Question for ZendAMF?

I have a question for zendAMF.
I did the following in gateway:
$server = new Zend_Amf_Server();
$server->setClassMap("PeopleVO", "PeopleVO");
it works when I save PeopleVO.php in the web root ,but I get
error when I move PeopleVO.php to VOs folder.
How to change the gateway file when I move PeopleVO.php to
VOs folder.

"mark416" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:gr32b3$5hp$[email protected]..
>I have a question for zendAMF.
> I did the following in gateway:
> $server = new Zend_Amf_Server();
> $server->setClassMap("PeopleVO", "PeopleVO");
> it works when I save PeopleVO.php in the web root ,but I
get error when I
> move
> PeopleVO.php to VOs folder.
> How to change the gateway file when I move PeopleVO.php
to VOs folder.
$server->setClassMap("VOs.PeopleVO", "VOs.PeopleVO");

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    If you have a rescue email address (which is not the same thing as an alternate email address) set up on your account then the steps half-way down this page give you a reset link on your account :
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    The ALV is a set of function modules and classes and their methods which are added to program code. Developers can use the functionality of the ALV in creating new reports,  saving time which might otherwise have been spent on report enhancement
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    Try these previous discusssions:
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    1)  Apple ID: All about Apple ID security questions
    Torrifromny wrote:
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    Thanks in advance.
    Here's his position:
    *(1st entry)*
    I have unsed Windows and many flavors of Unix and I have written programs in Assembler, Fortran, Pascal, Cobol, RPG, Smalltak, Basic, PowerBuilder, Delphi, C, C++, C#, Java, and Perl, and I have been programming for over 20 years, so I do have extensive knowledge about programming.
    So I have one question for you:
    If you had to build a business application that has to allow users to, spell and grammer check, and perform financial calculations, and render the HTML, how would you compare the effort to do this in Windows versus that in Linux, AIX, Solaris or any other Unix operating system?
    I can make this business application have these features in ONE DAY on Windows, because COM and OLE lets me, use Word to spell and grammer check, Excel to do the financial calculations, and IE to render the HTML!
    I make my living building complex customized business software, and Windows allow me to build these applications by myself in weeks, when it would take me and a team of programmers months to do these same things in Unix because of the lack of an the Win32 API, COM, and OLE, or I would have to BUY third party libraries that did these things, and deal with the licensing, versioning, and vendor problems that go with them, and none of those third party librabries would be close to Word, Excel, and IE in CAPABILITY!
    HONESTLY tell me and others reading this thread how you would go about create the customized business application I described above by yourself in a Unix instead of Windows, and tell us how many MONTHS or YEARS it would take you, or how you would have to BUY some other third party libraries to do what Word, Excel, and IE!
    Anyone who thinks a Unix has more CAPABILITIES than Windows, has never used Win32API/COM/OLE/.Net, and does not build customized complex business software for a living, because we people that do are the reason that you find some much customized business desktop software for Windows, and so little for any Unix.
    I have nothing against Unix, and it is great for simple business tasked server software, but for complex business tasked desktop software Windows with Win32API/COM/OLE/.Net wins hands down!
    *(2nd Entry)*
    A System administrators view of an operating system and an application developers view are entirely different, and the Win32API/COM/OLE/.NET simply make my job so much easier, and you simply don't understand because you do not have to deal with the "dirty' details of making what a user wants, which is why your definition of "integration" and mines are totally different!
    With the spell check you talked about, how will you keep in in synch with the dictionary in Word where the user is constantly adding and removing words?
    No, you would have the user to have to maintain two different spell check dictionaries, and you would totally ignore the grammer check requirement!
    Cutting and pasting data between applications is simple integration, and not the complex type that I am talking about.
    Can you make your application display and use the MacGourmet menus appear in its own window, and to access and use the MacGourmet functionality (ie. search for a recipe) in its own window?
    Give me one example of a Unix application that can display the menus of another application, yet alone control its features!
    Of course you can't, because you need COM and OLE!
    I am quite familiar with different flavors of Unix, but those operating systems do not have the rich API and program integration features namely COM and OLE that Windows has, because it violates the Unix idea of security by process isolation!
    Yes that idea of process isolation keeps the operating system safe from malicious code in applications and from one application taking the others down, but you lose the power of programs working together, and you simply cannot build the type of customized business applications that I build by myself, without reinventing the wheel over and over and without having a large team with lots of programmers.
    For example, my customers and millions of others spend all day working in Word and Excel, and the Windows idea that I can transparently integrate my complex business applications right in Word and Excel menu, and into their templates and macros, is why third party developers like me prefer Windows over Unix, regardless of how much better security in Unix is.
    Do not get me wrong, Java improves business application development on Unix, but unfortuantely it is not feasable to rewrite ever legacy application in Java, and Java does not integrate well with other programming languages.
    I used to code business application for both IBM MVS and Sun Solaris, and I never want to go back to those "bad" old days again, once I took the time to learn how to PROPERLY code using Win32API/COM/OLE/.NET!

    At risk of feeding the troll I'll wander in here:
    NOTE: Since this is an Apple programming boards and I have limited experience programming on traditional Unix systems (and most of that in college) I will confine my answers to the area I know.
    If you had to build a business application that has to allow users to, spell and grammer check, and perform financial calculations, and render the HTML, how would you compare the effort to do this in Windows versus that in Linux, AIX, Solaris or any other Unix operating system?
    I can make this business application have these features in ONE DAY on Windows, because COM and OLE lets me, use Word to spell and grammer check, Excel to do the financial calculations, and IE to render the HTML!
    Note that this scenario assumes the user has Microsoft office installed. The person argues that they don't have to purchase libraries to program but what they are effectively doing is simply transferring that cost to user. I don't have to purchase libraries but everyone of my users needs to. Good for you, very good for Microsoft but bad for your customer - IMHO. OK, I know "But all Windows business users have Office installed already." When it comes free with the system then I'll retract my objection.
    Under OS X and Cocoa many of these functions are intrinsic to the system layer and do not require any applications to be installed. Using Cocoa you can write a simple Word processor that has rulers, full font manipulation (including kerning, spacing and leading), Document Save and Load, Printing, Export to PDF as well as spell-checking in under 10 lines of actual code. Adding a custom file type and icon for full system integration will add another 5 minutes to your programing.
    In case you think I'm blowing smoke here is a tutorial from 2002 (yes, this has been possible for over 5 years) outlining the 8 line Word Processor build in Cocoa.
    And yes, Cocoa also includes Webkit so I can add full HTML rendering by dragging in a WebKit window to my user interface. For an experienced Cocoa programmer this certainly sounds like less than a day of programming - in fact it sounds like a good tutorial for a middle-experienced training day or 2 day class in Cocoa.
    I won't include the link to the 1 line web browser you can build in Cocoa using Webkit because it's shorter than the description. Feel free to search for it if you want to.
    HONESTLY tell me and others reading this thread how you would go about create the customized business application I described above by yourself in a Unix instead of Windows, and tell us how many MONTHS or YEARS it would take you, or how you would have to BUY some other third party libraries to do what Word, Excel, and IE!
    BUT this is all done from the stock system that is on every OS X computer not simply those with Office installed. Obviously you'd need to add some features that were more complicated than this - because any halfway decent programmer could turn this stuff out - and polish takes a while but to meet the requirements of the challenge it would take 2 days tops.
    Is every *nix programming environment like this? I don't know I can only answer for the system that I have experience with and is the concern of this board. If you really have questions regarding *nix programming then I suggest you find an appropriate board and troll^H^H^H^H^H ask there.
    If you're ever serious about programming on the Mac feel free to stop by and actually take a look at it. I think you'll be surprised.

  • A question for the rtexprvalue attribute of the tag

    I'm using struts tag , and get some question for tag. In my jsp file. the code like this:
    <html:hidden property="param1" value="<%=id%>otherwords"/>
    note: I add some word after the express
    when i run the jsp file, out of my thought, the result is :
    <input type="hidden" name="param1" value="<%=id%>otherwords">I think the right result is:
    I assign the id value is "2"
    <input type="hidden" name="param1" value="2otherwords">but i erase the "otherwords" in the express, the result is right!!!
    <input type="hidden" name="param1" value="2">not
    <input type="hidden" name="param1" value="<%=id%>">What' the error?
    Does the express must be closed in "<%=" and "%>"? Any titles mention it?
    Many thanks.
    Richard Jin

    not sure why it wont work, but I think this will work
    <html:hidden property="param1"><%=id%>otherwords</html:hidden>

  • My i-phone Not charging because Sunken pins and Green Belt3 Power Mac Center said even my warranty still open until 30 October they cannot do nothing and refer me to a Toll Free Apple customer Service question for what are thwy there?

    My i-phone 5s is not charging because of Sunken pins where the socket is plugged. According Power Mac Center at Green Belt3 even my warranty still open until 30 October they cannot do nothing and refer me to a Toll Free Apple customer Service number in Singapore!!! question for what are they there? not alt all very friendly and helpful!!

    Send an e-mail with all this in it directly to Tim Cook. Seriously. You can send e-mail to him.
    You might also try this forum here for more ideas:

  • Hi there how are you guys out there of this forum? I got a question for y'a

    Hi there how are you guys out there of this forum? I got a question for y’all
    I wanted to know how I could record different folders using iTunes
    Cause when recorded 2000 thongs on the DVD
    There were 2000 songs to go through
    So I really wanted to have had folders and then the music recorded inside them
    So I could get right to where I wanted real quickly
    Could anyone please teach me how to do that real quickly?
    Can we do it with iTunes?
    I know we can do it with Nero.

    1) Go to file, select new playlist. Creat the playlaist.
    2) Download your music into iTunes.
    NOTE: CHECK 'Recently Added' before you download your music.
    If the select boxes has a check in them, turn it off by
    holding down the 'ctrl' key and selecting one of the
    checked boxes. This shold turn off all the checks.
    It would be better to clear 'Resently Add' of all
    previous downloads, but I don't know how to do that
    3) under 'PLAYLIST' on the right, select 'Recently Add'.
    all of your song should show there with a check in the selection
    4)Hold the shift key and select the frist (selete records name),
    then the last recorded tune. All of the recordings shouls light
    up blue.
    5) While holding the 'shift' key, drag one of the records to your new
    playlist. All of the blue highlighted song will transfer to the new

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    hi sorry what happoned is that ages ago i brought a i phone 3gs on 02 network i went to a sml phone shop and payed for them to unlock it. it has been fine till yesterday when i went to reset it from the phone it then turned off and came back on just just an image of a apple for about an hour so i connected to i tunes and it said downloading software after another hr it had finished but then i tunes said in had to insert a sim so i had to un plug the phone from laptop while i did this i put my orange sim in and the i phone said where do i live and had to connect to a internet connection but all the time saying no service where the signal bar is and then says activating i phone it took a few min and said couldnt finish it bec of the signal and to connect it to i tunes to do it so i connected it to itunes and i tunes just keeps saying invalid sim so i took my orange sim out and put a 02 sim in and is still saying invalid sim on itunes?

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