PS CS4 Collage

Can someone tell me how to do a quick collage in CS4. I used to be able to do this with a layer mask, set gradient to black to white and drag. Nothing happens when I do this in CS4.
Please help!

I figured it out. My masks were not showing at all. I had to quit and restart. They were also set to screen instead of normal. Go figure. They are now appearing just as they should be.

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    Hello all,
    I just downloaded PhotoShop CS4 trial version and comparing it to Photoshop Elements 6. I noticed that there are no ways to print photo packages nor photo collages in CS4 ! The only thing CS4 can do is to print one photo at the time. Adobe Bridge only allows to output PDF photo layouts without any control on the output.
    Can somebody let me know if i need to purchase an Adobe Photoshop CS4 add-on package to be able to print photo packages/layouts and also create collages, or i have to stick with Elements 6 ?
    Many thanks for your support !
    Québec City

    Dear Bob,
    Many thanks for the reply !
    I have searched all over the Photoshop forums and never found anything about creating collage in CS4 !
    I have contacted Adobe in the last two evenings and the only thing they done were to transfer me back and forth between the Sales and service department and nobody were able to help me out.
    This is not a very good image they are projecting !
    I am a photograph and a very big PhotoShop Elements user, i downloaded the trail version of CS4, apart from a few added features, i have to say that PE does most of the work i need.
    But i still need to convince myself if i want to jump in the CS4 world !
    The only stopper for me at the moment, is printing and collage and CS4 seems to be lacking these features.
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    3- Do i need to purchase an add-on software package ?
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    Thanks Bob for your feedback !
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    With kind regards,

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    I'm not the most experienced yet, so there may be an easier way.  But, first, the images and the background should be the same resolution...which you can check/change by going to Image-->Image Size.  Then after dragging to your background use the free transform from the corner, while holding down the shift key.  This will keep it proportional.

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    ScottSutherland can you please private message me with your contact information.  So we can work on resolving your difficulties.

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    1. Unhandled exception! Crash dump saved to c:\users\public\documents\akvis\crashdump.
    Please help! I’m running version 6.0.1253.3084-r
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    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error.
    App terminated in an Unusual way.
    Contact app support
    I used to run in CS4 however it does not run at all. I'm wondering if a Visual C file got corrupted.

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    Geeborg wrote:
    This did not happen when I upgraded from CS3 to CS4 - all my 3rd Party Plug-Ins made that transition quite successfully.
    Yes it did.  You just don't remember having to deal with it.
    Photoshop does not ever install in the same folder as a prior version.  Thus CS5 will not see the plug-ins that have been installed in or under the Adobe Photoshop CS4\plug-ins folder.
    Thus you will need to install your plug-ins again, pointing them at the CS5 area.  Some (as mentioned above) may need to be upgraded.

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    1. Unhandled exception! Crash dump saved to c:\users\public\documents\akvis\crashdump.
    Please help! I’m running version 6.0.1253.3084-r
    I now get amessage stating:
    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error.
    App terminated in an Unusual way.
    Contact app support
    I used to run in CS4 however it does not run at all. I'm wondering if a Visual C file got corrupted.

    Without knowing exactly what the bug is in the Akvis code, I don't know.
    But some third party plugins always need an update when new versions of Photoshop are released (especially those that try to modify Photoshop's UI).
    We work hard to maintain plugin API compatibility, and most plugins work just fine in new versions, but there are always some problems to work out in third party plugin code.
    (Macintosh plugins are going through a lot of problems in CS5 because we had to change the UI toolkit used, and many assumptions made by plugin UI code no longer hold)

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    The option is available now through Creative Cloud, if you upload your Collage project to Creative Cloud there is an option to download in PSD format
    The steps would be:
    1. Upload your project to Creative Cloud from the tablet
    2. Open the Creative Cloud website ( on the computer with Photoshop
    3. In the Files section double-click the project to view it full screen
    4. Use the download option to save the file on your computer and select PSD as the format to save the project in
    5. Open the PSD in Photoshop from wherever you saved it on your computer
    (click to view larger)

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    You just bought a brand new fighter jet (when you apparently already had a perfectly good one sitting in the hangar behind your house), you're sitting in the cockpit, and you're radioing the tower asking how to start it up and fly a sortie?
    Oh, boy...that's a lot to answer. Have you taken the time to explore all the menus, try all the tools, read through the PDF manual and/or Help files? What you want (notice: no "h" in there ;) :)) to do isn't that hard, really, but you have to get a grip on the basics. There are literally thousands of places online that have ready-made tutorials that will walk you through those basic techniques, step-by-step.
    All you have to do is hit the Google. Try this format for seaching:
    photoshop tutorial poster|collage|composite

  • How to open two docs at once for a collage

    I am trying to create a collage. From reading Evening and Kelby it seems that I should create a blank document and then open the photos that I want to include. My next step is to make a selection or drag the whole file to the empty document. Finally, I should use free transform and move the layers around for my final result. My problem is that I cannot open two documents at once. If I create the blank document, once I open a photo it relaces the blank but I cannot have both open at the same time. I have looked through my books (no shortgage of photoshop books, just practical experience) and tried a search. Doers it make a difference if the photo I am trying to open is not in Lightroom or Bridge but simply on my desktop. I am certain that I am missing something simple but the solution eludes me. CS4 and an iMac 24. Thanks.
         Jack Polatin

    If you want to work in tabbed view, do it like this:
    Select the move tool. Go to the tab that contains one of the image files.
    Drag the image over the tab that has the blank document (Keep holding down the mouse button). Wait till that tab opens.
    Drag & drop the image into the blank document.

  • Color Change when saving from CS4

    I have an image from which I wish to make a selection and save as a .png or .gif file on transparent background to use in a collage.  When I re-save the image from CS4, the color is changed quite drastically (face from color to ash!).  The image was shot with a P&S as .jpg but opens in PS first in the cameraRaw dialogue for unknown reasons:
    When I save it from CS4:
    Result form the selection:
    How do I resolve this?

    For disabling JPEG in ACR go to EDIT => Preferences => Camera Raw and switch it to "Disable JPEG Support" at the bottom in JPEG and TIFF handling.
    It seems that you apply the ProPhoto colorspace via ACR.
    So the result can have two reasons: either the JPEG was saved untagged (converted to ProPhoto but without embedded colorspace) or it was tagged and saved with an embedded profile, but the other applications are non- or wrong colormanaged. Both will result in a desaturated image like it shows up to the right:
    How the appear in a non-colormanaged browser, see the names:
    Also the # in the image name (3rd image) indicates that your color settings (workspace settings) in PS are different from the colorspace of the image.
    Either apply sRGB when you go through ACR or disable the open JPEG with ACR feature as desribed above, which should preserve the original colorspace.

  • Collage Help

    Hi,  Im producing some QTVR movies for clients and end up with 72 images of the product.
    At the end I want to put all the images into a collage ... all lined up in rows (full size images)  Like this
    Each bike is a full size (5DMk2) image and it took me ages to copy / paste them into the final collage. I don't really have time to do this so is it possible to do it automatically with PS CS4 ??
    Thanks for any help  J

    I didn’t send anything to your inbox but Im sorry if it came to you and caused any problems.
    I’ve used a lot of forums before and didn’t do anything different on here than I normally would. I just posted a new thread.
    Sorry to disturb you

  • Error in VBA reference for Adobe Photoshop CS4 Object Library

    I'm using Windows 7 Pro, MS Office 2010 Pro and Creative Suite CS4 (with all updates).
    I will automate Photoshop via Visual Basic for Applications in MS Access.
    Befor using there the Adobe Photoshop CS4 Object Library I must reference it in VBA.
    But when I will du this, I get the message "Error loading DLL".
    When I will manually reference to the WIASupport.8LI File, I get the error: "Cannot reference this file"
    Can you give a tip, how I can solve this problem?

    I have the same problem!  I have photoshop cc2014 (which we own) and the object library shows, but not for cs 5.1 (30 day trial).
    Does registering unlock something?
    Help please!!

  • Installation problem on CS4 Master Collection

    WHen I attempt to install CS4 master collection on Vista Ultimate X64
    While the installer is "checking system profile" the next window shows "Loading Setup"
    I then get a System Check error page. The window label is "Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection Installer - Alerts"
    In the box it says, System Check.
    Critical Errors were found in setup for Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection.
    Session has dependencies that cannot be satisfied.
    please see the Setup log file for details. click Quit to exit Setup."
    Then there is a Quit button, that is the only option.
    Any ideas which services need to be enabled to be able to install creative suite?

    I do have service pack 1 for vista ultimate x64.
    Here is the end of the log....
    [ 436] Thu Oct 30 19:12:48 2008 DEBUG
    PayloadPolicyInit: BEGIN Updating installstate for payloads
    PayloadPolicyInit: END Updating installstate for payloads
    PayloadPolicyInit: BEGIN Creating policyNodes
    PayloadPolicyNode._SetPayloadAction: none for {092DF7B0-6E10-4718-9763-9704CC4E6EF9} Adobe Anchor Service CS4
    [ 436] Thu Oct 30 19:12:48 2008 ERROR
    Unable to load fileOptions from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\49b2c0059f3cb852831867eec06474a\resources\pages\Install\Options\Op tions.js
    Log of: object
    name {string}: TypeError
    message {string}: 'collectionID' is null or not an object
    number {number}: -2146823281
    description {string}: 'collectionID' is null or not an object
    [ 436] Thu Oct 30 19:12:48 2008 DEBUG
    updating path to Win32
    WizardControl: loading page "Progress" from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\49b2c0059f3cb852831867eec06474a\resources\pages\Install\Progress\P rogress.js
    updating path to Win32
    WizardControl: loading page "Register" from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\49b2c0059f3cb852831867eec06474a\resources\pages\Install\Register\R egister.js
    updating path to Win32
    WizardControl: loading page "Finish" from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\49b2c0059f3cb852831867eec06474a\resources\pages\Install\Finish\Fin ish.js
    HTML data complete: Welcome
    HTML data complete: Eula
    HTML data complete: Progress
    HTML data complete: Register
    HTML data complete: Finish
    [ 436] Thu Oct 30 19:12:48 2008 ERROR
    Critical errors were found in setup for Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection:
    - Session has dependencies that cannot be satisfied.
    Please see the Setup log file for details. Click Quit to exit Setup.
    [ 436] Thu Oct 30 19:17:23 2008 INFO
    END - Installer Session
    Doesn't really make sense to me....

  • Installed Premiere Pro CS4 but video display does not work?

    I just got my copy of CS$. After installing Premiere I found two things that seem very wrong:
    1) video display does not work, not even the little playback viewer next to improted film clips located on the project / sequence window. Audio works fine.
    2) the UI is way too slow for my big beefy system.
    My pc is a dual boot Vista-32 and XP system with 4GB of memory installed and nvidia geforce 280 graphics board with plenty of GPU power. The CS4 is installed on the Vista-32 partition. My windows XP partition on the same PC with Premiere CS2 works great and real fast.
    Any ideas how to solve this CS4 install issue?

    I would like to thank Dan, Hunt, and Haram:
    The problem is now very clear to me. The problem only shows up with video footage imported into PP CS4 encoded with "MS Video 1" codec. So this seems to be a bug. The codec is very clearly called out and supported within various menues but video with this codec just will not play in any monitor or preview window. In addition the entire product looks horrible with respect to performance while PP CS4 trys its best to play the video. Audio will start playing after about 30 seconds. And once in awhile part of video shows up at the wrong magnification before blanking out again.
    My suggestion to the Adobe team: fix the bug and add some sample footage to the next release so new installations can test their systems with known footage.
    My PC is brand new with the following "beefy" components:
    nForce 790i SLI FTW
    3x PCI Express x16 graphics support
    PCI Express 2.0
    NVIDIA SLI-Ready (requires multiple NVIDIA GeForce GPUs)
    DDR3-2000 SLI-Ready memory w/ ERP 2.0 (requires select third party system memory)
    Overclocking tools
    NVIDIA MediaSheild w/ 9 SATA 3 Gb/sec ports
    ESA Certified
    NVIDIA DualNet and FirstPacket Ethernet technology
    CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550
    S-Spec: SLAWQ
    Ver: E36105-001
    Product Code: BX80569Q9550
    Made in Malaysia
    Pack Date: 09/04/08
    Freq.: 2.83 GHz
    L2 Cache: 12 MHz Cache
    FSB: 1333 MHz (MT/s)
    Core: 45nm
    Code named: Yorkfield
    Socket: LGA775
    Cooling: Liquid Cooled
    NVIDIAGeForce GTX 280 SC graphics card
    1 GB of onboard memory
    Full Microsoft DirectX 10
    NVIDIA 2-way and 3-way SLI Ready
    NVIDIA PureVideo HD technology
    NVIDIA PhysX Ready
    NVIDI CUDA technology
    PCI Express 2.0 support
    Dual-link HDCP
    OpenGL 2.1 Capaple
    Output: DVI (2 dual-link), HDTV
    Western Digital
    2 WD VelociRaptor 300 GB SATA Hard Drives configured as Raid 0
    10,000 RPM, 3 Gb/sec transfer rate
    RAM Memory , Corsair 4 GB (2 x 2 GB) 1333 MHz DDR3
    p/n: TW3X4G1333C9DHX G
    product: CM3X2048-1333C9DHX
    XMS3 DHX Dual-Path 'heat xchange'
    2048 x 2 MB
    1333 MHz
    Latency 9-9-9-24-2T
    1.6V ver3.2

  • Text Wrap Options have Disappeared ID CS4

    All the icons in my Text Wrap window have disappeared. The tab/pallet is still there, but empty. The pop out still lists “Show Options” and “Apply to Master Page Only” are still there, but grayed out. Thanks in advance for any help!!

    Should have remembered that one.
    Thanks for the help!
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    Wally Flick
    Director Creative Services
    [email protected]
    314-854-0718 (voice)
    847-953-0774 (fax)
    Designer's Corner
    Designer's Blog
    BobLevine <[email protected]>
    02/01/2010 04:55 PM
    Please respond to
    [email protected]
    Walter Flick <[email protected]>
    Text Wrap Options have Disappeared ID CS4

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