Quantity Distribution in last operation in combine order @ Co11n

we are using MILL_OC and creating the combine order ,
presently, we have requirement that at the time of last operation confirmation on combine order, the system proportionate equal ratio on original order where our client required that quantity distribution is being carried out manually on original orders.
so please suggest what will be best solution to do so...!
Sameer M. 

There are some customizing options which should allow you to cover your process.
IMG --> Production --> Shop Floor Control --> Operations --> Confirmations --> Maintain confirmation parameter in the combination
Let me explain in more detail the available settings:
In your case, the value for 'Quantity Distribution' needs to be set to 'brought forward'. Press 'Enter'!
The last parameter is automatically set to: 'Display Quantity Distribution Screen' - no other values allowed.
If you now access your confirmation transaction the first screen which pops up is where you can enter the different quantities which should be confirmed against the original orders. Press 'execute' and you will get to the standard confirmation screen you are used to see. The total quantity to be confirmed is already calculated (based on what was entered on the distribution screen).
The second parameter controls what you can do with the total confirmed quantity: changeable on the standard screen yes/no. If you change the yield quantity you will be asked to go back to the distribution screen and update your data there before you can save your confirmation. You can do so by pressing the button 'Quantity Distribution' on the standard screen in the confirmation transaction.
If you set the parameter to 'not changeable' the total quantity field is grayed out. You can't make changes here, but you could again access the quantity distribution screen to make required changes.
If you need to change the default values for the quantity distributions only now and again (maybe in your case only during the last operation confirmation) you can set the first parameter to 'back ground pressing'. So the screen sequence shown during confirmation is the standard. Set the third parameter to ' Display Quantity Distribution Screen'. With this setting there will be a push bottom in the standard configuration screen made available which is labeled 'Quantity Distribution'. If you press this button the quantity distribution screen will be shown where you can make the required adjustments.
If you combine process orders you will have limited options.
Hope these settings enable the desired process.

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    Edited by: Ramesh Jiddigi on Nov 10, 2009 10:31 AM

    What is message no?
    Parameters for order confirmations in customizing screen control is set to actual data (transaction OPK4).
    Please check.
    Also refer the OSS note 119348

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    Not possible in standard system.

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    You can do another way also.   You change your routing with new operation quantity and save it in CA02.    NOw you go to CO02 and read master data in funtions,  then the new operation quantity will definetly come in to the production order.

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    Please Follow the Steps
    1. Go into Co02 there u do production order with qty select the Component overview u find the Materials there please check hhow much is the qty of that particular material
    EX: Production order qty for Header Material is 10 ea
    then ur Compannets Qty is 10 or 20
    depends on the Componet Qty the Operation takes place that is because u have maintatined a base qty in Routing and BOM
    With Regards

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    There is a trick for adding a parameter to a condition:
    1. In the item drop down, select "Create Calculation..."
    2. In the New Calculation window, on the Show: dropdown, select Parameters
    3. Select the parameter you want, and click paste
    4. Then click OK
    The item in the condition will now show =:<Parameter>

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    Hi Mario,
    Thanks for your input. Today we use GLEI which equally splits the same planned or process order into equally daily quantities for ATP purposes. We also have created STRT which drops the Planned/process order quantity onto the first day of the order.
    Regarding daily lot sizes this could be an option but I suppose you would then get individual orders, which the business may prefer not to do.
    Cheers, Paul

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    VBAK-AEDAT will be updated, evenIf you have your custom fields in Sales Order.
    Naimesh Patel

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    I am facing problem after scheduling splitted operation in process order. The scenario is as follows.
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    1. Operation 10
    2. Operation 20
    3. Operation 30 - Operations is splitted (Resource used is A), qty to be produced - 10 kg.
    a. Operation 32 - Quantity of operation 32 is changed to 5 kg. Resource used is B.
    b. Operation 34 - Quantity of operation 34 is changed to 5 kg. Resource used is C.
    4. Operation 40
    5. Operation 50
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    Best Regards.
    Edited by: Avinash Mohite on Mar 19, 2010 12:43 PM
    Edited by: Avinash Mohite on Mar 19, 2010 3:14 PM

    I hope u r doing in this way:
    In the capacity header screen enter individual capacity as 2. then click on Got( on top of same screen) and go to individual capacites. Enter the names of two individual capacities, for example 1 and 2. These are the names of two work centres where u r splitting ur operation.
    Double Click on operation 0030 and go to tab 'splitting' . Tick on ' required splitting' and enter maximum no. of splits as 2.Then go to capacity requirements assignment tab. enter the individual capacity as 1 and 2 and enter the splitted quanitites.Save and reschedule .
    Check and revert.

  • DIServer insert operations for sales orders with error

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    That even though the insert is inserted DocDueDate DocDueDate it says error.
    Subtracting the value of the format 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'yyyy/mm/dd', 'mm-dd-yyyy', 'mm/dd/yyyy' put all reporting
    When the input is entered DocDueDate ShipDate also put together ... but I get an error.
    The error message 'env: Receiver-10Enter due date [ORDR.DocDueDate] 171AddObject2EEE7D98-AB71-464A-93AB-933F0AD3D4DC'
    Purchase order entered into the normal value because the xml is missing or wrong with you.
    Please answer all the possibilities that can be resolved
    This Xml used.
    "<BOM>" +
    "<BO>" +
    "<AdmInfo>" +
    "<Object>oOrders</Object>" +
    "</AdmInfo>" +
    "<QueryParams>" +
    "<DocEntry />" +
    "</QueryParams>" +
    "<Documents>" +
            "<row>" +
            "<DocType>I</DocType>" +
            "<DocDate>2012-01-11</DocDate>" +
            "<DocDueDate>2012-01-11</DocDueDate>" +
            "<CardCode>CD00001</CardCode>" +
            "<Address>Anymode</Address>" +
            "<DocCurrency>KRW</DocCurrency>" +
            "<Comments>[sales orders] LGU TEST</Comments>" +
            "<TaxDate>2012-01-11</TaxDate>" +
            "<JournalMemo>JournalMemo</JournalMemo>" +
            "<Address2>Addr</Address2>" +
            "<BPL_IDAssignedToInvoice>1</BPL_IDAssignedToInvoice>" +
            "</row>" +
    "</Documents>" +
    "<Document_Lines>" +
            "<row>" +
            "<ItemCode>ACDT0100ET</ItemCode>" +
            "<Quantity>1</Quantity>" +
            "<Price>5000</Price>" +
            "<DiscountPercent>10</DiscountPercent>" +
            "<WarehouseCode>A100</WarehouseCode>" +
            "<VatGroup>A2</VatGroup>" +
            "</row>" +
    "</Document_Lines>" +
    "</BO>" +

    I had the same error change the Date to the format yyyymmdd, and problem solved.

  • Check of operation sequence in order

    Hi all,
    I don't want to check of operation sequence in order. so  how can I do this? Are there any customizing for this case?
    Best regards,
    Hilal Çak&#305;r
    email : [email protected]

    Make the following changes in control key or use the control key which have this setting
    In OPJ8, for a control key
    Confirmation = Confirmation possible but not necessary
    In OPK4, for a plantb and production order type combination in Generally valid settings tab page -
    Checks sub page
    operation sequence = set operation sequence is not checked
    With this setting  it will work

  • Custom exit or badi for changing the user fields in operation of process order

    Hi all
        I want to find a exit or badi to set default value to the user fields in operation of process order when COR1.
        I have tried exit 'PPCO0001', but this exit is call after commit work, so I can not change any thing
        I also tried to use badi 'workorder_update', 'before_update', but all parameters in this BADI are importing, can't be changed, I've tried to change it and then program dump.
        Do you have any solution for this question?

    Do a Implicit Enhancement at the PBO of this subscreen.

  • Quantity is not getting conformed in sales order

    HI SD Gurus,
    i have one issue we are not able to solve i need your help, it is very urgent,
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    we ran the SDRQCR21 program but issue is still exist,
    1. we checked all the ATP configuration  every thing is fine,
    2.we replicated the scenario in  quality it is working fine
    3.we try simulated in production but not conformed the stock
    4. total stock is in unrestricted only
    5. no block in sales order
    6. same material working fine with different plant
    7. in same plant different materials working fine
    available stock level in MMBE and MD04 is 330 qty unrestricted
    sales order created for 165
    then stock reduced in MD04 to 165,and sales order displayed in MD04 with quantity 165
    but it was not conforming the schedules in sales order(with any dates)
    I am requesting you to reply ASAP if any one faced the same scenario

    Hi CS,
    Please check the stock availability in CO09. If CO09 shows available quantity as zero then the sales order quantity cannot be confirmed.
    Please review SAP Note Number 89362 - No confirmation despite available quantity/stock for further information on this transaction.
    You will also find further information in this document:
    I hope this helps.
    Kind regards,

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