Query problem, two working queries how to left join together?

I have a two queries that I have been trying to put together for a couple days. I'm frazzled. Hopefully you can help.
The first query returns all rows from the database. The second query returns only one row (because the way it is currentlly set up in the Where clause). So I know that will have to change. For each row returned in Query1, I need the two fields from Query2 included
(so the link would be through client.Id (which is an indexed field) or client.Accountnumber?
This query, returns all records in the database:
Select client.Id, client.accountnumber, client.Namelast,
dmlocation.city ||', '||dmlocation.state as CityState,
client.salesTerritory_client ||'-'|| dmuser.namefirst_user ||' '|| dmuser.namelast_user as Territory,
MaxDates.LastRun, client.creditrisk, client.customercategory
from client
Left join fctclientcoverage on fctclientcoverage.client_id = client.id
Left join dmlocation on fctclientcoverage.location_id = dmlocation.id
Left join dmuser on dmuser.id = client.id
Left join (Select to_char(Max(dmdate.calendardate),'MM/DD/YY') as LastRun, Client.Id
from dmdate, client, fctadorder
where dmdate.id = fctadorder.lastinsert_date_id and client.id = fctadorder.primaryorderer_client_id
group by client.id) MaxDates ON client.id = MaxDates.Id
where(fctclientcoverage.Ccoverrecordstopdate Is Null)
Order by client.namelast;
Query 2, only returns 1 row, so for each row returned above, the two fields selected in this query should accompany each row. But how to link these two selects using the client.accountnumber (or perhaps by dmcliet.id)?
Select booked.CurRev, booked.LastRev from (
Select (sum(Case When dmDate.CalendarDate >= '29-DEC-2008' and dmDate.CalendarDate < '
Then fctinsertchargedetail.Amount_insertDetail Else 0 End)) As CurRev,
(sum(Case When dmDate.CalendarDate >= '29-DEC-2007' and dmDate.CalendarDate < '
Then fctinsertchargedetail.Amount_insertDetail Else 0 End)) As LastRev
from fctAdorder
Inner Join client On fctAdorder.primaryorderer_client_id = client.id
Inner Join fctinsertion On fctAdorder.id=fctinsertion.fctAdorder_id
Inner Join fctinsertchargesummary On fctinsertion.id=fctinsertchargesummary.insertion_id
Inner Join dmDate On fctinsertion.insert_date_id=dmDate.id
Inner Join fctinsertchargedetail On fctinsertchargesummary.id=fctinsertchargedetail.insertchargesummary_id
WHERE client.accountnumber = '12345678' and
dmDate.CalendarDate >= '29-DEC-2007' And dmDate.CalendarDate < ') booked;
Thanks for your time.

Yes, You are correct!
I just recently got the query working with the aid of another forum.
The sad part is, all though the first query took 11 seconds to return 180,000 rows (thats good); The second query took 4 minutes to calculate and return all it's rows (that's bad). Together the query ran for over 4 minutes. Way too slow.
Being brand new to oracle I have to try and figure away to cut this time down. Perhaps I'm not considering something?
I orginally brought into my .net app the results from the first query and then in the rowdatabound event I queried each row to get the information needed from the second query. That was way too slow also. It was recommended to try and return all needed data at once.
I've been given a task to emulate a current application, (which I do not have access to it's code), that brings back all of this same information that I am using. It only takes them maybe 15 seconds to run, to bring back all. Of course they were experienced oracle sql developers.
So I guess my next step is to try and improve that second query. Thanks for replying to this Frank. I'll be back. Are you or is anyone good at knowing how to optimzie queries? I'm reading a book now trying out suggestions. Nothing is working yet.

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    public static Arc2D innerOne;
    public static Line2D upLine, bottomLine;
    public static Area area = new Area();
    public MyShapes(double[] upper, double [] lower)
    outerOne.setArc(upper[0], upper[1], upper[2], upper[3], upper[4], upper[5], (int)upper[6]);
    //                         x,          y,               w,          h,               OA,      AA, int OPEN =1
    innerOne.setArc(lower[0], lower[1], lower[2], lower[3], lower[4], lower[5], (int)lower[6]);
    upLine     = new Line2D.Double(outerOne.getX(),outerOne.getY(),innerOne.getX(),innerOne.getY());
    bottomLine = new Line2D.Double(outerOne.getX()+outerOne.getWidth(),outerOne.getY()+outerOne.getHeight(),innerOne.getX()+innerOne.getWidth(),innerOne.getY()+innerOne.getHeight());
    area = this.joinAll(outerOne,innerOne, upLine, bottomLine);     
    private Area joinAll(Arc2D out, Arc2D in, Line2D one, Line2D two)
    GeneralPath joiner = new GeneralPath(out);
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    joiner.append(one, true);
    joiner.append(two, true);      
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    return temp;     
    public boolean isInArea(Point xy)
    return area.contains(xy.getX(), xy.getY());     
    public boolean isItClosed()
    return area.isSingular();     

    Glad to hear you find what was wrong. Still, it doesn't the main problem : why is that method crashing?
    Here is what I've done in the mean time. See if it fits your purpose.import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    public class MyShapes {
         private Arc2D outerOne;
         private Arc2D innerOne;
         private Shape line1;
         private Shape line2;
         public MyShapes(double[] upper, double[] lower) {
              outerOne = new Arc2D.Double(upper[0],
              innerOne = new Arc2D.Double(lower[0],
              line1 = new Line2D.Double(outerOne.getStartPoint().getX(),
              line2 = new Line2D.Double(outerOne.getEndPoint().getX(),
         public void paint(Graphics2D aGraphics2D) {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              double [] XO= {56, 58, 400, 280, 90, 90};// outter arc
              double [] XI={114, 105, 300, 200, 90, 90}; // inner arc
              final MyShapes myShapes = new MyShapes(XO, XI);
              JPanel panel = new JPanel() {
                   protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
              final JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test shape");
              frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
              SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {

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    Sounds like you are looking to make the writing realistic. That is better done in photoshop. Some tisp you can sue
    use a blending mode on your writing so that it blends naturally into
    If your wall is made of brick for example, you can save a grayscale imageg of your weall and use displace in photoshop to distort the writng so it looks liek it is follwoing a bump mapo of the grayscale imaeg you made
    you can use a grayscale of your wall as a mask on your writing. Use a curve to brighten the mask, so most of the writing shows through, except for some edges and such you want to roughen up

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    select br_no, br_managersname
    from BRANCH order by br_managersname
    select br_no, sum(rent_endkms-rent_startkms) as total_kms_travelled
      from RENTAL
    group by BR_NO
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                                               from RENTAL
                                              group by BR_NO)
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      from query1 q1
      join query2 q2
        on q1.br_no = q2.br_no

  • One Query or Two liinked Queries

    hi experts
    i want to know what is the better in performance in the report builder is to create one single query with join 2 master and details tables
    create 2 queries one for each table and link them by datalink

    I don't think you will notice a HUGE difference in performance.
    But, I think it would be easier to have everything in one main query then control it with grouping.
    Edited by: Kurzweil4 on Sep 8, 2010 3:30 PM


    I have a very basic question related to JPA.
    I am using dict tables and connecting it to MaxDB.
    In my Entity I have a select statement like this,
    @NamedQuery  (name = "getOperations", query = "SELECT operT.id FROM SII_ARC_Oper operT " +
                   "LEFT JOIN SII_ARC_Service serviceT " +
                   "ON   operT.sid = serviceT.sid AND " +
                   "serviceT.duuid =:duuid")
    When I call this in my Bean, I get this error,
    An error occurred processing the named query >>getOperations<< with the query string >>SELECT operT.id FROM SII_ARC_Oper operT LEFT JOIN SII_ARC_Service serviceT ON   operT.sid = serviceT.sid AND serviceT.duuid =:duuid<<. The exception text is: line 1: Variable 'SII_ARC_Service' not declared
    SELECT operT.id FROM SII_ARC_Oper operT LEFT JOIN SII_ARC_Service serviceT ON   operT.sid = serviceT.sid AND serviceT.duuid =:duuid
    line 1: unexpected token: serviceT
    SELECT operT.id FROM SII_ARC_Oper operT LEFT JOIN SII_ARC_Service serviceT ON   operT.sid = serviceT.sid AND serviceT.duuid =:duuid
    I am just wondering how do I declare the u201CSII_ARC_Serviceu201D in my Entity before the Named Query. Or am I not declaring anything else..?
    Edited by: domnic savio on Jul 21, 2008 12:16 PM

    I have some improvements now although the problem is not solved yet,
    I have the JPQL as
    // The Named Query
    @NamedQuery  (name = "getOperations", query = "SELECT oper.id FROM SII_ARC_Oper oper " +
                   "LEFT JOIN oper.service serviceT " +
                   "WHERE serviceT.duuid =:duuid")
    // The many to one relationship
    @Column(name= "SERVICE_TABLE")
         @JoinColumn(referencedColumnName = "SID")
         private SII_ARC_Service service;
    On calling the NamedQuery and passing a parameter, I get the error,
    Errors have occurred during the precompilation of named queries:
    An error occurred processing the named query >>getOperations<< with the query string >>SELECT operT.id FROM SII_ARC_Oper operT LEFT JOIN operT.service serviceT WHERE serviceT.duuid =:duuid<<. The exception text is: line 1: Path 'opert.service' is not association path.
    SELECT operT.id FROM SII_ARC_Oper operT LEFT JOIN operT.service serviceT WHERE serviceT.duuid =:duuid
    1) What association path does the compiler refer too !?!.
    2) Is the JPQL Querry valid without an ON clause ?!.
    anyone has an idea..!?!
    thanks in advance

  • Left join

    I have 3 tables piece_counter1, piece_counter2, piece_counter3. The attributes are same for all tables.
    CREATE TABLE piece_counter1
    shooting_time time without time zone,
    number_of_peer_1 smallint
    select number_of_peer_1 from piece_counter1 order by shooting_time1
    I write these query for getting the value from 1 table.
    Now, I want to fetch the value of number_of_peer_1 from every table order by shooting time.
    select piece_counter1.number_of_peer_1, piece_counter2.number_of_peer_1 from piece_counter1, piece_counter2 order by shooting_time
    Something similar to this query, but the query is wrong.
    I thought of left join, but couldn't write the query because I don't have any key to join the table. shooting_time is different for every table.

    csckid wrote:
    I have 3 tables piece_counter1, piece_counter2, piece_counter3. The attributes are same for all tables.
    CREATE TABLE piece_counter1
    shooting_time time without time zone,
    number_of_peer_1 smallint
    select number_of_peer_1 from piece_counter1 order by shooting_time1
    I write these query for getting the value from 1 table.
    Now, I want to fetch the value of number_of_peer_1 from every table order by shooting time.
    select piece_counter1.number_of_peer_1, piece_counter2.number_of_peer_1 from piece_counter1, piece_counter2 order by shooting_time
    Something similar to this query, but the query is wrong.
    I thought of left join, but couldn't write the query because I don't have any key to join the table. shooting_time is different for every table.If you simply need the values from all the tables with out any join, why don't you simply use UNION or UNION ALL (preserver duplicates)?
    select number_of_peer_1 from piece_counter1
    select number_of_peer_1 from piece_counter2
    select number_of_peer_1 from piece_counter3;

  • Make one query of two queries?

    I have these two quries, how can I at the best way get the same result in one query?
    --Querie 1
    SELECT 'm' || Year_Month As Month,
    Sum(NET_SALES) As "Net Sales"
    FROM tlbInfo 
    WHERE Year_Month Between '200709' And '200801'
    And record_type IN ('A','X')
    Group by Year_Month
    Order by Year_Month
    --Querie 2
    SELECT 'm' || Year_Month As Month, 
    to_char(100*((sum(NET_SALES)-sum(STANDARD_MANUF_COST))/sum(NET_SALES)) || '%') As "Margin"
    FROM tlbInfo 
    WHERE Year_Month Between '200709' And '200801'
    And record_type NOT IN ('A', 'X')
    And Net_Sales >0
    Group by Year_Month
    Order by Year_Month

    why did you change the 1st query? now you're further from getting the correct answer (not to mention that now my previous post makes no sense).
    put the 1st query back to the way it was. then change the 2nd query to remove the record_type and net_sales criteria from the where clause, and instead put the logic into the select, via a CASE, like the first query is written.
    now look at the two new queries, and ask yourself, what's so hard about making one query?
    and don't do this work in the original post. do it in notepad. and if you want to post the new queries here to get further help, hit the REPLY button, NOT THE EDIT BUTTON

  • Problem querying over two fact tables

    The business requirement is that we want to be able to see sales for two different periods of times, over different brands, different Items' years and seasons per periods.
    So for the different dimensions I created alias having two tables in the physical layer
    for Brands, Shops and Items (tables) [These are the tables where I query for different brand, Item's year and different season]. The Business Model Schema looks like this:
    Items-----> SALES <------Brands Items 2-----> SALES 2 <------------Brands 2
    ^ ^
    and VENDORS connected to both SALES & SALES 2 left outer joined
    The need is that I need to query over two indepedent periods of time with independed dimensions but for a common dimension (Vendors).
    The presentation data simplified looks like this:
    Vendor Sales Qty Sales 2 Qty
    1092 234 123
    The problem is that when a vendor doesn't exist in one period it doesn't come and in the other although there are sales. So when I query with the same filters (same period of time, Brands, Items' years and seasons) over these two fact tables I get the same sales and correct data. When there are different criteria then I lose data.
    The Query fired in the database is the following:
    select distinct case when D2.c4 is not null then D2.c4 when D1.c4 is not null then D1.c4 end as c1,
    D1.c3 as c4,
    D1.c1 as c5,
    D1.c2 as c6,
    cast(D1.c2 / nullif( D1.c1, 0) * 100 as DOUBLE PRECISION ) as c7,
    D2.c3 as c8,
    D2.c1 as c9,
    D2.c2 as c10,
    cast(D2.c2 / nullif( D2.c1, 0) * 100 as DOUBLE PRECISION ) as c11
    (select sum(T43161.amnt_1) as c1,
    sum(T43161.mk_1) as c2,
    sum(T43161.qty_1) as c3,
    T7120.VE_NAME as c4
    VE04_TBL T7120,
    GE04_COMPANY_TBL T43802,
    EI04_TBL T6931,
    Salesmcost T43161
    where ( T6931.EI_CODE = T43161.ei_code and T6931.VE_CODE = T7120.VE_CODE and T6931.GE_COMPANY_CODE = '1' and T6931.EI_SEASON_CODE = 'Χ' and T6931.EI_YEAR = '2009' and T7120.GE_COMPANY_CODE = '1' and T7120.VE_CODE = T43161.ve_code and T43161.ge_company_code = T43802.GE_COMPANY_CODE and T43802.GE_COMPANY_NAME = '*** Φ. & Κ. ΛΕΜΟΝΗΣ ΑΕΒΕ ****' and T43802.LIST_ITEM_IND = '1' and T43161.trans_date >= ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE('2010-05-12' , 'YYYY-MM-DD'), -7 * 12 ) and T43161.trans_date between TO_DATE('2009-01-01' , 'YYYY-MM-DD') and TO_DATE('2009-01-31' , 'YYYY-MM-DD') )
    group by T7120.VE_NAME
    ) D1,
    (select sum(T44099.amnt_1) as c1,
    sum(T44099.mk_1) as c2,
    sum(T44099.qty_1) as c3,
    T7120.VE_NAME as c4
    EI04_TBL T44615 /* EI04_TBL 2 */ ,
    VE04_TBL T7120,
    GE04_COMPANY_TBL T43802,
    Salesmcost T44099 /* Salesmcost_2 */
    where ( T7120.VE_CODE = T44099.ve_code and T7120.VE_CODE = T44615.VE_CODE and T7120.GE_COMPANY_CODE = '1' and T43802.GE_COMPANY_CODE = T44099.ge_company_code and T43802.GE_COMPANY_NAME = '*** Φ. & Κ. ΛΕΜΟΝΗΣ ΑΕΒΕ ****' and T43802.LIST_ITEM_IND = '1' and T44099.ei_code = T44615.EI_CODE and T44615.GE_COMPANY_CODE = '1' and T44615.EI_SEASON_CODE = 'Χ' and T44615.EI_YEAR = '2008' and T44099.trans_date between TO_DATE('2008-01-01' , 'YYYY-MM-DD') and TO_DATE('2008-01-31' , 'YYYY-MM-DD') )
    group by T7120.VE_NAME
    ) D2
    where ( D1.c4 = D2.c4 ) /*<------- I think that this join creates the problem*/
    order by c1
    Edited by: user1198434 on 12 Μαϊ 2010 5:14 πμ
    Edited by: user1198434 on 12 Μαϊ 2010 5:41 πμ

    go through this
    I think you are new to the forum. try searching through some of the famous obiee forums. Gurus have already covered most of the issues. few are,

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    # Question
    Ever since I got the "new & improved" Firefox, I have had all kinds of problems the latest of which has left me without toolbars. How can I get back to the previous version? edit

    Click the Firefox button, go to Add-ons, then Plugins and disable the following:<br><br>
    * Fun Web Products Plugin<br><br>
    * My Web Search<br><br>
    Both of these are adware/spyware and cause performance issues in Firefox.
    Next, click the Extensions menu link (above Plugins where you are) and remove the "Ask Toolbar".
    If the problem persists, please do the following:<br><br>
    #Click '''Help '''| '''Restart with Add-ons disabled'''.<br><br>
    #In the next menu which appears, checkmark: "'''Reset toolbars and Controls'''".<br><br>
    #Finally, click the button called "'''Make changes and restart'''".
    Just in case you weren't aware of it, you can right click the Back or Forward buttons to get a list of sites visited. If you'd like to see the return of the arrow on the Back button, install this add-on: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/backforward-dropmarker/
    Last but not least, some of your plugins are seriously out of date which exposes your system to exploits. Please visit the [http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/ Plugins Check] page and update where necessary.
    See: http://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb11-08.html

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    name          table_b_name
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    Hope my question make sense
    thanks a lot.

    I bet you have more luck looking for an answer in a SQL forum.

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