Question about AUR and repositories

Many Arch opponents say we have a very limited number of binary packages and a lot of it in unsupported. I'm looking at my desktop box and really can't deny this statement. I have a lot of software from AUR, in other binary distros this software could be obtained in binary form from repos.
Why this happens? Very limited resources, few TU's, strict official repos policy or what?

hokum_rus wrote:In my case:
logjam, vimperator, qutim, pinta, doublecmd, freedcpp, deadbeef, mplayer with vdpau support and some others. Indeed, I have much more packages from aur, but mostly it is related to lib32- and bin32- ones.
Why on earth would we need Vimperator in official repositories? It's a Firefox plugin. You can easily install it without having to use pacman.
Also, MPlayer package in Extra have VDPAU support enabled for a long time, so I see no reason why you would need an alternative MPlayer package just for that.
My response to this "Arch opponents" is this: Arch is a sort of hybrid between binary and source distribution. While we have a lot of binary packages, you should still be prepared to build some stuffs yourself. If you find this too much of a hassle, then apparently Arch is not for you (just like Gentoo is not suitable for people who don't have time to build (almost) everything themselves, no offense to Gentoo) and you should use another distribution that suits you need better (there are a dozen of binary-only distribution out there anyway).
Last edited by zodmaner (2010-06-05 06:32:30)

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    i cant say for hp's
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    The only two items that a user can change on a MBP are the RAM and HDD (Retinas not included).  You have what the unit came with and the only way you will be able to change that is to purchase a MBP with superior graphics
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    1. Depend on how intensive you use that HD for saving data on both Mac OS and XP. For standard installation on both OS X and XP, the space of 60 Gb is enough.
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    You said that you are using the VK31 or VK32.
    These transaction codes are used to enter condition records for standard condition types. As you can see a grid left side having all the standard condition types like price, discounts, taxes, frieghts.
    Pl check using T.code VK11 OR VK12 (change mode)
    Here you can enter the required condition type, in the intial screen. (like PR00, MWST, K004, K005 .....etc)
    After giving the condition type, press enter or click on Combinations icon on top of the screen. Then you can see all the condition tables which you maintained for that condition type. Like as you said table 118, table 5, table 6 and table 4.
    You can select any table and press enter, then you can go into the screen in which you have all the field cataglogues you maintained for that table. For example you selected combination of Customer/Material (table 5) then after you press enter then you can see customer field on top, and material fields.
    You can give all the required values and save the conditon record.
    Hope this is clear.

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    For what it's worth, I also see a timeout on the first [ Search Online ] click, after about half a minute delay.  Second click turns up results immediately.  This happens each time Lens Correction is started, even without restarting Photoshop, and in both 32 and 64 bit versions.  Also note that I started with one profile listed by default (though from the wrong camera) for my 40D with 28-135 zoom.
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    Windows 7 x64.

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    FileWriter file = new FileWriter ("$HOME/.netrc");
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    1- .netrc file is in $HOME directory but i can't
    access to this directory from java code. The
    following line producesan Exception (directory
    doesn't exists)
    FileWriter file = new FileWriter ("$HOME/.netrc");$HOME would have to be replaced by a shell, I don't
    think you can use it as part of a legal path.
    Instead, use System.getProperty("user.home");
    Ok, thanks
    2- .netrc file must have the followingpermissions:
    -rw- --- --- but when i create the .netrc file the
    following permissions are on default: -rw- r--r--,
    how can i change this permissions? (In java code,i
    can't use chmod.....)Yes, you can: Runtime.exec("chmod ...");
    I need to use estrictly the .netrc with -rw- --- --- permissions
    Yes, i can use Runtime.exec ("chmod ..."); but i don't like very much this solution because is a slow solution, am i right?
    3- Are there any way to pass parameters to a.netrc
    file? If i get to do this i needn't change the
    permissions because i can't modify orcreate/destroy
    this file.I don't think so. Why do you need the .netrc file in
    Java at all? Writing a GUI frontend?I want to use automatic ftp in a java program and FTP server, the files and path are not always the same, so i can:
    - modify .netrc (for me is the complex option)
    - destroy and create a new .netrc (is easier but i have permissions problem)
    - use .netrc with parameters but i haven't found any help about it
    Thanks for your prompt reply!!!!

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    4. Drag the folder with the footage/clips into my external hard drive into a pre-existing folder titled "Backups/duplicates of all of my raw footage/clips." This big granddaddy folder will house all of the child folders of different movies.
    5 Then, open up iMovie '11 and import the raw footage/clips from my Desktop rather than from my camcorder.
    6. Then I want to make a duplicate of my finished movie and put it in my external hard drive in a "Finished Movies" folder.
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    Is this viable? Is it wise? (I know it goes an extra unnecessary step, but aside from that.)
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    This time around with iMovie '11 I don't to make such novice, ignorant errors.
    Thanks so much for any comments to this question.

    Yes I'm sure it will work great for you.
    The iFrame format is something Apple has come up with. The reason for its existence is unknown to me so I can only speculate. But it seems to me that Apple "invented" this format in order to have devices such as Ipod/Ipad/Iphone/Ixxx create clips that are editable on consumer hardware such as already mentioned devices but also standard Mac computers, without the need for format conversion.
    iMovie converts most input formats during import, which takes a lot of time, and this need for conversion often comes as a surprise to most people new to home video editing.
    iFrame has a resolution of 960x540 which is long way from the common standards of 1920x1080 and 1280x720. If your end target is YouTube however, this may not be too bad though. However if you intend to go with YouTube HD, you may find iFrame footage to look wrong since they are effectively upscaled to a higher resolution.
    Technically iFrame uses the H.264 algorithm, a smaller frame size (960x540) and a rather low compression scheme. This will result in large files, but the plus side is that the files are ready for editing without the need for any conversion and iMovie will natively edit the files.

  • Question about RAC and ASM

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    2) can I share oracle_home between ASM instance and database instance ? what is the best choice ?
    3) I'm planning to use shared disks for all files, all databases.... what are the pros/cons ?
    4) what should be the installation procedure ? Meaning, first create ASM instance on each node, then install cluster software, build RAC databases...... can someone explain..
    5) I believe RMAN is the only option for backup since I'm using ASM, correct ?
    I'm a newbie to RAC and ASM..

    user4866039 wrote:
    1) Do I need to have ASM instance running on each node ? ( most likely yes... but want to make sure )yes.
    2) can I share oracle_home between ASM instance and database instance ? what is the best choice ?in 10g you can, in 11gr2 you cannot. and it might be better to seperate them because it will give you more flexibility with patching.
    3) I'm planning to use shared disks for all files, all databases.... what are the pros/cons ?if you share your oracle_home you won't be able to do rolling updates. so i recommend to keep oracle_homes local.
    4) what should be the installation procedure ? Meaning, first create ASM instance on each node, then install cluster software, build RAC databases...... can someone explain..follow the install guide for your respective version. for 10g you'd install clusterware first, then asm and database is last.
    5) I believe RMAN is the only option for backup since I'm using ASM, correct ?pretty much. you could stop your database and dump the raw devices or use asmcmd/asmftp but rman is definitely the best choice

  • HT201303 hi just got my new apple ipod touch i need to update my security information other wise it wont let me download apps it says to enter three questions about myself and i get to the third question and it wont let me enter the third question

    hi just got my new apple ipod touch and to download apps it wants to add questions about myself for more sercurity information. i get up to question 3 and it wont let me select a question but it will let me write an answer so i just pressed done and then it says i cant carry on because ive mised out information when it wont let me do a question!

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    You might try to see if you can change your security questions. Start here, change your country if necessary and go to manage your account > Password and Security.
    I'm able to do this, others say they need to input answers to their current security questions in order to make changes, I'm inclined to think its worth a try, you don't have anything to lose.
    If that doesn't help you might try contacting Apple through Express Lane (select your country, navigate to iCloud help and enter the serial number of one of your devices)

  • Just installed iOS6, questions about "iMessage" and other things...

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    First, what exactly is iMessage? Looking at the page for it, I can't see any difference between it and regular text messages. The info page says its to avoid charges, but between my data plan and not being charged for text I don't see where theres any other benefit. The one person I text with the most recently asked me why I had not installed iMessage yet, and didn't have an answer when I asked him why I should. I guess he just wanted to see text replies in blue instead of green.
    In a related bit, flipping through Settings>Messages>Send & Receive I find a "2 addresses" section, with my phone number in there as well as my email under "You can be reached by iMessage at:" and "Start new conversations from:". What good does it do iMessages to have my email address? Does the Mail app handle text as well as email addresses? That seems to be the only explanation, and also very odd to think I'd be trying to text through my Mail app.
    Second, looking through the Settings>Mail I see now that I have an icloud email address as well as the address I've been desperately hanging on to for the past 10 years, and the address they've been trying to force me into since those came out. (I was happy to see I could delete the address from the phone. I wish I could delete it from the universe.)
    I wasn't even aware there was a such thing as addresses. When did this happen? What is it used for?
    Third, under that icloud Setting I see a long list of apps with buttons labeled "Off" under it. What are those for? Under the settings I see switches for "Mail" and "Notes", with Mail on and Notes off. The Notes app (which I haven't used since my old iPhone 3) still opens, regardless of this setting.
    Fourth, I now have an item called "Facetime" under my Settings. It is off, but underneath it says "Your phone number and/or email address will be shared with people you call". I understand caller ID normally sends caller number info to the receiver, but why would someone need my email address if I call them?
    Fifth, I now have a "Music" setting, at the bottom of which I see a "Home Sharing" item, which when clicked brings up my AppleID and asks me if I want to Sign Out or Cancel. What is Home Sharing? Its also at the bottom of the "Video" settings.
    Sixth, now I have Twitter and Facebook settings? For what? I don't have accounts with either of those companies. So why have settings, especially since it asks me to create accounts and download apps for those companies right in the Settings?
    Seventh, there is a camera icon on the unlock screen. Touching it causes the screen to bounce up about a quarter inch, almost but not quite revealing something behind it. I should probably just quit asking about this stuff already, but I'll take the bait - what is this now?
    Finally, what is the Notification Center used for?
    If I got a text under iOS4, it would put an alert on the Unlock screen. Scrolling through this huge list of things under the Notification settings I'm really blown away by all the apps set up to yell at me. I can see having an alert for a text message but Game Center? What the heck is that, and why is it set up to hit me with a "Badge App Icon" (whatever that is) when I get alerts from "Everyone". Similarly, the phone is set to alert me to something called a "Photostream Alert"? What is this? Why is there a Phone section for the Notification Center? So they can put a Notice on my screen to tell me the phone is ringing? Holy cow! The phone is set to send me alerts from the "Weather Widget". So if I miss the fact its raining there will be a message on my screen to let me know? Whats next - a buzzer to tell me I'm listening to music?
    There's a lot more, like what would I need Passbook for when I have the actual movie tickets, gate boarding passes, coupons, etc in my hands, but we'll leave that for another time. Many thanks to all who can offer some answers to my questions above.

    Hey Taantumus!
    Here is an article that will provide some guidance on this question:
    Apple ID: Changing your password
    The next time you use an Apple feature or service that uses Apple ID, you'll be asked to sign in with your new Apple ID password.
    Thanks for coming to the Apple Support Communities!

  • Follow-up question about forms and SharePoint Online

    I asked a question about life after InfoPath earlier, and got a good answer:
    After looking at all of the limitations of SharePoint Online, I'm wondering how developers are dealing with the limitations. Lets say you are asked to develop something that has complex logic, including fetching data from external web services, dynamically
    displaying parts of a process to people depending on role, and ending up with a printable document. In our on-premises environment, InfoPath is well suited to this task, with some code behind for some things. Or, if not using InfoPath, we would use application
    pages and workflow.
    Neither of those are available in SharePoint Online, so what would you do?

    Some things, such as the conditional display of content, can be done via JavaScript. More advanced items, such as integrating external web services would likely require a SharePoint "app". A SharePoint app is essentially a link to a separate site
    that is running an web app (or PHP, or whatever). This site can do anything it needs with any web services, or conditional formatting, or anything. Because it's registered as a SharePoint app, it can also call back into the SharePoint site
    and work with data. So, a SharePoint App could present the user with a robust form that simply sends the data back to a SharePoint list. The SharePoint app can also be surfaced on the SharePoint site itself in an iframe, so the user won't know that the form
    is hosted by another server.
    By the way, the ideas behind the app model permeate the entire SharePoint environment: instead of having the SharePoint server itself run all kinds of custom business logic, that workload is handled by other servers, so the SharePoint servers can be focused
    on running the core bits of SharePoint. InfoPath puts a large load on the servers, so it's out.  XSLT list views also put a load on the server, so they're also out. SSRS is an amazingly fantastic tool, but is not supported in the cloud (and there's no
    alternative). Timer jobs, event handlers, workflow, and many other things have been re-architected to take the load off the SharePoint servers.
    Mike G.

  • Questions about Indexing and Using an Indexing POA

    Although I have only about 50 users, at least 15 of them have in excess of 100,000 messages in their accounts and the POA (version 7.0.2) is regularly slowing to a crawl. (I just know that plans for revolution are fomenting!) I have embarked on a campaign to reduce these accounts by archiving everything off to get mail accounts down to 3000 or fewer pieces. I have achieved user buy-in, but have worked on only a few users so far.
    In another closely related thread, it was suggested to me that the PO speed issues relate to broken indexes. And I suspect that given so many messages, the indexes were never getting fully rebuilt with the default QF POA settings. I am trying to fix that situation in addition to reducing mail account sizes. So, I have set up a second POA on another server and dedicated it to the indexing task. The /qfinterval is set for 1 hour, other /qf switches at default. The POA-QF does no mail delivery, but it does do nightly user upkeep.
    The POA-QF seems to be steadily working away and making progress at reducing the number of unindexed messages. However, I have questions about what I am seeing and what more I can do:
    1. Is the progress I am seeing real progress? For example I have a user with over 100,000 messages to be indexed and every time I check the logs, the count drops by about 500 messages per hourly QF cycle. I assume that if I just let it keep running, it will eventually get caught up and fixed. Not only with this user, but with all the others as well. Will my patience (and theirs) be rewarded? Are there any gotchas I need to prepare for?
    2. One user has recently had virtually all of her messages successfully moved to archive. I can see them in the Archive, and do not see them in the online account. However, now over a week later, QF still shows >130,000 items still left to index for that user. The POA-QF is making slow, steady progress reducing that number, but why is this user's QF count still so high? Does it just need more time, or is there something amiss for this user?
    3. I may want to rebuild indexes for single users from scratch. I have seen the TID 3105742 which tells how to do this: Essentially you turn off mail delivery functions, and make some other switch changes to dedicate the POA to indexing for just a single user, and then you let the POA rebuild the indexes. The implication of that scenario is that the POA is now enjoying exclusive access to the user's databases.
    If I want to use my secondary POA-QF to rebuild a user's index from scratch, does the main POA have to be offline and the user out of GWise? That is, Does the QF process require exclusive access in order to rebuild indexes from scratch?
    Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions.
    Peter Smick

    pgsmick wrote:
    > 1. Is the progress I am seeing real progress? For example I have a user with
    > over 100,000 messages to be indexed and every time I check the logs, the count
    > drops by about 500 messages per hourly QF cycle. I assume that if I just let
    > it keep running, it will eventually get caught up and fixed. Not only with
    > this user, but with all the others as well. Will my patience (and theirs) be
    > rewarded? Are there any gotchas I need to prepare for?
    Set this switch for this indexing POA - /qflevel=999 - this will index
    everything in one run. It will take a long time, but with no qflevel switch you
    are indeed only indexing 500 messages at a time, and if the user has that much
    mail, it might never really catch up.
    > 2. One user has recently had virtually all of her messages successfully moved
    > to archive. I can see them in the Archive, and do not see them in the online
    > account. However, now over a week later, QF still shows >130,000 items still
    > left to index for that user. The POA-QF is making slow, steady progress
    > reducing that number, but why is this user's QF count still so high? Does it
    > just need more time, or is there something amiss for this user?
    This is odd, because really the index count should drop to nothing, but with the
    above switch this might get resolved as well.
    > 3. I may want to rebuild indexes for single users from scratch. I have seen
    > the TID 3105742 which tells how to do this: Essentially you turn off mail
    > delivery functions, and make some other switch changes to dedicate the POA to
    > indexing for just a single user, and then you let the POA rebuild the indexes.
    > The implication of that scenario is that the POA is now enjoying exclusive
    > access to the user's databases.
    Not really - the POA is not enjoying exclusive access to the user's database,
    the indexer is just avoiding an attempt to index anything else.
    > If I want to use my secondary POA-QF to rebuild a user's index from scratch,
    > does the main POA have to be offline and the user out of GWise? That is, Does
    > the QF process require exclusive access in order to rebuild indexes from
    > scratch?
    No - QF never requires exclusive access. That said, you may find that an
    extremely vigorous QF can cause slowdowns for the user.
    Novell Knowledge Partner
    Moving GroupWise to Linux?

  • Questions about 3702i and WSM (WSSI)

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    Any insight would be appreciated.
    1. Is the WSM officially supported on the 3702 AP? The documentation seems to conflict on this.
    For example, at the top of the WSM data sheet: "Flexible add-on third radio module for the Cisco Aironet 3600i or Cisco Aironet 3600e Series Access Points". Then later on in the page graphic shows the 3700 series radios too. I have found multiple pages that have similar conflicting information.
    2. Can the WSM be used WITHOUT MSE and Cisco Prime? If so, are there any limitations?
    3. How does the licensing work? Where is the license installed -- WLC, MSE, Prime? Do ANY of the features work without the license?
    3a. How do you order the license? The SKU listed on the data sheet (L-WIPS-MM-1AP) is not a valid part number in CCW.
    4. Is it possible to do sniffing with a WSM? (the idea being not having to dedicate an AP to sniffing, or taking down a client-serving AP to sniff)
    Thank you.

    Ok, so you are talking about off-channel scanning, which is actually a very short duration 50ms, that the AP is actually off-channel to scan.
    Are you thinking of this bullet point?
     Access points with wireless security module: The Cisco Aironet® Access Point Module for Wireless Security aggressively scans all channels without affecting the data-serving radios in the 2.4- and 5-GHz bands.
    To me, that's just saying that the WSM is scanning and not interferring with the AP's normal radios.

  • Questions about Contracts and New Phones

    I've had some questions about how upgrading and adding new lines to a contract works and I haven't been able to find the answers through Google. First some background information: We started this most recent contract in September of 2011 and as such the current contract will end September of 2013. According to the phone information portal, all three of the devices on my account will be eligible for an upgrade this Saturday (May 4th, 2013). My daughters birthday just so happens to coincide with that date and as such we were planning on surprising her by taking her to buy a new phone and we are going to allow our son to upgrade his phone as he has been asking to for a while.
    Is there any way of locking/limiting the amount of data allowed for each phone on a shared plan? I'm worried that my daughter will go way over our limit and not pay attention to the point where she will end up costing us a very large amount of money
    Does adding a new line require the start of a new contract?
    My son was interested in purchasing the "Samsung Galaxy S4" and has noticed that pre-orders for that phone are currently available. Is it possible to pre-order the phone on that date using the upgrade so that the price will be reduced?
    If the answer to number 2 is a no, does adding the new line take away the upgrades from other phones or would he be able to go to the store past the release date and upgrade then?
    Thanks for taking the time to read through all of this. Any help that I receive will be extremely appreciated.

    1. Yes. There is an additional fee per line you wish to do this for. When you add the line you can choose this option and set the data amount it is allowed to use.
    2. Yes. Each line is a separate contract with its own expiration date.
    3. The contract starts when you sign up for the contract. The amount will be pro-rated on the plan if it is not started until part-way through your billing cycle that is what you are asking. Doing the pre-order just guarantees you the phone in case they sell out.
    4. No it will not take any upgrades away as each line has its own termination date. You can move upgrades around between lines though.

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