Query development Prod or Dev?

Should all query developments and changes be made in dev and then transported to prod?
Or can some development be done straight in Prod, i.e for quickness and accuracy of data testing of it is an urgently required report.
What are the best practices and pros and cons or query development in Prod?

Hi Viswa:
             I need some help for the questions given below;
I recently attended a telephonic interview with a company for SAP BW consultant role with 2 years exp,
I am learning SAP BW for nearly 3 months and i guess i have good knowledge in this subject (no experience though)
Please help me out with real time questions
they asked me
1.Wat was ur role as a BW consultant in  your company/Brief me your responsibilities in your company?
I blabbered some thing like I was involved in Data extraction from R/3,Performance tuning,delta management,generating reports ect..
Please provide me with  a good answer in the interview point of view with real time example.
2.Then they asked me "which data source in R/3 I used"?
3.Did U use any generic extractor? and any ABAP?Which ABAP View.
(I could not answer this question)
4.Then I said I generated various Reports,They asked Tell me wat r the reports I generated?And wat r all the elements did I use in the query.?
If possible provide we with ur contacts!
Could not answer.
Please help me out with these question.
I prepared with all interview question papers but Still I found very difficult to answer real time question.
Please guide me of wat r the topics (Like extraction,reporting etc) I should discuss with interviewer in the intro...so that I can answer well........
please I need your help!!!!!!

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    Hi ,
    Whenever we create a query in the System it generates reference ID's ( ELTUID,SELTUID,COMPUID etc) in backend.
    For e.g.if you create a query in your quality system (Z_TEST) it will have a COMPUID generated for it (e.g ABCD).
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    So when you transport Z_TEST to QUALTY ,it will create a new entry against COMPUID.thus having two instances of the same query.So best option would be to delete the old instance after transporting the new instance.
    This wil solve your problem.
    -Vikram Srivastava

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    The most common cause of these issues is that there is some data in your development system's infoprovider  that is different from the data in your Production system. I would suggest you extract a quick set of data from each system using RSA1 's "Display Data" feature on the infoprovder, and compare the two. If they are indeed the same, then you have some other difference in the systems.
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    Good luck.. these are very frustrating issues. It sometimes helps to find a co-worker to look at your designs. We all have development blind spots, and having a new pair of eyes to look at the designs may see something you have not noticed.

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    Are they both the same version of databases?
    How recent is your dev data (if possible update your dev from prod)?
    If prod to dev copy is not possible
    ....AND stats for both db are up-to-date
    ....AND big differnce in db size for dev & prod
    ....=> You can copy prod's stats and import to dev then run your query on dev to localise the issue then you can start tuning the query on dev.

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    There could be plenty of reasons to lead this behaviour to occur, sicnce you diden't come up with valid inputs, one really can not offer a pin point advise.
    in that case, I would simply recommened you to post the output of explain
    plan after making sure your stats are up to date.
    hare krishna

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    > the best practices
    Read :
    Remote client copy:
    Also, you can think about the option of client export/import (SCC8)
    > technical feasibility
    The same product is installed, with the same release, in both systems.
    All components in these systems, including add-ons, have the same development status.
    > client security implications
    SAP_CUST only copy customizing data. so, there is no risk of misusing production data as in case of system refresh.

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    Ideally you need to have two instances i.e DEV and PROD. Now since you have a server which client is already using, you need to create another instance wherein you can install SSAS services. If you want to extract the structure of your cube then you can
    use Import option. Once you get your cube structure and database on another new server you can use that as a DEV or PROD as per your convenience.
    Another question is how to deploy changes;
    So if you are doing any development on DEV server and you want that to deploy on PROD server then you can extract the cube XMLA from DEV server cube copy and deploy that on PROD server. You need to process cube once you deploy your XMLA on PROD. 
    There are some other options of deployment available which you can check.
    Aniruddha http://aniruddhathengadi.blogspot.com/

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    Not sure, what is your datasource for the report.
    There is no identifier by default.
    But you can make use of some options:
    1. add query in the report itself to get the instance name of Db and display in the page footer/header.
    2. if you had used the common sub-templating concept, just changing the single template in the common , would have helped
    3. using custom properties
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    Hi Krishna,
    1. Goto Web Application Designer.
    2. Drag and drop the table web-item from left to right.
    3. Assign the query to the web-item.
    4. Launch in the browser.
    5. If you want to launch it using EP then give the URL of the web query to the portal people they would take it as query string and launch it using IE.

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    Thank you in advance!
    Best regards

    Hi Frank,
    I dont think that you can give access to writing a quaery in production system.
    writing a query also need access to:
    Transaction Code:  SE16
    Authorization object:  S_TABU_DIS
    Activity:  02 AND 03
    Risk: The risk here is that users who have this access, have the ability to maintain table data directly in the production system.  This includes transactional, masterfile, security and configuration data.
    Hope it is useful.
    Please award points if it is useful.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    Hi Su,
    With BI 7.0 you have the Query Designer and also the new Report Designer. You can check full details here:
    Hope this helps...

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    In SQ02 create info-set. You need table. Choose  Table join...  (Table  LFA1).
    ThanDrag and drop requared fields from left to right(to field gruop).
    You can use button Join to join some more tables(LFB1 etc)
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               We have a query and a query view which were directly created by the enduser in BI Prod.
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    If you want to move that Query to Dev one way is Transport.
    You can directly Copy these queries in the T Code RSZC directly in ABP and make changes to the Copy query so that your original query is safe.You can do it all this with Dev access in production itself.
    Once you copy the Query you can save as Copy and then open this Query in Designer and make changes.

  • Query works fine in DEV instance but not in PROD instance

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    RDBMS :
    Oracle Applications : 12.1.3
    I am using Oracle SQL Developer
    I am missing TOAD so much. My current organization dont have license to use TOAD.

    If your compnay does not have a Toad License, then you can use OracleSqlDeveloper.
    Its free to use and made by Oracle.
    You should post a query execution plan
    explain plan for <your sql_statement>
    and then issue this command:
    select * from table(dbms_xplan.display());It's best if you spool the output through sqlplus and then post it up here.
    I see you are using Sqldeveloper. The latest release is 3.2 which was only released within the last month.
    Edited by: Keith Jamieson on Oct 25, 2012 1:21 PM
    Added sqldeveloper note

  • Query running sometimes slow and sometimes fast on both prod and dev. Help

    We are running a job that is behaving so inconsistently that I am ready to jump off the 19th floor. :-)
    This query that goes against one table, was just coming to halt in production. After 4 days of investigation we thought it was the resource on production box. Now we have another dev box where we were also having the same issue. This box gets updated with production data everyday. There is a 3rd box. DBA ran update statistics on the 3rd box and the job was never slow there. When we updated 2nd box (dev) with statistics from th 3rd box, the job also ran fine. So we thought we know for sure that it is the statistics that we need to up. Now for business testing, the 2nd and 3rd box got updated with data and statistics from production box (the troubled one). We thought surely we will see issues on the 2nd and 3rd box, but the job was just running fine on these boxes. As I said, the 2nd box gets updated with production data everyday. After last night's refresh this job is running long on the 2nd box again. We are really puzzled. Has any one experience anything like this before?
    thanks in advance.

    We got our dba who is checking the plan when ever we run the job.
    The dba is running the trace right now. Here is the trace result from the trace:
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
    Parse 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
    Execute 514 0.23 0.27 0 0 0 0
    Fetch 514 253.40 247.44 0 16932188 0 514
    total 1028 253.63 247.71 0 16932188 0 514
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    Optimizer mode: CHOOSE
    Parsing user id: 26 (recursive depth: 1)
    Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
    Event waited on Times Max. Wait Total Waited
    ---------------------------------------- Waited ---------- ------------
    latch: cache buffers chains 2 0.00 0.00
    no IO issue in any database at any time. We saw a little high IO in production yesterday so we thought we are looking at a resource issue, but today the system is fine and we had no luck with the job.

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