Question about buying an iPhone online

Hi there. I would like advice regarding buying an iPhone 6 thru third-party sites such as Ebay or Amazon.
I have heard that if the person fail to turn off the Find my iPhone feature it might "lock" the phone and it will render it unusable with the one buying. is this true?
Surely if the phone has been factory reset can i not use it again as normal and use all the features?
Also, i'm on O2. As stupid as it may sound but would a "locked" phone be better than an unlocked iPhone in relation to the above query?
Please advice. Thanks.

No, because unlocked does NOT mean this.  If someone sells a phone as unlocked, it means that it is not locked to any particular carrier, so you can use any sim card in that phone.  It does NOT mean the same as activation lock, which is a security feature on the phone to prevent theft and is totally different from the carrier lock.
Also, E-bay is not a legitimate source to purchase an iPhone.  If you are in the UK and you want to purchase an iPhone, then go directly to any Apple store in the UK and buy one or go to the UK carrier stores, such as 02, EE, 3 or Vodafone and buy one from there.  Note, that if you buy the phone through the carriers, it will not be unlocked and you will have to take out a contract with them, so you cannot use any sim card in the phone.  If you buy directly from an Apple store, then you can buy an unlocked phone and you can then get a sim only contract with the carriers and can change carrier and use any sim card in the phone.

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    Message was edited by: Abe

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    I am still having trouble with this. First, I am in Canada so go to the equivalent Canadian Apple web site and it is laid out slightly differently.
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