Proportional multiple displays?  (15inch/Late2011)

I'm wanting to connect two monitors to my Macbook Pro (15inch/Late2011) on either side of its original display. However, the issue is I can't find any that are porportional to the 1440x900 display.
Does anyone know any particular brands or could anyone link me to some displays that are exactly 1440x900/15inches?
Le Bron

iMack7 wrote:
Do you find the extra 2" effects portability? Are you ever second guessing if you can be bothered to take it with you etc. As I would take it into university every day.
I actually have both 15" and 13" Retinas. Both are 2012 models. Both have excellent screen quality. I think Apple's term is "stunning". 
I have taken each separately from place to place and I find both equally portable. But because of its size and weight (1 lb lighter than the 15") the 13" seems easier to carry around. It's almost like a tablet. I use to have a 13" Macbook Pro non-Retina (early-2011) and between that and my 15" Retina, I was more comfortable traveling with the Retina.
The 15" screen size is nicer compared to the 13". So, for what you do with yours, in my opinion, you would really like the 15". It's just as portable. What you might want to do, if you can, is visit a local Apple Store and compare the two side-by-side. Hold them so you have an idea of what it would be like to carry it around.

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    Hi guys - I've got a problem where s.o. might have an idea of how to switch on the light at the end of the tunnel, I am currently standing in:
    Cost Center Authorization should be given through RSECADMIN, reporting should be possible for any hierarchy that exists for the authorization relevant info object.
    Preferred solution:
    The Cost Center Analysis Authorization should be given through RSECADMIN - Hierarchy node assignment.
    u2022     A dedicated Authorization Cost Center Hierarchy will be maintained in ECC6 as an alternative cost center hierarchy and extracted into BW.
    u2022     The RSECADMIN Hierarchy node assignment should be based on a particular node (Type 2).
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    u2022     The Authorization granted should be independent of hierarchy name and version (validity 3).
    Reporting Scenario and technical impact:
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    Thanks everyone for your input...
    Edited by: Claus64 on Jul 13, 2009 4:10 AM

    HI CLause,
    On Jul 14 2009, you wrote in SDN and said:
    FYI: Found a solution...
    The hierarchy analysis authorization will be based on a navigational attribute of cost center.
    With analysis authorizations it is possible to declare the Auth object (e.g. 0COSTCENTER__RACCAUT0) as authorization relevant and leave the superior object 0COSTCENTER auth irrelevant.
    The auth will be given for 0COSTCENTER__RACCAUT0. This object will be placed as a filter of the query, being restricted by an Authorization variable for hierarchy nodes.
    Due to the concept of Analysis Authorizations, this variable will automatically pick up the nodes granted as part of RSECADMIN Hierarchy based Authorization.
    As mentioned above, 0COSTCENTER as the regular reporting characteristic remains auth irrelevant and can therefore take any hierarchy thatu2019s available. Reporting on single values will be possible, too. Only those nodes show up that hold the authorized cost centers in accordance to the authorization.
    If the auth relevant 0COSTCENTER__RACCAUT0 is not used in the query definition by either not taking it in as a filter or skipping the Auth variable, the query will launch the message that the authorization is missing. No data show up at all.
    See this thread:
    Analysis Authorization based on Hier node with multiple display hierarchies
    I am also in the same situation as you and need to understadn your solution. I understand that you created a Nav Attr on 0COSTCENTER and made this auth relevant whilst ensuring that 0COSTCENTER is NOT auth relevant. This is all fine. The issue was you have multiple hierachies for 0COSTCENTER, how did the new Nav Attr help you solve your issue. When loading 0COSTCENTER what values did you load ino the new Nav Attribute and how did that link to the hierachies? Also, in RSECADMIN you created hiearchy nodes based on the Nav Attribute but I am confused as to what values you have in the Nav Attr.
    I appreciate if you can share your solution from the past in more details.
    many thanks

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    Both computers have ports for external monitors. Check your user manuals. Only one display can be added to the MBP, but newer iMacs have dual Thunderbolt ports.
    Do your own Google research to learn what to do, but reading your manuals should be all you really need. It' not rocket science yet.

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    Moderator Note; subject edit, post moved to here

    hi harry13,
    Welcome to the Lenovo Forums.
    If you're referring to the Lenovo® H405, this unit has an integrated VGA and HDMI out according to this pdf data sheet.
    If you'll be using a flat panel monitor (that usualy has a VGA connector and a single link DVI D digital interface), you will need to connect 1 monitor to the VGA out and use an HDMI to single link DVI-D converter on the other monitor. You might need to scan for hardware changes under the device manager to identify the monitor that's connected to the HDMI to DVI-D converter. Note that you need to change the video setup under BIOS to IGD or the onboard graphics.
    If you'll be using your discrete video adapter for the multi-monitor setup, you must change the video setup to PEG under the BIOS and the video card must have a vga or hdmi/dvi out.
    Also, see these guides as a reference:
    How to set up dual monitors in Windows 7
    Dual monitor setup: Two monitors are better than one
    Hope this helps.
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • When I go into full screen mode in Safari 5.1 on LION it switches to a new Space, making my other displays useless. Anyone else annoyed that Apple has completely left out those with multiple displays?

    I had a fear that this was going to be the case, but you can't have two full screen apps open in two different displays. At least that's how Safari fullscreen works. When switching over to full screen mode in safari, it automatically creats a new space, turns on four finger gesture to swipe through full screen apps which I had turned off in place of App Switcher.
    I don't use spaces because of the lack of support for using spaces with multiple displays. I would use spaces and mission control if I had control of each display's mission control separately.
    The fix would be to unlink the displays so they can scroll through full screen apps by themselves. I want this feature so I can mix and match the full screen apps on my three different displays. I see this beneficial for more people with multiple displays. in the future when thunderbolt display links, people will want better support too.
    I know I would use spaces and mission control more if I could have this ability. I'd be interested to know people's opinion.

    No no, if you read what I said, it would be that each individual display would be customizable to the user. The way you have it, it sounds like your second display will be dedicated to scrolling through fullscreen apps not allowing you to do it on the home screen. This is silly because with my concept, you could do that, by dragging apps to fullscreen in your second display, but if you want you could tell another display to scroll through fullscreen apps (independently) if you wanted. Each display will have it's own mission control with it's own set of desktops. I also can see how some people would still want them linked together, so this could just be a little check box made in mission control prefs to "link" or "unlink" desktops with link checked by default.
    With your solution you're limited to your setup. but what if the person has three or four displays? Well then your solution would limit them to one dedicated display that scrolls through fullscreen apps where mine lets a person customize their desktops depending on their preference and setup.
    further example: if you have safari, address book and mail in one display, you could still have ichat, PS and Illustrator in your second, and a text editor, FTP Client and iTunes in your third. Then you would mix and match these apps but it would promote the use of mulitple displays as well as benefit people with three or more, which thunderbolt, Cinema Display and Pro computers support.

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    Not available, why not suggest it here.

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    If not I sincerely hope that the apple engineers fix this ASAP.

    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.

  • Spaces with Multiple Displays

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    I can accept that I am pushing the envelope on Spaces using both multiple displays and splitting windows from one application across Spaces, so I am not expecting this to work flawlessly (yet). However, it sure would be useful to be able to recover from this when it occurs.
    By the way, as a tip I have mapped my mouse button 3 (external mouse with a scroll wheel that has a button) to show Spaces, which has been very handy for me.
    One last thing: Does anyone else think it would be cool to have Spaces act more like true individual Desktops? In other words, be able to set background image per Space and maybe even have different files on each Space/Desktop? Files would be more involved since Spaces are less permanent than a real Desktop, but background images seems like an easy thing to be able to code for.

    Just to be clear, you CAN run an application and split its windows across different Spaces by dragging those windows in the Spaces view. So open Firefox in Space 1, open a second FF window in Space 1, then F8 and drag the second window into Space 2 and voila. It's somewhat random what happens when you click on the application icon in the dock when you do this, but it does work.
    Good point about the background being very resource-intensive. Never mind.

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    Also allowing each display to have one applicatioin currently in front when multiple input devices are present would be greatly appreciated.  I could then keep one keyboard and tablet in front of the Eizo and use the internal for use on the Macbook - if the OS could learn my setup it could really be the best of the benefits of having 2 computers and just one.  Shared Clipboard and one Space colaborating seamlessly with another, while having the abillity to work entirely within one space and then move to the other while waiting for a command to finish executing, or to go back to the file system to open more work. 
    This is so close to perfect but it has a few really frustrating limitations.  Any advice? 
    thank you

    At least your query seems to get data where MODIFIED_BY IS NULL, doesn't it?
    So if the reccount is>0 there is a reason to inform your employees.
    Bye, Olaf.
    Olaf Doschke - TMN Systemberatung GmbH

  • Audio and "multiple display" issues in Lion

    Hi Guys
    Since I installed Lion, I have the following issues:
    DTS and 5.1 does not seem to be going out to my receiver. It worked with VLC and XBMC, now it only works with XBMC and no other player.
    So if I try to use VLC I can move it over from the main desktop to my HD TV, but no DTS.
    If I use XBMC i get full DTS but have no way of ruuning it on the HDTV because the multiple display options are gone from preferances!!!
    I used to be able to turn off the 27 imac display and use the HDTV display, cant do that anymore.
    Also the magic mouse now has a life of its own and jumps around for no good reason and sometimes dissapears all together.
    Any help would be great. Seems to me like this "upgrade" is not much of one...
    Instead of more usability, I now have way less.

    Hi Andyjw
    Assuming your machine has been behaving well for some time and this is just happening now suggests to me it's going to be bad news for you.
    Before you take it to the repairers however, have you tried unplugging your iMac from the wall socket, waiting for, say, 10 minutes then plugging it back in again?
    This is in addition to all the usual checks of course such as repairing permissions and so on.
    Also, on one of your 'System' discs there should be an app called *Apple Hardware Test*. Have you tried that to see if it comes up with anything? I think you might have to boot from your System Disk to run Apple Hardware Test but I'm not certain about that.
    Good Luck

  • Multiple display problems

    I have a mac mini with mavericks and I am using multiple displays. I am having a several problems. The first one is when I use a program like vlc, quicktime, itunes, etc... and go fullscreen, my second display goes black. I found one way around it but i was wonering if there was a setting or something that I missed. My second question if I have a video playing in one screen, can i have the sound come from that and in my other screen have my game playing and have the sound com from that display instead of it both commin out from on source?

    The screen going black is up to each app.  Often with video apps it will darken the second screen for an uninterrupted experience but has an option to turn it off.  I don't use VLC, Quicktime or iTunes for video but if you use MPlayerX or MPlayer OSX Extended for example you simply go into the settings and uncheck the black out second screen option.
    As for audio, it gets complex.  There are apps which can route sound to a designated device (like each monitor and mini-jack cable).  Several video players can let you select an audio-out device; this means while you let your game go to the deafult while VLC for example would go to your designated monitor.

  • Icon for multiple displays?

    I downloaded Mavericks yesterday and am looking for the icon that allows for multiple displays.  According to the overview it should be on my menu bar but nothing has shown up.  Is there a setting I need to change?  Or, is there another way I can connect my laptop to my TV through my Apple TV using wi-fi?  Thanks!

    Try System Preferences, Displays, check the box to show Mirroring in menu bar.
    Is your Mac capable?
    AirPlay Mirroring
    Requires a second-generation Apple TV or later. Supported by the following Mac models:
    iMac (Mid 2011 or newer)
    Mac mini (Mid 2011 or newer)
    MacBook Air (Mid 2011 or newer)
    MacBook Pro (Early 2011 or newer)
    Mac Pro (late 2013)

  • Multiple displays, great. single display tricky in Mavericks.

    I bought a new external display to work on a MacBook Air through Thunderbolt but when I close the lid of the MBA the display goes black / sleeps. I've reset the SMC and it worked until shut down, and upon restart was back to going black. I can get it to work with the MBA open and use multiple displays but this is not what I want to achieve or have the desk space for.
    Does anyone else have the same issue or even have a solution?
    I'd be interested to hear anything.

    for a Mid 2010 model, you’ll need to use something like the Matrox DualHead2Go Digital Mac Edition multi-display adapter with a DVI-to-HDMI adapter to connect your current display. If your current display or your second display has a DVI input port, then no additional adapter would be needed.

  • MOVED: Multiple Displays with AGP and ON-Board

    This topic has been moved to AMD SocketA based board.
    Multiple Displays with AGP and ON-Board

    Glen i just wanted to test try something new.
    I want to know if there are anything i should know about my board?
    Do you think the KM4M-V is a good board to have? 

  • Multiple Displays with AGP and ON-Board

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    If yes, please inform me how to activate it eg. jumper setting or bios settings.
    If no explain exactly why not. 
      My apologies.  The board is a KM4M-V

    Glen i just wanted to test try something new.
    I want to know if there are anything i should know about my board?
    Do you think the KM4M-V is a good board to have? 

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