Publish flash movie

I imported a mpeg movie into flash. When publishing, I
selected the ArticOverAll skin for movie controls. However when I
open the html page, no controls are visible, and right clicking
does not have show 100%.
I then tried publishing as window projector format only. I
created a web page with alink to this exe file which when opened
allowed me to right click on it, select 100% and controls were now
Why can't I get the flash/html publishing to show movie

Hi Sandy
Thank you for replying to my post. Im sorry for the late reply, as for some reason I didn't get any notification through email.
I tried to send my file to the email you have provided but for some reason I cannot send it, I get an automatic email saying it has failed to send the email :/. And as for my OS, its windows XP Professional 2001. Im not quite sure what Flash Version I have as the school has provided me with the software, im sorry.
Thanks again,

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    Hi Corona,
    The screen size is whatever you captured or specified during
    the recording or new movie setup process. This will cause the
    playback control to be placed "on top of" some portion of the
    captured background, but there are two ways around that problem.
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    Best of luck, Corona, and omid02. Hope this helps, in
    conjunction with the advice that Rick has already offered.

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    Take one of the old SWF files and rename it to the name you
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    Actually that makes me think, go into the publish settings
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    So how can I make sure the project will run as it should when I start it the first time?
    Kind regards,

    No worries, should've figured out you meant the size Anyway, the animation is 273 kb as of now.
    I tried to add an all white slide with nothing on it for 25 seconds. It works a bit better, the following slides runs a bit smoother. Still a bit of a hassle to add a slide with no real information on it. Guess I have to be creative.
    Kind regards,

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    No i didn't do that in my first series of tries. Following
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    interact with the user.
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    text ;-) ).
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    Thanks in advance

    Actually, I got it working now...
    It seems that I have to have all the files in the same folder
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    Cheers, J

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    I've tried every which way, i've even converted the embed tags (not uploaded by the way) to a js script and it STILL gets cropped of on 2 ie8 run OS systems...
    And now i'm not sure what else to try on my end.
    I'm currious if because this is an XML driven flash banner, this may be an issue? But it still doesn't explain why some people can see this in IE 8 as you can and others get a cropped banner like in my screen shot sample.
    Again i invite everyone in the forum to take a look at the sample links, as i'd be curious to see who else is seeing this.
    By the way "kglad" Thank you so much... please keep the suggestions coming... but everything you've suggested, i've tried.
    This is very perplexing. Is this a setting issue? or is there some setting on the user side i'm not aware of? Either way, as usual... the flash developer is blamed so i must find a solution.
    Link to flash sample
    Link to screen shot sample on a Vista and Windows 7 running IE 8 browser
    Again... eagerly await feed back from you and the rest of the forum.
    Message was edited by: RegGFX

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    In Flash you'll have to import those PSD files which can then be used as bitmaps and/or movie clips. Simply click on File -> Import and select the PSD file. Then you'll be presented with a dialog where you can select which layers to import.
    Hope this helps.

  • Flash movie controlling Captivate navigation in an Aggregator project

    Hi everyone,
    I have a Flash movie which shows a Continue button after an interaction is completed by the user. This functionality prevents the user from clicking through the interaction slides so there is no captivate playbar or nav available. This Continue button works fine in advancing the Captivate movie that contains the Flash movie while published as an individual captivate file. However, when I take that published captivate movie and load it into an aggregator project, the communication of the cpCmndGotoSlide variable does not function properly. I'm using the following code in the Flash movie:
    // captivate access...
        var myRoot:MovieClip = MovieClip(root);
        var cptxMovie:MovieClip = MovieClip(myRoot.parent.root);
        var slide:String = cptxMovie.cpInfoCurrentSlide;   // get current slide for workaround below
    // Continue button handler...
    // cptxMovie.cpCmndNext = 1;  // wouldn't work at all
    var theNextSlide:Number = Number(slide) + 1;       // workaround for cpCmndNext not working
    cptxMovie.cpCmndGotoSlide = theNextSlide;
    Is this because I'm calling the root, and the root is the outermost parent (the aggregator movie) and I need to communicate with the immediate parent of the flash movie (the submodule captivate)?
    How can I access the intermediate captivate while it is in aggregator?
    This is an AS3 flash and captivate and I'm using Captivate 5.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Tristan,
    Thanks for the reply and the great code!
    I tried it out and got the dynamic text field to display that it had found the main timeline, however, it still would not advance properly. Maybe I'm not doing something right with it. Here's how I had it:
    // captivate access...
    var cptxMovie:MovieClip = getParentWithProperty("cpCmndGotoSlide", this);
    var slide:String = cptxMovie.cpInfoCurrentSlide;
    function getParentWithProperty(propertyName:String, startFrom:DisplayObjectContainer):MovieClip {
              if (startFrom.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
                        trace("Found the Captivate Main Timeline");
                        checkCode.text = "Found the Captivate Main Timeline";
                        return startFrom as MovieClip;
              else if (startFrom == stage) {
                        trace("Could not find the Captivate Main Timeline");
                        checkCode.text = "Could not find the Captivate Main Timeline";
                        return null;
              else {
                        return getParentWithProperty(propertyName, startFrom.parent);
    // advance button handler...
    function advance(e:Event):void {
              for (var i:uint=0; i < orangeCircleArray.length; i++) {
                        orangeCircleArray[j].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onRollover);
                        orangeCircleArray[j].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, onRollout);
              var slideNum:Number = Number(slide);
              var theNextSlide:Number = slideNum + 1;
              cptxMovie.cpCmndGotoSlide = theNextSlide;
              btnContinue.removeEventListner(MouseEvent.CLICK, advance);
    Thanks! Brian

  • Problem: Flash movie plays on desktop, but not on website

    Hi, I'm new to Flash but have successfully created a Flash Movie that works using Firefox and Safari on my (iMac) desktop, but not after I upload to my website.
    I started with an flv video, imported it into an fla document along with a playback skin then published it creating an html file and two swf files. I've checked the html file, and it looks fine. The flv file is only 17MB and I've uploaded all 5 files to my site on:
    but all I seem to get is the control skin's "sending data" pole turning.The movie never arrives. I can get much bigger mpeg and wmv movies up on my screen very quickly.
    Can anyone suggest what the problem may be? I'm running Snow Leopard on my Mac (OX 10.6.6). I've tried using different videos but nothing seems to work.
    Here's the relevant html generated by Flash
    <div id="flashContent">
                <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="640" height="390" id="minorswing" align="middle">
                    <param name="movie" value="minorswing.swf" />
                    <param name="quality" value="high" />
                    <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
                    <param name="play" value="true" />
                    <param name="loop" value="false" />
                    <param name="wmode" value="window" />
                    <param name="scale" value="showall" />
                    <param name="menu" value="true" />
                    <param name="devicefont" value="false" />
                    <param name="salign" value="" />
                    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
                    <!--[if !IE]>-->
                    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="minorswing.swf" width="640" height="390">
                        <param name="movie" value="minorswing.swf" />
                        <param name="quality" value="high" />
                        <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
                        <param name="play" value="true" />
                        <param name="loop" value="false" />
                        <param name="wmode" value="window" />
                        <param name="scale" value="showall" />
                        <param name="menu" value="true" />
                        <param name="devicefont" value="false" />
                        <param name="salign" value="" />
                        <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
                        <a href="">
                            <img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" />
                    <!--[if !IE]>-->
    Many thanks if you can help

    Thanks - I don't know what as2 is. I'm using Flash CS5. When I import the flv movie file, I'm asked to choose a skin and then a window comes up to tell me that the address of the flv file with respect to the other files will be minorswing.flv by which I take it to mean that all the files need to be in the same level of folder (directory). All five are in the same folder on my Mac and in the same folder on my website. I can't see how I can influence the program in choosing a different structure or outputting different html in the Publish Settings or elsewhere.
    I would have expected the relative structure of the files to be maintained between my desktop, where I can play the movie in my browsers, and the website, where I can't. I was surprised there was no "src" param name in the html, and I did try inserting one, but it made no difference, so I assumed the default for the html is to be in the same folder as the html and that the minorswing.swf file would contain information on the whereabouts of the flv file and the skin swf file.
    Is there a way of reading or editing the swf files to include an absolute url?

  • Embedding flash movie in a web page

    I have created a flash movie using actionscript 3 and an xml file with a list of images for a slideshow. After clicking publish, I can view the slideshow by previewing the html file it creates for you. However, I want to embed this flash movie in a different web page. When I try to add it in Dreamweaver, by dragging and dropping the swf file into the page, a flash placeholder is generated, but the movie does not play when previewed. It is just blank white space.
    Now I watched the Tom Green tutorials on "flash the easy way" and my flash (CS4 professional) did NOT generate the AC_RunActiveContent.js files. I did find and download the file and manually added it to my Scripts folder. Still no joy.
    I will note that the html file that embeds the flash video is in a different directory than the movie itself. Surely this cannot be the issue, otherwise people's websites would be incredibly messy with multiple flash videos. I am trying to put all the flash movies in their own child directories of a /flash directory to keep them neat and organized.
    I am not sure what to do next. How do you make the dang thing play on a web page that is in another directory?

    If you are loading content ala using an xml file, that may be the source of the problem.  When you load a Flash file into a web page, that web page becomes the frame of reference for any files that the swf loads.  So if you tested this where the html file was in the same folder, but then moved things into different folders, then you need to adjust the Flash to load things as if it is in the html file's folder

  • Playing streamed MP4 audio in a Flash movie

    Is anyone aware of an xtra/extension for Flash that would
    enable a flash movie to play files save in the mpeg-4 audio (mpa4,
    mp4) format? I'm looking at flash-based podcast players, and one I
    found said that it can't play podcasts published in mp4 format
    because flash player 8 doesn't support it.
    I thought though that maybe there would be a 3rd party
    xtension or something that would enable it to play those

    illovich wrote:
    > Is anyone aware of an xtra/extension for Flash that
    would enable a flash movie
    > to play files save in the mpeg-4 audio (mpa4, mp4)
    format? I'm looking at
    > flash-based podcast players, and one I found said that
    it can't play podcasts
    > published in mp4 format because flash player 8 doesn't
    support it.
    Flash does not have any extension or plugins, never had.
    Best Regards
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Flash movie in IE modal window freezes

    We have a Flash application, written in AS 2, that presents system simulation to learners.  During the process we present "audio popups" using External Interface to call a JavaScript function that ultimately calls window.showModalDialog (It's for a corporate environment that requires IE).  The page it opens contains a flash file. When one of these audio popups occurs on the first step of the simulation, the flash in the popup is frozen.
    Is anyone aware of a scenario that could cause files in modal windows (or possibly just 2 Flash movies on the same page) to freeze up?  The file loads, but doesn't play beyond frame 1 and is unresponsive if there is a button.
    I can change the Flash file in the popup and the result is always the same, so it's not the file in the popup.
    I've replaced the Flash file on the root page with a simple launch file that only calls the popup and it works fine.
    Also replacing the modal window with a seems to work as well, but right now we'd like to continue using the modal.
    Possibly worth noting, if the modal window is open for too long, I get a "A script in this movie is causing Adobe Flash Player 10 to run slowly...." notice when I close the popup.  Not sure if it's related.
    Thanks for any help,

    Hi kp
    Is this Captivate 1 or 2? There are no issues to my knowledge
    with either playing the movie in IE7. I use IE7 and see movies just
    My question about version stems from the fact that there are
    typically more files to distribute with Captivate 2 than there are
    with Captivate 1. However, this can also depend on what you have
    selected when you publish. For example, in Captivate 1, you would
    have three files to ship if you used the .SWF output with the Full
    Screen option. There would be two HTML files and a .SWF.
    With Captivate 2, assuming you haven't deviated from the
    defaults, you have four files. Two .SWFs, one .HTM and a JavaScript
    When you said you see a "black" screen, does this mean the
    screen is really black? Or was that a typo and you meant to say it
    was "blank" instead. If so, you need to be aware that there is an
    additional file you need to include. If you fail to copy the
    JavaScript file, the page is blank. I'm thinking this is a strong
    possiblity here.
    Cheers... Rick

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