Purchse order

Hi Friends,
Any one have the idia about tax calculation in purchse order
in script if any one have than plz send me the code or information about if it ll helpfull than points will be awarded.
Thanks and Regards,
Devalla Tarun Kumar

plz dont say konv table is used to tax calculation.
Than what you want apart from tables?
No i cannot give code specially for tax calculation it might looses our sales confidentiality
Really Sorry.

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    <b>Purchase Requisition</b>-> Staff in an orgn places Pur requisition for want of some goods/products - ME51
    Related Table EBAN
    Request for Quotation(RFQ)-> The Purchase dept in the orgn calls/requests for the quotation for the products against which PR was raised. - ME41
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    Idoc Type: PORDCR101
    Message Type: PORDCR1
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    There is a button named Personal Settings on ME21N screen. Click on that button --> Click on second tab of Default Values --> Click on More fields --> Select Our reference and maintain the default value. This will always come up at the time of creation of PO.
    Hope this serves the purpose.
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    Dear Sumith
    Insert a condition type ZSUB which is for subsidiary and maintain it as 80% which takes the value from the 100% value and then caries on with the calculation.This condition type will get hit only if customer is a subsidiary.May be u might have to right a routine with the help of ABAPer
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    According to my knowledge with help of SECATT purchase order text cannot be uploaded. Because purchase order text is not stored in any table. Its better to follow BDC program to upload thr purchase order text. Ihope this will help you. thanks.

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    Thanks n Regards,

    tell your tecnicalconsultant to use this code.
    CLEAR: komp , komk.
      REFRESH tkomv.
      CLEAR tkomv.
      CLEAR ekko.
      SELECT SINGLE * FROM ekko WHERE ebeln = p_ebeln.
      REFRESH i_ekpo.
      CLEAR i_ekpo.
      i_ekpo WHERE ebeln = ekko-ebeln and
                   loekz = ' '.
      komk-mandt = ekko-mandt.
      komk-aland = ekko-lands.
      komk-bukrs = ekko-bukrs.
      komk-waerk = ekko-waers.
      komk-hwaer = ekko-waers.
      komk-lifnr = ekko-lifnr.
      komk-kappl = 'TX'.
      komk-kalsm = 'TAXINN'.
      komk-prsdt = ekko-aedat.
      komk-ekorg = ekko-ekorg.
      LOOP AT i_ekpo.
        komk-mwskz = i_ekpo-mwskz.
        komk-txjcd = i_ekpo-txjcd.
        komp-kposn = i_ekpo-ebelp.
        komp-matnr = i_ekpo-matnr.
        komp-werks = i_ekpo-werks.
        komp-matkl = i_ekpo-matkl.
        komp-wrbtr = i_ekpo-kzwi1.
        komp-meins = i_ekpo-meins.
        komp-mglme = i_ekpo-menge.
        komp-mtart = i_ekpo-mtart.
        komp-mwskz = i_ekpo-mwskz.
        komp-mgame = i_ekpo-menge.
        komp-vrkme = i_ekpo-meins.
        komp-wrbtr = i_ekpo-netwr.
            calculation_type = 'B'
            comm_head_i      = komk
            comm_item_i      = komp
            tkomv            = t_komv.
        LOOP AT t_komv.
          SELECT SINGLE * FROM t683s WHERE kalsm = 'TAXINN' AND
                                           kschl = t_komv-kschl AND
                                           kstat = 'X'.
          IF sy-subrc ne 0.
            APPEND t_komv TO tkomv.
            CLEAR t_komv.
        REFRESH t_komv.

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    I am facing issue for CO_ORDER archiving object. I am getting error saying like
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    "order 200060 still has at least one purchase order that you need to do".
    screen shot attached for reference
    so Please help me to solve this issue.
    Thanks in advance,
    Ningappa S M

    Hello Manju Sir,
    Now that issue setting of deletion indicator is got successful. I mean I set residence time 1 as 0 and I tried to archive and I got successful. but I am facing the issue saying " there is still a purchase order commitment" , "there is a still Purchase requisition assigned to order" and
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  • Purchse order Query

    SELECT T0.[DocNum], T1.[DocNum], T2.[BaseRef] FROM ORDR T0 , OPOR T1 INNER JOIN POR1 T2 ON T1.DocEntry = T2.DocEntry WHERE T2.BaseRef=T0.DocNum
    i have problem in this query it is showing that sale order who purchase order is posted but my client want all sale order number if any purcahse order is posted then it will show number against that sale order otherwise show blank or some text
    i think their is problem in this part "WHERE T2.BaseRef=T0.DocNum "
    plz help me

    hI ajit
    following is the query that would give the purchase order document number whose base document is sales order
    SELECT   distinct opor.docnum AS "purchase order doc num" ,ordr.docnum AS" sales order doc num"
    FROM         RDR1 INNER JOIN
                          POR1 ON RDR1.DocEntry = POR1.DocEntry INNER JOIN
                          ORDR ON RDR1.DocEntry = ORDR.DocEntry INNER JOIN
                          OPOR ON RDR1.DocEntry = OPOR.DocEntry
    where por1.baseentry = rdr1.trgetentry and por1.basetype= '17'

  • Project wise purchse order report in company code currency (INR)

    Hello  Experts,
    I am trying to take out a report from MM module for project wise purchase order through report ME2J or CNB1 from PS module, but all the data is coming correct, except for the imported Purhcase orders, I am getting foreign currency value in "Net Price" column, for other two columns, To be invoiced and to be deliverd, I am getting INR vlaues.
    Can any one help me out what could be the reason or how to get the net price as well in the INR amount?
    Please advise.

    Hello Shailesh
    I m  not able to get net order value in ME2J. It is showing 0.00 Value in Net Order Value. How to get it? Please guide.

  • Link to purchse order for Doc in DMS

    Hello all !
    I´m looking for a solution to link a document via DMS to a purachse order !?
    There is a letter sign (button) in the PO, I want find the linked doc there.
    It is posible for me to link the doc to material, equipment and others but I do not know
    the correct DYNPRO to link it to a purchase order !?
    Any ideas ?
    thanks in advance

    Dear Friend,
    You can Link A DIR created in SAP DMS to Purchase Order Items and Not Purchase order.
    Please understand the difference.
    Please follow if you want to link DIR to Purchase Order Items.
    If you want to Link it to Purchase order then you will have to store the document using  SAP Archivelink Functionality.
    For this please check the link.
    With Warm Regards
    Mangesh Pande

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