Provider problem by building a secure transmission to a Smart Card

I have this problem:
I must accomplish a secure transmission with a smart card,
So the transmission is RSA coded.
A RSA key is generated, without any problems I think because the modulus is printed out.
And because he write the key to the card.
But when the transmission with the card begin the program breaks with the error message it could not find any RSA Provider
I use :
- Java 1.4.1
- bcprov-jdk14-117.jar
- jce unrestricted policy files
- cryptix-jce-20030102-snap
- FlexiFullProvider-1.1.3.signed.jar
- OCF1.2
The Programm code with causes the Error :
Line 78
public boolean enableSecureMessaging(CardFilePath path, byte keyNumber)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,
CardTerminalException {
KeyPairGenerator rsaKeyPairGenerator;
KeyPair rsaKeyPair;
RSAPubKey     rsaPublicKey;
RSAPrivCrtKey rsaPrivateKey;
RSAPrivateKeySpec rsaPrivateKeySpec;
DESedeKeySpec desKeySpec;
IV iv;
byte[] modulus;
byte[] exponent;
byte[] privateExponent;
byte[] modulusRecord;
byte[] exponentRecord;
byte[] sessionKey;
CredentialBag credentialBag;
TCOS2CredentialStore credentialStore;
ReceiveRSACommunicationCredential rsaCommunicationCredential;
DESedeCommunicationCredential desCommunicationCredential;
PassThruCommunicationCredential passThruCommunicationCredential;
// - RSA KeyPairGenerator initialisieren und ein Schl�sselpaar mit
// 512 Bit erstellen
rsaKeyPairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
rsaKeyPair = rsaKeyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair();
Provider[] providern;
     for (int i = 0; i<providern.length;i++)
// - Public und Private Key aus dem Schl�sselpaar extrahieren
rsaPublicKey = (RSAPubKey)rsaKeyPair.getPublic();
rsaPrivateKey = (RSAPrivCrtKey)rsaKeyPair.getPrivate();
modulus = rsaPublicKey.getModulus().toByteArray();
exponent = rsaPublicKey.getPublicExponent().toByteArray();
privateExponent = rsaPrivateKey.getPrivateExponent().toByteArray();
// - Komponenten des Public Key f�r die recordbasierte Speicherung in ein
// Bytearray schreiben
modulusRecord = new byte[0x43];
exponentRecord = new byte[0x06];
modulusRecord[0x00] = (byte)0x01;
modulusRecord[0x01] = (byte)0x41;
exponentRecord[0x00] = (byte)0x02;
exponentRecord[0x01] = (byte)0x04;
System.arraycopy(modulus, 0x00, modulusRecord, 0x43-modulus.length, modulus.length);
System.arraycopy(exponent, 0x00, exponentRecord, 0x06-exponent.length, exponent.length);
// - Komponenten des Public Key auf die Karte schreiben
// Dieser Public Key wird anschlie�end benutzt, um den SessionKey f�r die
// �bertragung zu verschl�sseln
fscs.writeRecord(path, 0x01, modulusRecord);
fscs.writeRecord(path, 0x02, exponentRecord);
// - Private Key in einer KeySpec speichern
rsaPrivateKeySpec = new RSAPrivateKeySpec(rsaPrivateKey.getModulus(),
// - Credential f�r die KommuniKation mit der Karte erstellen
// Verschl�sselt wird die RAPDU von der Karte zum PC mit dem zuvor in der
// Karte abgelegten Public Key
credentialBag = new CredentialBag();
credentialStore = new TCOS2CredentialStore();
rsaCommunicationCredential = new ReceiveRSACommunicationCredential();
System.out.println("Hier bricht die Sau ab!! [Martin, hat nat�rlich recht]");
rsaCommunicationCredential.initCipher(rsaPrivateKeySpec, keyNumber, null); System.out.println("Das Schwein i weiter unten!! [Amir]");
credentialStore.storeCredential(0x00, rsaCommunicationCredential);
Debug Message::
Bitte Karte einlegen
[INFO     ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2CardServiceFactory.getCardType
--- message TCOS 2.0 Release 3 smart card detected
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2CardServiceFactory
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.initialize
--- message
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.initialize
--- message
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.initialize
--- message
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.initialize
--- message
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.initialize
--- message
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
Sun JSSE provider(implements RSA Signatures, PKCS12, SunX509 key/trust factories, SSLv3, TLSv1)
SunJCE Provider (implements DES, Triple DES, Blowfish, PBE, Diffie-Hellman, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1)
SUN's provider for RSA signatures
SUN (DSA key/parameter generation; DSA signing; SHA-1, MD5 digests; SecureRandom; X.509 certificates; JKS keystore; PKIX CertPathValidator; PKIX CertPathBuilder; LDAP, Collection CertStores)
Sun (Kerberos v5)
Cryptix JCE Strong Crypto Provider
BouncyCastle Security Provider v1.17
modulus n: 0x4fa8e0ef3fba114c9a4fa74848007f611e01dc4b9ecde00dce08bcf86643a7385a82b4fb8206c6bf28ed82ce69e1541947c7a91e4528e10dc5c06c1142e10a91
exponent e: 0x10001
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.tcosSelect
--- message mode: 8 response mode: 0 data: DF 01 45 C1
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.buildAndSendCommandAPDU
--- message cla ins p1 p2 data le
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.buildAndSendCommandAPDU
--- message cred: null
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[INFO     ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.sendCommandAPDU
--- message Command: APDU_Buffer = 00A4080004DF0145C100 (hex) | lc = 4 | le = 0
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[INFO     ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.sendCommandAPDU
--- message Response: opencard.core.terminal.ResponseAPDU@1b9ce4b
0000: 6F 2F 83 02 45 C1 81 02 00 50 82 03 05 41 43 85 o/..E....P...AC.
0010: 06 01 C4 06 10 00 00 86 18 B2 00 00 00 FF FF DC ................
0020: 00 00 00 FF FF 2A 00 00 00 FF FF EE 00 00 00 FF .....*..........
0030: FF 90 00 ...
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.isofs.fileinfo.TCOS2CardFileInfo.TCOS2CardFileInfo
--- message Data: 0000: 6F 2F 83 02 45 C1 81 02 00 50 82 03 05 41 43 85 o/..E....P...AC.
0010: 06 01 C4 06 10 00 00 86 18 B2 00 00 00 FF FF DC ................
0020: 00 00 00 FF FF 2A 00 00 00 FF FF EE 00 00 00 FF .....*..........
0030: FF .
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.isofs.fileinfo.TCOS2CardFileInfo
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.tcosUpdateRecord
--- message SFI: -1 Mode: 4 Record Number: 1 Data: 0000: 01 41 00 4F A8 E0 EF 3F BA 11 4C 9A 4F A7 48 48 .A.O...?..L.O.HH
0010: 00 7F 61 1E 01 DC 4B 9E CD E0 0D CE 08 BC F8 66 ..a...K........f
0020: 43 A7 38 5A 82 B4 FB 82 06 C6 BF 28 ED 82 CE 69 C.8Z.......(...i
0030: E1 54 19 47 C7 A9 1E 45 28 E1 0D C5 C0 6C 11 42 .T.G...E(....l.B
0040: E1 0A 91 ...
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.buildAndSendCommandAPDU
--- message cla ins p1 p2 data
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.buildAndSendCommandAPDU
--- message cred: null
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[INFO     ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.sendCommandAPDU
--- message Command: APDU_Buffer = 00DC0104430141004FA8E0EF3FBA114C9A4FA74848007F611E01DC4B9ECDE00DCE08BCF86643A7385A82B4FB8206C6BF28ED82CE69E1541947C7A91E4528E10DC5C06C1142E10A91 (hex) | lc = 67 | le = -1
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[INFO     ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.sendCommandAPDU
--- message Response: opencard.core.terminal.ResponseAPDU@1292d26
0000: 90 00 ..
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.tcosUpdateRecord
--- message SFI: -1 Mode: 4 Record Number: 2 Data: 0000: 02 04 00 01 00 01 ......
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.buildAndSendCommandAPDU
--- message cla ins p1 p2 data
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[DEBUG    ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.buildAndSendCommandAPDU
--- message cred: null
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[INFO     ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.sendCommandAPDU
--- message Command: APDU_Buffer = 00DC020406020400010001 (hex) | lc = 6 | le = -1
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
[INFO     ] de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService.sendCommandAPDU
--- message Response: opencard.core.terminal.ResponseAPDU@5329c5
0000: 90 00 ..
--- thread Thread[main,5,main]
--- source class de.telesec.opencard.tcos20.service.TCOS2BaseCardService
Hier bricht die Sau ab!! [Martin, hat nat�rlich recht]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find any provider supporting RSA
     at sample.enableSecureMessaging(
     at sample.start(
     at sample.main(
Process sample finished
I hope you can help me !

Ok i have solved the Problem by myself, the solution is to do :
-rsaKeyPairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
but the cipher musst be
- cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS#1");
in the Java-Security all Providers have to disable be adding a # bevor each line
only this line has to put in
and last you have to load the Flexi Core and the cryptix Providers dynamicly
-Security.addProvider(new de.flexiprovider.core.FlexiCoreProvider());
-Security.addProvider(new cryptix.jce.provider.CryptixCrypto());

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    Thanks + Best Regards

    I found some links form technet site which can be helpful in this case
    Network access authentication and certificates
    Enable smart card or other certificate authentication
    Client certificate requirements
    With EAP-TLS or PEAP-EAP-TLS, the server accepts the client authentication attempt when the certificate meets the following requirements:
    The client certificate is issued by an enterprise CA or mapped to a user or computer account in Active Directory.
    The user or computer certificate on the client chains to a trusted root CA, includes the Client Authentication purpose in EKU extensions (the object identifier for Client Authentication is, and fails neither the checks that are performed
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    The 802.1X client does not use registry-based certificates that are either smart card-logon or password-protected certificates.
    For user certificates, the Subject Alternative Name (SubjectAltName) extension in the certificate contains the user principal name (UPN).
    For computer certificates, the Subject Alternative Name (SubjectAltName) extension in the certificate must contain the client's fully qualified domain name (FQDN), which is also called the DNS name
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

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    This can be resolved by going to services and disabling Smart card

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    # Configuration for security providers 1..6 omitted C:/pkcs11.cfg
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    name = ActivCard
    library = c:\windows\system32\acpkcs211.dll
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    Keystore type: PKCS11
    Keystore provider: SunPKCS11-ActivCard
    Your keystore contains 1 entry
    Cinek's dp ID, keyEntry,
    Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 36:19:DD:01:2E:A2:C5:F6:51:44:03:74:14:D5:62:C0
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    Enter Passphrase for keystore: 1111
    jarsigner error: java.lang.NullPointerException
    I`ve got the java.lang.NullPointerException !
    To find reason of the exception I`ve written simple application, which signs a byte array:
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    public class Main {
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              PrivateKey privkey = null;
              char[] pin = { '1', '1', '1', '1' };
              KeyStore smartCardKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS11");
              smartCardKeyStore.load(null, pin);
              Enumeration aliasesEnum = smartCardKeyStore.aliases();
              if (aliasesEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
                   String alias = (String) aliasesEnum.nextElement();
                   privkey = (PrivateKey) smartCardKeyStore.getKey(alias, null);
                   byte[] aDocument = new byte[100];
                   Signature signatureAlgorithm = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");
                   byte[] digitalSignature = signatureAlgorithm.sign();
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    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
         at java.math.BigInteger.modPow(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at$Delegate.engineSign(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Main.main(
    In debug, before this exception variables are:
    alias= "Cinek's dp ID"
    privkey =
    SunPKCS11-ActivCard RSA private key, 1024 bits (id 192168768, token object, not sensitive, extractable)
      modulus:          112271510887039102410124262012976131016781096451891854145879061791454872222254764386718257162446565027910080375427552248069203548913907633164297672417327888344423061606707834842776634133861005271620794248782338105033496749719965719732501903618453514554701005390412127008091861831421936757053019877456102263703
      public exponent:  65537
      private exponent: null
      prime p:          null
      prime q:          null
      prime exponent p: null
      prime exponent q: null
      crt coefficient:  null
    As you can see, private key has extractable attribute set, what is wrong. Attribute is set and key has no values.
    I think that can be the reason of NullPointerException. (Maybe when extractable = true, sign() methods expects key values filled).
    So, I can not sign anything.
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    attributes(*,CKO_PRIVATE_KEY,*) = {
      CKA_EXTRACTABLE = false
    but with no effect. Key was still extractable.
    Can you help me to solve this problem?
    PS. I`m using acpkcs211.dll (v3.2.102.0) as an implementation of PKCS#11. (Activcard says that it is PKCS#11 v2.11 implementation)
    PS2. Sorry for my english

    Can I ask you one question?
    Which driver did you specify? I mean the smarcard reader driver or the smartcard itself driver?
    If the second, does it come along with the card? because as far as I know I just got the smart card but no software at all (apart the smartcard reader driver).
    Can you help me out with this?
    thanks in advance,

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    Hi all,
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    Jdev version:
    Soa version:
    Please help me on this.

    Hi Lokesh,
    Iam not able to understand what you are trying to say. But my Input variable and Invoke Input variable are compatible, no problem on this. I got some clue from your reply.
    Finally I got it worked by doing it in another way.
    In my Invoking BPEL Process(ie. BPEL Process is trying to invoke the another BPEL Process using Partnerlink) wsdl I imported the partnerlink BPEL schema and it get solved my problem.
    eg) <import namespace="" schemaLocation="ParnerLinkBPELSchema.xsd"/>
    This can be usefull for others and I never did this to import the schema manually before, but it works without any errors.
    Now only it causing this problem, whether it is any Jdeveloper issue.
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    This workaround will usefull for others.
    Thanks for your reply.

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    Has anyone used Java Web Start to load application? I have given all-permissions to the application when loaded and also give the AllPermission in Policy.setPolicy() inside the code. I encountered the following problems right now.
    (1) In the application, I want to connect another server (different from the web server where I load the application), and get the following error (looks like that I cannot ping other server): Unable to ping ESRIMAP
    (2) I create local directory, connect to database, use the return results to create some corresponding local files and load the local files in the Swing component, but it just cannot load. Here is the error message: access denied ( C:\Documents and Settings\ABC\Desktop\.\shpdir read)
    I believe all these problems are resulted from security. But I have set the permission and policy already, so any solutions are highly appreciated!
    Best Regards

    Has anyone used Java Web Start to load application? I
    have given all-permissions to the application when
    loaded and also give the AllPermission in
    Policy.setPolicy() inside the code. I encountered the
    following problems right now.
    (1) In the application, I want to connect another
    server (different from the web server where I load the
    application), and get the following error (looks like
    that I cannot ping other server):
    Unable to ping ESRIMAP
    (2) I create local directory, connect to database, use
    the return results to create some corresponding local
    files and load the local files in the Swing component,
    but it just cannot load. Here is the error message: access denied
    ( C:\Documents and
    Settings\ABC\Desktop\.\shpdir read)
    I believe all these problems are resulted from
    security. But I have set the permission and policy
    already, so any solutions are highly appreciated!
    Best Regards
    DavidHello David,
    If you want to use local files(R&W) then you have to set the following lines the .jnlp file like this:
    </security>Now if you assign all permission then you have to make jar file signed.(you can use jarsigner tools provided with the jdk_1.4.* to make the jar file signed).
    If the jar file is signed then you have unrestricted access to the client side.
    best of luck.

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    The credit card in your account for your CC must match to what the CC company has on fike for you

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    The results show that you have a proxy server set and this can often cause problems with iTunes.
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    Try un-checking the proxy server check box.
    It might also be a good idea to run a malware check if you didn't know you had the proxy server set.
    You can download a free version of an excellent scanner- Malwarebytes here:

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    SOA Platform is running and accepting requests
    2015-03-03T21:37:46.686+04:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.mediator.dispatch.db] [tid: DaemonWorkThread: '4' of WorkManager: 'wm/SOAWorkManager'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: af825e85-00cc-4170-92b6-15c5c888edef-00000003,0:1968] [APP: soa-infra] waiting for delay period to get over2015-03-03 21:37:46.686 Server start time was 2015-03-03 21:34:46.532 delay was 60000 current difference=180154
    [2015-03-03T21:37:46.687+04:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.mediator.dispatch.db] [tid: DaemonWorkThread: '4' of WorkManager: 'wm/SOAWorkManager'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: af825e85-00cc-4170-92b6-15c5c888edef-00000003,0:1968] [APP: soa-infra] firstCleanupAttempt set to false
    [2015-03-03T21:38:29.826+04:00] [AdminServer] [ERROR] [WSM-02353] [oracle.wsm.resources.policymanager] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '12' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: af825e85-00cc-4170-92b6-15c5c888edef-0000006c,0] [APP: wsm-pm] Unable to get the Action Executor due to " [Security:090304]Authentication Failed: User OracleSystemUser [Security:090300]Identity Assertion Failed: User OracleSystemUser does not exist".
    I've already tried to stop the server and write in username/password as a plain text but it doesn't help.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance!

    Please check the existence of user 'OracleSystemUser' in your WL security provider.
    From admin console > security realms > my realm > users and groups > users .. then check if the user exists. If not, try manually creating it.
    I remember facing a similar issue with SOA before .. I don't remember if further steps is needed, but lets start by creating the user.

  • Why are Symmetric keys shorter than ASyemmetric keys and provide the same level of security.

    Can someone please help me with the following question.
    Can someone please give me a brief (if possible) why Symmetric Keys which are much shorter than Asymmetric keys provide a similar level of security (e.g. take as long to crack).
    I understand RSA and can to the math with a piece of paper and the Windows advanced calculator (e.g. encrypt and decrypt a sort message using a couple of small prims likes 53 and 59).
    I also understand ( to a very basic level) AES e.g. 128bit block cypher (I believe a CBC cypher using an unpredictable IV)
    Is there a simple answer if someone says why are Symmetric keys shorted and just as secure or it is just how it is? due to the different math?
    Thank you

    Symmetric Key is used for same key for encrypsion & decryption but ASyemmetric key is used two keys (Public & private key) for
    encrysion & decryption.
    1. If Public key is used for  encrypsion then private key is used for decryption
    2. If private key is is used for  encrypsion then public key is used for decryption.
    3. It is more secure than Syemmetric
    MCTS, MCP 2003,MCSA 2003, MCSA:M 2003, CCNA, Enterprise Admin, ITIL F 2011
      Script Gallary:
    Note: Disclaimer: This posting is provided & with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights..

  • Need to build the security roles (actual technical roles) with HRCON object

    I need to build the security roles (actual technical roles) with HRCON objectfor date driven security.
    Please help me that how could i learn and what should be the approach.
    i.e. What is the requirement for learing to build the security roles (actual technical roles) with HRCON object for date driven security.

    Hi marco,
    It is related to Context solution and I need to implement HR Security in terms of context solution.
    So Could you please describe Following points:
    1. What is context solution
    2. How can i implement this context solution and HR Basic security as well
    3 What is the prerequiest to learn about HR security
    4. I am new for HR Security, SO what would be the approach to implement HR Security.

  • Mail has become very, very slow.  Do I have a provider problem or is there something I can do with my Mac to speed it up?

    Mail has become very, very slow.  Do I have a provider problem or is there something I can do with my Mac?

    Couple of steps. One is general housekeeping and the other is performance related.
    If you have an extremely large number of messages in your inbox(es) or sent categories, consider the ones that remain relevant and purge those that are not. Do this regularly. Choose the Mailbox > Erase Deleted Items > In All Accounts...
    Afterwards, you can start by rebuilding your Mailbox indexes within your individual mail accounts. For each Account in the left panel of Mail under Inbox, select it, and then from Mailbox menu, choose Rebuild (bottom of menu). When you are done, exit and restart Mail.
    Still slow?

  • Problem creating service

    I am trying to to run my application using Java 5 and JBoss 4.2.1, but i am stuck in the middle. The error which i received is as follows:-
    2008-10-15 12:56:06,031 WARN | (org.jboss.system.ServiceController:337) - Problem creating service
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.jboss.system.ServiceController$ServiceProxy.invoke(
    at $Proxy0.create(Unknown Source)
    at org.jboss.system.ServiceController.create(
    at org.jboss.system.ServiceController.create(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at $Proxy4.create(Unknown Source)
    at org.jboss.deployment.SARDeployer.create(
    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.create(
    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(
    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(
    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at $Proxy5.deploy(Unknown Source)
    at org.jboss.system.server.ServerImpl.doStart(
    at org.jboss.system.server.ServerImpl.start(
    at org.jboss.Main.boot(
    at org.jboss.Main$
    2008-10-15 12:56:06,078 INFO | (org.jboss.logging.Log4jService$URLWatchTimerTask:440) - Configur
    ng from URL: resource:log4j.xml
    log4j: Reading configuration from URL resource:log4j.xml
    log4j: Could not find root logger information. Is this OK?I am not able to find the cause of this error. May be deployment is not happening. But the code was properly working on Java 4 and JBoss 3.0.0. Now when i migrated it to newer version , here i get this error.
    Please help me
    Thanks in advance

    Looking at your document URL for the WSDL, the PeopleSoft IB should contain "Service" in it's name, it looks like you are using your IB Gateway URL instead.
    This is what you posted:
    Try the following and this should resolve your problem.

  • A problem about build project fail...

    Hi all, I'm fairly new to iPhone programing and now get a problem about build project fail. ><
    I've downloaded a couple of sample codes from Apple web site and build them, but there are some errors messages as below...
    Could some body help me to handle this problem?? I'll be very appreciated~
    ================================ Error msg of "MoveME" sample ============================
    Building target “MoveMe” of project “MoveMe” with configuration “Debug” — (21 errors, 1 warning)
    Checking Dependencies
    warning: couldn't add '' tag to '/Volumes/MoveMe/build/': Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 UserInfo=0x33ba1f0 "Operation could not be completed. No such file or directory"
    error: unable to create '/Volumes/MoveMe/build' (Read-only file system)
    error: unable to create '/Volumes/MoveMe/build' (Read-only file system)
    Unable to create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/
    Unable to create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386
    Unable to create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/
    Unable to create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/
    Unable to create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/
    Unable to create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/
    warning: couldn't add '' tag to '/Volumes/MoveMe/build/': Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 UserInfo=0x33ba1f0 "Operation could not be completed. No such file or directory"
    error: unable to create '/Volumes/MoveMe/build' (Read-only file system)
    error: unable to create '/Volumes/MoveMe/build' (Read-only file system)
    Unable to create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/
    Unable to create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386
    Unable to create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/
    Unable to create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/
    Unable to create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/
    Unable to create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/
    mkdir /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (error: Read-only file system)
    mkdir /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (error: Read-only file system)
    cd /Volumes/MoveMe
    <> Info.plist -genpkginfo /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ -expandbuildsettings -o /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    error: The file “PkgInfo” does not exist.
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    error: The file “PkgInfo” does not exist.
    mkdir /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (error: Read-only file system)
    cd /Volumes/MoveMe
    /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsCore.framework/Resources/pbxcp -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -resolve-src-symlinks /Volumes/MoveMe/Default.png /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    pbxcp: error: open(): /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ [/SourceCache/pbxtools/pbx_tools-1059/pbxcp/fileutils.m:392]: No such file or directory
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    mkdir /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (error: Read-only file system)
    cd /Volumes/MoveMe
    /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsCore.framework/Resources/pbxcp -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -resolve-src-symlinks /Volumes/MoveMe/Placard.png /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    pbxcp: error: open(): /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ [/SourceCache/pbxtools/pbx_tools-1059/pbxcp/fileutils.m:392]: No such file or directory
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    mkdir /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (error: Read-only file system)
    cd /Volumes/MoveMe
    /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsCore.framework/Resources/pbxcp -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -resolve-src-symlinks /Volumes/MoveMe/DisplayStrings.strings /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    pbxcp: error: open(): /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ [/SourceCache/pbxtools/pbx_tools-1059/pbxcp/fileutils.m:392]: No such file or directory
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    mkdir /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (error: Read-only file system)
    cd /Volumes/MoveMe
    /Developer/usr/bin/ibtool --errors --warnings --notices --output-format human-readable-text --compile /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ /Volumes/MoveMe/MainWindow.xib
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    /* */
    Internal Error:
    Description: Compilation failed. Unable to write to path: /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    mkdir /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (error: Read-only file system)
    cd /Volumes/MoveMe
    /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsCore.framework/Resources/pbxcp -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -resolve-src-symlinks /Volumes/MoveMe/Icon.png /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    pbxcp: error: open(): /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ [/SourceCache/pbxtools/pbx_tools-1059/pbxcp/fileutils.m:392]: No such file or directory
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    mkdir /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (error: Read-only file system)
    cd /Volumes/MoveMe
    /Developer/usr/bin/ibtool --errors --warnings --notices --output-format human-readable-text --compile /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ /Volumes/MoveMe/MoveMeView.xib
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    /* */
    Internal Error:
    Description: Compilation failed. Unable to write to path: /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Read-only file system
    mkdir /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386 (error: Read-only file system)
    cd /Volumes/MoveMe
    /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -x objective-c -arch i386 -fmessage-length=0 -pipe -std=c99 -Wno-trigraphs -fpascal-strings -fasm-blocks -O0 -Wreturn-type -Wunused-variable -D_IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MINREQUIRED=20000 -isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator2.0 .sdk -fvisibility=hidden -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -gdwarf-2 -iquote /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ nerated-files.hmap -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/ own-target-headers.hmap -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/ all-target-headers.hmap -iquote /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ oject-headers.hmap -F/Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/include -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/ Sources -include /var/folders/bW/bWmyU-LjHBKBRZqhplPNE++TI/-Caches-/ -c /Volumes/MoveMe/main.m -o /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386/main.o
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386: Read-only file system
    {standard input}:unknown:FATAL:can't create output file: /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386/main.o
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386: Read-only file system
    mkdir /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386 (error: Read-only file system)
    cd /Volumes/MoveMe
    /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -x objective-c -arch i386 -fmessage-length=0 -pipe -std=c99 -Wno-trigraphs -fpascal-strings -fasm-blocks -O0 -Wreturn-type -Wunused-variable -D_IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MINREQUIRED=20000 -isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator2.0 .sdk -fvisibility=hidden -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -gdwarf-2 -iquote /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ nerated-files.hmap -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/ own-target-headers.hmap -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/ all-target-headers.hmap -iquote /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ oject-headers.hmap -F/Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/include -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/ Sources -include /var/folders/bW/bWmyU-LjHBKBRZqhplPNE++TI/-Caches-/ -c /Volumes/MoveMe/Classes/MoveMeAppDelegate.m -o /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386/MoveMeAppDelegate.o
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386: Read-only file system
    {standard input}:unknown:FATAL:can't create output file: /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386/MoveMeAppDelegate.o
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386: Read-only file system
    mkdir /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386 (error: Read-only file system)
    cd /Volumes/MoveMe
    /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -x objective-c -arch i386 -fmessage-length=0 -pipe -std=c99 -Wno-trigraphs -fpascal-strings -fasm-blocks -O0 -Wreturn-type -Wunused-variable -D_IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MINREQUIRED=20000 -isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator2.0 .sdk -fvisibility=hidden -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -gdwarf-2 -iquote /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ nerated-files.hmap -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/ own-target-headers.hmap -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/ all-target-headers.hmap -iquote /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ oject-headers.hmap -F/Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/include -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/ Sources -include /var/folders/bW/bWmyU-LjHBKBRZqhplPNE++TI/-Caches-/ -c /Volumes/MoveMe/Classes/PlacardView.m -o /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386/PlacardView.o
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386: Read-only file system
    {standard input}:unknown:FATAL:can't create output file: /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386/PlacardView.o
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386: Read-only file system
    mkdir /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386 (error: Read-only file system)
    cd /Volumes/MoveMe
    /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -x objective-c -arch i386 -fmessage-length=0 -pipe -std=c99 -Wno-trigraphs -fpascal-strings -fasm-blocks -O0 -Wreturn-type -Wunused-variable -D_IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MINREQUIRED=20000 -isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator2.0 .sdk -fvisibility=hidden -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -gdwarf-2 -iquote /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ nerated-files.hmap -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/ own-target-headers.hmap -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/ all-target-headers.hmap -iquote /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ oject-headers.hmap -F/Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/include -I/Volumes/MoveMe/build/ Sources -include /var/folders/bW/bWmyU-LjHBKBRZqhplPNE++TI/-Caches-/ -c /Volumes/MoveMe/Classes/MoveMeView.m -o /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386/MoveMeView.o
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386: Read-only file system
    {standard input}:unknown:FATAL:can't create output file: /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386/MoveMeView.o
    error: couldn't create directory /Volumes/MoveMe/build/ ormal/i386: Read-only file system
    Build failed (21 errors, 1 warning)

    Ya, something like that...
    I'm even new to Mac, thanks for your answer ^^"

  • Are theCRM training courses which would help me with building CRM security

        We are implementing CRM  and I am totally new to CRM. To build proper security around CRM, I am trying to find courses which gives me an understanding about CRM and the security implementation.  In addition to R/3 security courses, there are security specific courses for BW and HR which I am already familiar with.
    Can any one suggest me with relevant CRM courses?

    Dear Prasanthi,
    Check the below thread which gives you some useful documents.
    CRM Security
    There are several threads with similar query in this forum. So please do a search before posting in the forums that will obviously save your time.
    Edited by: Lakshmi Venigala on Dec 4, 2009 5:31 PM
    Edited by: Lakshmi Venigala on Dec 4, 2009 5:32 PM

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