PXE-E52 error

Have a very strange PXE issue I've never faced before. On an Optiplex GX520, receive "PXE-E52 ...No DHCP offers were received" condition when attempting to image via PXE or bootcd.iso. Every other PC images fine from this same live, network connection. Suspect bad hardware but NIC was working fine. I'm stumped.

Originally Posted by youngjforge
Have a very strange PXE issue I've never faced before. On an Optiplex GX520, receive "PXE-E52 ...No DHCP offers were received" condition when attempting to image via PXE or bootcd.iso. Every other PC images fine from this same live, network connection. Suspect bad hardware but NIC was working fine. I'm stumped.
I guess the best debugging approach is to take a packet trace of your network traffic to see if your workstation is actually senind any valid DHCP requests and if replies to those requests are being sent.

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    PXE-MOF:exiting intel PXE ROM
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    > The motherboard makes a ticking noise (I think that is what is making the noise), and when this noise takes place it causes the computer to be very slow!
    the hard drive may do a clicking sound and also pxe error message can appear if hdd stop working. You can read it here:
    what if you enter bios (f2 on startup) and check if hdd listed there. but anyway, you shouldn't be worry :) your lap is still new and under warranty. So, it will be fixed for free.

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    Go to Solution.

    Thank  you very much, anarchy_1024, for your advice -- it was most helpful.  Now for the rest of the story:
    I attempted to restore the entire \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG folder from Acronis full backup, but it insisted (correctly) that the folder was corrupted.  So I went looking for a chkdsk that I could run from CD, since I could not get XP up to command it from there.
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    At this point, I would recommend anyone build and keep a UBCD4WIN CD around, just in case.  I will mention 2 glitches in building it:
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    uuuh...traditional "it-works-5-secs-after-you-complain-to-support-forum" happened ^^;;;

  • PXE-e52 proxy offeres were received. No DHCP offeres were received.

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    its just when booting off the PXE, i get the error E52. normally error E52 shows that it was able to get offers from the SCCM (WDS) server but could not get an IP from DHCP, correct me if i am wrong?
    there are no VLANS. i have my notebook, HP but different model, that would boot off network just fine and the VM running on my machine also boots off just fine.
    Could it be a driver issue?

    Thanks Daniel,
    i have downloaded all the drivers under the sun and injected the x64 and 32 bit Boot images. tired both boot images, but still no luck. i also thought it must be the drivers, but i see some activity smspxe.log in sccm. here is the exact logs
    28:80:23:00:0D:58, 756D8C7F-7AC0-11E3-B2F5-C30ED107E0FF: found optional advertisement SER20016
    i noticed that its referring the machine by MAC address rather than IP. not sure what the process is when booting from PXE. my understanding is that the machine gets an IP so thats how its able to communicate with the SCCM server, so if does get an IP, the
    drivers would not be an issue.
    BTW, i have also updated the BIOS to latest version.

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    Followed many different guides on the internet to configure the WDS server but if I have option 60 configured the virtual machines will find and do a PXE boot successfully, but the physical systems will fail with a E55 error.
    I take out option 60 and both fail.
    Did I miss a niggly bit some where?

    Have you tried this (from article):
    Custom-made Option 60 – String – PXEClient
    Predefined Option 66 – IP or Hostname of the WDS Server (in our case
    Predefined Option 67 – boot\x86\wdsnbp.com
    and this in WDS properties:
    Many people remark this as solution:
    WDSUTIL /Delete-AutoAddDevices /DeviceType:ApprovedDevices

  • Surface Pro 3 PXE Boot Error

    Hi there,
    I am using MDT 2013 on a WDS 2008 R2 and everytime i tried to image the tablet via PXE boot through the Surface Pro 3 ethernet adapter, i get this error:
    Wizard Error:
    A connection to the deployment (my deployment share) could not be made.
    The following network device did not have a driver installed.
    Retry: Try again to connect to the deployment share.
    Cancel: Give up, cancelling any in-progress task sequence.

    I bought a Belkin USB2.0 adapter and connected to my Pro 3 while the Pro 3 ethernet adapter is connected as well. So 2 network cables are needed. I pxed boot using the Pro 3 ethernet adapter and deploy the image using the Belkin2.0 adapter. Error didnt
    come back and deployment was successful. I mean this is a workaround but it works in my environment. The Belkin2.0 drivers are in WinPE and MDT.

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    1. How do I get to and replace the Lan card in this laptop?
    2. How do I get the Intel Firmware for the Lan card and reflash the card?
    3. How can I get a new/used card?
    4. Am I correct in my assumption the problem is the LAN card and not hard drive (maybe bad HDD causing attempt to boot from LAN - however, disabled LAN and problem goes away)
    Any help greatly appreciated.
    Go to Solution.

    Thanks for the advice. However, I'm a techno-nut so I will continue to poke until my headache is no longer bearable!
    Here's what I have done so far:
    1. Downloaded latest version 6 BIOS and installed. This seemed to help greatly, and the system would boot OK with the LAN enabled. But the cursor kept freezing up, so I thought maybe something still wrong with the LAN causing some process to keep trying (should have left matters alone at this point - I did find the cursor problem - see other post). Found a post on another forum by "Matt" who found that making a bootable CD with the Intel Proboot flash on it and reflashing the LAN eeprom fixed the same problem for him.
    2. Made bootable CD with Intel Proboot and tried to flash the LAN eeprom. The flash update program first indicated "no flash present" on the adapter, but went ahead and tried to reset to factory defaults.
    3. Rebooted computer. This time did not get the PXE errors, but the "Intializing Boot Agent" message appreared (never seen that before) and the LAN adapter was trying DHCP to get an address from the router. However, system would not reboot from the HDD. Checked the BIOS and all boot items but "USB" had disappeared from the boot order. Each time I reloaded the default BIOS and saved, when rebooting the system STILL tried to boot from the LAN. Each time, inspection of the boot order showed a "p" in position 1, nothing for positions 2,3,4 and USB for position 5.
    4. Later, after perusing in detail the info on the Proboot Flash utility, I discovered in "fine print" that the utility was not meant to be used with internal adapters (I guess those on the motherboard, not removeable) and indicated the computer's BIOS controlled the LAN on those. So I figured that using that LAN flash utility somehow messed up the BIOS interface between the BIOS and the eeprom on the LAN.
    5. To try to fix that, I tried to reinstal the version 6 BIOS. System would not install because was same verison! Then I tried to go back to a prior version of the BIOS (downloaded verison 5.5), but Toshiba BIOS update utility would not update version 6 with a prior version.
    My questions at this point are:
    1. How can I get a prior version of the BIOS installed, so I can then upgrade to the latest version again (to try to get the LAN adapter reset using the latest computer BIOS version)?
    2. Is the LAN adapter chip an integral part of the motherboard on this computer, or can it be removed and replaced by taking the computer apart to get to the LAN adapter?
    3. If the LAN adapter can be removed, how do I take the computer apart to get to the motherboard? Can somebody provide some instructions? I've taken other laptops apart and I know its a difficult job if you don't know the proper sequence of removal.
    4. How can I poperly reflash the LAN eeprom if the BIOS upgrade don't handle it?
    BTW, I don't think there is an overheating problem because the fan goes on and off normally.
    Thanks for all the help. I really do appreciate it!


    I've a problem with the UEFI PXE in SCCM 2012R2.
    My DHCP configuration:
    Option 66 : myserveripaddress
    Option 67 : SMSBoot\x64\wdsmgfw.efi
    Option 60 : support
    When I try to boot the machine (Hp Pro x2 612) the PXE starts but I receive the error:
    Windows Deployment Services encountered an error:
    Error Code: 0x102
    Any Help is appreciated :)

    It depends on what devices you are configuring. See here for configuring IP Helper on Cisco IOS
    Here is an example from a Cisco switch:
    interface Vlan10 
       ip address
       ip helper-address
    This allows clients booting in subnet to find the ConfigMgr or MDT server (
    It's very straightforward. Your networking chaps will have no issue.
    Gerry Hampson | Blog:
    www.gerryhampsoncm.blogspot.ie | LinkedIn:
    Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

  • PXE E53 error, and windows 7 start up problem error

    recently, i have been getting an error called PXE E53 - no boot filename recieved. is the problem the hard drive? sometimes i get "windows 7 has failed to start. a recent hardware or software change might be the cause" and i choose start up repair, but then its just a black screen. any ideas of the problems im having?

    This error comes if the OS or any boot device is not found in network boot, where the system tries to boot from Network or Boot Rom. Seems that teh BIOS setting is lost. To resolve teh issue. Enter BIOS by pressing F10 or F1 and reach the Boot tab (on the top with right arrow key). In the Boot tab there should be an option related to boot device priority, Select First Boot as HDD and then save settigs by pressing F10, select Yes for confirmation.
    Now PC PC will reboot and hope the windows will boot.
    ****Click the White Kudos star to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****

  • E52 error when installing ovimaps

    Today I decided to install the latest maps available in ovisuite.
    When I install them I get an error "disc C full", it wants me to remove files to make space available. The thing is, that I now have 20.9MB of free memory there, so I doubt that it can really be insufficient. I think it's rather a bug.
    I would normally deinstall previous version and install the new one, but since I need this navigation, I can't risk that after deinstalling old one new program won't install anyways.
    So, any suggestions on what to do? There's nothing left to remove from phone memory

    try to reset your phone.
    Soft reset(reformat). Type *#7370# and the phone's lock code (Nokia default lock code is 12345). Soft reset wipes the C drive.
    then try to install the latest Ovi Maps version for your phone. http://maps.nokia.com/services-and-apps/ovi-maps/f​ree-downloads?intc=ncomexpserv-fw-ilc-lft-con-na-n​...
    If you want to thank someone, just click on the blue star at the bottom of their post

  • Help needed with PXE-M0F error

    So today I bought a Toshiba Satellite C500-A-139 laptop. It did not have an operating system installed nor did I get the cd, but that wasn't a problem as my frind has an original win7 and win8 cd.
    However when trying to install I keep getting this message:
    For Atheros PCIE Ethernet Controller v2.1.1.2 (09/06/12)
    Check cable connection!
    PXE-M0F: Exiting Intel PXE ROM.
    No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key
    I've listed through this forum and it seems this is a common issue amd have tried literally everything that has been suggested, but to no avail. The hdd is listed in bios though. The only thing I haven't done is oppening it and checking the hd and I won't do that.
    Since there is nothing left to do that hasn't been said I guess I'm just asking for a confirmation that this is a hardware issue.

    That doesn't appear to be a US model, and this is the forums for Toshiba USA. You may want to contact Toshiba in your region.

  • PXE-E61 Error - But Windows Boots

    So I have been looking around this thing a while.
    Recently a virus got to my computer, so I just decided to just reformat and just reinstall everything.
    So I wanted to boot from a Windows OS disc and to no avail, I get that dreaded error, so I can no longer install my OS back onto the CD.
    I have turned off the LAN, changed the order, etc.... but no luck. I really do not want to have to replace this one when it boots perfectly fine...
    Any thoughts?

    So I have been looking around this thing a while.
    Recently a virus got to my computer, so I just decided to just reformat and just reinstall everything.
    So I wanted to boot from a Windows OS disc and to no avail, I get that dreaded error, so I can no longer install my OS back onto the CD.
    I have turned off the LAN, changed the order, etc.... but no luck. I really do not want to have to replace this one when it boots perfectly fine...
    Any thoughts?

  • T430 PXE 061 error - defunct harddisk?

    So, as I wanted to wake my T430 from sleep mode today, I got one of these nice bluescreens - being somewhat distracted, all I caught was the word "kernel" somewhere on screen - and ever since the maximum I get out of the machine are boot attempts resulting in "PXE 061 Media test failure, check cable; PXE-M0F: Exiting Intel PXE ROM"; the boot menu does not specify any devices except for the DVD drive and the PCI LAN adapter - any ideas how I can check whether it's the HDD or something else without a need to get a small enough screwdriver from somewhere?

    Just plugged the HDD from the laptop into my desktop - the drive wasn't recognized. Guess that takes care of that. Off to amazon to get a replacement, then....

Maybe you are looking for