Publishing (uploading) with Netscape Composer to non-.mac server

I'm new to iWeb. Created a simple one page site with a photo and some text, and Published to a Folder (on my desktop). Uploaded all the files to my server webspace (as instructed by them using their File Manager service). Transfer went OK, but viewing the webpage did not. First, the URL had to be all lower-case (didn't work with any caps ...result = "not found"). Secondly, only the text in the page appeared; the photo and other graphics were replaced with little squares encasing a ?-mark.
After several attempts (and discussion with server's tech support) I decided to use Netscape Composer to "publish" (upload) the files to my server. Not only was it much easier than using my server's File Manager, but the site WORKED!! So now, I use iWeb to create/update my page, but use Netscape Composer to upload it to my server.
Still, however, the URL has to be entirely lower-case, or I get the "not found". Minor inconvenience. When I type in my URL, the browsers automatically add the extension "/Welcome.html". I have to change the 'W' to 'w'.
Comments as to why it wouldn't work with the first method?____
For browsers, I used latest versions of Safari, Firefox, and Netscape Navigator.

Comments as to why it wouldn't work with the first
Because "file managers" are usually garbage and won't allow you to preserve the structure of an iWeb site, so that it won't work right. It is best to always use a real ftp program. Some tips are here:

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    It is a common problem that you can't upload incremental changes to a website a web server that is not a .mac. Recently I found that the unix (shell) 'diff -qr' works nicely for this.
    However I can't seem to get this to work in automator. That is where I need some help.
    What I did :
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    I made a second directory where I store my uploaded version of the website:
    Using a shell script I want to compare the differences between these two directories using the diff command in a shell script. When I run 'diff -qr websiteonserver website' in a terminal window, it gives a nice overview of which files are changed and which ones are new. When workin with iWeb this saves me a lot of time uploading my homepage to a non .mac server. I can only upload the changed files, which is usually only a few. Diff does not look at timestamps (which are useless in the iweb case) but it actually looks into a file and with the -q option it stops when it finds a difference. With the -r added (-qr) it also looks through all subdirectories and compares files with the same name.
    I like to automate this process so that my wife can update our family homepage with just one mouseclick (or as few as possible)
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    cd Documents
    diff -qr websiteonserver website
    (using PWD i verified that the path is correct like this). The only stumbling block for automator seems to be the diff command. Anybody any suggestions on this?
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    Any help / ideas are welcome

    Dear Cyclosaurus,
    I used a single command as us specified. It really helped to add the path to the directories I wanted to compare. So now at least I got it two work partly:
    It seems to work only if I compare two files. Comparing directories still does not work. Maybe diff generates some kind of error code when doing this??? It does not do that in the shell.
    If I compare all files in directories + subdirectories , the workflow does not work. It seems as if it only accepts a single output line or so from the diff function. If there is more output (or maybe some newline character) the workflow halts. Very peculiar.
    mmm.... I will try to make a shell script which I can run in automator. In the script file I will then generate a txt file. Then the automator can run the script and then it can open the resulting file in a text editor. See if that works.
    mmm nope. I made a script like this:
    diff -qr ~/Documents/websiteon_theserver/ ~/Documents/website/ > ~/Documents/logfile.txt
    I modified the atributes to executable and I could run it from the command line. The logfile.txt was created and has the correct info. I could not run it from automator...
    I did copy the last line from the script into automator. And also there it does create the logfile, but the automator still says there was an error and stops.
    maybe I should try Applescript, were it not that I am totally clueless on that language...

  • Non mac server publishing

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    Are there any other features that I need to know about that may not work?
    Mac Book Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Iweb 1.1.2

    RSS should definitely work. It's just a matter of entering the correct domain name in the "Publish to Folder" dialog box and also uploading the correct items to your server. I can help you with this if you desire.
    As far as other .Mac only features that won't work for you... these include blog commenting, search, password protection, the enhanced photo template slideshows, .Mac counters, etc.
    Of course, you can find replacements for all of these features...
    Blog comments: iComment/Haloscan combination from Chad Brantley
    Search: Google site search box
    Password Protection: htaccess files
    Slideshows: take your pick
    Hit counters:

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    Thanks in advance.

    Unfortunately, blog comments are a MobileMe only feature along with the hit counter etc.
    You have to publish to MobileMe if you want these features.
    There are workarounds however. If you want to continue to use an iWeb blog, then you can use a third party comments feature. Take a look here It is free to set up on the site and all you then do is copy and paste the code into an html snippet on the page you want comments to appear in whatever format you want them.
    Your other option is to ditch iWeb and if it is just a blog you want, use something like This is free and you don't need a domain name and the blog is published on WordPress servers.
    Your other option for a blog is
    The iWeb blog system is not that good, so you might look into changing if a blog is what you want rather than a website.

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    Jack, I don't think you can post web galleries to a non .Mac server. There seems to be a lot of support behind the scenes that makes Web Gallery work as it does. Normal HTML doesn't work like that.
    What you could do, which would bring some of the reflections-on-black look, is send the photos to iWeb and use the export HTML option (not sure what it's called) in the File menu to create a gallery that you could host on a non-.Mac server. It wouldn't look exactly the same but you'd get whatever is possible without the .Mac-supplied functionality.

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    For info:
    I am not a designer playing with fonts.
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    With the understanding that iLife '09 is not compatible with non Mac-OS extended disc (it was almost OK with iLife'08), I have applied the following workaround solution:
    1/ I have created a new virtual disk formatted as Mac-Os extended: using disk utility, new image; name=myVirtualDisc, size= more than you current file size, volume format= mac os extended, image format=sparse (faible densité in french) note: (sparsebundle was not possible / necessary for me),
    2/ whenever you want to use it, you have double click on the file named myVirtualDisc. It mounts as a disc appearing on the upper part of the left pane.
    3/ copy the file in the disc
    4/double click on the file name the first time you use it so that iPhoto knows where it is.
    5/ enjoy
    6/if latter you want to resize the maximum size, as it is a sparse image, you can do it after you have ejected the disc and using again Disk utility. Note that a sparse image only takes the place necessary on your disc (based on its content) and not as declared at the time of the creation (which is the maximum until which it can physicaly grow).
    - it worked at the first attempt but
    - I got a disk corruption which was detectable but not correctable by Disk utility. I had to create a new virtual disk and transfer the file. After that the faces were no more appearing on the corkboard, I had to delete the face databases inside the package to re-initialise the face recognition process (see separate discussion about this).
    QUESTION to experts:
    is a sparse image a reliable solution? in other word was it an unlucky / uncorrelated coincidence?

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    Many thanks.

    I'm not sure why you are saying that the RSS subscribe button isn't working at Yahoo. This is most likely due to the fact that you entered the incorrect host address in the "Publish to Folder" dialog window.
    For example...if your hosting account is accessed by typing in then you must type this into the URL box of the "Publish to Folder" dialog window. Then when you upload to your host, you must upload the two items that iWeb puts into the folder....
    My Folder
    \__ index.html
    \__ mysite folder
    Don't upload the enclosing folder (My Folder)....just upload the index.html file and the mysite folder, so that your server directory structure looks like...
    \__ index.html
    \__ mysite folder
    It is important to keep the relationship between the index.html file and the mysite folder intact as published by iWeb....otherwise your RSS feed URL will not work.
    On a non-.Mac button, the RSS feed and Podcast subscribe buttons should work fine. The Apple counter does not work on non-.Mac servers. You will have to look into other services like for that.

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    The most important step, once you've got Open Directory and DNS set up, with Local Network Users set up in, is to make sure that all client Macs are using the server's IP address as the primary DNS server in System Preferences > Network, and that they have joined the Network server in System Preferences > Users and Groups > Login Options.
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    my clusters but when I try to fail them over I receive an error saying "The cluster service is not running."
    The command I'm using is 'Get-ClusterNode $Server | Get-ClusterGroup | Move-ClusterGroup'
    Error message:  'Get-ClusterNode : The cluster service is not running.  Make sure that the service is running on all nodes in the cluster'
    Is there a way to install the cluster service or is there a different way to go around this error?
    Thank you!

    Hi Armando,
    To get cluster node information, please try to use the cmd cluster.exe, like:
    cluster.exe node NodeName /force
    For more detailed information to use clusterexe, please refer to this article:
    Mapping Cluster.exe Commands to Windows PowerShell Cmdlets for Failover Clusters
    To remotely manage Cluster server, you can also try the powershell pssession with the cmdlet enter-pssession to accesss the remote server:
    Learn How to Manage Remote PowerShell Sessions
    I hope this helps.

  • Ajax slideshow on non .Mac server

    check this out:[email protected]/Arts_files/slideshow.html
    and they made us think that it only works on .Mac server.

    Hi Jim,
    Like to give it another try, hopefully this host won't crack down on me:
    This is the front page, it is dynamic. If you check back every few minutes, the background image change; as long as the HamCam is running
    Here is the slide show:
    If they crack down on me, it means iWeb is even more bloated than I thought:

  • HELP PLEASE: Trying to upload site to non .mac server

    Hi there,
    I am a complete newbie when it comes to uploading a site to a server.
    I have completed the site I made in iWeb, have not included spaces in the title for each page. All the movies are in .mov or .mp4 format. all my pictures have been attached through iPhoto. I have published it to a folder on my desktop. I am trying to upload to my cousin's server which he created himself using Cyberduck. Unfortunetly he is away the the moment so I can not ask for his assitance. I have the password and user name to the server, & have tried uploading the site once before. nothing came up, apart from a blank page with a few folders that were orignally there before I uploaded the site. Cyberduck says the upload was successful, clearly it wasn't. All the files and folders are shown within the program.
    Can anyone help me? I need to upload the site by today, thanks...

    nothing came up, apart from a
    blank page with a few folders that were orignally
    there before I uploaded the site.
    This usually means you failed to upload the index.html file. You must upload two items: the index.html file and the folder which has the same name as your site does inside the iWeb app.
    Here are some tips:
    Please provide your url and the name of your site inside iWeb.

  • Help combining iWeb sites or Uploading to a non .mac server

    Using iWeb 2, my lovely bride created a site on her MacBook Pro and uploaded it to our .mac site. It (of course) overwrote our entire family set of sites (three altogether). Luckily, I still have those on my G5. Is there anyway to add her site to my domain file so I can publish them all?
    Went to Apple Store in Bellevue, WA and genius and resident iWeb guy have no clue.
    I also have other servers I could put her site on but when I publish it to a folder and upload it to that server, it loses all the links. Not the linked files (I assume they are all still there) but the actual links on the home page on hers don't show. You can see this problem at
    If you know this template, you know there should be links above the title. And if you think that looks bad, you should see it on a PC. Yikes.
    Any help would be MUCH appreciated.

    When you publish to a folder in iWeb '08 there are three files that were not present in '06.
    These are "feed", "media" and "scripts".
    If you are uploading your files one by one, as I tend to do at times, you may have missed the 'feed" file. Have a look on your server to see if its there.

  • Get iWeb to publish as .htm to non-.mac server

    I've created a website and now need to publish it to my university server to simply saving it in a folder. The problem I'm having is that the pages all need to be .htm not .html for some reason and I can't find a way to make iWeb do that...
    Has anyone else had experience of using iWeb to publish in this way?

    That could be tricky. Simply renaming the files would not be an option, since you'd then have broken links pointing to the old .html filenames.
    Are you sure you need to have the file extensions as .htm? In other words, have you tried uploading a test .html file and confirming whether or not it can be viewed via web browser? Older versions of Windows (like, *way back* in the day) required filenames to follow the 8.3 naming convention, but I can't imagine your university server is running something that old.

  • StatsCollector, monitor a non-Mac server with BigTop ?

    I just discovered the new BigTop a few days ago, and I would like to know if anybody knows how to (if it's possible) monitor a Linux or BSD server with this great tool.
    I know it uses statsCollector to collect data, is this tool open-source ? (I don't know where to look for such things)
    If it is, is there any chance to be able to install it by hand ?
    Thank you in advance,
    PS: Please excuse my english

    What's BigTop?
    The only reference I know of it is for monitoring load balancers from F5, but I doubt that's where you're looking.
    google doesn't appear to offer any clues, either.

  • Trouble uploading complete folder to non .mac server

    When I click on a folder to upload, it reveals contents and does not allow option of uploading entire folder. The "choose" option remains grayed out until its down to individual elements. Any ideas?

    if anyone else has this prob, it was the server that lacked capabilities. the solution was fetch

Maybe you are looking for

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