Qt and codec problem

Ever since I had to reinstall my OS, QT will not play avi files. I had this same issue a while back and Perian fixed it. I redownloaded Perian after the reinstall, but certain avi files still won't play.
Also, I downloaded Divx and Xvid to try, and those didn't help. Now, I can't trash the Divx codec and the Apple codec that goes with it. Help?

These are the downloads and the settings you need in order to view/hear pretty much everything that the net can throw at you: The setup described below has proved repeatedly successful on both PPC and Intel macs, but nothing in life carries a guarantee!
It is known to work in the great majority of cases with Safari 3.0.4, QT 7.3 and OS 10.4.11.
Assuming you already run Tiger versions OS 10.4.9 or above (this has not yet been verified with Leopard) and have Quicktime 7.2 or above, and are using Safari 2 or 3, download and install (or re-install even if you already had them) the latest versions, suitable for your flavor of Mac, of:
RealPlayer 10 for Mac from http://forms.real.com/real/player/blackjack.html?platform2=Mac%20OS%20X&product= RealPlayer%2010&proc=g3&lang=&show_list=0&src=macjack
Flip4Mac WMV Player from http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/wmcomponents.mspx (Windows Media Player for the Mac is no longer supported, even by Microsoft)
Perian from http://perian.org/
Adobe FlashPlayer from http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1ProdVersion=ShockwaveFlash
(You can check here: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about/ to see which version you should install for your Mac and OS.)
In Quicktime Preferences, under advanced, UNcheck Enable Flash, and under Mime settings/Miscellananeous only check Quicktime HTML (QHTM).
In Macintosh HD/Library/Quicktime/ delete any files relating to DivX (Perian already has them).
Now go to Safari Preferences/Security, and tick the boxes under Web Content (all 4 of them).
Lastly open Audio Midi Setup (which you will find in the Utilities Folder of your Applications Folder) and click on Audio Devices. Make sure that both Audio Input and Audio Output, under Format, are set to 44100 Hz.
Important: Now repair permissions and restart.
The world should now be your oyster!
You should also have the free VLC Player from http://www.videolan.org/ in your armory, as this plays almost anything that DVD Player might not.

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    Hi Joko,
    Please check your private message.

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    So, to be clear, it happens when the FirePro 610 in connected, and does not happen when it's diconnected?
    That is obviously directly related to the FirePRo 610 having some hardware latency issues on an OS level.  That's up to M-Audio to fix.  There was never anything wrong with your Mac, there's something wrong with the M-Audio unit, obviously.
    Do you have a FW hard drive plugged in?  If so, will it work correctly without any other FW devices connected?
    It could be defective.
    http://forums.m-audio.com/showthread.php?10302-Firepro-610-on-Mac-OS-10.5.7&p=46 873

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    Hi Danny,
    Per my understanding that you can't get the expect result by using the expression "=Count(Fields!TICKET_STATUS.Value=4) " to count the the TICKET_STATUS which value is 4, the result will returns the count of all the TICKET_STATUS values(206)
    but not 180, right?
    I have tested on my local environment and can reproduce the issue, the issue caused by you are using the count() function in the incorrect way, please modify the expression as below and have a test:
    =COUNT(IIF(Fields!TICKET_STATUS.Value=4 ,1,Nothing))
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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    The same thing happened to me on my 2012 Subaru Outback.  I'm not sure this will help you since you have a Honda, but I'm posting this just in case.
    I paired the audio on my car with my iPhone 6.  However, when I turned the car off and back on again, the iPhone would not pair automatically.  I had to manually connect the iPhone with the car.  Turns out there are two separate bluetooth pairings on my car: one for phone which allows up to 5 devices and one for audio which allows only one device.  So I did the second bluetooth pairing for the phone (had already done the audio), and that fixed it.  YMMV

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    Here is the code for my objects:
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Random;
    import static java.lang.Math.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.color.*;
    class rockCrab {
         //Wounding formula
         double sL = 70;                                   // my Strength Level
         double bP = 1;                                   // bonus for prayer (is 1 times prayer bonus)
         double aB = 0;                                 // equipment stats
         double eS = (sL * bP) + 3;                         // effective strength
         double bD = floor(1.3 + (eS/10) + (aB/80) + ((eS*aB)/640));     // my base damage
         //Attack formula
         double aL = 50;                                   // my Attack Level
         double eD = 1;                                   // enemy's Defence
         double eA = aL / eD;                              // effective Attack
         double eB = 0;                                   // equipment bonus'
         double bA = ((eA/10) * (eB/10));                    // base attack
         //The hit formula
         double fA = random() * bA;
         double fH = random() * bD;
         double done = rint(fH - fA);
         //health formula
         double health = floor(10 + sL/10 * aL/10);
         rockCrab() {
         void attack() {
              health = floor(10 + sL/10 * aL/10);
              double done = rint(fH - fA);
              fA = random() * bA;
              fH = random() * bD;
              done = rint(fH - fA);
              System.out.println("Rockcrab hit" +done);
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Random;
    import static java.lang.Math.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.color.*;
    class self {
         //Wounding formula
         double sL = 1;                                   // my Strength Level
         double bP = 1;                                   // bonus for prayer (is 1 times prayer bonus)
         double aB = 0;                                 // equipment stats
         double eS = (sL * bP) + 3;                         // effective strength
         double bD = floor(1.3 + (eS/10) + (aB/80) + ((eS*aB)/640));     // my base damage
         //Attack formula
         double aL = 1;                                   // my Attack Level
         double eD = 1;                                   // enemy's Defence
         double eA = aL / eD;                              // effective Attack
         double eB = 0;                                   // equipment bonus'
         double bA = ((eA/10) * (eB/10));                    // base attack
         //The hit formula
         double fA = random() * bA;
         double fH = random() * bD;
         double done = rint(fH - fA);
         //health formula
         double health = floor(10 + sL/10 * aL/10);
         self() {
         void attack() {
              health = floor(10 + sL/10 * aL/10);
              fA = random() * bA;
              fH = random() * bD;
              done = rint(fH - fA);
              System.out.println("You hit" +done);
    }Here is the main code that writes what the objects do:
    class fight {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              self instance1 = new self();
              rockCrab instance2 = new rockCrab();
              instance2.health = instance2.health - instance1.done;
              System.out.println("You hit: " +instance1.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance2.health);
              instance1.health = instance1.health - instance2.done;
              System.out.println("RockCrab hit: " +instance2.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance1.health);
              instance2.health = instance2.health - instance1.done;
              System.out.println("You hit: " +instance1.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance2.health);
              instance1.health = instance1.health - instance2.done;
              System.out.println("RockCrab hit: " +instance2.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance1.health);
              instance2.health = instance2.health - instance1.done;
              System.out.println("You hit: " +instance1.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance2.health);
              instance1.health = instance1.health - instance2.done;
              System.out.println("RockCrab hit: " +instance2.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance1.health);
              instance2.health = instance2.health - instance1.done;
              System.out.println("You hit: " +instance1.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance2.health);
              instance1.health = instance1.health - instance2.done;
              System.out.println("RockCrab hit: " +instance2.done);
              System.out.println("rockCrabs health: " + instance1.health);
    }when the code is run it says something like this:
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 9
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 38
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 8
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 31
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 7
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 24
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 6
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 17
    my point is whatever some one hits it always repeats that
    my expected output would have to be something like
    you hit 1
    RockCrabs health is 9
    RockCrab hit 9
    your health is 37
    you hit 3
    RockCrabs health is 6
    RockCrab hit 4
    your health is 33
    you hit 2
    RockCrabs health is 4
    RockCrab hit 7
    your health is 26
    you hit 3
    RockCrabs health is 1
    RockCrab hit 6
    your health is 20
    Edited by: rade134 on Jun 4, 2009 10:58 AM

    [_Crosspost_|http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5390217] I'm locking.

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    Most articles have stated that there is an option to disable the IR receiver in the "security" window under system preferences. When the IR and remote are not working this option disappears but when they are working the option is present. I have also tried replacing the battery without any result.
    I am now thinking that it might have something to do with heat buildup because it is mainly occuring after the laptop has been on for about a half hour, so I am going to try to borrow someone's fan.
    If anyone has any suggestions to solve this I would appreciate it if you could help. Thanks!
    MacBook Pro 1.83 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    check out this thread. Seems to be the same problem.

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    anyone else have these problems? where you able to fix them or did you need to get a new phone? the 2.1 update was supposed to fix problems. i think they just made it worse. the ally is supposed to have 2.2 froyo. where is it. is it ever going to get it. i got this phone because i like the lgs and the keyboard. also the sales representative on the phone was giving the lg ally rave reviews. why couldnt he say dont buy this go with a motorola droid. this phone is the biggest junk ever made

    I do apologize you are having trouble with your device I looked in our information system on the LG Ally in reguards to issues you are having it states if you have the Free Droid Security anti virus protection application down loaded it will cause the phone to lock up or freeze. Check and make sure you do not have the application on your device. Check you GPS settings and make sure correct. Go to Settings; Location & Security; make sure GPS is on wireless network. If this does not fix issue you can try doing a Master Reset on your device. Make sure your contacts are saved in your G-mail account or through Back Up Assistance.
    Master Reset/Soft Reset:
    Factory Reset option 1
    From the main screen, touch menu tab
    Touch Settings
    Touch Privacy
    Touch Factory Data reset
    Touch Reset Phone
    Warning: This will erase all data from your phone, including:
    Your Google account
    System and application data and settings
    Downloaded Applications
    It will not erase: Current System software and bundled applications; SD Card files, such as music or Photos
    Factory Reset option 2  - Warning this will reset device back to original factory settings.
    Turn off the phone
    Press and hold "home" + "end" + "volume up or down" keys together for a few seconds when the device is power off
    Once device displays boot information, release keys.
    Soft Reset
    Press the Power key.
    Touch Power off.
    Touch OK.
    Press the Power key to power on the device.
    Remove battery cover, remove battery and reinstall.Also there is a new update for LG Ally it will be the Froyo 2.2 but there is not release date available at this time it will post on your device when available. Hope this Helps. Leslie

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