Pxi 5142 infinite acq

i have problem to start infinite acq in pxi5142 board
1) card is set to complex acq
2) ddc is enabled
3) ddc freq translation is enabled
4) I am trying to set cont. acq with this function
niScope_ConfigureTriggerSoftware (vi, 0.0, 0.0);
5) but during niScope_InitiateAcquisition I am getting 
error that software trigger is not available... only: none, immediate, edge
6) what i need is to start infinite, continous acq,
and fetch the data with 
What I can do ?
Go to Solution.

 Either set it to  NISCOPE_VAL_ANALOG_DETECTION_CIRCUIT or leave it unset.

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    I am using labwindows. I want to just see if the digitizer was triggered.  so I set up the system where the input should occur, initialize a session with digitizer with triggering etc, wait for some amount of time the triggering event should occur in, check to see if the triggered condition occured, true or false. 
    This is breaking my brain.  i feel like this should be really easy, but I am struggling... any guidance would be appreciated.  

    was able to get the desired effect by clearing out waveforms before check, setting up desired trigger settings, reading NISCOPE_ATTR_RECORDS_DONE attribute and make sure its 0, then start acquisition and allow time for system response that should trigger capture, then poll NISCOPE_ATTR_RECORDS_DONE again to see that a waveform was captured. if desired trigger event did not occur, NISCOPE_ATTR_RECORDS_DONE will return 0, otherwise it should have captured a waveform due to trigger

  • How to build FM radio receiver on PXI 5600 and PXI 5142 with help of labview

    How to build FM radio receiver on PXI 5600 and PXI 5142 with help of labview?
    Go to Solution.

    Your way of asking questions sucks!
    - Do not use such fonts!
    - Try to find things out yourself first (apparently GovBob was able to find info, so could you)
    - Have you asked GovBob if he likes it that you mail him for more questions?
    You ask for a complete solution on a project YOU have to do. (you dont learn of it if you dont try it yourself first)
    Hopefully you will ask questions in a less DEMANDING way next time.
    Good luck with your project

  • Accurate frequency measurement using PXI 5142 Digitizer

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    Can someone help.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Thanks For your reply; The device is connected to the digitizer through BNC connector.
    Digitzer Scope Settings:  
    Samples/seconds --> 2G S/s
    Record Length      --> 800
    Aqiusition mode   ---> N Samples              
    Best Regards,
    Block Diagram.JPG ‏117 KB
    Front Panel.JPG ‏91 KB

  • Use 5600 and 5142 seperately

    I have 5661 (RF downconverter 5600 and digitizer 5142). I want to acquire the 15MHz IF signal of the downconverter through digitizer with DDC diabled(I don't want the IQ data centered around 0. I want to acquire the real 15MHz signal). For that i'll have to use the downconverter and digitizer seperately and have to configure 5600 in its downconverter only mode using niRFSA and 5142 using ni-scope. Is it possible to do that ? How can I pass the session handle from RFSA to ni-scope ?

    Hi Sandee,
    The IF output of the PXI-5600 is always 20 MHz wide. Normally, this gets filtered down to the requested Span in the NI-RFSA settings by the OSP on the PXI-5142. The 5142 digitizes the full 20 MHz IF and then digitally downconverts, filters, and decimates (to the requested IQ Rate) the signal.
    In your case, the OSP is disabled, so you will need to do any filtering of the IF signal yourself in software. 
    The Span setting used in this example, which sets an NI-RFSA span while the NI-RFSA driver is operating the PXI-5600 in downconverter-only mode, is a little confusing in this case.The Span setting in this case is only used to set the tuning increment of the PXI-5600. The PXI-5600 tunes in either 1 MHz or 5 MHz steps, depending on the Span setting.
    If the span is < 10 MHz, the PXI-5600 will tune in 5 MHz steps and have a narrower loop bandwidth, which slightly improves phase noise performance. This is the default setting of the attached example.
    If the span is > 10 MHz, the PXI-5600 will tune in 1 MHz steps and
    have a wider loop bandwidth, which slightly degrades phase noise
    Andy Hinde
    RF Systems Engineer
    National Instruments
    Message Edited by Andy Hinde on 06-08-2010 09:07 AM

  • Streaming using ethernet

    i looking for a suggestion a practical one. i want to stream data using ethernet cable from controller pxie 8130 ethernet slot,i have connected the controller to my PC using an ethernet cable(like form pxi 5142 digitizer onbord memory to controller 8130 memory and then from controller  memory to my PC).
    1-Can i make an application for acqusition on my PC labview, then using this can i acquire the data direct form controller
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    2- Or  i have to store my data first form digitizer to controller Hardisk and then from controller hardisk to pc  i can move
         it using some other application like clint/server since it then would be a file to transfer.
    3- what can be the bottleneck's if the memory of PC,controller,digitzer is 256Mb each.

    Hello COMSIS, 
    Let's brake this down into small parts here and step through the data as it goes from signalall the way back to host computer. I'll assume that you are sampling on one channel at the full rate.  Since we can sample at 100 MS/s and each sample is streamed back as 2 Bytes of data, we would be streaming at 200 MB/s whichshould work with your chassis (should be a 250 MB/s limit as per PCIe spec's).  So, your card will not be a bottle neck.
    Once you bring the data back into LabVIEW, you will more than likely have to use a producer/consumer architecture.  Your producer loop will put your data into a queue that will be read out in your consumer queue.  In the consumer queue you will want to use TCP comunication to stream your data back to your non PXI computer.  This DevZone outlines how you would do it in an embedded application, but you can also use it with a Windows based PXI system.
    Here my knowledge of LabVIEW memory allocation and TCP communication speeds is a little lacking, so we might not be able to keep up with the data rates and so you may need to go with your other idea of storing it to a disk and then FTP'ing it back to your host computer.  To get the best answers, I would post the second half of your question on a LabVIEW board and just include a link back to this thread.  Once you post there, post back on this thread with a link to the LabVIEW post so that anyone who comes onto this post later can get the complete answer.
    Message Edited by ColeTrain on 01-27-2010 05:52 PM
    Field Engineer

  • Problems with task in data acquisition

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    If I use the daq assistant everything is ok.
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    Labview 8.6

    These are the files, how should I modify the the voltage task.vi in order to scaling tha value of the channels?
    Message Edited by Pablo! on 02-01-2010 05:25 AM
    Labview 8.6
    Acq.Voltage.7z ‏19 KB

  • NiScope error list for ni5142 (what is over fetching error?)

    For a PXI-5142 digitizer,
    I have implemented some sample code using simulation drivers (in C), it runs smoothly with simulation but when I run my program with actual hardware after some time I get this error in NI SPY:
    > 2238.  niScope_FetchComplexBinary16 (Digitizer, "0", 0, 256, {0x0000,0x0000,...}, {0x00,0x00,...})
    > Process ID: 0x00000B98         Thread ID: 0x00000BC4
    > Start Time: 12:18:05.062       Call Duration 00:00:00.063
    > Status: 0xBFFA4018
    And the description is :
    The requested data has been over fetching.
    Status Code: -200004
    1- What does over fetching mean? Am I fetching too fast or too slow? Is this a warning or an error?
    2- Where can I find a document describing all possible error messages for different devices (PXI-5142, PXI-5600, PXI-5441, PXI-5610, PXI-5611, PXI-5450, and many other that we have) with more detail?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi dashesy,
    You will get this error when the data requested has been overwritten in the device memory. when Onboard device memory overflows. Because of system and/or bus-bandwidth limitations, the driver could not read data from the device fast enough to keep up with the device throughput.
    Reduce your sample rate, alter the data transfer method (from interrupts to DMA), use a product with more onboard memory, or reduce the number of programs your computer is executing concurrently.
    Hope this helps,

  • IQ demodulati​on board suggestion

    Hi guys, I am looking for a high speed NI board that can perform the quadrature demodulation (for a 20 MHz signal), I have looked through the web but so far I can only find 5620, 5660 and 5142.
    cos(wt) ----> Device under Test (DUT) -----> Acos(wt + theta)
    cos(wt) is the original tranmitting signal (20 MHz). After it is passed through the DUT, amplitude change (A) and phase shift (theta) is then introduced into the output signal (the frequency still remains the same.) The purpose of this setup is to measure the amplitude change and phase shift, relative to the original signal.
    Thus I need a simple I/Q demodulation board that can perform this job. Is there any NI board that one can recommend?
    Or is there a board that can generate the driving signal and do the IQ domodulation at the same time? I think 5620, 5660 and 5142 can only perform I/Q demodulation process...
    Each board costs quite a lot! Therefore I want to make sure that I am buying the right thing...
    Thanks for the help!

    There are three digitizer modules that contain Onboard Signal Processing in the form of a Digital Downconverter (DDC): the PXIe-5622, PXI-5142, and PXI-5620. Each of these will perform quadrature demodulation in firmware. 
    The PXI-5660 is composed of a PXI-5600 RF downconverter and a PXI-5620 digitizer, so the PXI-5660 is not a good option for you if you only need a baseband digitizer.
     All three are capable of acquiring a 20 MHz wide signal. Where that 20 MHz signal is centered in frequency, and whether the digitizer must be DC coupled will impact your options, so if you post more info about that I can help narrow down your choices.
    As for options that include both transmit and receive, the above comments about the 5640R and 5641R are correct. 
    Andy Hinde
    RF Systems Engineer
    National Instruments
    Message Edited by Andy Hinde on 01-28-2010 11:00 AM

  • Error -1074118653 occurred at niRFSA Initialize.vi

    I am currently using NI PXI-1045 to test RF signal from a device under test. I am using an exact copy of an example used for NI-RFSA. The unit under test is connected to the input of Ni PXI-5600 which is wired with Ni PXI-5142 to create NI-PXI-5661. When I run my vi, I got the following message " Error -1074118653 occurred at niRFSA Initialize.vi
    Possible reason(s):
    The device specified is not supported by this driver.
    Status Code:-223543"
    Would you please help?
    Go to Solution.
    RFSA_testing_RF_output.vi ‏18 KB

    OK, then open Measurement and Automation Explorer(MAX). It sounds like you need to associate the downconverter with the digitizer. On the left side of MAX expand the devices and interfaces tree and then expand the chassis tree. Right click on the 5600 device (slot 8) and select properties and associate it with your digitizer.
    Using LabVIEW 2010SP1 and TestStand 4.5

  • Add PXI 6508 to existing Cont Acq to file (binary)

    I currently run LV Rt on a PXI chassis that has a PXI 6030E card installed. I have modified the example vi: "Cont acq to file (binary).vi" that NI provides as a DAQ example , to acquire 6 analog channels. I now want to append digital data to the binary stream and save to disk. I'll be reading in 50 digital lines using the PXI-6508 card.
    I'd like to know how I might add the digital data acquisition inside my existing loop, make sure that the digital lines are appended to teh analog data, and if possible, I'd like to use a digital signal coming into te PXI 6508 to trigger data acquisition (rather than jhust running at the 240S/s that i currently run).
    I have attached my existing code for the data acquisition.
    Basically this code controls the release of a sled chair in which a human subject sits. the subject initiates release of the chair by a joystick, a laser fixation point is turned on and off at various times, and data from the joystick as well as various linear acclerometers is acquired. The data acquistion loop is in frame three of the main sequence. You'll notice that i am using some of the digital lines of the PXI-6030E but want to include many more digital lines by using the 6058
    PXI_collect.vi ‏308 KB

    You would just need additional port configs and some port reads for the ports on the 6508 you are using. Appending this data to the end of the analog data is fine. When writing binary data, the only thing that is important about the formatting is that you read it back in the same format you wrote it. You might look at some of the digital-only examples as well as some of the analog input with start trigger examples to combine some of these concepts.
    Also, if you have more questions about this, you might try positing this question to the general data acquisition group. This sort of operation would behave the same way in Windows as it would in RT, and you would get a larger audience there for more possible responses.

  • Choosing a PXIe controller for streaming 200 MBps

    Warning:  This is a long post with several questions.  My appologies in advance.
    I am a physics professor at a small liberal-arts college, and will be replacing a very old multi-channel analyzer for doing basic gamma-ray spectroscopy.  I would like to get a complete PXI system for maximum flexability.  Hopefully this configuration could be used for a lot of other experiments such as pulsed NMR.  But the most demanding role of the equipment would be gamma-ray spectroscopy, so I'll focus on that.
    For this, I will need to be measuring either the maximum height of an electrical pulse, or (more often) the integrated voltage of the pulse.  Pulses are typically 500 ns wide (at half maximum), and between roughly 2-200 mV without a preamp and up to 10V after the preamp.  With the PXI-5122 I don't think I'll need a preamp (better timing information and simpler pedagogy).  A 100 MHz sampling rate would give me at least 50 samples over the main portion of the peak, and about 300 samples over the entire range of integration.  This should be plenty if not a bit of overkill.
    My main questions are related to finding a long-term solution, and keeping up with the high data rate.  I'm mostly convinced that I want the NI PXIe-5122 digitizer board, and the cheapest (8-slot) PXIe chassis.  But I don't know what controller to use, or software environment (LabView / LabWindows / homebrew C++).  This system will likely run about $15,000, which is more than my department's yearly budget.  I have special funds to accomplish this now, but I want to minimize any future expenses in maintenance and updates.
    The pulses to be measured arrive at random intervals, so performance will be best when I can still measure the heights or areas of pulses arriving in short succession.  Obviously if two pulses overlap, I have to get clever and probably ignore them both.  But I want to minimize dead time - the time after one pulse arrives that I become receptive to the next one.  Dead times of less than 2 or 3 microseconds would be nice.
    I can imagine two general approaches.  One is to trigger on a pulse and have about a 3 us (or longer) readout window.  There could be a little bit of pileup inspection to tell if I happen to be seeing the beginning of a second pulse after the one responsible for the trigger.  Then I probably have to wait for some kind of re-arming time of the digitizer before it's ready to trigger on another pulse.  Hopefully this time is short, 1 or 2 us.  Is it?  I don't see this in the spec sheet unless it's equivalent to minimum holdoff (2 us).  For experiments with low rates of pulses, this seems like the easiest approach.
    The other possibility is to stream data to the host computer, and somehow process the data as it rolls in.  For high rate experiments, this would be a better mode of operation if the computer can keep up.  For several minutes of continuous data collection, I cannot rely on buffering the entire sample in memory.  I could stream to a RAID, but it's too expensive and I want to get feedback in real time as pulses are collected.
    With this in mind, what would you recommend for a controller?  The three choices that seem most reasonable to me are getting an embedded controller running Windows (or Linux?), an embedded controller running Labview real-time OS, or a fast interface card like the PCIe8371 and a powerful desktop PC.  If all options are workable, which one would give me the lowest cost of upgrades over the next decade or so?  I like the idea of a real-time embedded controller because I believe any run-of-the-mill desktop PC (whatever IT gives us) could connect and run the user interface including data display and higher-level analysis.  Is that correct?  But I am unsure of the life-span of an embedded controller, and am a little wary of the increased cost and need for periodic updates.  How are real-time OS upgrades handled?  Are they necessary?  Real-time sounds nice and all that, but in reality I do not need to process the data stream in a real-time environment.  It's just the computer and the digitizer board (not a control system), and both should buffer data very nicely.  Is there a raw performance difference between the two OSes available for embedded controllers?
    As for live processing of the streaming data, is this even possible?  I'm not thinking very precisely about this (would really have to just try and find out), but it seems like it could possibly work on a a 2 GHz dual-core system.  It would have to handle 200 MBps, but the data processing is extremely simple.  For example one thread could mark the beginnings and ends of pulses, and do simple pile-up inspection.  Another thread could integrate the pulses (no curve fitting or interpolation necessary, just simple addition) and store results in a table or list.  Naievely, I'd have not quite 20 clock cycles per sample.  It would be tight.  Maybe just getting the data into the CPU cache is prohibitively slow.  I'm not really even knowledgeable enough to make a reasonable guess.  If it were possible, I would imagine that I would need to code it in LabWindows CVI and not LabView.  That's not a big problem, but does anyone else have a good read on this?  I have experience with C/C++, and some with LabView, but not LabWindows (yet).
    What are my options if this system doesn't work out?  The return policy is somewhat unfriendly, as 30 days may pass quickly as I struggle with the system while teaching full time.  I'll have some student help and eventually a few long days over the summer.  An alternative system could be built around XIA's Pixie-4 digitizer, which should mostly just work out of the box.  I prefer somewhat the NI PXI-5122 solution because it's cheaper, better performance, has much more flexability, and suffers less from vendor lock-in.  XIA's software is proprietary and very costly.  If support ends or XIA gets bought out, I could be left with yet another legacy system.  Bad.
    The Pixie-4 does the peak detection and integration in hardware (FPGAs I think) so computing requirements are minimal.  But again I prefer the flexibility of the NI digitizers.  I would, however, be very interested if data from something as fast as the 5122 could be streamed into an FPGA-based DSP module.  I haven't been able to find such a module yet.  Any suggestions?
    Otherwise, am I on the right track in general on this kind of system, or badly mistaken about some issue?  Just want some reassurance before taking the plunge.

    The reason you did not find the spec for the rearm time for
    the 5133 is because the USB-5133 is not capable of multi-record acquisition.  The rearm time is a spec for the reference
    trigger, and that trigger is used when fetching the next record.  So every time you want to do another fetch
    you will have to stop and restart your task. 
    To grab a lot of data increase your minimum record size.  Keep in mind that you have 4MB of on board
    memory per channel. 
    Since you will only be able to fetch 1 record at a time,
    there really isn’t a way to use streaming. 
    When you call fetch, it will transfer the amount of data you specify to
    PC memory through the USB port (up to 12 MB/s for USB 2.0 – Idealy).
    Topher C,
    We do have a Digitizer that has onboard signal processing
    (OSP), which would be quicker than performing post processing.  It is
    the NI 5142
    and can perform the following signal
    processing functions.  It is
    essentially a 5122 but with built in OSP. 
    It may be a little out of your price range, but it may be worth a
    For more
    information on streaming take a look at these two links (if you havn’t
    Data Streaming: Programming and Benchmarks
    Streaming Options for PXI
    When dealing with different LabVIEW versions
    it is important to note that previous versions will be compatible with new
    versions; such as going from 8.0 to 8.5. 
    Keep in mind that if you go too far back then LabVIEW may complain, but
    you still may be able to run your VI.  If
    you have a newer version going to an older version then we do have options in
    LabVIEW to save your VI for older versions. 
    It’s usually just 1 version back, but in LabVIEW 8.5 you can save for
    LabVIEW 8.2 and 8.0.
    Here is the link
    I was referring to earlier about DMA transfers.  DMA is actually done every time you call a
    fetch or read function in LabVIEW or CVI (through NI-SCOPE). 
    Topher C and ESD,
    LabVIEW is a combination of a compiled
    language and an interpreted language. 
    Whenever you make a change to the block diagram LabVIEW compiles
    itself.  This way when you hit run, it is
    ready to execute.  During execution LabVIEW
    uses the run-time engine to reference shared libraries (such as dll’s).  Take a look at this DevZone article about
    how LabVIEW compiles it’s block diagram (user code). 
    I hope all of this information helps!
    Ryan N
    National Instruments
    Application Engineer

  • Simultaneous analog and digital waveform read with PXIe-6361 and BNC2120 ?

    Hi there,
    I am trying to collect both analog and digital signals from a PXIe-6361 linked to a BNC2120, using the attached VI. I am running Labview 2011 64bit. This is the first time I am working with digital input. On the 2120 board, I have the digital input BNC cable connected to User Input 1 and wire between the screw terminal of UserInput 1 and the P0.1 (Digtial I/O) screw terminal.
    I have two questions related to this:
    1) When I try to run the VI in its current state, I get the following error:
    Error -89137 occurred at DAQmx Start Task.vi:3
    Possible reason(s): Specified route cannot be satisfied, because it requires resources that are currently in use by another route.
    Property: RefClk.Src
    Source Device: PXI1Slot2
    Source Terminal: PXIe_Clk100
    Required Resources in Use by
    Task Name: _unnamedTask<6>
    Source Device: PXI1Slot2
    Source Terminal: None
    Destination Device: PXI1Slot2
    Destination Terminal: RefClockInternal
    Can anyone point me in the right direction for troubleshooting this?
    2) I would like to combine my regular waveforms and the digital waveform into one array which would then be written to file. I can't figure out how to combine the two different waveform types...can anyone give me a hint on this?
    Thanks for your help,
    Export Waveforms To Spreadsheet File (1D)_wo extra line.vi ‏33 KB
    Multi-Device Synch-Analog Input-Finite Acq-Analog Start_Claire_wDigitalin.vi ‏105 KB

    Hi ClaireJ,
    Sounds like a reference clock conflict. This KnowledgeBase (KB) talks about this error when using simultaneous sampling. Also, might want to check the device routes in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) as discussed here. Finally, if you are routing your PFI line over a RTSI connection, this error can occur. This KB discusses it.
    As to your second question, this post should help.
    Bill E. | Applications Engineer | National Instruments

  • Error-200284 for PXI-1010 MXI-3 fiberoptic connection to a PXI-6533.

    In the instruction lab in which I work, we have two types of systems:
    1)SCXI-1000 chassis connected by copper to a PXI-6035E card in a PC.
    2)PXI-1010 chassis connected by fiberoptic from a MXI-3 to a PXI-6030E card in a PC.  A PXI-6533 handles the digital I/O.
    We have LabVIEW8.5.1 running on both types of systems.  On the SCXI-1000 system, the LabView example Acq&GraphVoltage-IntClk-DigStart.vi runs just fine.  It does not run on the PXI-1010 systems.  Instead, I eventually get Error-200284.  In both cases we use PFI0 or PFI1, and digital ground, for the triggers, connected to lines 38, 39, and 33, respectively, in the SCXI-1302 terminal block, which connects to an SCXI-1180 feedthrough panel.
    I searched the forums and all ni.com for information on this problem, and have not been able to find any relevant information.
    Joseph D. Rudmin

    Hi Joseph,
    I think I'm starting to understand the problem you are having. Unfortunately, since on a SCXI module, all channels are generally multiplexed through AI0, the PXI/SCXI backplane only shares the necessary channels i.e. one AI channel and any required timing signals. Therefore, even if though you are using the SCXI-1180 module with a SCXI-1349 communicating adapter, you will not be able to access the other channels on your PXI-6030E since there is no physical connections being made to those channels in the backplane. There are 2 solutions around this problem:
    1. You can use an SCXI-1349 cable assembly to connect the front of the PXI-6030E module to the back of the SCXI-1349 adapter. This way the unused pins on the DAQ module can be accessed through the SCXI-1180.
    2. You can decide not to use the SCXI-1180 and simply use a standard 68-pin terminal block with your PXI-6030E and connect your 5V sync pulse to the PFI pins. This will still allow you to sample off of the SCXI-1100 since those channels are connected via the backplane.
    Here's a link to our online KnowledgeBase article which talks about this issue. 
    Can I Connect The SCXI-1180 To An SCXI Module In A PXI-1010 To Use The Additional Analog Input Chann...
    Please let me know if this answers your question.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

  • Pxi-4071 ranges

    Why is it so hard to find the ranges for the PXI-4071???????  I called National and they told me:
    The ranges that are possible to use are:
    Yet when I open the soft front panel there is a range up to 1000 volts.  Where is this listed??  I need ranges for VDC, current dc and resistance ( opens...infinite)  I'm using the DMM drivers that ships w LV 8.6.

    All of the range specifications will be found in the PXI-4071 user guide and specifications document.
    If you search on ni.com for 4071 you will find the PXI-4071 product page.  Going to the specifications tab, and then clicking "detailed specifications" opens this document.  It contains all of the specifications and accuracy ratings of the device.
    NI 4071 Specifications (Multilingual)
    Page two specifies that for DC voltage the following are valid ranges:
    which also show up in the DMM soft front panel.
     For DC current, see page 4, which states
    Resistance, page 5,
    Thse pages also have the charts for the accuracy of the DMM at each one of these ratings.
    Eric S.
    AE Specialist | Global Support
    National Instruments

Maybe you are looking for