Protect files from manipulation

I have a question about JAR deployment. In my program, I have a lot of properties, and I want to externalize them (e.g. in an XML file, or similar) to make manipulation for the rest of the team easier.
However, in the final state, I don't want the customer to access this data.
How can I protect my data from manipulation? Can I forbid the decompression of the JAR file, and still allow execution of it? Or is there another way to achieve what I want?

It's all about making it harder. I know that. People that post these questions don't always know that. This OP seems to know that, but the way he talked about this case left me unsure whether he realized it just makes it very hard, or thought it actually made it impossible.
It's nonesensical to
talk of "do this, but it's still possible to get
around ..." in terms of security implemetation. No, it's not. It's worth driving the point home to people that think that encrypted classes, etc. will make their Java code impossible to reverse engineer. It's worth clearing up that little misconception.
it's possible, but yes it's also now harder then it
used to be. Keep adding these things on and it
becomes harder and harder and harder. You don't get
anywhere if you just kill the whole idea from the
start.I'm not killing the whole idea from the start. I'm merely attempting to make sure the OP (and anyone else who happens to be perusing this thread) is clear that it's only hard, not impossible. Like I said, I think this OP gets that, but it doesn't hurt to be sure.

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    The easiest way to do this doesn't require AppleScript. In iTunes create a new "Smart Playlist". In the dialog that appears, select "Kind" from the first pull down menu, "does not contain" from the second pull down menu, and type "Protected" without the quotes in the text field. This will create a smart playlist of all of your non-DRM items. From there, select all of the items in the playlist and drag them to a folder in the Finder. Might be a long copy but it should do the job.

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    Below is the list of steps from the Adobe KB article for installing the Adobe Camera Raw plug-in 6.2 on PSE 8:
    Link to the KB article: Camera Raw 6.1 for Photoshop Elements 8 on Mac OS
    #Install Camera Raw 6.2 plug-in for Photoshop Elements 8 on Mac OS
    Close Photoshop Elements 8 and Bridge CS5.
    Download Camera Raw_6_2.dmg from Opening the downloaded file mounts the disc image containing the following two files:  Camera Raw.plug-in and cameraprofiles.mpkg.
    Put the new version of the Camera Raw.8bi file that was downloaded into the same location as the original version.
    Navigate to the root of the local disk (not your home folder).
    Navigate to the following location: Applications/PSE8/Plug-Ins/File Formats.
    Move the original plug-in from the location listed in step 5 to a backup location (for example, a new folder on your desktop). Ensure that you keep this version in case you want to revert.
    Copy the downloaded copy of the Camera Raw plug-in into the installation location listed under step 6.
    Launch Photoshop Elements 8 or Adobe Bridge CS5.
    To install Camera Profiles, double-click CameraProfiles.mpkg and then follow the on-screen instructions
    Are you following the steps as mentioned above?

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    Then it's probably not 100%-compatible with the PDF security standard. You
    should post this question on an iText forum.

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    I'll delete your file soon after this message is posted. I only did it to prove my point.
    If the file is served via http and a browser is used to view/listen to it, people can borrow it.
    Your Flash Player format does make the file more difficult to borrow than the QuickTime format found in iWeb. The page design and the Flash Player integration takes only a "few more steps" in the design process.
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    You can try this.

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    According to your post, you're using Leopard, so FileVault only encrypts your user folder (unlike Lion). On the mounted external drive, in your user folder, you should see a file called username.sparsebundle, with username being your user name. Double-click that file to open it and it should prompt you for a password. Type in your password and the file will mount as a volume in Finder. You should be able to copy all of your files over.

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    Now thing is, I have upgraded my PC before realising I did this, so now I don't have the original iTunes library (formatted PC and reinstalled XP from scratch) - is there any tools out there that will find and delete all your copy protected files from iTunes?
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    I would go and re-rip all the songs, as I have the original discs, but this would take very long, and put quite a bit of strain on my CD drive, and this would not account for all the songs I have spent years finding on the internet/demo songs from friends bands.
    Any help is appreciated, as I would love to be able to remove all of his songs so they don't keep popping up in my iTunes library
    Thanks in advance.

    I have never tried this and am not at a computer with iTunes, but can you delete from a Smart Playlist? If so, you could make a smart playlist that shows songs that are of kind Protected ACC. Then select all and delete from that playlist. But I am not so sure if you can delete from a smart playlist.

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