Purchasing songs internationally from the US

I listen to a lot of international music, much of which is totally unavailable from the US iTunes store. I can go to, and browse through, the iTunes stores in other countries, several of which have songs I want to purchase, but iTunes will not let me purchase any (saying my account is only good for the US iTunes store) nor will it let me create any new accounts for other iTunes stores (saying weird things like I have to have billing addresses in those countries, etc.).
So how can I purchase the music I like?

Pardon me for waking up this thread. I am in a similar situation as Thomas (Swede living in Denmark, wanting to buy music from The Swedish, UK and US stores).
First of all, I found the reasons for this not being possible in
iTunes for Windows Tips > How do I buy from another country's store?
I understand now why things are the way they are (though I must admit, this information could be a little bit more clear when you sign up). But that doesn't mean I'm happy and accept it.
I think Apple is providing a great service with potential to basically exterminate piracy. And we all know that in the future we will be able to buy music globally and electronically. The question is just how long time will it take before that is possible? Now, I can't persuade the record companies to change policies, but as a user of iTunes I might have a chance of influencing Apple (and I'm pretty sure Apple wants to go this way also). And Apple, being a BIG player, has quite some chance in succeding in persuading the record companies.
So please, please Apple: continue to lobby for free trading of music and try harder to make the record companies to understand that this is would be a major step to eradicate piracy.

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    What happens when you try?
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    Try the Store tab in iTunes and Check for Downloads.
    If that doesn't work go to the main itunes store screen in itunes and on teh right side under quick links see if you have a purchased secrion - do the tracks appear there for download?
    Failing that contact support:

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    DUPDAWG wrote:
      ps I used to be able to create my own "Ringtones" via iTunes and songs I had in iTunes, but they took that away I guess.
    No they didn't. You can still create your own ringtone using computer iTunes.
    Here are the steps:
    Select a title (.mp3 or .m4a) in your iTunes Library
    2. Do File > Get Info on selected title (Windows do Edit > Get Info)
    3. In the dialog choose Options tab
    4. Set Start Time and End Time (no more than 35 secs otherwise won't work)
    5. Close dialog.
    6. Now control click the title (right click) and choose Create AAC Version
    7. When it is done, drag the newly create title to the desktop.
    8. Delete the newly create title in iTunes.
    9. Rename the title on your desktop from ringtone.m4a to ringtone.m4r
    10. Drag and drop it into iTunes
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    Make sure it is selected in iTunes's Tones tab for syncing with your iPhone.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Have you tried restarting the router, the Apple TV and iTunes.

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    You did everything 'right' and yet in most cases such as you present, it turns out to be a bad SATA cable 99% of the time.
    I, too, have a Late 2011 15" model and never had a problem with my SATA cable and my SSD. Most people don't. But then there are those few who do.
    You can likely find a 'warrantied' cable on www.ifixit.com - however, I've never heard of anyone having problems with the much less expensive options on eBay!

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    I have MBP 13 late 2011:
    Will it be able to support a 3tb hardisk?
    Secondly, if i delete a song from itunes,is that song removed from the mac and is the space freed up?If not then what should I do to free up space when i delete songs from itunes?

    Your MBP will support a 3T HDD provided it is formatted correctly and has sufficient power.  Most large HDDs require an outboard power source.
    When you delete songs from iTunes you will get a message if you want to send it to trash.  If you send it to trash, space will be freed up only when you empty trash.  An individual song does not consume much space so if your HDD is becoming full, more drastic action s should be considered, such as moving an entire file to an external HDD.

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