Question PSE9 backup - unexpected error

Following a recent Windows reinstall, several programs like PSE 9 were also lost. This was reinstalled with the help from Adobe customer support. My Album was successfully retrieved from my Backup.
However trying a new Full backup I've had about 5 attempts aborting at 86% - 25.4gb due to an unexpected error. My original backup is 43.3 gb.
The only difference I observed between this, new, dowloaded version of PSE9 and my previous version is that Elements and Organiser are running as two totally separate programs

  They have always been two separate applications; so that won‘t make any difference. It may help to repair and optimize your catalog in the Organizer.
Click File à Catalog
Highlight your catalog name and click the Repair button.
If you get a message saying nothing to repair, click Repair Anyway.
Repeat by highlighting your catalog and clicking the Optimize button.
Then try another full backup.

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    The service is in use for about two years, and the below error started occuring over the last few days. Please advise on this.
    ui!ReportManager_0-2!24e8!08/14/2014-18:13:45:: e ERROR: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
    ui!ReportManager_0-2!24e8!08/14/2014-18:13:45:: e ERROR: HTTP status code --> 500
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       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.Global.SecureAllAPI()
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    library!ReportServer_0-1!68c!08/14/2014-18:13:56:: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/).
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    Hi SThiyag,
    Based on your error message, it may be related to the “SecureConnectionLevel” in the RSReportServer.config file. Please go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer, use Notepad to open the RSReportServer.config,
    modify <Add Key="SecureConnectionLevel" Value="0"/>, change the value into "1" or "2".
    (Note: Please backup the file before modify it.)
    Acceptable values are: 
    3 Most secure—Use SSL for absolutely everything.
    2 Secure—Use SSL for rendering and methods that pass credentials but don't insist on it for all SOAP calls.
    1 Basic Security—Accepts http but rejects any calls that might be involved in the passing of credentials.
    0 Least Secure—Don't use SSL at all
    Here is a blog for error message "The underlying connection was closed...", please refer to the link below:
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • An unexpected error occurred while the job was running. (ID 104 Details: The parameter is incorrect (0x80070057)) After DPM 2012 SP1 to R2 Upgrade

    We have upgraded DPM 2012 SP1 to DPM 2012 R2 and OS is Windows 2012 standard.
    Now in File Protection Group, we receive error
    "An unexpected error occurred while the job was running. (ID 104 Details: The parameter is incorrect (0x80070057))".
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    We tried,
    Deleted entire protection group and recreated ,
    Ran consistency job 2 to 3 times.
    Ran Synchronize with consistency check.
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    I would suggest opening a new case with MS to allow the DPM team to further look into the issue. Also the DPM 2012 R2 RollUp which addresses the (0x80070057)
    issue is Rollup 1 and the private will not be needed after applying Rollup 1. The Roll up is found here
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your
    question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Dwayne Jackson II. [MSFT] This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights."

  • Time capsule does not install - unexpected error

    I just purchased my first Time Capsule. I intend to use it as a back up disk - I already have a Cisco Router.
    I initially tried setting it up wirelessly - I only plugged it in and I run Airport Utitilty. The software prompted me for some options and I selected "add to an existing network". It asked me for authorization to join my network, it appeared to joint it successuflly but then the message said that it was waiting for Time Capsule. After a long while, an error message appared that read: unexpected error occured. Please try again.There was no error code. I can only press "done". However when I tried again, Airport Utility could not located the Time Capsule.
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    Why do I have to have it connected to my router.
    TC is a network device. You have no access to the TC via USB.. it is not.. NO WAY.. an external hard disk.. if you wanted an external hard disk, that is what you should have purchased.
    The primary idea of the TC is a backup target for Time Machine in laptops. So that you can backup over wireless, without having to connect an external hard disk.
    Once you have a desktop an external drive is cheaper, faster, and far better with TM and eliminates overloaded network file transfers.
    Getting it connected to my router makes me worry that it is not entirely safe.
    Why.. it is safe as any network device can be.. although I have to say Apple could do with a firmware upgrade or three to fix some outstanding issues. A crash of the network will not harm files on the hard disk.. the worst that will happen say with power outage in the middle of a backup is a file will be corrupted. The whole idea of the TM is to keep multiple versions of files available for restore.
    Does it have to be connected to my router? What if everything crashes? I will need to find a router before I will be able to restore my data? I will not be able to just "plug in" my Time Capsule into my computer and get my stuff back?
    Sorry for all the questions but I asked at a Mac store and I was told that it is the greatest back up on earth....
    I guess one rule of marketing is to believe in your product.. to the exclusion of any rational argument or thinking or demonstation to the contrary.. and apple do not lack for total belief in the product. Beware of people who believe their own propaganda.
    If your computer crashed.. dead hard disk.. you need to firstly get the hard disk replaced. Then you load onto it an OS or boot from a boot disk boot partition.. depending on what version OS you are using. That boot OS will have network ability sufficient to locate the TC and use TM to restore the computer.
    Please do read up how you use TM to do a restore.
    Q14-17 of Pondini's excellent knowledge base article.
    If you wanted to boot the computer from the backup.. you need an external disk.. with a direct image of the computer. You do this with superduper or even disk utility in the Mac. But you cannot boot from a network drive. Or not with Apple you cannot.. boot from network is rather complex and built into commercial type network computers.
    Now let me try to explain why the TC has to be plugged into a router..
    The TC is a router. It either must function as router or be plugged into a router in order for your network functionality to provide full services. eg internet.
    Please consider a setup where you have a network.. like you already had.. and a TC not plugged into the network.. but creating its own.
    You connect by wireless to the network.. but you cannot connect to two wireless devices at once.. so you need to choose.. either connect to the main existing router and use internet.. or connect to the TC.. and do backups but have no internet, no printing, no file sharing.. except with the TC.
    Now you can work around it.. you can plug the TC in by ethernet and use the main router by wireless or visa versa.. but you cannot connect to two different network devices on different networks at once unless the networks are joined.
    If you want the TC stand alone, I can give you details of the setup.

  • Error 8062 when I try to copy or move files on my macbook: "This operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8062)". Can even not install new software now!!

    Since a few days when I try to copy or move files on my macbook, I often get an error message saying "This operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occured (error code -8062)". And then it just quits the copy or move.
    I searched a lot on the internet, but only found solutions for cases you cannot empty the trash due to this issue.
    I tried those solutions for my trash and that helped after some trying.
    However, I still have the problem with copying and moving files.
    I even cannot install new software now, as it has to copy itself to the programs-directory, and gives the same error-message.
    Who can help me??
    Cannot seem to find any info on it on the support-forums or elsewhere.
    My user-account is administrator, I use a 13" Macbook Aluminium (Late 2008). Mac OS X 10.6.8 CPU 2Ghz Intel Core Duo, RAM: 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated...

    Tips I received so far (thanks to A-Mac via Twitter and Remco Kalf
    - make sure you have at least 10% of your harddisk in free space (I had only 5%).
    - do a PRAM-reset (
    - perform a hardware test (
    - make a complete backup (with for example Carbone Clone Copier, see
    - after complete backup: use diskwarrior (boot from Diskwarrior DVD, first perform diagnostics, then perform "Rebuild" which rebuilds your file directory).
    So far I only cleared up some space on my HD, and already the problem occurs less.
    Still, I will go through the other tips too.
    (will post progress)

  • The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50)

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    Thanks for any help in advance.

    Hi there,
    Well I have exactly the same problem! Recently I reset my WD My book White light (2 x 1TB RAID disk), due to the fact that the disk ran full because of TimeMachine.
    I reset the disk, and now I can only write some files to it, but most give this error code.
    I wrote to WD, but they could not give an answer.
    Q: did you update the firmware? Maybe that is causing the problem, in that it is maybe not consistant in the filesystem?

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    I am getting the same error but it happens when i'm synching my ipod with itunes

  • ITunes 9.1.1 - "Encountered an unexpected error and has to close"

    Hi I downloaded the latest iTunes upgrade and ever since I've been having problems.
    iTunes will be fine until I sync my brand new iPod Nano and then I get a Windows message saying "iTunes has encountered an unexpected error and has to close". Then everytime after that, whether the iPod is plugged in or not, I get the same message.
    Has anyone else had this problem and been able to resolve it?

    Sorry about the continued questions (this one is a bit odd).
    Then after that, as soon as I click the iTunes icon, I get that message, regardless of whether the iPod's plugged in or not.
    In some ways, the oddest thing is that you can get iTunes launching again after the issue starts happening.
    Does the error when trying to launch go away after you restart the PC? Or do you have to do something different?
    If it's clearing up after a restart, could you check something for me?
    Provoke the nano-plugging-in error. Don't try to open iTunes again just at the moment.
    Now bring up your Task Manager. Go into the processes tab. Click the "Image name" header to sort the processes alphabetically. Even though you've had that error message, is there still an iTunes.exe process listed in that tab?
    If so, right-click on the process and select "end process". Does Windows let you end the process? If it does, can you launch iTunes again without the error?
    (Trying to work out here if you're getting an an unusual variation of problems associated with security software interference with syncing, or possibly an idiosyncratic sort of iTunes preference files issue. Both can sometimes be associated with "unknown module" crashes, although I tend to expect something more like an iTunes.dll to be cited as the faulting module if that's afoot.)

  • Open Session: unexpected error

    Hi everybody,
    I'm using BO XI R3.0 and since couple of last days I'm having problem with opening Universe Designer. The message I'm getting is "Open session: unexpected error". This happens after I provide user name and password for the access to the system.
    Does anyone know the solution to the problem beside uninstalling Client tools etc. (I already did that) because the same happens when I want to open Desktop Intelligence, Translation Manager, etc.

    In addition to my previous question, I have another query. I am trying to create a macro to rename, hide/show and change some more properties of universe objects. Below is the code to log on to designer and open the required universe
    Set DesignerApp = New Designer.Application
        DesignerApp.Visible = True
        Call DesignerApp.LogonDialog
        Set Univ = DesignerApp.Universes.Open
        DesignerApp.Visible = False
        Set Wksht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Objects")
        Call GetObjectInfo(Univ.Classes, 1)
        Range("Objects").Resize(Wksht.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1, 5).Name = "Objects"
        Range("Objects").Columns("H:L").Value = Range("Objects").Columns("B:F").Value
        Set DesignerApp = Nothing
    What happenns is that after I log on using my macro, if I try to log on to designer again I get the "Open Session: unexpected error" error. If I delete the LSI folder on my local machine, then I can log on fine. but everytime I use the macro I get the error afterwards. I am logging onto a SAP system.
    Any help on this one?

  • HELP! Adobe Muse encountered an unexpected error and will have to be terminated. BD/getColorBoundsRe

    I keep getthing message when my file loads in the program "This document contains 3 links to assets being unsampled. You should resize smaller or right-mouse click on the assets in the Assets panel to see additional options."
    and then I click okay.
    I get to the plan mode and then I try to go to the design mode (so i can fix the assets) and at about 90% loading it gives me this message "Adobe Muse encountered an unexpected error and will have to be terminated.
    BD/getColorBoundsRect-ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData." and i have to terminate the program...
    How can i fix my assets so i can open my program? I use muse beta prerelease.

    Well, after 20 hours of work and rebuilding most of my Muse website I finally was able to upload by site again.
    Here was my problems per above and the last 20 hours. When publishing the site it does the following: Optimize assets, exportin desktip page 1 thru 19, Fining export HTML files then uploading images which I have 2208 on this site plus other stuff uploaded.
    I can not answer why it now works as "normally"it would het error #2015 uring optimizing assets wich is an invalid bitmap data error and failed at only 9% publish process then got a 1125 index 0 is out of range0 at publish 20% complete.
    I did rewrite most of the pages and made minor changes to all of them thinking that would force all pages to be uploaded as I also took option to upload all pages instead of just those that changes. All 2008 images were reloaded onto the pages by another hint I read on how to delete all thumbnails and thus the files is to select all and press delete and it will leave one as required. Then the one left could be deleted by itself. Thanks for whoever asked the question and who answered it. This saved me a lot of time.
    Thanks to all that have taken the time to help me out. Muse is a great program but sometimes you don't have any idea if it is working at something so I found myself looking at the computer busy light to see if Muse was taking a lot of cycles. It would help to have a wider use of the cursor busy indicator as sometimes the system seemed like it was hung up but it was not.
    Thanks guys!

  • I get "An unexpected error has occurred" whenever I try to create item in a list or view site permission page

    I am working a SharePoint site with a custom masterpage and css. Everything displays just fine and the site functions with several subsites, and so forth. I have double-checked to ensure that important content placeholders were on the new masterpage, even
    if they were "hidden" from view.
    However, a new issue came up this week: I was moved from a contributor to a designer list so that I could convert word files in a doc library in web pages. When that change happened, I lost the ability to select "add new items" to lists or add
    events to calendars. [not sure if causation, or just correlation] On a similar note, no one--not even those with higher permissions levels than me---can access the "site permissions" page in browser now (not sure if this coincides with my issue over
    the lists/calendars, but in both cases the notification "an unexpected error has occurred" comes up).
    I temporarily switched a subsite to the default masterpage, and lists and site permissions page functioned fine--no error. Therefore, it appears as though something in the custom masterpage (or embedded css?) is causing this error to come up. But what could
    it be? 
    I ran across a forum question that mentioned a bug related to alternative css: Solutions
    said to check the correlation ID and use powershell. The guy in my department who checked the correlation ID said that nothing useful came up, and I got the impression that the powershell solution didn't work out for him either (I don't work on that side of
    things; I am on the design side). 
    So, does anyone have any idea what the problem could be? Again, I have checked and double-checked those content placeholders in my custom masterpage - they are all there. I built the site using one of Randy Drisgill's masterpage templates.
    Up until this point, I haven't had any issues with the template, my custom code, etc. 

    I am having the same issue, was this ever resolved?

  • An unexpected error occurred while the job was running. (ID 104 Details: The parameter is incorrect (0x80070057))

    We are using DPM Version: 4.1.3465.0 with System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 to back up VMs in our Hyper V Cluster. We have a total of 37 VMs with a combination of 2008r2 servers and 2012 servers. One of our 2012 servers will not backup, and we consistently
    get the message "An unexpected error occurred while the job was running. (ID 104 Details: The parameter is incorrect (0x80070057))". I have seen this error message when I Googled it, but cannot get past it. I have deleted the Protection Group and
    data and tried to re-create, but get the same errors. I also thought the the server might be mis-reporting the data size, but I expanded that to cover the replication data. I have also tried to perform consistancy checks multiple times with no luck. I have
    not seen a difinitive answer from my Google searches, so was hopeful someone has seen this also, and have had success in resolving. Currently this server has no backup recovery points, so I am worried if it does crash. I think I have the rollups installed
    as well.

    Hi Kelly,
    does the issue still persists?

  • HT201250 i'm getting message: can't be opened because you don't have permission to see its contents. and he operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).

    I took my computer in to have the Backup restored onto my computer after having a new harddrive put onto my 1year 1/2 old MacBook Pro. When i got it home there was a new User that i had to logout of to getting into my normal user. Don't know why this was, just figured the Mac guys that installed my backup did this for some odd reason. Today i could not open any of my files in the backup on the time machine. All the folder had line going thought them and when i clicked on them I revieved this message: can’t be opened because you don’t have permission to see its contents. After talking with that same mac store. I decided to just delete all the files out of the time machine as it was just put back on my computer and i have everything i need. Hours later when i tried to empty the trash i got this messsage: the operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).
    Any advise how to fix my problem?
    thanks in advance

    While you see a single trash can, in reality there are trash folders on each mounted volume.  I don't use TM but what you are describing implies that a TM drive is no different with the way trash is treated.  So when the TM is unmounted the trash folder on there is gone and thus the trash looks empty.  Remount the drive, the trash folder on it now causes the trashcan to look like something is in it.
    If TrashIt! could not remove the file, I'm sorry, you will need to use the terminal.  We can do this one step at a time so you only have to copy/paste the lines into terminal (except the first time).  So launch Terminal (in utilities).  You might want to make the window that is shown a bit larger with the grow box since it's pretty small.
    This first line is the only exception to the copy/pasting since you have to enter some information.
    sudo ls -laR /Volumes/your-TM-volume-name/.Trashes
    where your-TM-volume-name is the name of your TM volume.  That's the part you have to fill in since I don't know it.
    When you hit return the sudo in that command will cause a prompt for your admin password.  Enter it and hit return again.  Note the password will not be shown as you type it.  Post the results so I can tell you what to do next.
    Note this ls command is not doing anything but listing the files in the TM's .Trashes folder.  Remember I said each drive has it's own trash folder.  .Trashes is it.

  • SSMS: Open File Open File *Click Look In* then Visual Studio Encountered An Unexpected Error

    SQL Server 2008 R2 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 box.
    Strange one here. A user can OPEN SSMS and VS fine however when they try to Open a file by going Open > File > Open File in SSMS Windows Explorer opens then when you click 'Look-in' an error pops up saying "Visual Studio has encountered an unexpected
    error". When I move that User to a different AD group it works.
    GPO restricts only the D drive from view and it looks like that looks like the most relevant GPO to be set. Any ideas?

    Hi Bjorn,
    Based on my understanding, you could open SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio application. The issue was that error message "Visual Studio has encountered an unexpected error" was thrown out when you tried to open a file in SSMS.
    According to “When I move that User to a different AD group it works”, the issue can occur because the computer is having trouble contacting the domain server to authenticate you as a user. In this scenario, there are two methods we can use:
    Add the TCP\UDP port 88 to firewall rules.
    Set the "Primary DNS" address to the IP address of your domain authentication server.
    For more information, please refer to this article:
    Besides, based on this article(, the issue could be caused by unexpected data format and unexpected data source. Therefore, we should
    close and then restart Visual Studio.
    If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu

  • When restoring an iPhoto library I got an "unexpected error" message and the operation could not be completed. Is my best choice to try again?

    One of my external hard drives died. I had several iPhoto libraries in it. Fortunately, I used Time Machine to backup to a Time Capsule and I can see all the iPhoto library icons in Backups.
    When restoring the first iPhoto library, after three hours, I got an "unexpected error" message and the operation could not be completed. Indeed, the restored library is smaller than the library in Backups. Is my best choice to try again and replace the restored library (which apparently must be missing some photos)? It would mean another 3 hours plus of restoration with fingers crossed...
    Any suggestions? Thank you in advance!

    I am always suspicious of using a different OS to the one that was used to run the backup.. ie if you used Snow L to backup then there is absolutely nothing wrong with using SL to restore.
    Mount the TC sparsebundle and verify it using disk utility.
    A5 here.
    You might also like to load the widget in Time Machine so you get whatever the full error message is..
    I cannot find any reference to the error code you are getting..
    My recommendation would be to try it on a different computer.. restore the whole backup to an external drive large enough to accept the whole backup.
    Use the manual methods pondini recommends.
    Q16 17
    Use ethernet only. Turn off wireless so it does not enter the situation.

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