Publish and announce problem

I'm using iWeb 06, version 1.1.2. Lately when I publish, it seems to act normally (creates the pages and then publishes in background) and the site in fact gets published, but iWeb won't stop publishing and so won't let me announce the site. This occurred after a hard disk failure and I had to rebuild part of the site (from cutting and pasting from the site in the browser). It publishes fine to a folder. The iWeb expert at Apple said there is nothing wrong with iWeb, and it must be Mobileme; the Mobileme expert said just the opposite. Thanks for any suggestions.

I figured this out. In reconstructing the site after the hard drive failure, I inadvertently created a duplicate page, one with the same name and same content as another page. Once I deleted one of them, everything worked. I figured this out by deleting a number of pages and then publishing, which worked, and then undoing the delete on these pages a few at a time and successfully publishing, until I hit the duplicate page.

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    Have you set up ws-security between your webcenter and discussion server? If not you need to set it up to get rid of the authentication error.
    Are you setting up a single-sign on between all webcenter components using OAM? If so there is an additional step to add/update owc_discussions.sso.mode property under discussion admin.

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    Make your site private and add a username and pw, then publish your site. You will get a popup when it is done publishing which gives you the option to announce your site. If you choose that option the user name and pw will be sent to those you choose. If you opt to have people visit your site, they will need the username and pw that you made youe site private with. Hope that helps.

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    There is Enhancement Request on this problem created on Metalink (Bug 5571606) for about a year. It is marked as "Very desirable feature" but no info about when this desireable feature will be available. I asked Portal consultant at Oracle Services and was told, it depends on how many and how big customers would request this feature on behalf of their valid Support Contract.
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    Regards Jiri Rohlicek

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    I don't know if Flash has a memory limit of its own. The memory for your Flash file is based on the available memory on your computer.
    There is a limit on the number of frames that you can have in any given timeline. I think that it's about 15000 frames, but that's a guess. Flash does all of its work at runtime, this means that no part of your animation is pre-compiled like it is in a video file. So the more objects that you have on the stage, the more work Flash has to do. It follows that the more objects that there are to animate, the more work your processor and the video card have to do.
    Here's a list of articles on memory management that might be useful:
    Garbage collection internals for Flash Player and Adobe AIR | AdobeDeveloper Connection
    actionscript 3 - What are good memory management techniques in Flash/as3 - Stack Overflow
    AS3 Memory Management Tips

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    State: 08004. Code: 10018. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused.
    [nQSError: 13024] Successful completion of init block 'LDAP Authentication' is required. (08004)
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    Thanks & Regards
    Rajesh J

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    2. Why are the "Publish" and "Visit" buttons greyed out now?
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    Do you have .Mac set to synchronize mailboxes? I don't know whether this could be part of the problem but if you use .Mac it's worth checking.
    Do you keep mail messages on the server? This could be another reason. When you create a new account it might be downloading all old mail. I have my advanced settings to retain mail for only 1 week, then delete it from the server. I keep messages on my computer for preference.
    I've just checked in Mail Help and for IMAP accounts the mail is kept on the server even though an account is deleted. For POP accounts it can be kept on the server too unless you have specified for it to be removed after a certain time.
    Connection Doctor seems to remember all previous accounts that have been used but should indicate that deleted accounts can't be connected. I don't know which file contains this information but it will probably be in the user Library somewhere.

  • Trying to publish and getting error message.

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    Please try de-activating and re-activating Muse from the Help menu and re-launch (follow the onscreen prompts).
    If the above doesn't help, please try clearing Muse preferences as mentioned here - . Once done try to publish again and let me know if you get any error message.

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    If anyone has any insight, I would greatly appreciate it.

    The site runs fine offline. If I am watching it locally, it seems to be OK. The problem only occurs when I copy all of the content to the host. I have also checked to be sure that the images are in the correct folder and uploaded.
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    Also, here is the URL of the site for review

  • Subscriber apperars as Publisher and Subscriber in Cluster Nodes

    A CUCM 5 cluster has two nodes. One node Publisher and one Subscriber.
    3 weeks ago Subscriber server went off due to a power supply issue.
    We purchased a new power supply and when this server became alive, the following appeared in OS ADMINISTRATION -> SHOW CLUSTER
    If i remove server as Publisher Type of Node, will i face any problems?
    Thank you.

    Hi Aman.
    admin:utils service list
    Requesting service status, please wait...
    System NTP [STARTED]
    System SSH [STARTED]
    Service Manager is running
    Getting list of all services
    >> Return code = 0
    A Cisco DB[STARTED]
    A Cisco DB Replicator[STARTED]
    Cisco AMC Service[STARTED]
    Cisco AXL Web Service[STARTED]
    Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service[STARTED]
    Cisco CAR Scheduler[STARTED]
    Cisco CAR Web Service[STARTED]
    Cisco CDP[STARTED]
    Cisco CDP Agent[STARTED]
    Cisco CDR Agent[STARTED]
    Cisco CDR Repository Manager[STARTED]
    Cisco CTIManager[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager Admin[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager Attendant Console Server[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager Cisco IP Phone Services[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager Personal Directory[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager Serviceability[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager Serviceability RTMT[STARTED]
    Cisco Certificate Expiry Monitor[STARTED]
    Cisco DHCP Monitor Service[STARTED]
    Cisco DRF Local[STARTED]
    Cisco DRF Master[STARTED]
    Cisco Database Layer Monitor[STARTED]
    Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer[STARTED]
    Cisco Electronic Notification[STARTED]
    Cisco Extended Functions[STARTED]
    Cisco Extension Mobility[STARTED]
    Cisco Extension Mobility Application[STARTED]
    Cisco IP Manager Assistant[STARTED]
    Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App[STARTED]
    Cisco License Manager[STARTED]
    Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool[STARTED]
    Cisco RIS Data Collector[STARTED]
    Cisco RTMT Reporter Servlet[STARTED]
    Cisco SOAP - CDRonDemand Service[STARTED]
    Cisco Syslog Agent[STARTED]
    Cisco TAPS Service[STARTED]
    Cisco Tftp[STARTED]
    Cisco Tomcat[STARTED]
    Cisco Tomcat Stats Servlet[STARTED]
    Cisco Trace Collection Service[STARTED]
    Cisco Trace Collection Servlet[STARTED]
    Cisco WebDialer Web Service[STARTED]
    Host Resources Agent[STARTED]
    MIB2 Agent[STARTED]
    Native Agent Adapter[STARTED]
    SNMP Master Agent[STARTED]
    SOAP -Log Collection APIs[STARTED]
    SOAP -Performance Monitoring APIs[STARTED]
    SOAP -Real-Time Service APIs[STARTED]
    System Application Agent[STARTED]
    Cisco CTL Provider[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco CallManager SNMP Service[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco DirSync[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco Messaging Interface[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco Serviceability Reporter[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Primary Node =true
    admin:utils service list
    Requesting service status, please wait...
    System NTP [STARTED]
    System SSH [STARTED]
    Service Manager is running
    Getting list of all services
    >> Return code = 0
    A Cisco DB[STARTED]
    A Cisco DB Replicator[STARTED]
    Cisco AMC Service[STARTED]
    Cisco AXL Web Service[STARTED]
    Cisco CDP[STARTED]
    Cisco CDP Agent[STARTED]
    Cisco CDR Agent[STARTED]
    Cisco CDR Repository Manager[STARTED]
    Cisco CTIManager[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager Admin[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager Attendant Console Server[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager Cisco IP Phone Services[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager Personal Directory[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager Serviceability[STARTED]
    Cisco CallManager Serviceability RTMT[STARTED]
    Cisco Certificate Expiry Monitor[STARTED]
    Cisco DHCP Monitor Service[STARTED]
    Cisco DRF Local[STARTED]
    Cisco DRF Master[STARTED]
    Cisco Database Layer Monitor[STARTED]
    Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer[STARTED]
    Cisco Electronic Notification[STARTED]
    Cisco Extended Functions[STARTED]
    Cisco Extension Mobility[STARTED]
    Cisco Extension Mobility Application[STARTED]
    Cisco IP Manager Assistant[STARTED]
    Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App[STARTED]
    Cisco License Manager[STARTED]
    Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool[STARTED]
    Cisco RIS Data Collector[STARTED]
    Cisco RTMT Reporter Servlet[STARTED]
    Cisco Syslog Agent[STARTED]
    Cisco Tftp[STARTED]
    Cisco Tomcat[STARTED]
    Cisco Tomcat Stats Servlet[STARTED]
    Cisco Trace Collection Service[STARTED]
    Cisco Trace Collection Servlet[STARTED]
    Cisco WebDialer Web Service[STARTED]
    Host Resources Agent[STARTED]
    MIB2 Agent[STARTED]
    Native Agent Adapter[STARTED]
    SNMP Master Agent[STARTED]
    SOAP -Log Collection APIs[STARTED]
    SOAP -Performance Monitoring APIs[STARTED]
    SOAP -Real-Time Service APIs[STARTED]
    System Application Agent[STARTED]
    Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco CAR Scheduler[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco CAR Web Service[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco CTL Provider[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco CallManager SNMP Service[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco DirSync[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco Messaging Interface[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco SOAP - CDRonDemand Service[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco Serviceability Reporter[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Cisco TAPS Service[STOPPED]  Service Not Activated 
    Primary Node =false
    Thanks in advance.

  • Error integrating publisher and BI

    Hi all!
    I'm trying the 11g version of BI. We want to separate the security of Publisher and Analytics: in Publisher the users log with LDAP. This is ok, because users can log perfectly in both places. The problem is when we try to do one report in Publisher. The next error appears:
    No input xdo file path is specified
    And we can't, for example, create a data model from Answers because the catalog appears empty.
    What's happening?? What does that error mean?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi ,
    I am experiencing the same problem.
    From the Application Roles;
    First , I created a role like 'XMLP_ADMIN'.
    ThenI gave authenticated-role to the XMLP_ADMIN
    When I do like this I can handle my problem.I hope this helps...

  • Mix published and unpublished events in one calendar?

    Just got an iPhone.
    Is there a way to mix published and unpublished events in one calendar?
    I've heard that other calendar software have this option.
    With iCal on a Mac it's possible to choose which calendars to view, so then it's not a problem to have one published and one unpublished calendar.
    But with iCal on iPhone you can only choose between viewing ONE and ALL calendars.
    I subscribe to a bunch of other peoples calendars, so viewing ALL is never an option..
    So now I would like to write all my events, published and private, into ONE calendar. Is that possible?

    Yes. I tried changing the setting to Sync All Events (instead of the time limited sync) and let it refresh. No change. No display
    I also tried rescheduling the event by one hour on the same day (no other changes), then save. No change. No display.
    I ended up deleting the events and re-entering them, with identical information (including the recurring end date, remarks, etc., you name it), and then the events appeared like the rest of them in the same calendar.
    I'd still like to know if there is a solution to the original problem. I'm still concerned that other events, maybe in the other calendar as well, are no appearing and it's impossible to rely on a sample or to verify every event.
    Thanks for your assistance.

  • Publishing and synching calendars

    I have trying to sort this out. I am currently publishing a 'dojo' calendar for my aikido group using ical and my .mac account and that has been going smoothly. Now I would like to have access to a 'home' calendar I am beginning to use both on my ipod and on both my computers. I do not want my home calendar visible to the dojo members. No problem synching to my ipod. But, can I use my network between my two computers to synch my 'home' calendar without it being published through my .mac account?

    That should be no problem. Your .Mac iCal synch function will synch all of the active calendars you have on iCal, but you can individually select which calendars you would like to publish, and where you would like to publish them.
    For example, you could use the publish function to publish your dojo calendar on a public page, and you could select to publish your Home calendar (if you even need to publish - you don't need to publish to synch) to a private web page (see Just select the calendar you want to publish, select Calendars drop down menu, Publish, and then choose location.
    hope that helps,

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