Pulling Green Screen.

Hello all.
Recently I was given a job to extract people from green screen shots. There are forty different photos, thus I'm trying to stream line this process. I'm not having much luck though. I've used the color range option, but the hair is the real problem because it leaves a greenish halo in the different strands.
I've also done a trick by switching to LAB color mode, duplicating the "a channel" & adjusting the levels until you achieve an extreme contrast & creating a mask that way. It's worked the best, but it still takes some time & there is still some green present.
My brother uses After Effects quite a bit because he's in video production. He too uses green screen, but it's so simple to pull in After Effects vs. Photoshop. Does anyone know of any other tricks or tips to really pull the green behind someone. Unfortunately, the green screen doesn't appear to be too evenly lit, so there are different shades of green throughout. The real problem is the hair. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

Understand also that TRUE chromakey is an integrated hardware/software system, and has some strict set up and calibration requirements in order to produce the best results.
With what you want to do, you can succeed in ditching 99.99999% of the background, and get nice smooth edges, but then you have to worry about objects taking on and reflecting the color of the backdrop they're shot against.
That's where it can get tricky.
I wish I could offer a one-size-fits-all solution, but there isn't one. Good studio shots with expert lighting techniques go a long way toward mitigating the problem in the first place. It's a real art, and not many folks are able to manage it well.

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    The only thing to remember though is to have a lot of good even lighting facing the wall. If you use fabric it should also be pulled tight. Shadows from folds in cloth make darker spots of color on the screen and the software will not key (chromakey) out the darker spots. One thing that I have used in the past is a bright green table cloth. I got one from Party City (6'x9') for $3.50 two of those and you're good to go! I got a bright green snuggie for christmas that matches the color of my screen! Now I can do floating head effects. Have fun!

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    You can do tracking and match-moving in Motion.
    When chroma-keying in FCP, be sure to insert a Chroma Smoothing Filter
    before your keyer: 4:1:1 for DV, 4:2:2 for DVCPRO HD.
    If the tennis ball is white, you might have better luck with a lumakey.
    The manual has some solid advice on keying, including how to use
    mattes to simplify your work.
    Of course, if the ball is yellow and the people are light-skinned,
    it may be impossible to pull a good key. In that case, tracking in
    Motion is your best bet.
    In fact, the Primatte keyer in Motion is WAY better than FCP's keyers.
    Just do the whole thing (keying, tracking, glow effect) in Motion.
    Check this out:
    and this:

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    There's way too much blue in that green screen
    This is green
    Try pulling down the spill level and reducing the spill tint. You're probably going to have to tweak the color selection manually.

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    This Stupendous Software iMovie plug-in will handle green-screening.
    Note, though, that it appears to be for the earlier generation of PowerPC Macs, not Intel Macs ..and you don't say which Mac you have.
    It should run on an Intel Mac, but it may automatically start iMovie in 'Rosetta' emulation mode, so iMovie may run a bit slower than normal, if you have an Intel Mac.

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    704x396 Millions MPEG Layer 3, Stereo
    PAL should be 720x576 and NTSC should be 720x480 so your frame size is off. In addition, iDVD doesn't seem to like mpg-3 multiplexed audio.

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    Keep in mind that the most important part of keying happens in production. If the lighting is not perfect, meaning none of the key light should spill onto the green screen, and the proportions of light from foreground to background, and the evenness of the background light: keying will be difficult.
    To help yourself out, use garbage mattes to crop out any area that does not have action in it. That way you won't have to worry about pulling a perfect key for areas of your footage that don't matter. Only be concerned with the pixels just around your subject(s). You will not be able to do this well in FCP> Remember that FCP is an editing system, not compositing. Just because it CAN composite, doesn't mean that it SHOULD composite.
    In Motion you can keyframe infinite points to your masks and you can use trackers to follow your subject(s) so you don't have to set manual keyframes.
    I am sure you were looking for an easy answer, but unfortunately keying and copositing are not easy tasks.
    Hope this helps.

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    have spent a bit of time trying different ways of tracking this and none of them were spot on to be honest....
    I have emailed to the contact link on your website the best I could get on my tracking programme - it is in a mulitplane node as I mentioned in a previous post.
    Take a look - I only did a rough key - so basically what you should do is pull your key - switchmatte it with the original plate and plumb it in to the multiplane through the same input.
    If you want to move the position of the BG plate inside the comp then the easiest way is with the move 2d node before multiplane - (you can do it inside but that can be a bit tricky)
    BTW - for some reason PFHOE wouldnt accept the dimensions of your origial FG plate so I had to letterbox it to make it 1920x1080 - if you do the same then the track should match
    I know its not a perfect result but it is by far the best I could get after trying Stabilizers and smoothcam. If you need better I would suggest trying to find someone with a full copy of PFrack or Bojou who may know a few more little tricks.
    hope it helps

  • Faulty Transitions (green screen) in burned DVD and no play on iMac

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    It contains 7 slide shows and 7 movies, total size 4.02 GB.
    The problems I have since found are are :-
    1. The DVD will not play in my iMac 24", the menus judder or lock up, and the movies judder and skip. When I play the DVD in a real DVD player the menus and movies are fine.
    2. On the DVD player the slide shows are OK to start with, having the correct 'Dissolve' transition between sides. The problem is that after about 30 slides the transition is replaced by a green screen between slides.
    When I view the DVD in iDVD it works OK, but not when burned.
    I also exported a disc image and that also has the same transition issues, so it looks like iDVD is outputting faulty files.
    I redid my DVD in a different theme and removed the slide transitions which reduced the DVD to less than 2GB, it seems to work OK now, but I would like to use transitions at some point!

    I made a project with only one "drop zone" slideshow by pulling 99 pictures from the media iPhoto window with dissolve transitions.
    It failed with about a dozen green screen transitions in the end of the slide show.
    I remove one picture reducing the count to 98.
    It was good. No green screen transitions.
    I saved as .img to eliminate disc problems.
    I repeated the test for several themes especially 7.0s which others have found to be problems.
    I tested all qualities and both ratios.
    With my 20"iMac 99 pictures in one slide show fail, 98 and less work.
    I don't understand why your project with slide shows of less than 98 pictures is not working.
    Your total project was relatively large and could be a memory error. I suggest testing a smaller project, it won't drive you so crazy waiting an hour or more for each processing cycle.
    There are certainly other concerns such as free disc space and RAM etc, and before the latest updates push from iPhoto to iDVD produced different results than pull to iDVD from iPhoto, etc.
    History: the 99 limit was the reality that many DVD player will buffer overflow at more than 99 chapters (each picture is seen as a chapter). The original iDVD limited each slide show to 99.
    Recent releases allowed as many pictures in one slide show 'drop zone' as desired.
    I have been limiting myself to 99 so they will play on most DVD players.
    The 99 number and info you quoted from Apple guidelines I find to now be wrong.
    They have a bug.
    I suggest sending a bug report from iDVD.
    I'm an engineer and I've been messing with this for a week trying to get a project out.
    Hope this helps
    Best wishes

  • Difficult Green Screen Key

    I've been having a little trouble with some green screen footage and hopefully someone can provide me with some pointers. Below are the zipped file addresses:
    The videos are 10 frames each and are 1920x1080 HD quicktime widescreen (square pixels) shot by a Sony XDCam. The footage is going out with an alpha to be included on a site (final composition will happen in flash), so I'm trying to pull as clean of a key as possible. The subjects will end up over a white background initially, which could change to a rendered classroom background. So, unfortunately, blending and softening with the background is out.
    In the first two samples I'm having trouble keying with the shadows and reflections. The table, table legs, and the left subject's pants are approaching the same color shades as that of the green screen and/or the shadows. I tried combining keys, but don't know the process well enough to pull a decent key from the footage. I sense that there's a way to do it successfully but it's just beyond my field of knowledge.
    In all three of the samples, the plaid-man subject on the right has a lighting problem on his left arm and shoulder. This excess light is causing him to have a partial grey shadow outline when trying to key him regularly (which is very clear over a white BG). Is there any way to circumvent/remove this?
    My email is [email protected] if you need to contact me. Any and all help is much appreciated. Hopefully this post is able to help others as well
      Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Okay - I had a quick go at sample 1.
    Obviously more time could be spent to make the key better, but that's your job... This is the project script and it illustrates holdout mattes, light wrap, and edge blurring... I used only the nodes that are basic to shake, but nodes like keychew can also help...
    The Cow has some tutorials on these concepts: Shake Tutorials.
    hope that helps,

  • 3D model from green screen

    Hi Some of you might know of a youtybe channel called "Corridor Digital" They make great short films. I saw a behind the scenes from one of there videos, the one called Shadow Of Mordor. You can watch it in the link if you want. What I want to know is what they were doing at 14:07 minute of the video. They recorded a sword that was held and rotated in front of a green screen. It was recorded at a 120 FPS. Am I right to assume that they used this footage to make a 3D model of the sword somehow and use that to track the handle of the sword in the actors hands to make the cool stabing effects......? If so, how do you make a 3D model using the green screen footage? And if that is not the case why did they record the sword like that.....? THX in advance

    You make the 3D model from the actual prop sword by measuring and creating the model. The reference footage was for color grading and texturing the 3D sword to match the lighting and reflections on location. There are literally hundreds of different ways to generate the texture maps for a 3D model. That is only one option. Many others were probably used. Did you notice that right after the explanation of what they were doing that the guy said "thanks for reminding me" and took out his phone to take more pictures? That is the technique I would have used to get the reflection maps. I probably would have shot something different to pull the lighting model. Look up light probe for 3D. The technique is not a tutorial, it is a semester in film school. I'd go to the forums of what ever 3D app you are using or go to blender.org start digging around.

  • Pulling Blue screen without losing shadow details

    Hi every body
    I have a blue screen I am working to pull it out, but the Problem is that the shadow of the actor is pulling out also.
    Any Help to solve this problem.
    I don’t won’t to lose the shadow details when I am pulling blue or Green screen.
      Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    Hi all again,
    Finally I have found the solution to my problem. Thanks to this post http://macosx.com/forums/archive/t-234687.html
    I solved the blue screen issue.
    My solution was to delete all ATI RADEON, Rage 128GA and Rage Pro driver out of root/system/library/extensions. I only left the ATIRage128.kext and ATIRage128DVDDriver.bundle
    Before I did that I updated to ATI Displays 4.5.7.
    Now the Powerbook starts up properly and I have all display modes with and without external monitor available.
    The "ASIC hang log" message in the Console system log gave me the right direction.
    When you google "ASIC hang log", you will find many posts about Macs and other machines equipped with ATI graphics chips having freeze or blue screen trouble.
    According to some posts Apple Service cannot solve this problem and most people´s diagnosis leads towards a hardware failure. Before you get a new logic board or graphics card check your ATI system extension! Keep your MAC smiling.

  • Green screen whenever i switch to appletv

    every time i put on appletv I get a green screen background rather then the black, so i have to turn it off (pull the plug) and turn it back on wait for the boot up, then resynch to the source before its ready to view. which is time consuming ! It didn't do this when i first got it, and I did a diagnostic check, it say it OK. I have the latest software updates. Naturally i leave appletv on, which is the way its supposed to be, rather then pulling the plug every time. also I tried the "standby mode" and again when i turned it on it goes to the "green screen" , so i still have to pull the plug reboot, to have the proper black background.

    It sounds like you're losing the HDMI sync between the HDTV and the Apple TV. Next time it happens, unplug one end of the HDMI cable (either the HDTV end or the Apple TV end, whichever is most convenient), wait a second or two, and then plug it back in. This should cause it to redo the handshaking.
    If that corrects the picture, make sure that the Apple TV never turns off, goes into a sleep state, or blanks the video output. Try setting one of the screensavers to run all of the time that you're not using/viewing the Apple TV. This should maintain the handshaking and may resolve the issue.
    If after powering off and back on the TV, it loses the signal again, you may just have to live with it. This type of handshaking issue does crop up fairly regularly, especially with HDTVs that were built right around the time HDMI was introduced.
    Good luck!

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