Published Project Freezes on slide

I export the project to a SWF zipped file.
I unzip the folder and open the HTM file to preview in browswer (I have tried Safari, FireFox and Explorer using both a Mac and PC).
The project always freezes the browser on a specific slide everytime!
The slide contains no complex objects, just simple text, images and audio file.
Please help!
(P.S. I am using Captivate 7, latest version).

Is the client unzipping the Zip file to a folder on their hard drive and executing the HTML file from that folder, or are they just double-clicking the zip file attachment in their email to open it in Winzip and trying to execute the HTML file from there? 
If they're attempting the latter option then it's no wonder it's not working.  Tell them to unzip to a folder, then navigate into the folder and double click the HTML file. 
If the content is HTM/SWF, also give them instructions about setting up the folder location as a trusted location in Flash Global Security as well, since if they have any externalised elements in the output, these will stall without Flash security allowing it. -security

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    I am running both CP6 and CP7 on Windows 7.
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    Hi there,
    Have you created those projects in CP 6 from Scratch?
    Can you check the complete version of CP 6 (Help > about Adobe Captivate), it should be or
    Can you test with a blank new project in CP 6 after running it as Administrator (Right Click on CP 6 icon, then select run as admin).

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    Hi dev_trainer and welcome to our community
    This issue seems to have a familiar ring to it. Echoes from a
    year or more back. I'm thinking that you may need to think about
    upgrading the version of the Flash player used to present your
    Captivate. First, check to see which version is installed. That's
    easy enough to do. Just right-click the Captivate as it is playing
    and check the version. Then try visiting the Adobe site and
    upgrading. See if that solves the issue.
    Cheers... Rick

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    Captivate Settings:
    My audio settings are set to Near CD Bitrate (96k)
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    My system is:
    Windows 7
    Processor: Intel Core 2 CPU 4300 @ 180GHz
    4 GB Ram
    64 Bit OS
    Sound: SoundMAX integrated Digital HD Audio
    Microphone: NADY USB Microphone
    Drivers for Microphone and Sound card are up to date

    Hi Vikas.
    I tested recording audio  with one slide. The published version did not appear softer when recording just one slide.
    I then created a new project.
    I got the same softer audio when publishing.
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    What can be done to publish projects with audio successfully in Captivate

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    reducing the project size
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    installing the latest Captivate 5 update
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    Just thought I would throw this in for consideration in case:
    your project was actually created in Captivate 3 first and now you are publishing in 5.
    if your project freezes at exactly the same spot during each publish,  you can investigate slides around that area to determine if there is anything unique/different/unusual

  • Is there a way to play an mp4 file at the beginning of a published project only when the project is accessed from a specific site?

    Is there a way to play an mp4 file at the beginning of a published project only when the project is accessed from a specific site?
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    Thanks in advance for your suggestions. Please let me know if you need additional information.

    I have a solution for you.  You may have to modify the code a little bit based on how long the timeline animation is for your clock.  I based mine on 3 seconds to complete a minute hand sweep around the clock.
    Milliseconds for each point on the clock:
    12 = 0
    1 = 250
    2 = 500
    3 = 750
    4 = 1000
    5 = 1250
    6 = 1500
    7 = 1750
    8 = 2000
    9 = 2250
    10 = 2500
    11 = 2750
    In the mouseover section for 12 o' clock, put this code...
    myVar = setInterval(function(){
         var pos = sym.getPosition();
         if (pos > 0 && pos < 50){
    When you point to the time, the setInterval method loops every 100th of a second and checks the current position of the timeline.  When the timeline reaches the range between 0 and 50 milliseconds (almost impossible to hit 1 specific point), the timeline will stop at 0.  Also, the clearInterval will be fired to stop the loop.
    In the mouseout section, put this...;
    It start the clock again, and it also clears the loop in case you mouseout before you reach the range.
    Make sure that myVar is a global variable so you can clear it from the mouseout section.
    Repeat this for each point on the clock.  To avoid potential conflicts, you may want to use my12, my1, my2, etc. instead of myVar.  I put the milliseconds at the top that you would use as the beginning of the range.  50 milliseconds should be enough to catch it.  So, for 5 o' clock, you would make your range between 1250 and 1300.
    Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

  • Captivate 4 - after patch, published projects won't pause but skip ahead

    Last week, I installed the patch to bring my version up to Version 4.0.1 Build 1658.
    After the patch was installed, if I publish a file with a Table of Contents, it runs fine the first time.  However, the second time I launch the published file, the first slide will display for a split second, and then it jumps to the first quiz question (if I have quiz questions in the project), or to the last slide I visited prior to closing the project.
    If I then turn off the TOC and republish, I can navigate around the course, close it and re-launch, and it behaves perfectly.
    I would rather use the TOC than have to manually build out the buttons.
    I did a search, but I didn't find this problem elsewhere (doesn't mean it's not there, just that I couldn't find it ).
    Any ideas about this, or should I submit a bug report?
    This is a problem for my company - we've got a lot of folks working on a major Oracle roll-out, and the TOC definitely saves on development time if we could use it.
    BTW, we tested the issue with projects that were published the week before the patch was installed.  Projects with the TOC worked properly, and projects without the TOC worked properly.  So it does NOT appear to be an issue with our environment.  This is only happening with files published after the patch was installed that use the TOC.  Yes, I've checked settings on the click boxes and buttons to make sure the pause was still configured correctly.

    Hi there
    Perhaps try clicking Project > Table of Contents > Settings... and ensure the check box labeled Self Paced Learning is clear?
    Click image below for possibly larger view
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Click boxes and buttons not working in Captivate 3 published projects

    I really, really, hope that someone can help me...
    we are migrating from Centra/Saba LMS to Connect Pro LMS and while taking our "old" SCORM projects and posting them to the Connect Pro server we have encountered an issue...and the reason it's very hard to trouble shoot is that it's not all of the projects....??
    Once a project is pulished none of the buttons or click boxes are working - for instance we use a play button on the frist slide for students to enter the course - you click it nothing happens (except when you mouse over the button it does change color)...same with the click boxes - I can use the progress bar to move froward but anything I click just doesn't respond...
    Has anyone encountered this? and I hope know something we can do?

    Do your published projects work outside of your LMS?
    Or is it just inside the new LMS that it isn't working?
    Usually buttons and click boxes not working is because your slides are pausing before the button becomes active.
    What version of Captivate and Flash are you using?

  • Audio missing in published projects

    I am using Captivate 4 on a Windows XP machine. Audio was working fine in Captivate and in all published projects until several days ago. Now it has quit working in published projects (preview in browser and published projects) although it still works to preview slides within Captivate. I have read everything I can find on the forums on these issues and have tried the following suggestions:
    1. Removing the Captivate folder from my Documents and Settings directory so that the default audio settings were restored.
    2. Downloading the audio patch update through Help>updates
    3. Installing the NSAudio.dll patch file
    None of these things has made any difference. Desperately looking for a solution now... Anyone have any ideas what else I should try?
    Thanks very much in advance,

    LOL, glad you got it sorted!
    I suppose it could have really been anything. Perhaps you just needed to reboot. Perhaps it was related to critters. I'd personally be surprised if that were it.
    My personal vote goes for either phase of the moon or sunspots...
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Project freezes in playback

    I have a simple 50 slide CP7 project with imported PPT slides (linked). Added text buttons for next / back and have 1 quiz slide, a couple of text boxes and 3 roll over captions on 1 slide.  The playback freezes at slide 15 which has only next/back button objects on it. I have not set any project preferences. This is the second time I've built this project.  The first I thought was because I had a cp5 that I convered to cp7 template.  Getting the same thing with a new project using a blank CP7 template. I can send the cptx file to anyone who would like to look at it

    Thank you RodWard. I tried most of the suggestions in the document you linked.  I could not figure it out and it happened in different places in the two projects.  I decided it was faster to start again from scratch.  I do suspect it had something to do with the master slides though.  The first two I adjusted the master slides the last I didn't touch any of the master settings and all went well. 
    The project literally was a simple page turner with very few text boxes and no advanced actions or widgets so who knows.  Thanks again.

  • Published project runs slower than it should

    Hello all,
    I've been using Captivate 2 for a while after upgrading from
    Captivate 1. I'm creating a training/tutorial project which is
    around ten minutes long. Essentially loads of screen
    recordings/captures on a Windows 2000 machine.
    The project is 275 slides in total and the .cp file is around
    70Mb. When published/compiled .SWF file is around 12Mb. Initially
    the .cp file was around 200Mb but I used the Save As trick as
    described in other posts to shrink the size.
    I've put audio tracks on the individual slides (not all -
    probably around 50-60 slides contain audio) and I've taken taken
    time to adjust the timing so that it all flows nicely.
    When I preview the project within Captivate it all runs as
    expected - however, when I publish the project and run it on a
    variety of other machines, it starts off well but gets to parts
    where it slloooooowss right down - mouse movements take an age and
    generally it all goes to pot.
    Are others experiencing this? How can I fix it?

    Hi Rod and welcome to our community
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you do need to know,
    so here goes. Your project is about 200 slides beyond the "rule of
    thumb" recommended upper limit for efficient Captivate projects.
    It's surprising you haven't yet had it corrupt on you.
    If I were in your shoes, here is how I would proceed.
    Open that 275 slide project and click File > Save As and
    maybe call this one Segment one.
    Delete all slides beyond perhaps slide 70.
    Save and reopen the original.
    Click File > Save As and maybe call this one Segment two.
    Delete the first 70 slides.
    Delete all slides beyond the new slide 70.
    Rinse and repeat as needed until you end up with several
    projects that are fairly equally sized.
    Now open each project and examine the preferences. Look at
    the Start and End preferences. Set the end action of each project
    to "Open other project". Then you point at the next project in the
    sequence. This is called "Daisy Chaining".
    You should end up with a more efficient movie that works
    better for your user.
    Cheers... Rick

  • Is there a way to create a site map of all RoboHelp topics in a published project?

    My company uses an external search of our published RoboHelp options (as well as the internal; the external search covers all projects instead of a single one). We're looking to change search programs, but according to our web developer a lot of searches have issues finding the topics inside the published projects because of the way it links to topics using Javascript.
    I think I know the answer to this question, considering it hasn't come up in any of my searches, but in case I need a second cup of coffee -- is there a site map or listing of links within a RoboHelp project that includes all the topics? Alternately, does anyone know of a service or program that can easily create a site map from a RH project? For reference, we're using RoboHelp 9.

    Look in Tools > Reports.
    Some can be saved as files. Others you can copy and paste into a text file.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Project management tools for complex publishing project?

    I was wondering what project management tools people use for managing complex InDesign projects? Software-oriented project management tools, or are there tools specifically for publishing projects?

    The "Yes" is a link to a list of them. There are also a number of web-based services like 37 Signals.

  • "Publish Project" Failed in EPPM 8.3 WEB

    I have been trying to Integrate BI PUBLISHER with P6 EPPM 8.3. At one stage it requires administrator to select either one project and choose "PUBLISH PROJECT" option. Each time i tried to Publish a project, the status always fails. Is there anything i need to do in order to successfully Publish the Project Successfully? I have also Enabled the "Publish project" options in Application Settings under the Services Section.
    Anyone can help on this?
    Thanks and Regards

    First make sure that Global schedule services are run successfully. You can refer to MOS Doc id
    How To Successfully Configure Initial Project Publication When Publishing A Large Volume Of Projects (Doc ID 1419053.1)
    P6 Project Data Is Not Being Published Via The Publication Services (Doc ID 1333858.1)
    This will help you to properly configure publication services

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