Publishing PH4C to Siebel w/o AIA

Hi currently we have an issue with AIA not being able to connect Siebel hence we cannot publish the structure in Siebel. Its already our build and we are 1 week behind
in Siebel product enrichments. Is there any other way I can publish to Siebel with the AIA? Via xml or any other way? Please advise. Thanks guys.
Edited by: 975126 on Dec 5, 2012 4:46 AM

Cannot attach full fault file. Here is the fault portion:
<event to="ExtensionFaultVar" sid="BpSeq19.14" cat="2" type="1" wikey="1110001-BpAss36-BpSeq19.14-1" label="Assign_BusinessFault" state="closed.finalized" n="66" date="2012-11-29T15:51:50.942-06:00">
<message><![CDATA[Updated variable "ExtensionFaultVar"]]></message>
<details><![CDATA[<ExtensionFaultVar><part xmlns:xsi="" name="AIAFault"><Fault languageCode="" xmlns="">
         <Text>PIM Service failed </Text>
I can e-mail the full xml payload should anyone wish.

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    Hi ,
    Is the template is working fine from Word.
    Upload the template check what are all the ouput options that are enabled in BIpublihser template layout.

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    Have a look here for Oracle's guidelines on troubleshooting such errors:

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    a.) is there a way that we can increase the report generation for BI Publisher integrated with Siebel? 5 hrs of generating 1500 records i think is too slow, specially if that specific report is required to be generated everyday.
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    Thanks in advance! :)

    Here are the two steps I took to get the VI to work on my machine:
    1) Recompiled the code by ctrl-shift-clicking on the run arrow.
    2) Changed the string in the 3rd frame of the sequence that goes into the Append Front Panel Image to Report from I Graph to
    After making the changes I did a File->Save All.

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    Hi Antonio,
    Thanks for the reply. I have tried applying the ViewMode user property to my integration object by setting the Integration Object User Property name to "ViewMode" and setting the value to "Sales Rep" but the report then pulls back 0 records. If I inactivate the user prop it should default the ViewMode to "All", if I run the report with ViewMode = All I am seeing records which are not in the view and which belong to other Sales Reps. Has anyone successfully tried using the Integration Object User property ViewMode = Sales Rep? I have been unable to get it to work.

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    Thank you,

    "Todd Bradfute" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I'm trying to run the Business Process Tutorial (
    in WebLogic Workshop 8.1 (Build 2003.0710.190003) and I'm having trouble
    the part that says:
    In the New Application dialog box, select Tutorial in the left pane,
    and select
    Tutorial: Process Application in the right pane.
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    And it
    doesn't have anything "Tutorial" related in the right pane.
    Any suggestions?
    Hi TAB--
    When you installed the platform, did you install the whole thing, or just part
    of it? If you chose not to install the examples, or if you chose not to install
    Integration, that would explain this behavior. If not, we'll try to go from there...

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    Thank you in advance.

    We actually ran into a similar problem where I work. I created a support web ticket for our issue and the response is that BIP 11G is not supported for integration with Siebel 8.1, or any other version for that matter. Oracle is currently working on a fix to integrated the latest version of Siebel with BIP.
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    ObjMgrLog     Error     1     000000024b97169c:0     2010-03-10 20:24:01     (bcfile.cpp (5808)) SBL-SVC-00185: Error occurred while deleting file 'Error occurred while deleting file 'C:\Siebel81\Client\Local\files\S_XMLP_REPOUTPT_17XF-3PM_.SAF'.'.
    did anyone of you faced this kind of issue....?
    Please help .

    Thanks for you reply,
    Our scenario is this report is basically a dissconnected mode report... we are developing these reports for mobile clients.
    We dint face this kind of issue while developing other reports.
    So please let us know if you have any idea on why we are facing this issue.

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    In my experience with Siebel 8.1.1 and BI Publisher when you generate a report from a Siebel View the report will show all data visible on the view. If you wish to have only a few particular records in the report you must query for them first in Siebel then generate the report again. There is useful article describing how to generate the report for the current record but it does require some config on the applet.

  • Creating Formula calculated field in BI publisher Template

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    Thanks for Your Help.

    Have you tried:
    <?format-number:count(FIELD1)/count(FIELD2);'999G990D000'?>Or are the two count fields stored in XSL variables?

  • Fighting with BI Publisher: Condition doesn't work

    Hi all,
    I hope someone an help me, because I am fighting with BI Publisher since 3 days.
    I have a template with a table (it's a kind of matrix) where the columns are VL1, VL2, VL3. The rows are Count with value '1', Count with value '2'. The BI Publisher works with Siebel.
    The idea is:
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    - if the value under VL1 is '1' on the Contact Applet (all contacts for the campaign are shown on the applet below the Campaign Applet):
    - count all the records on the Contact Applet where the conditon is met (VL1=1)
    The result is set on the cell of the pair (VL1 / Count with Value '1') of the table in my .rtf template.
    So, I created the table but by counting the application counts all records no matter if it equals '1' or not.
    On the cell of the Pair (VL1 / Count with Value '1') I added this condition for the text CountVL1 on the cell:
    <?end if?>
    it doesn't work out.
    Is there something wrong? could anybody help me please? :-(
    Best Regards

    Hi Tim,
    thanks for the answer.
    - What do you mean by 'it doesnt work'? If ScoreL1 is equal to 1 then count(Contactid) does not return a value?
    it returns a value, but it returns the number of all records and not the number of only the records where the condition is met (ScoreL1 = 1).
    - 1. For both ScoreL1 and Contactid you need to check if the values are accessible from the table cell the condition is in. By that I mean that if the processor is laying out a table with data from one part of the data tree and you suddenly say get me ScoreL1 and its somewhere else. It may not be able to fetch the value. To check, just remove the if and see if the values are returned
    For the variables ScoreL1 and ContactId the values were fetched. But I guess it doesn't give as result the correct data.
    ScoreL1 is a Text. In the Applet ScoreL1 can have the values 1, 2, 3, or 4.
    I replaced the condition with number(Contactid) but it gives me only Java errors and the HTML Side is not shown:
    <?end if?>
    was that what you meant?

  • How to test whether AIA got integrated with BRM system successfully

    Is there a procedure to test whether AIA got integrated with BRM system successfully.How can i test whether BRM Adapter is able to connect to BRM system.
    Thanks well in advance

    Hi Santhosh,
    I hope you are using AIA 2.0/2.0.1 for Comms and trying to integrate BRM with Siebel.
    1. To check BRM & Siebel integration using AIA. (BRM is the Product master gets synched with Siebel.)
    a) Create a new Product in BRM pricing center(Provide product name, Service type)
    b) Select Event(Single time purchase event)
    c) Provide rating for the product
    d) Commit after product creation(Check in BPEL process, whether all the instances are went through successfully)
    e) Check Siebel Catalog, whether product got synched from BRM
    2. To check whether BRM Adapter connected to BRM,
    a) Login into Oracle Application server
    b) Select OC4J instance, where your AIA is running
    c) Select Applications
    d) In view drop down select "StandAlone Resource Adapters"
    e) Check the status (green or red) in the installed BRM adapter
    If you haven't deployed BRM Adapter read the installation guide to deploy it.
    Ziaur Rahuman

  • Siebel eService Privacy Issue

    Hey all,
    I have been trying to figure out a way for us to publish documents through Siebel eService for members who have usernames and passwords in Siebel eService to download. However I noticed that even people who don't login can download the documents. Therefore I googled a solution and found the Access Group screen. It worked the first time but when I tried it again it didnt and it went back to downloading documents for people who don't login.
    Can anyone help me in this issue please?

    I don't have a choice of which DBMS to use unfortunately. I had done the research and followed all of the steps in Import of Custom Repository for the first time after fresh installation is not succesfull. [ID 807854.1]. This is supposedly the workaround for this error. We don't have a TAM and I have logged an SR but no movement.

  • Siebel Reports

    I am working on BI Publisher reports in siebel 8.1 application. I have installed siebel 8.1.1 and BI Publisher server . Followed all the instructions given in the Report Administration bookshelf. As per guide BI Publisher repository should have all the reports that ships with the siebel application and by default these are available in in the SharedFolder directory in the BI Publisher repository inside "SIEBELCRMREPORTS" directory. But in my case i could not see any siebel report in BI publisher repository. Can you please suggest what went wrong??

    I will reframe my question.
    1. Has anyone worked on BI publisher integrated with siebel 8.1.1??
    As I understand we follow the below process to create report - Create Integration Object in tool, Generate Sample xml from siebel application, design rtf template using sample xml,register rtf template on BI server, add the report to view.
    when we run the report in connected mode data is fetched from data base into an xml file which is sent to BI server via webservice. On BI server xml data and rtf template are merged to generate actual report in requested format(pdf,excel...) which is sent back to siebel file system.
    2. How can we leverage the different fetures of BI publisher like a) Scheduling b) bursting 3) creating paramterized repot in case of siebell reports.
    Do we need to create new report in BI server like we do when using OLAP or Oracle database (Create new report,add data model, associate rtf template,create LOv and parameter..)??
    3. How can we make the Siebel Reports available in BI server??
    Would appreciate your help.

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