19003]: Compacting backup disk image to recover free space
    10/12/13 8:49:57.436 PM[19003]: Completed backup disk image compaction
    10/12/13 8:49:57.437 PM[19003]: Starting manual backup
    10/12/13 8:49:57.888 PM[19003]: Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/TimeMachine
    10/12/13 8:50:23.419 PM[19003]: Disk image /Volumes/TimeMachine/iMac.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups
    10/12/13 8:50:23.421 PM[19003]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb
    10/12/13 8:50:24.966 PM[19003]: Inheritance scan required for /, associated with previous UUID: 30DCBA86-7702-31FD-B8A5-0CFBCE325E36
    10/12/13 8:50:25.022 PM[19003]: Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
    10/12/13 8:50:25.069 PM[19003]: Deep event scan at path:/ reason:must scan subdirs|new event db|
    10/12/13 8:50:25.070 PM[19003]: First backup after disk inheritance for / - complete scan required
    10/12/13 9:06:03.024 PM[19003]: Finished scan
    10/12/13 9:14:04.765 PM[19003]: Found 1059692 files (565.28 GB) needing backup
    10/12/13 9:14:06.234 PM[19003]: 679.85 GB required (including padding), 143.39 GB available
    10/12/13 9:14:06.318 PM[19003]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/iMac/2013-10-12-202541.inProgress/DB2AD703-283F-42A2-8 97D-194AE5F2F23B containing 4 KB; 143.39 GB now available, 679.85 GB required
    10/12/13 9:16:59.047 PM[19003]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/iMac/2013-09-05-000218 containing 877 MB; 144.26 GB now available, 679.85 GB required
    10/12/13 9:24:37.780 PM[19003]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/iMac/2013-09-04-002732 containing 1.33 GB; 145.6 GB now available, 679.85 GB required

    Thanks Linc.
    What happened is I needed to retrieve something from Time Machine prior to starting a backup (the first backup after restoring everything).  However, Time Machine wouldn't connect to the Time Capsule, so that is why I used the tmutil commands.  Probably if I had instead started a backup then it would have asked me if I wanted to inherit.
    Well, if there's no way to avoid a full copy then I guess I'll delete the archive and start over.
    Thanks again for your help.

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    I am using Vectors and Array lists at many places in my Web Application, It is neccessary to use them.
    In some processes I m storing bulk amount of data into vector due to that the performance of my application will be decreased, for that I have to nullify the vector after it's scope is over.
    To nullify I m using Vector v = new Vector()
    The above method is suitable in case of simple object data like strings and other values.
    But I wanna know that If I m using HashMap and storing bulk data in it and then I m storing each HashMap into vector, what is the proper way.
    Does I have to iterate each object of HashMap from vector and set them as null and then set vector as null or directly I can use v.clear() method??
    If any having any answer regarding my question then plz reply your each valuable reply will be appriciable.
    Thanks in advance......!!

    JBOSS2000 wrote:
    Each time in loop a new object of vector is created and each time I m nullifying it. Thats what I m doing.
    Thats why I m nullifying it.
    Even if I'll declare it out side the loop then also for the each iteration I have to nullify it cause what I m doing is I m inserting the data into database in each iteration of loop, So that I think it is must to nullify the objects each time.If it is constructed inside the loop then you do not have to nullify it. If it is constructed outside of the loop and you want to empty it for each iteration then just clear() it.

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    You have likely dragged the size of the filmstrip thumbnails to a small size that prevents Lightroom from displaying the badges. Using your mouse, mouse over the top line of the filmstrip and then drag it supports to increase the size.

Maybe you are looking for