QM Order- Sales order

Hi, for MRP generated PR, While converting into PO, in A (Account asignment field in item details) filed no account assignmnt is appearing automatically. i think when we convert pr into pr (thru mrp generated, sales order created for header material), sales order account assignment should happen automatically.please advise where should we make this setting for the same. thank you.


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    Thanks in advance

    I haven't seen any standard content for it, with my client, we actually developed the open order report from Item extractor and status extractor. And compare the created on date to the system data to see how long it has been opened for and put it in different buckets.
    Hopes that help.

  • Open sale order aging report

    Need a report on open order aging.  The open order means not delivered or partially delivered. Further with days range since its open or not fully delievered i.e. > 15 days or 15-30 days and so on.
    The standard transactions Va05 and VL10c can provide the list but dont provide any aging info.
    Kindly help in this.

    Dear Anu
    1. First in VA05 you can use Variants and get the report as desired by you,create one variant and use Filter along with greater then, less then (all are in selection option icon)
    This way you can create three variants.
    But limitation is dates has to be manually changed in variants each time.
    2. Try this Tcodes
    S_ALR_87014387 Display Document Flow
    S_ALR_87014392 Display Document Flow
    This reports will give you document flow run report with ticking checkbox for sales order,delivery and goods isse then after getting the list expand all (Shift+F12)
    you will get the quantities for sales order, and what is delivered and what is issued.
    3. As such if you want exactly the report you can take help of ABAP to create the ALV
    4. Report or create Queries in SQVI , or else create MCSI report

  • How to restrict manual changing of free goods in sales order

    Hi ,
    Goodmorning ,
    We have some requirement : In sales order free goods quantity determination by system  should not be allowed to change manually , where can we do this ?
    Looking for your inputs
    Thanks and regards

    As per SAP Standard, when the main Item quantity is changed, the Free Goods are redetermined. In this case any manual changes to Free Goods Quantities are lost.
    But your requirement is for restricting the Chages of the Quantity of Free Goods Correct?
    I believe there is no SAP standard solution for this. You will have to apply a User Exit, which will check the Item category of each LIne item & if it is free goods (TANN) then changes are not permitted.
    Hope this helps.
    Jignesh Mehta

  • Query help needed for Sales order panel user field query.

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    1, I would like this field to get the value from a field on this sales order row level multiplied by what is in point 2 below. The details of field in point 1 is :
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    2. The contents in field 1 should be multiplied  by a value coming from another user field linked to OITM master item.
    The details of user field attached to OITM is :
    Appreciate your help.
    Thank you.

    Try this one:
    SELECT T0.U_DepositFeeON*$[$38.10002117.number\]
    FROM dbo.OITM T0
    WHERE T0.ItemCode = $[$38.1.0\]

  • Logic for Open Sales order qty

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    Note the criterias are as under:
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    2) The delivery qty should be delivery order qty (The delivery should not necessarily be pick, packed & PGI)

    sorry it doesn't work for services, since they do not create requirements.
    in this case you can use VBFA table, subracting all the delivered quantities VBFA-RFMNG with VBFA-VBTYP_N = J and VBFA-VBELV/VBFA-POSNV = to your order/item from the ordered quantities
    hope  this help you.

  • Report for open sales order

    Dear all,
    I need to create a open sales order report. Could you please tell me from which table i can get open sales order. Its standard report is VA05 and also I checked in table VBBE. but all record which i get from VA05 are not visible in VBBE table. It means VBBE doesnt carry all pending open records.
    Please guide me from which table i can get it or what is the sriteria to get it?
    Thankyou very much in advance
    Punnet Sharma

    my logic goes like this:
    Note: Open cursor is used since we are dealing with huge amnt of data:
    * Select orders based on their Delivery status
      SELECT  vbeln
      FROM vbuk INTO TABLE git_vbuk
          WHERE lfstk = 'A' OR lfstk = 'B' .
    * Filter selected orders
    * Selection using open cursor
      DATA: lwa_op_sal_ord1 TYPE gt_comtab.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        OPEN CURSOR c1 FOR
          SELECT vbap~matnr
          FROM vbap INNER JOIN vbak
          ON vbap~vbeln EQ vbak~vbeln
          FOR ALL entries IN git_vbuk
          WHERE vbap~vbeln = git_vbuk-vbeln AND
                vbak~vbtyp = 'C'.
          CLEAR lwa_op_sal_ord1.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            APPEND lwa_op_sal_ord1 TO li_op_sal_ord1.
            CLOSE CURSOR c1.
    here filter orders based on 'A' and 'B' from VBUK...
    then frm header table VBAK get order for vbtyp ='C'.
    now li_op_sal_ord1 will have open sales orders..
    Moreover as per ur query y do u need the item data frm VBAP as u are only concerned abt VBELN.
    If u need item u hv 2 run another select.

  • Open Balance on Sales Order Cost Report

    Hi SAP Group -
    I have a couple questions about the settlement of manufacturing variance to COPA.
    When our settlement process is complete (production order and sales order both settled to COPA), there is a balance remaining on the sales order cost report which is equal to the manufacturing variance on the production order.
    It seems that the manufacturing variance is posting from the production order to the sales order, but is not being assigned to the PSEG and flowing to COPA.
    I am looking for advice in two areas:
    First, how do we "clear" these balances on old orders that are already settled?
    Second, how do we prevent this from happening on future orders?
    Thanks !!!

    Refer to OSS 183250 and note 186485.
    If you don’t specify in the settlement profile for the production order that the variances are not transferred from the production order into CO-PA, you will settle the variances to <b>CO-PA twice</b>: once from the production order (broken down into variance categories), and once from the sales order item. The settlement rule still references the material and not the sales order item.
    Special Features of Product Cost by Sales Order with Valuated Sales Order Stock
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/erp2005_ehp_02/helpdata/en/90/ba66cc446711d189420000e829fbbd/content.htm">Read the topic on 'Special Features of Product Cost by Sales Order with Valuated Sales Order Stock'</a>
    You may want to check the period of the variance settlement from mfg order to sales order and ensure the settlement of sales order is also done the same period, if the type is PER.

  • Close Open sale order items

    We have a business scenario of one sales order --> one delivery document. Any items which have not been confirmed for delivery need to be closed out so that they do not show up as open requirements.
    One way is to reject the open line items. However, rejection reduces the original customer sales order value.
    Is there any other way that the open sales order line items can be changed in status so that the pricing is intact, but the item is closed out ?
    Would appreciate inputs from the forum

    In standard itself this can be achieved
    In t code OVAG itself for your reason of rejection if you maintain BLANK in the statistical column
    Then those rejected values will not be reflected in sales order
    Suppose  a sales order contains three materials say
    Material A  qty 3 units
    Material B  qty 3 units
    Material C  qty 2 units
    Each and everything is priced as 10 US dollars
    then the nett value of this order will be 80 US dollars
    Suppose if you reject Material C  qty 2 units with a reason of rejection by maintaining the settings that i mentioned above the sales order value still Will  be  80 US dollars and will not become  60 US dollars
    This is what you are looking for (i hope so)
    Please try this

  • Reg : open sale order

    hai to all
    i my senario i should download the open sale order existing in the present production server into a flat fle
    can anyone tell me where this ship- to party is getting stored while creating the sale order. please let me know the table name.

    Hi Vijay,
    To find out Open Sales Order. You shoud get them from VBUK-GBSTK <> 'C'. Store them in internal table.
    To get Ship-to-party, you can get it from VBPA (partner table).
    VBPA-VBELN = sales order number
    VBPA-POSNR = '000000'
    VBPA-PARVW = 'WE' or 'SH'
    You will get details for Ship to Party.

  • AFS sale order - arun report

    I need report similar to /AFS/MD04  AFS stock req list but for  all material of one sale order on onew screen.
    User want to see statuses for allpositions of  order at one time  to make decision about delivery.
    any standart report?
    Andrey Garshin.

    Hi Andrey,
    I don't see a benefit from seeing statuses in a sales order.
    /AFS/MD04 is a stock/requirements list for the MRP conroller.
    It does a complete different calculation than ARUN or ATP.
    It will not help you to determine what can delivered.
    You can have orders in B status and still be able to allocate and deliver it.
    So explain your business requirements. What do you want to see?
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: Markus Doerr on Jun 8, 2010 10:16 AM

  • Sale order wise Report

    Hi firends i need to develop a report according salesorder and line item stock report.
    kdauf            kdpos       shkzg
    0000001663     000010     S    10
    0000001663     000010     S    20
    0000001663 000010          S   30
    0000001663 0000020        S  10
    0000001663 00000020      S  10
    0000001663 00000020      S  30
    0000001663 00000020       S  20
    0000001663 00000020       H 2 0
    0000001665     000010     S 10
    here the requirement sales order and line item debits and credits should be added and should as like thse
    00000001663 10 60qty
    00000001663 20 10 (s = 50 h = 40 ) s-h = 10.
    00000001665 10 10
    the report should display like these

    Hi Pramod ,
    You can use collect to add the Debit and credit and then use loop  all  the S read table H do
    s-h and append it to It_final you get  data as u want .
    Try It

  • Sale Order Status Report

    Dear Expert.
    I want Sales Order Status report as below mentioned format required quarry base report from Date to To Date.
    Location-OrderSeries-OrderNo-CardCode-CardName-ItemCode-Item Descripotion-Inv.UOM-Order Qty-Allocated Qty-DeliverQty-Peniding Qty adn Pending Order Value.

    You can check this :
    select t3.location as 'Location',t0.series as 'Order Series',
    t0.docnum as 'Order No.',t0.cardcode as 'Business Partner Code',
    t0.cardname as 'Business Partner Name', t1.itemcode as 'Item',
    t1.dscription as 'Item Name', t2.invntryUom as 'Inventory UoM',t1.quantity as 'Order Qty',
    t1.QtyToship as 'Allocated Qty- Qty to Ship', t1.delivrdQty as 'Delivered Qty',
    t1.OrderedQty as 'Ordered Qty', t1.openCreQty as 'Pending Qty',
    t1.Opensum as 'Pending Order Row Value'
    from ORDR t0 inner join RDR1 t1 on t1.docentry = t0.docentry
    inner join OITM t2 on t2.itemcode = t1.itemcode
    inner join OLCT t3 on t3.code = t1.loccode
    where t0.docdate >= '2011.01.01' and t0.docdate <= '2011.12.31'
    Hope it helps.
    Kind Regards,
    SAP Business One Forum Team

  • Sale Order Scenario - Report in PS Budget /Actual/Variance

    Dear Experts,
    Please help me understand solve the scenario given below
    Step 1
    Work order issued to a contractor ( contract includes Service and Material from the contractor) - Service being the labour part
    and Material being the cement
    But cement is supplied by the client as a sale of cement at a basic price agreed between the two parties.
    There are 2 WBS
    WBS 1 - has a PR released converted to PO with value 100 ( inclusive service + material)
    Material procured through me51n , Me21n - GR done and stock has come to GNST ( 40 rs)
    material converted to sale order stock mb1b - 412 E after creating sale order with reference to WBS 2
    WBS 2 -  reports cost incurred for procurement ie; 40rs
    Actual booked against WBS1 based on GR 100
    Once the billing is done for rs 20 ( basic price) report in budget actual variance shows as below
                    Budget    Actual    Variance
    WBS 1      200          100          100
    WBS 2                       40           -40
    Report should show 120 as the project cost rather than 140 - since 20 is lost against selling at lower cost.
    How to get the cost to 120 which is the actual cost for the work

    Dear Experts,
    Please help me understand solve the scenario given below
    Step 1
    Work order issued to a contractor ( contract includes Service and Material from the contractor) - Service being the labour part
    and Material being the cement
    But cement is supplied by the client as a sale of cement at a basic price agreed between the two parties.
    There are 2 WBS
    WBS 1 - has a PR released converted to PO with value 100 ( inclusive service + material)
    Material procured through me51n , Me21n - GR done and stock has come to GNST ( 40 rs)
    material converted to sale order stock mb1b - 412 E after creating sale order with reference to WBS 2
    WBS 2 -  reports cost incurred for procurement ie; 40rs
    Actual booked against WBS1 based on GR 100
    Once the billing is done for rs 20 ( basic price) report in budget actual variance shows as below
                    Budget    Actual    Variance
    WBS 1      200          100          100
    WBS 2                       40           -40
    Report should show 120 as the project cost rather than 140 - since 20 is lost against selling at lower cost.
    How to get the cost to 120 which is the actual cost for the work

  • Open sale order quantity in VA05

    hi all,
    can anyone please tell me the function module or bapi or Table to find out open sales order quantity coming in VA05.

    First of all define what is open , is it created but notdelivered , or delivered but not invoiced.
    The table VBUP has flags for statuses eg
    A     Not yet processed
    B     Partially processed
    C     Completely processed
    A for open , B for partial C for complete , so by checking this table you will find which are actually delivered or invoiced completely.
    Tcode V.02 gives u this option.

  • Open Sale Order Value (FD33) not getting diminished even after closing SO?

    Upon Executing FD33 and clicking the status view for a Customer say XYZ , and then choosing EXTRAS-Open Sale Order . Say the value of open sale orders being shown is 75000. Even after closing the open sale orders (By Selecting VA05 and Putting reason for Rejection), and then also the Open Sales Order value is not getting diminished.
    What could be the reason ?
    Pls help.

    Hi Binayak,
    As mentioned by you, running of Credit re-org program 'RVKRED77' is the only solution for this problem and it is known problem in SAP.
    Some precautions
    1. Always run the program in background by scheduling a job.
    2. The idle time is around midnight when no user is working on SAP.
    3. Some time the job fails as some other program may be updating same tables as this program. In such cases re-schedule the job at different time.
    4. You may run the program 'RVKRED88' which will simulate without actual updation of credit values.
    Hope this clarifies..

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