PS Paths to DXF

I know that you can export either am EPS or AI file from PS which can be easily converted into a DXF file. My question is has anyone attempted to convert the paths from photoshop to a DXF via the power of scripting?

Hi Jongware, trying to decipher the request, I think the OP wants to move every selected path to a new layer each, not the whole selection to a single layer.
if that's the case, select your paths and run the script
var idoc = app.activeDocument;
var sel = idoc.selection;
for (i=sel.length-1; i>=0; i--)
                    var ilayer = idoc.layers.add();
                    var pgItem = sel[i];

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    I use a inexpensive plug in to join open paths from dxf dwg files it is call Concatenate by Rick Johnson if the paths are not  connected this will do it for you.
    Then you can go to Object>Path>Simplify
    That will probably give you the result you need.

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    I'm new to this forum, but I found this thread while googling the OSEG error I was getting when I tried to outline all of the strokes in an AI file (I'm using a Dell laptop, running CS4). All of my strokes were the same width, color, join (corner/smooth), miter limit, etc. Some of them had fill colors, the rest did not.
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    Have a look at Concatenate.
    I've never used it, but it seems to do the trick. For $20, it could save you a lot of time.

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    Not really. This is a limitation you will have to live with. Unless you are extremely careful, most paths will be converted to polyline segments by AI and in particular in AI CC this is somehow busted, so it happens more often. You might have much more luck opening a native AI file in DraftSight or a 2D CAD program like TurboCAD and exporting a DWG or 2D IGES/ STEP file from there. The sizing issue is a different matter, but without knowing what units you actualyl used, nobody can advise.

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    CS3, Windows XP.
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    If you have multiple identical (or, more likely, nearly identical) paths overlapping, you can probably eliminate that part of the problem with the export settings in the CAD program (which you don't specify). Look for settings to not include hidden lines (assuming you are exporting from flattend 3D models).
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    After getting a reasonable file into AI, try selecting all (excluding Text) and applying the Simplify command with curve accuracy set to 100%.
    Once you get the details ironed out, consider recording an Action to automate the steps that work best. For example, I routinely import DXF files exported from CATIA models and the apply an Action that:
    Selects all text objects.
    Inverts the selection.
    Removes compound paths.
    Simplifies paths.
    Applies a uniform stroke weight with rounded end caps and joins.
    Selects all.
    Selects all Text objects.
    Sets font, size, and weight.
    In a consistent workflow, importing the DXFs and doing most of the optimization (as much as it can be optimized) is pretty much a few clicks affair. Dealing with CAD files when you cannot control the export end (as when receiving them from multiple different vendors and softwares) is always a bit of a chore because of the variables.

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    The file in question is attached

    Hi ET, it's important to realize that what you see in Outline mode.. is just a wireframe and has no content whatsoever. So, if you view the file in Outline mode, that's not what is save or exported. What is saved and exported is the Preview Mode. So you'll need to work in that. I'm gathering that you're under the impression that Outline mode is a savable format. It's not. Everything is in Preview mode. Outline mode is only for illustrator and does not transfer to other formats.
    Switch back to preview mode, select the "R" and simply hold the shift key and tap x on the keyboard. This will reverse the fill and stroke giving the character no fill and a solid 1pt black stroke. You can then reduce the stroke weight if you want.
    I can't say with absolute certainty that this will correct the vendor issues with the file, however it would be the first thing I try because it does give the object a line weight. Outline Mode paths have no weight and are for on-screen viewing only.

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    ...the reason you have had no response is the fact that you are using 'pathfinder'…
    Such situations are where you consider using two scripts, between which you invoke an Action, or do something manually in the UI.
    The reason I (for one) have not responded is the problem is not fully described. No mention of version. Too little info about the requirements of the DXF results and the ultimate purpose.
    Any ideas?
    Maybe. Depends on some specifics of what you need in the resulting DXFs.
    First, I'm assuming this is a recurring need, therefore worthy of the time to plan, write, and test a semi-automated solution; not just a one-time need for a one-off project.
    Currently, I set my grid to 75 mm increments, create dividing lines every increment via snap to grid...
    Before getting into scripting, it sounds like you are creating the horizontal dividing lines one at a time. If so, using the Grid Tool, Tranform Effect, or even Transform Again would cut alot of time out of that.
    ...then use the divide pathfinder tool.
    The description of your problem suggests you just want to end up with paths which are merely cut at 75mm increments. Divide does not do that; it creates new paths which enclose visually-enclosed areas. So the result is like a set of puzzle pieces, which abut and share edges. If that's what you want, fine; it actually simplifies the problem because of Illustrator's absolutely ridiculous inability to properly cut paths. But your saying "These are non-filled paths..." suggests otherwise. If your use for the DXF is to drive a cutter, then Divide would result in double paths (double cuts). If that's not what you want, then you should be using the Outline Pathfinder instead. Like all of Illustrator's poorly-implemented Pathfinders, Outline also has its caveats: It will result in all paths being cut at all intersections, not just at intersections with the "cutting paths". Again, that may or may not be a problem, depending upon unknows about your ultimate purpose. For example, if the DXF results will be used for cutting, there may be no assurance of required cutting order (stacking order), if there is one.
    I need to be able to take an Illustrator file, have the file divided vertically, starting at the lowest point on the page, every 75 mm
    You don't say what version of Illustrator you are using. If CS5, then Javascript could create an array of Artboards, and create the straight "cutting paths" between them. Methods selectObjectsOnActiveArtboard() and exportSelectedArtOnly could then be used to export the contents of each Artboard, after the Pathfinder operation is performed.
    , then export as a DXF each part saved as a file with an alpha/numerical decending scheme starting from the bottom up.
    That part would be fairly trivial. Just loop through whatever incrementing naming convention you devise as the files are exported.
    I then go in each "box" and delete any new line created by the divide tool so that I am left with 75 mm tall chunks.
    This woudl be done before the exports. You would have to devise a means by which to identify the unwanted deadwood (remnants of the "cutting paths"). Again, it depends on what you need in the resulting DXF. If the "puzzle pieces" results of Pathfinder Divide are what you want, then there may not be any deadwood. If the "single paths" results of Pathfinder Outline is closer to what you need, then you would have to script a search for single-segment paths on which the Y position of both their anchors correspond to those of the Artboard edges.
    So conceivably, the general schema might go like this:
    Script A:
    Creates the array of abutting Artboards, each 75mm in height
    Draws the "cutting paths"
    Selects All
    You then click the Pathfinder button.
    Finds and deletes deadwood
    Loops through:
      Selecting the contents of each Artboard
      Assigning the name variables
      Exporting the selection

  • Fixing CAD Program Paths

    I'm often asked to edit drawings that were created in engineering CAD programs. I keep running into the same problem where Illustrator can't fill a closed path completely, and I can't find a workaround yet for this.
    Let's say I have a closed path of a basic shape, with rounded corners. (Well, I assume it's a closed path. It sure looks like it to me.) If I select this shape and fill with black, only the corners are filled black. The rest of the shape remains white.
    I'm looking for a command in Illustrator CS3 that will correct this path, so the shape will fill entirely with black.
    Can anyone comment on this, or offer a fix?
    I've asked the engineering guys to look into their Export or Save As settings on their end, but there doesn't seem to be anything. I have been receiving .AI files and also AutoCAD .DXF format files, if this is of any help. I also understand some of these files are drawn in SoftWorks.
    Thanks in advance for any potential help in fixing these simple paths.

    i've had to bring lots of cad files into illustrator and that's always a drag and non of the solutions are quick.
    you can use the plug in Concatenate to join segmented paths - this will require you to do one object at a time for clean results. you can do a whole document but you might end up with multiple merged objects etc. it's also not always clean, depending on your object you might end up with multiple lines on top of each other. but in general it helps a lot.
    one helpful thing to do before using it is to get rid of anchor points before joining.
    another way i've been working around this is by using the Live Paint. select the lines enclosing the shape you need and paint fill it.

  • Placing a ArchiCAD DXF into CS4 Illustrator

    Hi everyone,
    I am trying to open a DXF file into CS4 Illustrator but it's just not happening. The DXF is being provided by Graphisoft ArchiCAD. I've also been sent DXF files from autoCAD to test on to see if these open which also I'm afraid to say don't open either. The message I got for these was 'The operation cannot complete because there isn't enough memory (RAM) available', I have checked and there is more than enough memory.
    Any help will be very much appreciated.

    It worked fine for me…when I first double clicked on the file it opened Illustrator but not the file but when I doubled clicked again after AI was opened the file opened.
    You can try File>Place or File Open if Double clicking on the fies icon does not work.
    I will post this in the forum as well. You should not have any problems with this file which is AutoCAD 2000 or later.
    I see now you are concerned about the lines not being connected perhaps this is not AutoCAD 2000 I think AutoCAD 2002 and after will open in Illustrator as object and not paths I just happen to select one that was connected but I see others are not you might need Concatenate for this if you had Concatenate by Rick Johnson already then you do not need to purchase it you can download the CS 4 version free.

  • Loading dxf in swf

    Hello all
    I'm wondering whether there is any way to dynamically load a
    vector based filed (p.e. a dxf file) into a swf file. Explained in
    other words: I want to build a swf file (assume hello.swf) and
    define in flashvars (or whatever) a vector file (assume test1.dxf)
    which loads in hello.swf. In a next call I want to load into
    hello.swf another dxf (assume test2.dxf). Has anybody ever done
    something like this If yes would you mind sending me the *.fla?
    Many thanks

    all files has the same path
    @ root
    images folder
    xml folder
    and html code
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <title>Architect Moataz A. Fatah</title>
    <script language="javascript">AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</script>
    <script src="scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    margin-left: 0px;
    margin-top: 0px;
    margin-right: 0px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    <body bgcolor="#000000">
    <!--url's used in the movie-->
    <!--text used in the movie-->
    <!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
    <script language="javascript">
    if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) {
      alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");
    } else {
      AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,0,0','name ','gallery01','width','100%','height','100%','align','middle','id','gallery01','src','x',' quality','high','bgcolor','#000000','allowscriptaccess','sameDomain','allowfullscreen','tr ue','pluginspage','','movie','x' ); //end AC code
    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" name="gallery01" width="100%" height="100%" align="middle" id="gallery01">
    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
    <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
    <param name="movie" value="index.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /> <embed src="/index.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="100%" height="100%" name="gallery01" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />

  • Exporting file to dxf or dwg in Illustrator

    I am trying to export a pdf file to a dxf or dwg in Illustrator, but when I do it saves each individual path into it's own separate file. I end up with more than 18,000 png files.  What am I doing wrong?  

    I left the default settings as seen here...     Tried selecting "Export Selected Art Only" as well on the next attempt to export and got just a dxf file (woohoo!). I have sent the file on to the guy, but he has yet to respond if it works.  I will just keep changing up the settings until it comes out right!  Originally asked question to see if anyone had an immediate answer so I wouldn't have to go through trial and error.  Thanks for your input and appreciate your response/help with this.

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    Copy&paste position as path to Illustrator
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  • Illustrator 9 - Export in DXF

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    Wenn ich die AI-Files in Corel importiere und als DXF speichere, funktioniert es, aber das kann ja nicht der Sinn der Sache sein.
    Bin für jeden Rat dankbar.

    You have a few ways of limiting images/artwork. I believe one of the following ones should work.
    A) Create a closed path round the parts to be cut and Object>Clipping Mask>Make;
    B) If you have vector artwork to cut, depending on its nature it may be possible to select the closed path as in A), then Object>Path>Divide Object Below and delete outlying parts;
    C) If the cutting is rectangular, either set the Artboard to Fit to Artwork or create an Artboard covering what you want (Artboard Tool);
    D) The dirty destructive deed, with the Clipping Mask selected:
    1) In the Transparency palette/panel dropdown list select anything but Normal (Multiply is fine; this step may be unneeded in your version, you may try;
    2) Object>Flatten Transparency, just keep the defaults including 100% Vector;
    3) Shudder.

Maybe you are looking for

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