Quick/Easy J++ Question

Could someone please help me....
Write a program to determine the answers for each of the following:
a. The square root of 30
b. The sine and cosine of 100
c. The value of the floor, ceiling, and round of 44.7
d. The larger and the smaller ofthe character K and the interger 70.

Generally, this board is a resource to help answer specific problems a Java developer runs into in the course of programming. Popping your head in to ask someone to do your work for you is rude, and more importantly, unlikely to help you learn anything that your programming assignment might teach you.
I would suggest searching the forums to see if anyone else has asked similar questions and start from there. Once you have at least SOME of your own code, feel free to ask as many questions as you want, they are more than likely to be answered. If you can't at least start this simple program, maybe you ought to seek a more serious method of study or tutoring. I mean no disrespect by my response, I'm just trying to help you out and prevent any unnecessary flaming that has occured in the past in response to similar posts.

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    Sounds like it could be this.
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    It could also be:
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    Hi Friend,
    At run time it is possible to set the class path.
    Use the following option with �Java�
    $java �classpath .;C:\Project1;C:\Project2
    It may help you
    Have a nice day
    Ajomon Mathew

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    To trigger a new page, there is script ediotr command NEW-PAGE.
    so find where is that command is triggered and use the below code for trigger it on any specific condition....
    if &condition& = 'True'
    /*  NEW-PAGE
    /: NEW-PAGE   
    so it means if condition is satisfied your new page will not work.. else it will...
    Hope you got it...
    Try this..
    Best luck..

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    Tom Tom

    you need to do several treatments in fact you need to add records on the data_package (by the way it is not an easy ABAP question as you mentioned !)
    Treatment 1: select all the records from ods2 table of adresses outside the loop
        select names adresses
        from ods2
        into table g_itab_ods2
          for all entries in data_package
          where name eq data_package-name.
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    loop at data_package assigning <data_fields>.
       read table g_itab_ods2 into l_g_itab_ods2
          with key name = <data_fields>-name.
          if sy-subrc eq 0.
            loop at g_itab_ods2 assigning <adresses>
            where name                = <data_fields>-name.
              <data_fields>-adresses= <adresses>-adresses.
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    I had bios version KH0, and MSI live update found KH1, i downloaded and flashed successfully (DOS window said please restart and press any key to exit) so i did, restarted my computer, and MSI live update utlity and gpu-z and MSI afterburner are all reporting the same bios version i had with the KH0, version & date November 09, 2010
    that's suppose to be, this is the version of the both bioses
    & date November 09, 2010
    this is GPU release date, not BIOS date
    MSI live update is not picking up the update again, so my question is, how do i know if it flashed correctly
    Get this: https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=147603.0;attach=7931
    extract it somewhere, then run info1 , and look for the last line
    since the bios date and version remained the same?
    they are not the same, your looking the wrong stuffs

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    don't say that...
    I successfully uploaded videos to my iPod I just was not doing it right
    my question has been answered already so STOP BRINGING IT UP AGAIN
    also, look... many people just got their iPods today and are kinda anxious to see the video capibilities work on them, so If you do not have anything constructive to say (by calling us n00bs), then I suggest you don't say anything at all
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    b. all of them
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    Programming languages are created by humans, and therefore it is usually pretty easy to answer such questions. Think about the human language..
    Do you have a car or a house or a space ship?
    Any one who owns a car or a house would answer yes, even if they didn't own a space ship. That is, the whole expression evaluates to true if one of the statements is true.

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    I'm only responding in the interests of actually earning a point.
    The answer to your question is no, it is not true.

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    You can charge whenever you want, it has a Lithium Ion Battery that can be charged at any time without and harm done. It is good too let iPhone die every so often and then fully recharge.

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    From your profile link >  https://discussions.apple.com/people/homunculus
    Or, click Bookmark This right side of this window.
    You can see your Bookmarks by clicking Your Stuff / Bookmarks.

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    Have been struggling with the syntax to list / backup a section of archivelogs on a RAC database
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    This is Oracle RAC 10g
    Thanks guys

    just a syntax error
    RMAN> list archivelog from sequence 44253 thread 2 until sequence 44494 thread 2;
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00558: error encountered while parsing input commands
    RMAN-01009: syntax error: found "until": expecting one of: "all, backed, completed, device, like, recoverable, ;, tag"
    RMAN-01007: at line 1 column 46 file: standard input

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