Query Performance Issue based on the same Multiprovider

Hi All,
I am facing a performance issue with one of the BEx Query 1 based on a particular Multiprovider.
I have done all the kind of testing and came o a conclusion that the OLAP: Data Transfer time for the query is the max at around 820 Secs.
The surprising part is another Query 2 based on the same multiprovider runs absolutely fine without any hassles with OLAP : Data Transfer time with merely 3 Sec.
Another, surprise is that Query 2 has even more Restricted Key Figures and Calculated Key Figures but it runs smoothly.
Both the queries use cache memory.
Please suggest a solution to this.

Hi Rupesh,
There is no much difference between the 2 queries.
Query 1 - which has performance issue has the same filters as that of Query 2 - which is working fine.
The only difference is that the selection of Fiscal Week is in the Default Values Pane for Query 2 whereas its in Characteristics Restrictions in Query 1. I doubt whether this setting will have any effect on the performance.
Both restriction i.e Fiscal Week restriction is based on Customer exit and the rows include Hierarchy for both the queries.
I assume creating aggregates on hierarchy for the Cube can be a solution.

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  • Performance issue when using the same query in a different way

    I have a performance problem with the statement below when running it with an insert or with execute immediate.
    n.b.: This statement could be more optimized, but it is a generated statement.
    When I run this statement I get one row back within one second, so there is no performance problem.
       select  sysdate
             ,count (1)
             ,'NL' groupby
       from   (select 'different (target)' compare_type
                       ,t.id_org_addr id_org_addr -- ID_ORG_ADDR
                       ,t.vpd_country vpd_country -- CTL_COUNTRY
                       ,t.addr_type addr_type -- ADDRESSTYP_COD
                 from   (select *
                         from   (select t.*
                                 from      ods.ods_org_addr t
                                        left outer join
                                           m_sy_foreign_key m
                                        on m.vpd_country = t.vpd_country
                                        and m.key_type = 'ORGADDR2'
                                        and m.target_value = t.id_org_addr
                                 where  coalesce (t.end_date, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate) /*SGRB*/
                         where  vpd_country = 'NL' /*EGRB*/
                                                  ) t
                 where  exists
                           (select null
                            from   (select *
                                    from   (select m.target_value id_org_addr
                                                  ,s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod id_cegedim
                                            from      okc_mdl_workplace_address s
                                                   left outer join
                                                      m_sy_foreign_key m
                                                   on m.vpd_country = s.ctl_country
                                                   and m.key_type = 'ORGADDR2'
                                                   and m.source_value = s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod
                                            where  coalesce (s.end_val_dat, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate) /*SGRB*/
                                    where  ctl_country = 'NL' /*EGRB*/
                                                             ) s
                            where  t.id_org_addr = s.id_org_addr)
                 select 'different (target)' compare_type
                       ,s.id_org_addr id_org_addr -- ID_ORG_ADDR
                       ,s.ctl_country vpd_country -- CTL_COUNTRY
                       , (select to_number (l.target_value)
                          from   okc_code_foreign l
                          where  l.source_code_type = 'TYS'
                          and    l.target_code_type = 'ADDRLINKTYPE'
                          and    l.source_value = upper (s.addresstyp_cod)
                          and    l.vpd_country = s.ctl_country)
                           addr_type -- ADDRESSTYP_COD
                 from   (select *
                         from   (select m.target_value id_org_addr
                                       ,s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod id_cegedim
                                 from      okc_mdl_workplace_address s
                                        left outer join
                                           m_sy_foreign_key m
                                        on m.vpd_country = s.ctl_country
                                        and m.key_type = 'ORGADDR2'
                                        and m.source_value = s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod
                                 where  coalesce (s.end_val_dat, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate) /*SGRB*/
                         where  ctl_country = 'NL' /*EGRB*/
                                                  ) s) When I run this statement using a insert by placing
    insert into okc_compare_results (
                ) before the statement, then the statement runs about *3 to 4 minutes*, The same is happening when running the select part only using execute immediate.
    Below the execution plans of the insert with the select and the select only.
    Could somebody tell me what causes the different behavior of the "same" statement and what could I do to avoid this behavior.
    The database version is:
    SQL Statement which produced this data:
      select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor ('cuk3uwnxx344q',0 /*3431532430 */))
      union all
      select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor ('862aq599gfd6n',0/*3531428851 */))
    SQL_ID  cuk3uwnxx344q, child number 0
    select sysdate          ,:"SYS_B_00"          ,:"SYS_B_01"          
    ,count (:"SYS_B_02")          ,:"SYS_B_03" groupby    from   ( (select
    :"SYS_B_04" compare_type                    ,t.id_org_addr id_org_addr
    -- ID_ORG_ADDR                    ,t.vpd_country vpd_country --
    CTL_COUNTRY                    ,t.addr_type addr_type -- ADDRESSTYP_COD
                 from   (select *                      from   (select t.*   
                               from      ods.ods_org_addr t                 
                        left outer join                                     
       m_sy_foreign_key m                                     on
    m.vpd_country = t.vpd_country ;                                    and
    m.key_type = :"SYS_B_05"                                     and
    m.target_value = t.id_org_addr ;                             where  
    coalesce (t.end_date, to_date (:"SYS_B_06", :"SYS_B_07")) >= sysdate)
    /*SGRB*/                      where  vpd_country = :"SYS_B_08" /*EGRB*/
    Plan hash value: 3431532430
    Id   Operation                                  Name                       Rows   Bytes Cost (%CPU) Time      Pstart Pstop
    0 SELECT STATEMENT                                                                         1772 (100)                           
    1   SORT AGGREGATE                                                        1                                                
    2    VIEW                                                                 3           1772   (1) 00:00:22                
    3     MINUS                                                                                                                      
    4      SORT UNIQUE                                                        3 492   1146   (1) 00:00:14                
    *  5       HASH JOIN OUTER                                                   3 492   1145   (1) 00:00:14                
    6        NESTED LOOPS                                                                                                            
    7         NESTED LOOPS                                                    3 408    675   (1) 00:00:09                
    *  8          HASH JOIN                                                      42 4242    625   (1) 00:00:08                
    9           PARTITION LIST SINGLE                                         3375    148K    155   (2) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 10            TABLE ACCESS FULL                OKC_MDL_WORKPLACE_ADDRESS 3375    148K    155   (2) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 11           INDEX RANGE SCAN                  PK_M_SY_FOREIGN_KEY        49537   2709K    469   (1) 00:00:06                
    * 12          INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                  UK_ODS_ORG_ADDR            1              1   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 13         TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID ODS_ORG_ADDR               1 35      2   (0) 00:00:01 ROWID ROWID
    * 14        INDEX RANGE SCAN                     PK_M_SY_FOREIGN_KEY        49537   1354K    469   (1) 00:00:06                
    15      NESTED LOOPS                                                                                                              
    16       NESTED LOOPS                                                      1 67      9  (12) 00:00:01                
    17        NESTED LOOPS                                                     1 48      8  (13) 00:00:01                
    * 18         HASH JOIN                                                       1 23      6  (17) 00:00:01                
    * 19          TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID ODS_COUNTRY_SYSTEM         1 11      2   (0) 00:00:01 ROWID ROWID
    * 20           INDEX RANGE SCAN                  PK_ODS_DIVISION_SYSTEM     1              1   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 21          TABLE ACCESS FULL                  SY_SOURCE_CODE             8 96      3   (0) 00:00:01                
    22         TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID         SY_FOREIGN_CODE            1 25      2   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 23          INDEX RANGE SCAN                   PK_SY_FOREIGN_CODE         1              1   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 24        INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                    PK_SY_TARGET_CODE          1              0   (0)                           
    * 25       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID           SY_TARGET_CODE             1 19      1   (0) 00:00:01                
    26      SORT UNIQUE                                                        3375    332K    626   (1) 00:00:08                
    * 27       HASH JOIN OUTER                                                   3375    332K    625   (1) 00:00:08                
    28        PARTITION LIST SINGLE                                            3375    148K    155   (2) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 29         TABLE ACCESS FULL                   OKC_MDL_WORKPLACE_ADDRESS 3375    148K    155   (2) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 30        INDEX RANGE SCAN                     PK_M_SY_FOREIGN_KEY        49537   2709K    469   (1) 00:00:06                
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       5 - access("M"."TARGET_VALUE"="T"."ID_ORG_ADDR" AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"="T"."VPD_COUNTRY")
      10 - filter(COALESCE("S"."END_VAL_DAT",TO_DATE(:SYS_B_14,:SYS_B_15))>=SYSDATE@!)
      11 - access("M"."KEY_TYPE"=:SYS_B_11 AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_16)
      12 - access("T"."ID_ORG_ADDR"="M"."TARGET_VALUE")
      13 - filter(("T"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_08 AND COALESCE("T"."END_DATE",TO_DATE(:SYS_B_06,:SYS_B_07))>=SYSDATE@!))
      14 - access("M"."KEY_TYPE"=:SYS_B_05 AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_08)
      18 - access("CS"."ID_SYSTEM"="SK"."ID_SOURCE_SYSTEM")
      19 - filter("CS"."SYSTEM_TYPE"=1)
      20 - access("CS"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:B1 AND "CS"."EXP_IMP_TYPE"='I')
      21 - filter("SK"."CODE_TYPE"=:SYS_B_18)
      24 - access("FK"."ID_TARGET_CODE"="TK"."ID_TARGET_CODE")
      25 - filter("TK"."CODE_TYPE"=:SYS_B_19)
      29 - filter(COALESCE("S"."END_VAL_DAT",TO_DATE(:SYS_B_25,:SYS_B_26))>=SYSDATE@!)
      30 - access("M"."KEY_TYPE"=:SYS_B_22 AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_27)
    SQL_ID  862aq599gfd6n, child number 0
    insert into okc_compare_results (                datetime               
    ,compare_tables_id               ,compare_target               
    ,record_count               ,groupby             )                
    select sysdate          ,:"SYS_B_00"          ,:"SYS_B_01"          
    ,count (:"SYS_B_02")          ,:"SYS_B_03" groupby    from   ( (select
    :"SYS_B_04" compare_type                    ,t.id_org_addr id_org_addr
    -- ID_ORG_ADDR                    ,t.vpd_country vpd_country --
    CTL_COUNTRY                    ,t.addr_type addr_type -- ADDRESSTYP_COD
                 from   (select *                      from   (select t.*   
                               from      ods.ods_org_addr t                 
                        left outer join                                     
       m_sy_foreign_key m                                     on
    m.vpd_country = t.vpd_country ;                                    and
    m.key_type = :"SYS_B_05"                                     and
    m.target_value = t.id_org_addr
    Plan hash value: 3531428851
    Id   Operation                                   Name                       Rows   Bytes Cost (%CPU) Time      Pstart Pstop
    0 INSERT STATEMENT                                                                          1646 (100)                           
    1   LOAD TABLE CONVENTIONAL                                                                                                       
    2    SORT AGGREGATE                                                        1                                                
    3     VIEW                                                                 1           1646   (1) 00:00:20                
    4      MINUS                                                                                                                      
    5       SORT UNIQUE                                                        1 163                                        
    6        NESTED LOOPS OUTER                                                1 163   1067   (1) 00:00:13                
    7         NESTED LOOPS                                                     1 135    599   (1) 00:00:08                
    *  8          HASH JOIN                                                       19 1919    577   (2) 00:00:07                
    9           PARTITION LIST SINGLE                                          1535 69075    107   (4) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 10            TABLE ACCESS FULL                 OKC_MDL_WORKPLACE_ADDRESS 1535 69075    107   (4) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 11           INDEX RANGE SCAN                   PK_M_SY_FOREIGN_KEY        49537   2709K    469   (1) 00:00:06                
    * 12          TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID ODS_ORG_ADDR               1 34      2   (0) 00:00:01 ROWID ROWID
    * 13           INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                  UK_ODS_ORG_ADDR            25              1   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 14         INDEX RANGE SCAN                     PK_M_SY_FOREIGN_KEY        1 28    468   (1) 00:00:06                
    15       NESTED LOOPS                                                                                                              
    16        NESTED LOOPS                                                      1 67      8   (0) 00:00:01                
    17         NESTED LOOPS                                                     1 48      7   (0) 00:00:01                
    18          NESTED LOOPS                                                    1 23      5   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 19           TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID ODS_COUNTRY_SYSTEM         1 11      2   (0) 00:00:01 ROWID ROWID
    * 20            INDEX RANGE SCAN                  PK_ODS_DIVISION_SYSTEM     1              1   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 21           TABLE ACCESS FULL                  SY_SOURCE_CODE             1 12      3   (0) 00:00:01                
    22          TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID         SY_FOREIGN_CODE            1 25      2   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 23           INDEX RANGE SCAN                   PK_SY_FOREIGN_CODE         1              1   (0) 00:00:01                
    * 24         INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                    PK_SY_TARGET_CODE          1              0   (0)                           
    * 25        TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID           SY_TARGET_CODE             1 19      1   (0) 00:00:01                
    26       SORT UNIQUE                                                        1535    151K                                        
    * 27        HASH JOIN OUTER                                                   1535    151K    577   (2) 00:00:07                
    28         PARTITION LIST SINGLE                                            1535 69075    107   (4) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 29          TABLE ACCESS FULL                   OKC_MDL_WORKPLACE_ADDRESS 1535 69075    107   (4) 00:00:02    KEY    KEY
    * 30         INDEX RANGE SCAN                     PK_M_SY_FOREIGN_KEY        49537   2709K    469   (1) 00:00:06                
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
      10 - filter(COALESCE("S"."END_VAL_DAT",TO_DATE(:SYS_B_14,:SYS_B_15))>=SYSDATE@!)
      11 - access("M"."KEY_TYPE"=:SYS_B_11 AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_16)
      12 - filter((COALESCE("T"."END_DATE",TO_DATE(:SYS_B_06,:SYS_B_07))>=SYSDATE@! AND "T"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_08))
      13 - access("T"."ID_ORG_ADDR"="M"."TARGET_VALUE")
      14 - access("M"."KEY_TYPE"=:SYS_B_05 AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_08 AND "M"."TARGET_VALUE"="T"."ID_ORG_ADDR")
      19 - filter("CS"."SYSTEM_TYPE"=1)
      20 - access("CS"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:B1 AND "CS"."EXP_IMP_TYPE"='I')
      21 - filter(("SK"."CODE_TYPE"=:SYS_B_18 AND "CS"."ID_SYSTEM"="SK"."ID_SOURCE_SYSTEM"))
      24 - access("FK"."ID_TARGET_CODE"="TK"."ID_TARGET_CODE")
      25 - filter("TK"."CODE_TYPE"=:SYS_B_19)
      29 - filter(COALESCE("S"."END_VAL_DAT",TO_DATE(:SYS_B_25,:SYS_B_26))>=SYSDATE@!)
      30 - access("M"."KEY_TYPE"=:SYS_B_22 AND "M"."VPD_COUNTRY"=:SYS_B_27)Edited by: BluShadow on 20-Jun-2012 10:30
    added {noformat}{noformat} tags for readability.  Please read {message:id=9360002} and learn to do this yourself.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

    yes, all the used tables are analyzed.
    Thanks, for pointing to the metalink bug, I have also searched in metalink, but didn't find this bug.
    I have a little bit more information about the problem.
    I use the following select (now in a readable format)
    select count (1)
    from   ( (select 'different (target)' compare_type
                    ,t.id_org_addr id_org_addr -- ID_ORG_ADDR
                    ,t.vpd_country vpd_country -- CTL_COUNTRY
                    ,t.addr_type addr_type -- ADDRESSTYP_COD
              from   (select *
                      from   (select t.*
                              from      ods.ods_org_addr t
                                     left outer join
                                        m_sy_foreign_key m
                                     on m.vpd_country = t.vpd_country
                                     and m.key_type = 'ORGADDR2'
                                     and m.target_value = t.id_org_addr
                              where  coalesce (t.end_date, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate) /*SGRB*/
                      where  vpd_country = 'NL' /*EGRB*/
                                               ) t
              where  exists
                        (select null
                         from   (select *
                                 from   (select m.target_value id_org_addr
                                               ,s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod id_cegedim
                                         from      okc_mdl_workplace_address s
                                                left outer join
                                                   m_sy_foreign_key m
                                                on m.vpd_country = s.ctl_country
                                                and m.key_type = 'ORGADDR2'
                                                and m.source_value = s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod
                                         where  coalesce (s.end_val_dat, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate) /*SGRB*/
                                 where  ctl_country = 'NL' /*EGRB*/
                                                          ) s
                         where  t.id_org_addr = s.id_org_addr)
              select 'different (target)' compare_type
                    ,s.id_org_addr id_org_addr -- ID_ORG_ADDR
                    ,s.ctl_country vpd_country -- CTL_COUNTRY
                    , (select to_number (l.target_value)
                       from   okc_code_foreign l
                       where  l.source_code_type = 'TYS'
                       and    l.target_code_type = 'ADDRLINKTYPE'
                       and    l.source_value = upper (s.addresstyp_cod)
                       and    l.vpd_country = s.ctl_country)
                        addr_type -- ADDRESSTYP_COD
              from   (select *
                      from   (select m.target_value id_org_addr
                                    ,s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod id_cegedim
                              from      okc_mdl_workplace_address s
                                     left outer join
                                        m_sy_foreign_key m
                                     on m.vpd_country = s.ctl_country
                                     and m.key_type = 'ORGADDR2'
                                     and m.source_value = s.wkp_id_cegedim || '-' || s.adr_id_cegedim || '-' || s.addresstyp_cod
                              where  coalesce (s.end_val_dat, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate) /*SGRB*/
                      where  ctl_country = 'NL' /*EGRB*/
                                               ) s)) The select is executed in 813 msecs
    When I execute the same select using execute immediate like:
       ln_count number;
       execute immediate q'[<select statement>]' into ln_count;
    end;This takes 3:56 minutes to complete.
    When I change the second coalesce part (the one within the exists) in the flowing way:
    the part
    coalesce (s.end_val_dat, to_date ('99991231', 'yyyymmdd')) >= sysdate
    is replaced by
    s.end_val_dat >= sysdate or s.end_val_dat is nullthen the execution time is even faster (560 msecs) in both, the plain select and the select using the execute immediate.

  • Two iterators based on the same view issue

    I'm using jdev11.1.1.2
    My requirement is to have a view object as a form on the page (with next, previous, create/delete buttons)
    and to have a popup with the same view object as a readonly table (only for taking a look at a table representation of the view)
    So we have iterator A , that the form is based on it, and Iterator B that the table is based on it- both iterators based on the same view object.
    My problem is that if I popup the table and enter some filter there (my table is filterable) this filter is applied to the form also. I wont these two iterrators not to interfere with one another.
    What is the bast way to do that ?

    Since you have same view object changes in 1 iterrator will also change the other.
    You would need 2 view objects to do that.

  • I'm facing performance issue while accessing the PLAF Table

    Dar all,
    I'm facing performance issue while accessing the PLAF Table.
    The START-OF-SELECTION of the report starts with the following select query.
        SELECT plnum  pwwrk matnr gsmng psttr FROM plaf
        WHERE matnr IN s_matnr
          AND pwwrk = p_pwwrk
          AND psttr IN s_psttr
          AND auffx = 'X'
          AND paart = 'LA' .
    While executing the report in the Quality system it does not face any performance issue...
    When it comes to Production System the above said select query itself it is taking 15 - 20 minutes time to move further.
    Kindly help me to over come this problem...

    "Just implement its primary Key
    WHERE PLNUM BETWEEN '0000000001' AND '9999999999' " By this you are implementing the Primary Key
    This statement has nothing to do with performance, because system is not able to use primary key or uses every row.
    Jessica, your query uses secondary index created by SAP:
    1     (Material, plant) which uses fields MANDT MATNR and PLWRK.
    but it is not suitable in your case.
    You can consider adding new one, which would containt all fields: MANDT, MATNR, PWWRK, PSTTR AUFFX PAART
    or - but it depends on number of rows meeting and not meeting (auffx = 'X' AND paart = 'LA' ) condition.
    It could speed the performance, if you would create secondary index based on fields MANDT, MATNR, PWWRK, PSTTR
    and do like Ramchander suggested: remove AUFFX and PAART from index and where section, and remove these unwanted rows
    after the query using DELETE statement.
    Please check how many rows in production system

  • Performance issue while opening the report

    I am working BO XI R3.1.there is performance issue while opening the report in BO Solris Server but  on window server it is compratively fast.
    we have few reports which contains 5 fixed prompt 7 optional prompt.
    out of 5 fixed prompt 3 prompt is static (it contains 3 -4 record only )which is coming from materlied view.
    we have already use many thing for improve performance in report like-
    1) Index Awareness
    2) Aggregate Awareness
    3) Array fatch size-250
    3) Aray bind time -32767
    4) Login time out -600
    the issue is that before refresh opening the report iteslf taking time 1.30 min on BO solris server but same report taking time in BO window server 45 sec. even we  import on others BO solris server it is taking same time as per old solris server(1.30 min).
    when we close the trace in solris server than it is taking 1.15  sec time.it should not be intial phase it is not hitting more on database.so why it is taking that much time while opening the report.
    could you please guide us where exectly problem is there and how we can improve performance for opening the report.In case the problem related to solris server so what would be and how can we rectify.
    Incase any further input require for the same feel free to ask me.

    Hi Kumar,
    If this is happening with all the reports then this issue seems to be due to firewall or security settings of Solaris OS.
    Please try to lower down the security level in solaris and test for the issue.
    Chaitanya Deshpande

  • Two LOVs in same UIX page based on the same table

    Hi group,
    Recently I ran into a problem with a UIX page that has two LOVs based on the same database table. In Emp and Job terminology, here's what I tried to do.
    Suppose we have use the Employees and Jobs tables from the HR scheme with one small modification. Add a column called PREFERRED_JOB_ID of type VARCHAR2(10) which is exactly the same as JOB_ID. Hypothetically speaking, this column will be used to allow Employees to select their preferred job in case they want to change their jobs.
    Next, create business components in JDeveloper based on the Employees and Jobs table. In order to be able to generate the LOVs for Job and PreferredJob create two ViewObjects, one called JobsLookupView and one called PreferredJobsLookupView. These both need to be based upon the same Jobs EntityObject. Also include the Jobs EntityObject twice in the EmployeesView ViewObject and give one the alias PreferredJobs. Include the JobTitle attributes of Jobs and PreferredJobs in EmployeesView so they can contain the JobTitles selected in our future LOVs.
    Next create a ViewController project if it's not already there and enable JHeadstart on it. Create an Application Structure File and create the lookups for the two LOVs. When I run the application I see this happening:
    When I click the flashlight icon next to the PreferredJob LOV and select a job, the PreferredJob field is selected in the UIX page but no job title appears. When I next first select the Job LOV and select a new job and then select the PreferredJob LOV again and select a different job, the job that was selected in the Job LOV is now also entered in the PreferredJob field. When I make sure the PreferredJob field isn't required (remove the required="yes" property on the messageLovInput entry for PreferredJobTitle and remove the PreferredJobTitle field from the addRequiredRowItems list in the UIX page) I can save the changes I made in the Employees.uix page. The same JobId is stored in the database for Job and PreferredJob.
    This behaviour is probably due to cacheing issues because both LOVs and the EmployeesView ViewObject use one EntityObject for four values in three ViewObjects.
    So I then modified my model a bit. I created a new EntityObject called PreferredJobs based on the JOBS table. I modified the EmployeesView ViewObject to use this EntityObject for the PreferredJobTitle attribute and modified the PreferredJobsLookupView to use this EntityObject.
    I needed to modify a few things as well in the Application Structure File (which were prompts and whether or not the attribute should be visible in a table) and after regenerating I made sure the PreferredJob attribute isn't required in the UIX page. When I then run the application again, I never see the JobTitle I select in any LOV allthough the PreferredJob field is selected when I select a Job in the PreferredJob LOV. The correct JobId now is stored in the database though.
    Has anyone ever encoutered this behaviour? Would anyone know how to get two LOVs based on the same table in one UIX page?
    Thanks in advance,
    Wouter van Reeven

    OK I figured it out. When I added the second Lookup ViewObject (PreferredJobs) no additional Association was created. Therefore, ADF BC wasn't able to figure out which field to update. When I added the Association between the PreferredJobs Lookup ViewObject and the Employees ViewObject everything started working ok.
    I then recreated my inital situation: one EntityObject for Jobs and one for Employees, now with two Associations between them. After modifying the Employees ViewObject and making sure the Jobs EntityObject was referred twice and via the corresponding Association, everything started working ok.
    Greets, Wouter

  • 2 Repeating Frames based on the same group

    I have this report which contains 3 groups, I have the requirement to break the 2nd group so that I create a 'footer' based on the 2nd group.
    I have created 2 repeating frames (one which holds the account number, payment terms, currency) and the 2nd repeating frame based on the same group which contains the bank details
    My report looks like this:
    (1st Group)
    Customer xxxxx
    Address xxxxx
    (2nd Group)
    Account No xxxxx
    Payment Terms xxxxx
    Currency xxx
    (3rd Group -repeating)
    Trans id xxx
    amount xxx
    (2nd Group)
    Bank Details xxxxxxxxxx <--will only have one per account
    I had originally designed the report using 2 identical frame structure.
    Repeating Group Customer
    Repeating Group Account
    Repeating Group Transactions
    Repeating Group Customer
    Repeating Group Account
    This format worked when the Main group did not go over a page. The 2 Account Groups were coordinated.
    When the Main group extended to more than one page, the 2 Account Groups did not match.
    The jest of what I am trying to do is a footer of the bank details be printed at the bottom of the page always.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

    I didn't realise that this was such a difficult problem to solve. The requirements are quite simple (I thought)
    1) Query
    3) Groups
    a) Company
    b) Accounts
    c) Transactions
    My report needs to look like this:
    {page 1}
    ACCOUNT: 123
    Invoice ID Amount
    aaaaaaaaaa 111.11
    bbbbbbbb 111.11
    Sub Total 222.22
    --> To be printed at a predefined space on the physical page on each page. bold Bank Details for Account 123: xxxx bold
    {page 2}
    ACCOUNT: 456
    Invoice ID Amount
    aaa 10
    bbb 20
    ccc 30
    ddd 40
    ....<as many records that will force a second page
    --> but..this still needs to print!!!To be printed at a predefined space on the physical page on each page. bold Bank Details for Account 456: xxxx bold
    {page 3}
    zzz 100
    Sub Total 1000
    --> To be printed at a predefined space on the physical page on each page. bold Bank Details for Account 456: xxxx bold
    Say the next records in the query are for
    COMPANY XXXXX, ACCOUNT 789 with one detail record.
    COMPANY XXXXX, ACCOUNT 321 with multiple details records which will force a second page.
    What is happening at the moment is that the 2 repeating frames based on the Account Group,
    the first 2 pages will print out correctly, however, because the 2nd account goes over 2 pages and how I have this set the structure of the report (see above post), the bottom Account Group thinks that the account number is now 789 when in fact the top account group is still on 456
    I really hope that this is clearer.
    I am working on Reports 10g on a 10g database
    I have tried to create a ref cursor & separate the query to bring back bank details. but with no luck.
    A person had suggested that I create a separate frame and hold the bank details, which is fine. but as I previously stated, those bank details need to print on every page at a specific area on the physical page.
    If this might be of use:
    Repeating Frame Group Customer, Vertical & Horizontal elasticity Fixed
    Repeating Frame Group Account, Vertical Elasticity: Variable & Horizontal - Fixed
    Repeating Frame Group Transations, Vertical Elasticity: Expand & Horizontal - Fixed

  • Query Performance Issues

    Hi Gurus,
    I m woking on performance tuning at the moment and wants some tips
    regarding the Query performance tuning,if anyone can helpme in that
    the thing is that i have got an idea about the system and now the
    issues r with DB space, Abap Dumps, problem in free space in table
    space, no number range buffering,cubes r using too many aggrigates,
    large IC,Large ODS, and many others.
    So my questionis that is anyone can tell me that how to resolve the
    issues with the Large master data tables,and large ODS,and one more
    importnat issue is KPI´s exceding there refrence valuses so any idea
    how to deal with them.
    waiting for the valuable responces.
    thanks In advance

    Hi Amit
    For Query performance issue u can go for :-
    Aggregates : They will help u a lot to make ur query faster becuase query doesnt hits ur cube it hits the aggregates which has very less number of records in comp to ur cube
    secondly i wud suggest u is use CKF in place of formulaes if any in the query
    other thing is avoid upto the extent possible the use fo nav attr . if u want to use them use it upto the minimal level reason i am saying so is during the query exec whn ever there is nav attr it provides unncessary  join to ur MD and thus dec query perfo
    be specifc to rows and columns if u r not sure of a kf or a char then better put it in a free char.
    use filters if possible
    if u follow these m sure ur query perfo will inc
    Assign points if applicable

  • SQL query performance issues.

    Hi All,
    I worked on the query a month ago and the fix worked for me in test intance but failed in production. Following is the URL for the previous thread.
    SQL query performance issues.
    Following is the tkprof file.
    insert into cos_temp(
    select a.trx_date,
    g.segment5 dept,
    g.segment4 prd,
    m.segment1 part,
    d.customer_number customer,
    b.quantity_invoiced units,
    --       substr(a.sales_order,1,6) order#,
    substr(ltrim(b.interface_line_attribute1),1,10) order#,
    a.trx_number invoice,
    (b.quantity_invoiced * b.unit_selling_price) sales,
    (b.quantity_invoiced * nvl(price.operand,0)) cos,
    (b.quantity_invoiced * b.unit_selling_price) -
    (b.quantity_invoiced * nvl(price.operand,0)) profit,
    to_char(to_date('2010/02/28 00:00:00','yyyy/mm/dd HH24:MI:SS'),'DD-MON-RR') acct_date,
    from   ra_customers d,
    gl_code_combinations g,
    mtl_system_items m,
    ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist c,
    ra_customer_trx_lines b,
    ra_customer_trx_all a,
    apps.oe_order_lines l,
    apps.HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL site,
    apps.qp_list_lines_v price,
    apps.mtl_parameters p
    where a.trx_date between to_date('2010/02/01 00:00:00','yyyy/mm/dd HH24:MI:SS')
    and to_date('2010/02/28 00:00:00','yyyy/mm/dd HH24:MI:SS')+0.9999
    and   a.batch_source_id = 1001     -- Sales order shipped other OU
    and   a.complete_flag = 'Y'
    and   a.customer_trx_id = b.customer_trx_id
    and   b.customer_trx_line_id = c.customer_trx_line_id
    and   a.sold_to_customer_id = d.customer_id
    and   b.inventory_item_id = m.inventory_item_id
    and   m.organization_id
         = decode(substr(g.segment4,1,2),'01',5004,'03',5004,
    and   nvl(m.item_type,'0') <> '111'
    and   c.code_combination_id = g.code_combination_id+0
    and   l.line_id = b.interface_line_attribute6
    and   i.organization_id = l.ship_from_org_id
    and   p.organization_id = l.ship_from_org_id
    and   i.org_information3 <> '5108'
    and   inter.ship_organization_id = i.org_information3
    and   inter.sell_organization_id = '5108'
    and   inter.customer_site_id = site.site_use_id
    and   site.price_list_id = price.list_header_id
    and   product_attr_value = to_char(m.inventory_item_id)
    call        count       cpu   elapsed         disk        query      current         rows    misses
    Parse           1      0.47      0.56           11          197            0            0         1
    Execute         1   3733.40   3739.40        34893    519962154           11          188         0
    total           2   3733.87   3739.97        34904    519962351           11          188         1
    |         Rows Row Source Operation
    | ------------ ---------------------------------------------------
    |          188 HASH JOIN (cr=519962149 pr=34889 pw=0 time=2607.35)
    |          741 .TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID QP_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES (cr=519939426 pr=34889 pw=0 time=2457.32)
    |    254644500 ..NESTED LOOPS (cr=519939265 pr=34777 pw=0 time=3819.67)
    |    254643758 ...NESTED LOOPS (cr=8921833 pr=29939 pw=0 time=1274.41)
    |          741 ....NESTED LOOPS (cr=50042 pr=7230 pw=0 time=11.37)
    |          741 .....NESTED LOOPS (cr=48558 pr=7229 pw=0 time=11.35)
    |          741 ......NESTED LOOPS (cr=47815 pr=7223 pw=0 time=11.32)
    |         3237 .......NESTED LOOPS (cr=41339 pr=7223 pw=0 time=12.42)
    |         3237 ........NESTED LOOPS (cr=38100 pr=7223 pw=0 time=12.39)
    |         3237 .........NESTED LOOPS (cr=28296 pr=7139 pw=0 time=12.29)
    |         1027 ..........NESTED LOOPS (cr=17656 pr=4471 pw=0 time=3.81)
    |         1027 ...........NESTED LOOPS (cr=13537 pr=4404 pw=0 time=3.30)
    |          486 ............NESTED LOOPS (cr=10873 pr=4240 pw=0 time=0.04)
    |          486 .............NESTED LOOPS (cr=10385 pr=4240 pw=0 time=0.03)
    |          486 ..............TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL (cr=9411 pr=4240 pw=0 time=0.02)
    |        75253 ...............INDEX RANGE SCAN RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_N5 (cr=403 pr=285 pw=0 time=0.38)
    |          486 ..............TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS (cr=974 pr=0 pw=0 time=0.01)
    |          486 ...............INDEX UNIQUE SCAN HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_U1 (cr=488 pr=0 pw=0 time=0.01)
    |          486 .............INDEX UNIQUE SCAN HZ_PARTIES_U1 (cr=488 pr=0 pw=0 time=0.01)
    |         1027 ............TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL (cr=2664 pr=164 pw=0 time=1.95)
    |         2063 .............INDEX RANGE SCAN RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_N2 (cr=1474 pr=28 pw=0 time=0.22)
    |         1027 ...........TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL (cr=4119 pr=67 pw=0 time=0.54)
    |         1027 ............INDEX RANGE SCAN RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_N1 (cr=3092 pr=31 pw=0 time=0.20)
    |         3237 ..........TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B (cr=10640 pr=2668 pw=0 time=15.35)
    |         3237 ...........INDEX RANGE SCAN MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B_U1 (cr=2062 pr=40 pw=0 time=0.33)
    |         3237 .........TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL (cr=9804 pr=84 pw=0 time=0.77)
    |         3237 ..........INDEX UNIQUE SCAN OE_ORDER_LINES_U1 (cr=6476 pr=47 pw=0 time=0.43)
    |         3237 ........TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID MTL_PARAMETERS (cr=3239 pr=0 pw=0 time=0.04)
    |         3237 .........INDEX UNIQUE SCAN MTL_PARAMETERS_U1 (cr=2 pr=0 pw=0 time=0.01)
    |          741 .......TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION (cr=6476 pr=0 pw=0 time=0.10)
    |         6474 ........INDEX RANGE SCAN HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATIO_FK2 (cr=3239 pr=0 pw=0 time=0.03)Please help.

    |    254644500 ..NESTED LOOPS (cr=519939265 pr=34777 pw=0 time=3819.67)
    |    254643758 ...NESTED LOOPS (cr=8921833 pr=29939 pw=0 time=1274.41)There is no way the optimizer should choose to process that many rows using nested loops.
    Either the statistics are not up to date, the data values are skewed or you have some optimizer parameter set to none default to force index access.
    Please post explain plan and optimizer* parameter settings.

  • Performance issue on calling the API queryFolders to retrive the subfolders

    Hi, We are using 10.3.0 collaboration server.When we make an API call to get the folders under a parent folder, the API is taking more than 2 minutes to return. When we did research, found out that the query collaboration server is executing taking time to return the results from the collaboration database. I am copying the query below. The performance issue coming when the number of sub folders is more than 1400. I did few experiments on this query. When I remove the sort clause, the query is running too fast. If i keep the sort clause and remove the sub query in select clause , query is running fast. But the combination is taking too much time i.e. 80 seconds. Please share your ideas on how to increase the performance of this API call. We are planning to upgrade to another version of collab but not sure whether it would fix the problem. Highly appreciated your valuable suggestions. Let me know if you need more information.
    CSFOLDERS where(exists(select * from csFolders subFolders where
    subFolders.parentID=OBJ.objectid))) as HASVISSUBFOLD FROM CSFOLDERS
    (obj.parentID=:v1) ORDER BY LOWER(obj.NAME) ASC

    hi reddy,
    before applying for all entries on mseg
    1.sort t_mard by matnr werks and lgort
    2. if not t_mard is initial.
         select mblnr mjahr etc...
    these are the main precautions u need to look into before you are using second select.
    entires from bseg, mseg will consume lot of time.
    so the best if only the fields u r showing are required then take it from the respective table like
    ebeln ebelp from ekpo
    like that .
    so the alternative will be this but this will be the best option if u know only these fields are to be selected .
    hope u r getting my point.
    yeah swagatika also said correctly that u can go for indexing so the Retrieval is faster.
    one more option is construct a view/structure and proceed .
    Message was edited by: Vikky

  • Performance issues while accessing the Confirm/Goods Services' transaction

    We are using SRM 4.0 , through Enterprise Portal 7.0.
    Many of our users are crippled by Performance issues when accessing the Confirm/Goods Services tab( Transaction bbpcf02).
    The system simply clocks and would never show the screen.
    This problem occurs for some users all the time, and some users for some time.
    It's not related to the User's machine as others are able to access it fast using the same machine.
    It is also not dependent on the data size (i.e.no . of confirmations created by the user).
    We would like to know why only some users are suffering more pronouncedly, and why is this transaction generally slower than all others.
    Any directions for finding the Probable cause will be highly rewarded.

    Hi Kedar,
    Please go through the following OSS Notes:
    Note 610805 - Performance problems in goods receipt
    Note 885409 - BBPCF02: The search for confirmation and roles is slow
    Note 1258830 - BBPCF02: Display/Process confirmation response time is slow

  • Different LOVs in af:query and af:form for the same VO attribute

    We need to display different LOVs in af:query and af:form for the same attribute in VO.
    Is it possible to use LOV Switcher for this ?
    What condition can we use in LOV Switcher attribute to check if it is View Critearia row or VO row ?

    We have a VO attribute "User" which needs to be displayed as LOV in a Search Panel ( af:query component created using View Critearia ) and in a af:form.
    When this VO attribute is displayed in search panel, in LOV, we need to show all users.
    When this VO attribute "User" is displayed in a form for editing, in LOV, we need to show only active users.
    For this, we created two LOVs "ActiveUsersLOV" ( which shows only active users ) and "AllUsersLOV" ( which shows all users ) on VO attribute "User".
    LOVSwitcher attribute should return "ActiveUsersLOV" if the LOV is displayed in form and "AllUsersLOV" if the LOV is displayed in search panel.

  • We have a 10 person office - all either use Acrobat XI or Reader XI.  One person is on Windows 7.  The rest are on Windows 8 (not 8.1).  I say this because I thought it was a Windows 8 issue, but having the same problems on the Windows 7 machine. We are a

    We have a 10 person office - all either use Acrobat XI or Reader XI.  One person is on Windows 7.  The rest are on Windows 8 (not 8.1).  I say this because I thought it was a Windows 8 issue, but having the same problems on the Windows 7 machine. We are all having problems opening pdf's sent to us from other firms. This has increased in frequency over the past two months. We've checked with the various firms, and their other clients are not having problems. Some pdfs open but with a lot of missing content and strange formatting, others won't open at all.  There are different error messaged depending upon the doc.  Some are regarding the fonts, for example "can't extract the embedded font...."  Others are "insufficient data" errors.  There are more, but for purposes of keeping this short, I won't include them.  Another unrelated issue is that we are having trouble printing excel files to pdf.  The files end up with bad formatting.  I've worked with adobe "chat" support, our IT consultants with no resolution.  I also haven't found any similar "known issue" online  Would very much appreciate any assistance.  Thank you

    The font embedding can be a problem if not done and you are trying to view the PDF and do not have the font on your machine. Acrobat will often try to find a replacement, but it is not always a good choice. Sometimes the "Use Local Fonts" button can be changed in state to resolve some of the viewing issues.
    If you are trying to copy or export info, then it is important that you have the fonts on your system. Otherwise, the message you are getting about embedded fonts would not be showing up.
    As for Excel formatting, be sure that the Adobe PDF printer is selected in the printer screen before you look for the paging and formatting of the file. In most OFFICE programs, if you change the printer the application will reflow the document to best match the printer (called "using printer metrics"). So check before you create the PDF that the layout is correct.

  • Why are on the first web page buttons are shaped and following pages don´t? All Pages are based on the same Masterpage.

    I´ve a Problem with Muse.
    Why are on the first web page buttons are shaped and following pages don´t? All Pages are based on the same Masterpage.
    Any ideas?

    I just republished the site, and it looks fine, energievollfit | über
    could you please try to republish the site again, and let me know .

  • Couldn't add you to the Family plan as your account needs to be based in the same country

    I sent a Family plan invite to my wife's email address. After resting her password (perhaps she's not the one who made the account?) she tried to accept the invite by entering the token. She was told: We couldn't add you to the Family plan as your account needs to be based in the same country as the Family plan owner. We checked and both profiles show USA as the country. What's the hang up? 

    Hi guys welcome!
    Can you check if the country of both accounts match? You can check this by going to the Account Overview page.
    If one of the accounts doesn't match, then change it to the right country.

Maybe you are looking for