Public FUNCTION not a

Is it possible within OWB to create a database function that is used in a WHERE clause but not as a transformation?
For example:
I have a date conversion function that receives a custom formatted Julian date as a numeric and converts it to an Oracle DATE type. I use it in WHERE clauses to retrieve rows that have the Julian date >= <conversion_function>(SYSDATE -3) to get rows that are 3 days old. This method will use any indexes on the source side where no developer fingers shall trod ;-)>
I don't want it as a transformation, but I'd like OWB to be able to deploy it in whatever environment I select as a Runtime Target.
Many thanks.

Well, maybe I spoke too soon on this one.
I created a function in my Module to convert an Oracle DATE column to a quasi-Julian date column. When I paste that into a FILTER Operator it shows as "function"."date_to_julian"(sysdate -1).
It validates OK. When I try to deploy it from Deployment Manager it doesn't even show up in the right-side window to attempt a deployment.
How and why does it use the "function" as the apparent owner?
How do I deploy a function (I'd like to make it public to be shared both in OWB mappings and on the target database)?
I've tried it from both the Public Transformation area and inside my Module but to no avail.
A little guidance is greatly appreciated.

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    Post Flex language questions in the Flex General Discussion
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            <mx:FormItem label="Email:">
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    borderColor="#666666" borderStyle="solid">
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    And I am incorrect...
    Have you ever changed your passcode?
    Try again.   Maybe a typo?

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    Hi Lucas,
    According to your description, you want to return the difference between two date. It seems that you want to get the days. Right?
    In Reporting Services, when we use DATEDIFF() function, we need to specify the data interval type, for days we can use "dd" or DateInterval.Day. So the expression should be like:
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    Expression Examples (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

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    during the installation you have skip
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    what you can do is copy the file ub80w32.dll
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    If you selected to erase the device using the find my iPhone erase feature, as soon as your iPhone reconnects with apple systems, it will erase.  This command cannot be cancelled.  However, you will be able to restore your device using the most recent icloud or itunes backup.
    Hope this helps.

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    i am trying to register jabebr from public network with use of EXP-C and E.
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    thanks fro your response to correct me with configuration.
    1) Configuration as it pertains to the design on the Expressways
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    2) Firewall blocking the UDP traffic.
    if no rule define, how can it block and what need to configure for jabber with audio?
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    i am using single NIC.
    If you are doing a Single NIC design and will have a private IP for the Expressway-E you must fulfill these 4 requirements
    1)    Static NAT Mode Enabled on the IP Configuration page of the Exp-E
    i will enable it on EXPE>.
    2)    Static NAT Address Configured on the IP page of the Exp-E
    what need to EXPE for this NAT option?
    3)    Expressway-C must resolve the Expressway-E FQDN to the Public IP, not the private
    if this is resolving private ip, would be any problem?
    4)    NAT Reflection (Hairpinning) must be configured on the firewall so that traffic from the Expressway-C can be sent to the Expressway-E public IP and that can be redirected to the Expressway-E private IP. Please note not all firewalls support this functionality
    please tell me how can enable NAT reflection on firewall to working it?

  • Aggregation of analytic functions not allowed

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    AVG(Resolution_time) KEEP(DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY RANK ) OVER(PARTITION BY "User's Groups COMPL".Group Name,"Tickets Report #7 COMPL".Resource Name )
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    Group Name      Resourse name    Calculation1
    SH Group            Mr. A            10
    SH Group            Mr. A            10
    SH Group            Mr. A            10
    SH Group            Mr. A            10
    SH Group            Mr. A            10
    5112 rowsI tried to create another calculation in order to have only ONE value for the couple "Group Name, Resource Name) as AVG(Calculation1) but I have the error: Aggregation of analytic functions not allowed
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    SH Group            Mr. A            10....that it means I grouped by Group Name, Resource Name
    Anyone knows how can I achieve this result or any workarounds ??
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Rod unfortunately I can't use the AVG(Resolution_time) because my dataset is quite strange...I explain to you better.
    Ι start from this situation:
    There are 3 calculated fields:
    RANK is the first calculated field:
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY "User's Groups COMPL".Group Name,"Tickets Report Assigned To & Created By COMPL".Resource Name,"Tickets Report Assigned To & Created By COMPL".Incident Id  ORDER BY  "Tickets Report Assigned To & Created By COMPL".Select Flag )
    RT Calc is the 2nd calculation:
    CASE WHEN RANK = 1 THEN Resolution_time END
    and Calculation2 is the 3rd calculation:
    AVG(Resolution_time) KEEP(DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY  RANK ) OVER(PARTITION BY "User's Groups COMPL".Group Name,"Tickets Report Assigned To & Created By COMPL".Resource Name )
    As you can see, from the initial dataset, I have duplicated incident id and a simple AVG(Resolution Time) counts also all the duplication.
    I used the rank (based on the field "flag) to take, for each ticket, ONLY a "resolution time" value (in my case I need the resolution time when the rank =1)
    So, with the Calculation2 I calculated for each couple Group Name, Resource Name the right AVG(Resolution time), but how yuo can see....this result is duplicated for each incident_id....
    What I need instead is to see *once* for each couple 'Group Name, Resource Name' the AVG(Resolution time).
    In other words I need to calculate the AVG(Resolution time) considering only the values written inside the RT Calc fields (where they are NOT NULL, and so, the total of the tickets it's not 14, but 9).
    I tried to aggregate again using AVG(Calculation2)...but I had the error "Aggregation of analytic functions not allowed"...
    Do you know a way to fix this problem ?

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    App Store Failure / Updates White Screen
    Tap Settings > General > Date and Time > Set Automatically > Off. Set the date one year ahead. Then try to access the App Store.
    It may be a connection issue. Try changing your DNS settings to Google’s open DNS by tapping Settings > Wi-Fi >, tap the blue arrow next to your current Wi-Fi network, and then tap the “DNS” field and enter the DNS servers; (Google’s Public DNS, also alternate).

  • HT5624 how do I change the security questions on my daughters itunes account. I do not remember adding the questions and they do not make sence to me. can not figure out how to get to her  email account that it is showing for her altern

    I cant seem to be able to change the secutity questions on my minor daughters itunes account. I set the account up but I do not remember adding the security questions and they do not make sense to me. It says that the alternate account it would be sent to is@ but I can not figure our how to get to it to retreive the email to reset the questions. My daughters account may have recently been hacked so I am trying to change all passwords. I changed the itunes account and added another email but I still can not change security questions in case I ever need them.
    <Email Edited by Host>

    We are fellow users here on these user-to-user forums, you're not talking to iTunes Support nor Apple - I've asked the hosts to remove your email address from your post (it's not a good idea to post personal info on any public forum).
    The reset link on an account will only show if there is a rescue email address on it, alternate email addresses are different and not used for resetting them. If she has a rescue email address on her account then steps 1 to 5 half-way down this page will give you a reset link on the account :
    Navigate to using your web browser.
    Click "Manage your account"
    When prompted, sign in using your Apple ID and password.
    Click Password & Security
    You'll be asked to answer 2 of your 3 security questions before you can make any modifications. If you are unable to remember your answers, you can choose to send an email to your rescue email to reset your security questions.
    If she doesn't have a rescue email address (you won't be able to add one until you can answer your questions) then you will need to contact Support in your country to get the questions reset.
    Contacting Apple about account security :
    When they've been reset (and if you don't already have a rescue email address) you can then use steps 1 to 7 half-way down the HT5312 link above to add a rescue email address for potential future use

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