PSE12 Licensed copy says it is trial copy

I have recently installed and used licesnsed / registered copy of PSE12 for a few weeks (< a month).
Had to reinstall PSE12 after having to go back to a previous (windows vista) restore point, due to other software problem (which is now sorted)
After re-intalling PSE 12 (repeatedly) it refuses to open and says
"adobe.photoshop.elements 12   Your trial has expired    Buy now"
What do I do now?

Does it give you the option to enter your serial number?  That should re-activate it.

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    The only difference should be that the trial is limited to 30 days use. All functionality works and nothing is watermarked Trial or suchlike.
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    I doubt the license is affecting the performance - it might be a case of the software being too old for the machine.
    In any case, you can contact Adobe support thru chat and have them reset your activation count to eliminatre your doubts regarding the license.
    For the link below click the Still Need Help? option in the blue area at the bottom and choose the chat option...
    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC) ( )

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    Thanks for the reply.
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    adobe allows platform swaps, but only with the latest (xi) version, Order product | Platform, language swap
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    The latest update, LR 5.6.  And make sure the computer’s OS is OSX 10.7 or Windows 7 or newer. 
    CC-licensed LR 5.6:

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