Push, pull, sync

I am a new Iphone 3g user and I love the email app. However, I hate having to file and delete in both Outlook on my computer and in my email app on my Iphone. Anyone have an idea how to resolve this?

If you have to deleted messages individually on both Outlook and the iPhone, it sounds like you have a POP email account. To resolve this, you would need to use an email account with IMAP or Exchange functionality. You can check with your email provider to see if this option is available for your account.
Deciding whether to use POP or IMAP
Hope this helps,

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    Not sure how this works with a personal account.
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    Follow these steps in htmldb:
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    Hi Woody,
    Thank you for your post and welcome to the forums. Please could you attach your circuit schematic to a reply post, I can then simulate your circuit myself and make suggestions where necessary.
    Many Thanks
    Jamie S.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    I would suggest you keep your version 1.  It will be far easier and the version 2 is only slightly better probably not really noticeable in real world use.
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    This means the account was created as an IMAP account with Push access for received messages.
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    Hi gurus,
    Could you please explain me about push delta and pull delta and where we use these in LO extraction

    LO Cockpit works on pull concept, data is prepared on R/3 side by various jobs including V3 jobs and pulled by BW through scheduled jobs.
    Push is generally used while using web services as datasource.
    Hope it helps

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    Best Regards

    Sure, that's definitely possible. You can use the Active Directory cmdlets to retrieve this information. Here's an example of reading input from a text file (just usernames in the text file):
    Get-Content .\userList.txt | ForEach {
    Get-ADUser -Identity $_ -Properties EmailAddress
    You can also read input from a CSV file quite easily. This example assumes a header of Username:
    Import-Csv .\userList.csv | ForEach {
    Get-ADUser -Identity $_.Username -Properties EmailAddress
    Finally, here's a link to the Get-ADUser syntax:
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,700+ strong and growing)

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    Any clues ?

    I live in gujarat i have upgrade my e63 with e 5 but after purchasing there was problem with not synce email automatically then after nokia care replased the phone but same problem was presist..
    then after i have sold that phone and purchase the new nokia e72 before 10 days but the same problem i m facing ..not syncronising email either manual or automatic..so i m very upsate with this kind of problem with nokia and no body can answer on the problem ..
    so can u pls help me how to esclate this problem to nokia higher authority..coz after spending so much money nobody can even slove the problem
    Thanks & Regards
    Hardik Upadhyay
    Moderator's note: Email address removed. It is not wise to publish your personal information on a public forum.

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