Questions on running an Arch Mirror

Questions on running an Arch Mirror
Does anyone here run a public arch mirror that can give me any idea of bandwith they use ?
Is there any issues with running the Current and Extra mirrors in the US ?
Is there any issues with running the Community mirror in the US ?
Mostly I would like to know what bandwidth consumption on a public mirror is for the mirrors that are normally used.  Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. 

I don't think he would mind this info being posted... i emailed him asking for the bandwidth info for the server for a one month period.... an average.......
- we dont have
a record of actual data transferred, just the amount requested (which
stands at 5440.17 GB).
My server only allows approx 2500 GB transfer per month... so, until i can find a way to upgrade that, I won't make it a public server.... if i did, i'd owe WAY too much money at the end of every month

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  • ArchTaz Live: boot and run an Arch system entirely in RAM

    ArchTaz Live Boot: A method to boot and run an Arch system entirely in RAM using tmpfs.
    As the name suggests it was inspired by (copied entirely from) SliTaz and boots in exacly the same way.
    It needs a custom init script in the root directory and for some reason that I can't work out a hook for sysinit_premount in rc.sysinit to remount / rw.
    The /usr/bin/archfs script is just a chunk of Slitaz's Tazusb utility with some minor changes (and I haven't properly tested the lzma or no compression).
    The /init script is modified from the usual initramfs /usr/lib/initcpio/init with hints from the SliTaz /init script (and some personal additions for my system).
    Copy init to the root directory, run archfs (eg. # archfs writefs gzip) and move the resulting archfs.gz to your boot partition/directory and boot with archfs.gz as your initrd.
    I run a fairly light system (Openbox, Firefox, Gnome-Mplayer, SpaceFM, no dev packages) and gzip compression gives me an archfs.gz just over 230MB that boots in just over 30 seconds using 138MB RAM on startup, and most applications start instantly (2GHz Core2Duo, 4G RAM). Lzma compression generally gives a smaller archfs.gz but takes longer to boot. I have a persistent home partition, I install packages as I need them and then they're gone on next reboot if I don't do a new archfs.gz to keep them. I delete man pages, unneeded locales, etc. Obviously if you're running a hefty install on a limited box you may run into problems.
    Any tips, cleanups, corrections welcome. It's been a mostly copy and paste and mash stuff together process so it isn't neat. And I think I may need some serious help when systemd becomes default.
    # Archfs - entirely copied from part of the Tazusb utility supplied with
    # SLiTaz GNU Linux - with some cosmetic changes.
    ### Tazusb - SliTaz LiveUSB
    ### Tazusb is an utility to generate, configure and manipulate SliTaz LiveUSB
    ### bootable media and/or USB /home partition, such as flash keys, SD card or
    ### USB harddisk.
    ### Authors : Christophe Lincoln (Pankso) <[email protected]>
    ### Andrew Miller (Spode) <[email protected]>
    case $COMMAND in
    # Writefs to rootfs.gz
    if [ -z $2 ]; then
    # Start info
    echo ""
    echo -e "\033[1mWrite filesystem\033[0m
    The command writefs will write all the current filesystem into a suitable cpio
    archive (rootfs.gz) usable on a bootable LiveUSB media.
    Archive compression: $COMPRESSION"
    echo ""
    # Create list of files
    find /bin /etc /init /sbin /var /lib /lib64 /root /usr >/tmp/list
    for dir in /boot /dev /home /proc /sys /tmp /mnt /media /run
    echo $dir >>/tmp/list
    # Generate initramfs with specified compression
    if [ "$COMPRESSION" = "lzma" ]; then
    echo -n "Creating archfs.gz with lzma compression... "
    cat /tmp/list | cpio -o -H newc | lzma > /archfs.gz
    elif [ "$COMPRESSION" = "gzip" ]; then
    echo -n "Creating archfs.gz with gzip compression... "
    cat /tmp/list | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 > /archfs.gz
    echo -n "Creating archfs.gz without compression... "
    cat /tmp/list | cpio -o -H newc > /archfs.gz
    # Get initramfs size
    size=`du -sh /archfs.gz | cut -f 1`
    echo "==============================================================================="
    echo "Root filesystem size: $size"
    echo ""
    echo -en "----\nENTER to continue..."; read i
    exit 0
    if [ -x /usr/bin/systemd-timestamp ]; then
    . /usr/lib/initcpio/init_functions
    mount -t proc proc /proc -o nosuid,noexec,nodev
    mount -t sysfs sys /sys -o nosuid,noexec,nodev
    mount -t devtmpfs dev /dev -o mode=0755,nosuid
    mount -t tmpfs run /run -o nosuid,nodev,mode=0755
    mkdir -m755 /run/initramfs
    # parse the kernel command line
    for d in ${disablehooks//,/ }; do
    [ -e "/hooks/$d" ] && chmod 644 "/hooks/$d"
    #. /config
    run_hookfunctions 'run_earlyhook' 'early hook' $EARLYHOOKS
    [ -n "${earlymodules//[[:space:]]}" ] && modprobe -qab ${earlymodules//,/ }
    [ -n "${MODULES//[[:space:]]}" ] && modprobe -qab $MODULES
    # If rootdelay is empty or not a non-negative integer, set it to 10
    if [ -z "${rootdelay}" ] || ! [ "${rootdelay}" -ge 0 ]; then
    run_hookfunctions 'run_hook' 'hook' $HOOKS
    # honor the old behavior of break=y as a synonym for break=premount
    if [ "${break}" = "y" ] || [ "${break}" = "premount" ]; then
    echo ":: Pre-mount break requested, type 'exit' to resume operation"
    rootdev=$(resolve_device "$root") && root=$rootdev
    unset rootdev
    # Make /new_root
    mkdir /new_root
    # Mount root at /new_root
    #${mount_handler:-default_mount_handler} /new_root
    echo -e "Switching / to tmpfs..."
    mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /new_root
    run_hookfunctions 'run_latehook' 'late hook' $LATEHOOKS
    run_hookfunctions 'run_cleanuphook' 'cleanup hook' $CLEANUPHOOKS
    # Stop udevd if is running
    if [ "${udevd_running}" -eq 1 ]; then
    udevadm control --exit
    udevadm info --cleanup-db
    # Copy root
    echo -e "Copying root..."
    for i in $(ls -a /); do
    case "$i" in
    .|..) ;;
    mnt) mkdir /new_root/mnt;;
    proc) mkdir /new_root/proc;;
    sys) mkdir /new_root/sys;;
    dev) mkdir /new_root/dev;;
    run) mkdir /new_root/run;;
    new_root) ;;
    *) cp -a /$i /new_root
    # Create mountpoints
    mkdir /new_root/mnt/sda1
    mkdir /new_root/mnt/sda2
    mkdir /new_root/mnt/sda3
    mkdir /new_root/mnt/sda4
    echo -e "Switching root..."
    exec env -i \
    "TERM=$TERM" \
    /sbin/switch_root /new_root $init "$@"
    ## Mount root at /new_root
    #${mount_handler:-default_mount_handler} /new_root
    #run_hookfunctions 'run_latehook' 'late hook' $LATEHOOKS
    #run_hookfunctions 'run_cleanuphook' 'cleanup hook' $CLEANUPHOOKS
    if [ "$(stat -c %D /)" = "$(stat -c %D /new_root)" ]; then
    # Nothing got mounted on /new_root. This is the end, we don't know what to do anymore
    # We fall back into a shell, but the shell has now PID 1
    # This way, manual recovery is still possible.
    err "Failed to mount the real root device."
    echo "Bailing out, you are on your own. Good luck."
    launch_interactive_shell --exec
    elif [ ! -x "/new_root${init}" ]; then
    # Successfully mounted /new_root, but ${init} is missing
    # The same logic as above applies
    err "Root device mounted successfully, but ${init} does not exist."
    echo "Bailing out, you are on your own. Good luck."
    launch_interactive_shell --exec
    if [ "${break}" = "postmount" ]; then
    echo ":: Post-mount break requested, type 'exit' to resume operation"
    exec env -i \
    "TERM=$TERM" \
    /sbin/switch_root /new_root $init "$@"
    # vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et:
    root_rw() {
    mount -o remount,rw /
    add_hook sysinit_premount root_rw
    Last edited by 0ddba11 (2012-12-30 10:12:35)

    Oh yes any man directory was symlinked to /tmp long ago, so they don't even get installed.
    Right, new boot process:
    Using hooks in normal initramfs-linux.img to unpack archfs.gz into tmpfs and boot it.
    Create an initcpio preset file /etc/mkinitcpio.d/archfs.preset:
    # mkinitcpio preset file for the 'archfs' package
    archfs_options="-S fsck -A tmpfs -z lzop"
    Or append to the standard 'linux.preset' file so the initramfs is created automatically when you upgrade your kernel. Or alter /etc/mkinitcpio.conf to add options.
    Create the file /lib/initcpio/hooks/tmpfs:
    run_latehook() {
    # Mount tmpfs root
    mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt
    # Unpack rootfs
    msg "Unpacking rootfs..."
    cd /mnt
    # parse the kernel command line
    for archfs in ${archfs//,/ }; do
    if [ "$archfs" = "xz" ]; then
    xz -d < /new_root/boot/archfs.xz | cpio -imd --no-absolute-filenames > /dev/null 2>&1
    elif [ "$archfs" = "gzip" ]; then
    gzip -dc /new_root/boot/archfs.gz | cpio -imd --no-absolute-filenames > /dev/null 2>&1
    elif [ "$archfs" = "lzo" ]; then
    lzop -d < /new_root/boot/archfs.lzo | cpio -imd --no-absolute-filenames > /dev/null 2>&1
    elif [ "$archfs" = "img" ]; then
    cpio -imd --no-absolute-filenames /new_root/boot/archfs.img > /dev/null 2>&1
    # Switch tmpfs to new root
    umount /new_root
    mount -M /mnt /new_root
    # vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et:
    And the file  /lib/initcpio/install/tmpfs:
    build() {
    add_dir /mnt
    add_module ext3
    add_binary cpio
    add_binary xz
    add_binary gzip
    add_binary lzop
    add_binary fsck.ext4
    add_symlink /usr/bin/fsck.ext2 fsck.ext4
    add_symlink /usr/bin/fsck.ext3 fsck.ext4
    help() {
    cat <<HELPEOF
    This hook creates the tmpfs root, mounts the device that contains the
    rootfs and extracts it into the tmpfs root.
    # vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et:
    This loads modules and fsck binaries for the filesystem of my /boot partition into the initramfs. It also adds all the relevant compression binaries (some which can also be compiled into busybox or left out if not needed). I'm working on automatically reading the filesystem from your /boot partition based on the "root=" kernel command line option and adding the appropriate modules.
    Create a new archfs.gz (or new extensions) with new cleaned up /usr/bin/archfs:
    Now run with:
    # archfs lzo
    (or whichever crompression you choose). It also takes care of any mounting directories you have in /mnt. And "writefs" is no longer needed, that's all it does anyway.
    Then simply add the "root=(your boot partition)" and "archfs=lzo" (or whichever compression you chose) command line options to your grub.cfg.
    # mkinitcpio -p archfs
    That'll create an initramfs: archfs-linux.lzo that you need to move to your boot partition with your kernel and archfs.gz. Then point grub to that as your initrd.
    This will boot and the tmpfs hook will do it's work just after init has mounted your boot partition and then init will switch roots and run /sbin/init as it would on any normal install.
    Mix and match as needed. You can remove the /init file from the root of your filesystem or leave it there and all but an xz compressed archfs.gz will boot the old way aswell (the kernel can't handle the xz version). It should all be fairly upgrade proof, barring any major changes to mkinitcpio.
    Boot for me with lzo compression is at least twice as fast as old method. Partly due to lzo compression which is super fast (especially creating the archfs.lzo). It makes for a bigger file but it's still only 350MB (pretty much half my uncompressed root filesystem).

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    Any information would be appreciate it!

    That should work to use OS X, you can run MS Windows using Virtual Box and use a seperate display for the Virtual Box window. That way you can run OS X and MS Windows simultaneously. However remember Virtual Box is freeware and not a commercial application like Parallels or VMWare Fusion and may not have the features of a commercial application. Support for Windows run in any virtualization application (Virtual Box, Parallels or Fusion) is not generally done on this forum as they are not OS X related. To get help on those apps you usually will need to go to their forums.
    Remember IOS will not run on either OS X or MS Windows, it only works on IOS devices.
    Good luck with your installation.

  • Arch Mirrors Down?

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    What the hell is going on?

    Same problem here, no idea what's going on.
    This is UK, 23:23 GMT if it's any help. What a pain in the ass.

  • General questions concerning gaming in (arch)linux

    I've searched the forums, and I found a lot of howto's that sometimes worked, and sometimes didn't. I'm not a gamer, but have been a longtime linux-user.
    I have talked a lot of people into using linux, and almost all of them are happy with there new OS, but my brother (my latest convert) is a gamer 'pure sang'. He's not to happy with the switch to Ubuntu:
    * Enemy Territory works, but punkbuster keeps kicking him off the servers
    * WoW: he was used to getting rocksolid 80+ FPS in windows, now he gets 50FPS with drops to below 20FPS
    * Mumble: giving problems
    Yesterday I have found a link to a solution for punkbuster - maybe I can solve that one myself. Is it normal that you have a significant amount lower FPS in linux than in windows? I thought the nvidia-blob was about 'on par' with the windows-driver? I have set WoW to OpenGL and applied several tweaks that I have found around the interwebs...
    Should I give archlinux for him a try (I only chose Ubuntu to make it easier for him to update)? Since punkbuster is 32bit-only, should I install 32bit linux for him? Or should I advise him to buy a 'windows 7'-licence key?
    PS: Is the Archlinux gaming repo still alive? It looks as if no updates have made since early 2010 and only 1 of the 3 mirrors mentioned in the wiki is still up...

    I am a pretty much a gamer, less so in recent years but...  I have found that Linux does not offer the same gaming possibilities as Windows.  To this day, I am still dual-booting because of gaming, and I doubt that will change in the near future.  I have ran things like Half-life2 and Stracraft 2 in Linux with statisfying results, but with generally fewer frame rates than Windows.  As for gaming performance, recent test ran by Phoronix suggest that BSD is faster than Linux, but that's not your question.  For myself, I doubt you would find a distro with a significant performance boost for gaming, as they all share the same drivers and all share Xorg to produce graphics.  The only reserve is that other test ran by Phoronix suggest that "compositing" as used in Ubuntu's Unity or Gnome 3 has some negative effect on 3D gaming performance, so if you switch to Arch, you might want to consider the "less cute" desktops, like XFCE or LXDE and the like, without compositing.  Also, I should mention that using 64 bit Linux to run 32 bit windows games tends to make things a little more difficult.  If gaming under Linux with Wine is a must, consider staying under a 32 bit version of the distro of your choice.
    As for Windows games, you might want to look at Crossover ( ) which offers an interface to Wine and better support.  There is a "gaming edition" of crossover which might help.  Check their DB to see which games are supported, but there's a full-featured demo mode anyway, so try before you buy.  Also, you might try playonlinux ( ) wich offers an interfaces that manages Wine installations for you with "recepies" in the background that are known to offer the best results.  If you want the "free" option, playonlinux is the way to go if you want the best chances at running your games, if supported.
    Lastly, I would suggest looking at to find Linux native games.  Of course, that might not satisfy your brother if he wants specific games.
    Last edited by jpsimard (2011-09-27 14:50:16)

  • Arch mirror to new drive [solved]

    Hi guys, a newbie question here.
    I wish move my current arch installation to a brand new drive using Clonezilla but the operation wasn't 100% successful. The mirroring operation from the old drive to the new one didn't give me any problems but I cannot boot into the new system. Grub lets me choose operating system (Arch or centos) but shortly after it gets stuck, throwing errors like: "failed to parse block device name for /dev/sda1".
    I've tried editing my menu.lst by mounting the partition via Arch live-cd (but I don't really see why I have to change anything at all). The menu.lst file looks exactly the same as my old/current Arch's ditto. I also tried changing the UUID in root=/dev/uuid etc into root=/dev/sda1 but no joy. A desperate and probably long shot solution (at least in my mind!) was to generate a new mkinitcpio but that failed too saying it cannot find /boot/grub/kernel26 etc.
    Did I miss something?
    The reason for me wanting to move my Arch installation is that my Seagate is way too loud. The new drive is from Samsung. Same size. Supposedly quieter.
    Any ideas?
    Edit: the mkinitcpio is untouched, it's supposed to find all pata, scsi, sata etc.
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by new2arch (2009-04-20 17:33:57)

    dobedo wrote:Something helpfull in this thread?
    Thanks for the tip. Will give it a try when I get back home today.
    Possibly the mkinitcpio command didn't work as it should since I couldn't chroot into the new drive's partition for some reason (following the Arch Wiki, how to chroot). But I have to give it another shot checking out Blazercist's how-to.
    "Anyhow this is basically what needs to be done to correct the problem.
    1. Boot ArchLive
    2. mkdir /media/disk
    3. mount /dev/sdxX /media/disk
    4. chroot /media/disk
    5. mkinitcpio -k 2.6.28-ARCH -g /boot/kernel26.img
    6. nano /boot/grub/menu.lst
    7. Replace any references to UUID with /dev/sdxX (where xX represents your drive and partition) instead, save and exit nano.
    8. reboot
    Make sure and pay attention to the output of the mkinitcpio command in my step 5. If there are any errors relating to one or more of the hooks you'll need to edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and remove the hook it complains about !!IF POSSIBLE!!.  I for example had some problem with the autodetect hook which caused my regular kernel to fail to create an image.
    If mkinicpio doesn't complain and tells you it SUCCEEDED generating the images then you should be good to go."
    Last edited by new2arch (2009-04-20 11:12:05)

  • Arch Mirrors Layout

    I'm trying to set up a mirror of your server in order to provide arch pakages to my community and I have a question.
    Since I saw this mail list message I thought there's no reason for having a folder named 'any' under every repo folder.
    Is there any hidden reason for this or it is just cause not every package has migrated to the new layout yet ?
    Thxs. wrote:I want to know something.
    When package a-25.pkg.tar.gz is in testing is uploaded to pool/packages right ?
    in pool/packages are uploaded packages from core/extra/testing/gnome-unstable/kde-unstable/staging and in pool/community the rest.
    Now when the same version of the package is moved to core, the package is not re-uploaded, just the link moved eh ?
    Am I right ?
    you are correct. that was the whole point of implementing a pool directory. mirrors sync the actually package once and on move, they sync only the symlinks

  • Can Kerberos Server 5 be run on Arch Linux and Windows Clients use it?

    Hi There,
    I was wondering (before I invested a great deal of time into it) if I could run a kerberos 5 server on my Arch box and get a Windows machine on my network to use it to log into Windows? (eg. like a domain)
    I've tried doing the same with Samba 4 (which I bet will be massive when it's eventually released!), but it doesn't really work too great at the moment and wondered if I could achieve what I wanted with Kerberos 5?
    I have DNS & DHCP already running and Samba 3 for network shares; but I really want the whole SSO package for all my machines. I know it's possible for my Mac Laptop to use Kerberos, but just not sure about Windows (XP/2003/7)

    I will post something when I get the last issues ironed out. There is very little information about this anywhere let-alone on Arch wiki! It has been a real struggle, shame Samba 4 isn't more stable/working.
    Stuff like M$ just decided to disable DES encryption by default in Windows 7. You know; the usual c**p-ness!

  • Question about running EverQuest on a Boot Camp MacMini

    Hey all,
    I'm trying to get EverQuest working on my MacMini running Windows 7 via Boot Camp. Browsing through the archives of the internet, I've found many posts from 2007-2010 of people having success with this on a MacBook Pro (a few posts of which I found in these community archives), and I'm 99% certain that my MacMini hardware is more than sufficient. Anyway, I haven't even got to loading the game yet so performance my question isn't about performance.
    My issue is that I'm trying to run the EverQuest LaunchPad to start patching the game, and it won't connect right from the outset. I've followed all of SoE's EQ LaunchPad Troubleshooting tips (here: ) and I've also gone in to my router settings and opened/forwarded all of the necessary EQ ports to this computer's IP address. I was hoping that would do it but no luck.
    I also contacted the SOE Support staff and they were categorically unhelpful as usual. I used to play EQ a decade ago and I wasn't surprised to see that their customer service hasn't changed one bit. Well, here's to hoping that the Mac community is much more positive and helpful than SOE Support.
    Has anyone experienced similar problems getting EverQuest to run on a Windows Boot Camp machine like this? How did people get their LaunchPad client to connect? I'm hoping there's some really dumb, obvious fix that I'm missing here because it really does seem like many have gotten this to work successfully and I'm a bit stumped at the moment..
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    the hardware of macs today and windows computer is pretty much the same
    so when one use bootcamp it's really just a bootloaded which collects the windows partition from the harddisk and then let it take over and apart from one having to install the apple drivers and software to get it running well
    it's the same as any windows computer
    I do all my my gaming on windows on my imac and face no different challenges then I did when I had a windows computer really
    so If I were you I would broaden my googling for solutions not just to include bootcamp but all windows issues with newer windows versions and everquest could as easy be a issue there with newer video card drivers and the likes

  • Will a early 2011 macbook pro run ml airplay mirroring

    Will an early 2011 macbook pro run airplay mirroring on moutain lion

    Only thing I would add if I was you, would be to put 8GB RAM into your machine. That will help any issues of being slow, but it should run just fine. Having more ram is always good, and for the price point its well worth it.
    I have on 2010 Macbook Pro and it screams. Also on 2011 Macbook Air with no issues.
    As for running slow, it could incompatible apps, or apps that havent been updated yet, it would be impossible to pinpoint one thing.

  • Question about running explain plan

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    1) is that file basically trying to create a table (called Plan_Table) within the schema I'm in (the only schema I have access to)?
    2) can my company's DBA run that file for me to create the Plan_Table?

    What version of the database are you on?
    You can get run-time execution plans from V$SQL_PLAN. You will need permission to read the V$ views. First find your query in V$SQL_PLAN (you can do a text search; putting a comment in like '--my_query' can help), then join to V$SQL_PLAN to find the query plan that that query used - join by the ADDRESS and HASH_VALUE columns.
    Otherwise, see if you can get insert/update/delete access on just that one table when your DBA creates it
    Good luck.

  • Question on running multiple clients in production

    We have a question that hopefully someone might be able to clarify for us. We currently have a production SAP landscape consisting on 5 separate SAP clients running on five R/3 4.6c instances on RS6000/Informix and we are looking at alternatives around landscape optimization as part of a plan to upgrade to ECC6. One of the options we are weighing is to create a single SAP instance on 64 bit Windows 2003 Enterprise and SQL Server 2005, migrate the different clients onto the single system resulting in a single instance/multiclient configuration, and then to upgrade the consolidated server to ECC6. We have been researching the feasibility of this approach and it appears that it is a supported configuration (as per SAPNote 31557), however it is apparently not widely used and there are references to challenges with that approach. Wanted to see if anyone had experiences with this type of configuration and whether there are any specific showstopper issues that would make this unworkable as a solution.
    Below is a list of some of the questions we are looking to address:
    Can anyone cite a reference where a multi client single instance configuration was successful?
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    Are there any specific issues with the CTS system that need to be considered
    Are there any known issues with the ECC6 platform that need to be considered, especially with the potential deployment of a EP usage type and the J2EE stack?
    Any known issues with upgrades after moving to a multi-client environment?
    Were there any unexpected surprises (i.e. client independent objects that were not anticipated).
    How was the issue of overlapping number ranges in different clients addressed?
    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    Rich P

    Hello Richard,
    You gave a very good question to ponder on
    Check this link, seems to be helpful.
    <b>Client & Multiclient Operation</b>
    I would get back to you, incase I find more valuable information.
    Ammey Kesarkar

  • Question about running RMIDemo

    Hello everyone.
    I tried running the RMIDemo by converting my own CAP files and generating the script files for loading into the script.
    My question is, must the Generated RMI STUB which i generate using rmic command be converted together with the CAP files?
    The problem now is that when i run the RMIDemo in the CREF simulator, it gives me a
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Applet selection failed sw = 6d00.
    It works fine in the JCWDE simulator though.
    Does the problem lie in the rmi stub file or something else?
    Can someone help me pls? been stuck at this for hours.... thanks in advance.

    The RMI STUB file must NOT converted! There are only for the client application.
    That means that the stub file must be visible to the client application.
    In addition i think that you are not able to convert stub files
    Now for the applet selection, I can't understand why you have that response, but I will try to guess:
    After the conversion, you must add before RMIDemo.scr the Header.scr
    and after the Footer.scr.
    You will find them into JC_HOME\samples\src\demo\misc, try to make them txt to view the content.
    ALSO you must add a line between RMIDemo.scr and Footer.scr, to create the applet like:
    // create RMIDemo
    0x80 0xB8 0x00 0x00 0x0c 0x0a 0xa0 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x62 0x03 0x01 0xc 0x5 0x01
    The general patern is:
    0x80 0xB8 0x00 0x00 0x0c (AID Bytes) 0x00 0x7F; (If i remember well)
    try it and tell me if you need more help.
    Friendly, Bill ;)

  • Doesn't it get very old, same question about running dos command?

    To everyone who is tooo lazy to search.
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("progname arg1 arg2");
    What a wast of everyone's time responding to the same question on how to run a dos command.

    I think you'll find it's
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"progname", "arg1", "arg2"});

Maybe you are looking for