QuickTime Handler Problem

I am trying to run Itunes 7.5 on my Dell Laptop with Windows XP. I get a pop up error message, with a heading of: "QuickTime Handler Window: iTuenes.exe - Application Error," that says:
The instruction at "0x00f6ba9e" referenced memory at "0x0912000". The memory could not be "read".
Then it asks me to click OK to terminate, or CANCEL to debug the program. Clicking on either does nothing for me.
Can anyone help me??? What do I do?

Hi there,
Thanks for coming to my assistance with this problem. Itunes never actually opens, when I say 'session' I mean my time on my pc on that day. I click on the Itunes icon, I can see that it is trying to start by the activity on my hard drive, the message 'scanning your Itune library' comes up(I have my library on a external hard drive) and then it goes away and all activity stops. Itune just doesn't open. At the end of the day/night as I a am shutting down it comes up with a 'quicktime handler is not responding' message.
I have deleted Bonjour on the reccomendation of one of the support pages, i have deleted Real Player on the advice of a colleague, I have cleaned up temp files, I have deleted all other versions of Itunes I had on my system. I have installed Quicktime as a stand alone, but couldn't find a version of Itunes with Quicktime (is there one?) I downloaded Itunes again yesterday and chose not to install it, and now I can't find it on my system anywhere. I am seriously so frustrated about this, I don't know what else I can do. Please help!

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    Hi Jayaraman,
        When you say there is any data problem, does that fail the message mapping that you have defined?
    If the message mapping used in the tranformation fails, it should raise an exception in the BPM.
    Did you test the message mapping using the payload and see if it really fails or not?
    Ravi Kanth Talagana

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    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class VerySimpleTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
    private int d_rows = 0;
    private int d_cols = 0;
    private String[][] d_data = null;
    public VerySimpleTableModel(int rows,int cols)
    System.err.println("Creating table of size [" + rows + "," + cols +
    d_rows = rows;
    d_cols = cols;
    d_data = new String[d_rows][d_cols];
    int r = 0;
    while (r < d_rows){
    int c = 0;
    while (c < d_cols){
    d_data[r][c] = new String("[" + r + "," + c + "]");
    public int getRowCount()
    return d_rows;
    public int getColumnCount()
    return d_cols;
    public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
    return d_data[rowIndex][columnIndex];
    public static void main(String[] args)
    System.err.println( "1.4..." );
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    JTable table = new JTable(new VerySimpleTableModel(40,5));
    window.setSize(new Dimension(600,800));
    Thanks in advance!!
    - Dean

    I've fixed the problem by upgrading to 1.4.1_02. I was on 1.4.1_01.
    I did further narrow down the symptoms more. It seemed the further the distance from the previous mouse click, the longer it would take for the table row to highlight. So, clicking on row 1, then 2, was much faster than clicking on row 1, then row 40.
    If no one else has seen this problem -- good! I wouldn't wish the tremendous waste of time I've had on anyone!
    - Dean

  • Quicktime encounters problem and must close. Sorry for inconvenience.

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    Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

    What I don't think I had before is the fact that during installing I say the Icon appearing on my desktop and immediately my computer goes black and start
    a reboot.
    That's a bit disconcerting. Are you getting a flash of a blue screen as well?
    We can make "hidden" blue screens stick around a little longer by using the following technique:
    1) Open your system control panel (Start->Control Panels->System).
    2) Select the "Advanced" tab.
    3) Click the "Startup and Recover" section's "Settings" button
    4) Verify that under "System Failure" the "Automatically restart" checkbox is not checked.
    Make those settings changes, and try another install.
    If you do get a blue screen this time, what numerical and text codes are you getting with it? (ie 0x[zeros/letters/numbers] CAPSANDUNDERSCORES)
    if the blue screen mentions a specific file, let us know what that is called too. (exact spelling, please.)
    here's a reference on the sorts of things i'm asking about:
    Troubleshooting Windows Stop Messages

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    slider_events[5].llb ‏77 KB

  • Pro Tools files imported to FCP X causing QuickTime movie problem

    Well 2 days later and hours on the phone with Apple tech support Senior Advisors, and problem still not solved. HELP. 
    Everything works fine in FCP X, but when I create the QuickTime movie, it is way out of sync (by many seconds).
    We have isolated the problem to audio files that I am exporting to Pro Tools, processing, and then importing back into FCP X. I can create a QuickTime movie with the original video/audio and it is fine.
    The original video came from Canon HF M40 camcorder: AVCHD (using MPEG4-AVC / H.264 compression codec), MTS format. Audio is 48kHz, 24 bits.
    I used ClipWrap to rewrap the video into ProRes 422 and decompress the audio and save as LPCM.
    I simply provide this FYI. As I said earlier, the original video works fine and the resulting QuickTime movie works fine. So the original  files imported into the FCP project are not the problem.
    The creation of the problem audio occurs as follows:
    - Detach the original audio from the original video, and export
    - Import this audio into a 48.0 kHz/16-bit Pro Tools HD session and EQ/limit the audio
    - Import the resulting audio into FCP X (exact same length file, audio waveforms aligned with the original audio).
    This audio works fine in FCP. It is in sync with the video, everything looks great.
    I ran Pro Tools at 16-bits because a senior advisor told me FCP runs at 16-bits but does not convert imported stand-alone audio (as opposed to combined video/audio) to 16-bits; thus the Pro Tools session had to be at 16-bits. I changed from 24-bits to 16-bits, and this didn't solve the problem. (FYI, when Pro Tools imports the original audio exported from FCP, it says the audio is 24-bits, not 16-bits).
    What is the problem?
    The basic question is why does this audio cause QuickTime a problem?
    Something is going on in the conversion to the QT movie. In FCP X, I don't have a way to play with the conversion variables except to set "Video and Audio" and "Use current settings" (which is ProRes 422).
    The only difference I see between the original audio and the Pro Tools audio is that the original audio is stereo and Pro Tools works with dual mono files (L & R). The mono files work fine in FCP and I can't imagine why QT would have a problem with these, but I haven't tried converting the files to stereo before importing into FCP.
    I should also mention that I selected the stabilization and roll correction algorithms in FCP. I assume these don't create problems in QT. I mention this because I didn't use them when I tested making a QT movie with the original video/audio files.
    FCP and Pro Tools are used together all the time to do exactly what I am doing......improve the sound of the original audio. They are the premier video and audio professional programs. Of course, the final product is often not a QuickTime movie, but many times it is a QT movie.
    What the heck is going on???

    (1) It is immediately out of sync. It even appears to be speeded up to me initially, but this is subjective. But it is clearly out of sync throughout, not a gradual drift.
    (2) When I create the audio files in the Pro Tools session, the files are automatically stored in the audio folder of the  Pro Tools session. So I don't actually have to go through an export process. I just close the Pro Tools session, then open FCP X and import the audio from the Pro Tools folder.
    I'm not sure what additional specifications you seek, other than:
    - wav files
    - sample rate = 48 kHz
    - Bit rate = 16-bits (and earlier I used 24-bits)
    - Files are dual mono, rather than stereo (name_01.L.wav, name_01.R.wav). As I mentioned above, I have not yet tried converting these to stereo before importing into FCP, to see if dual mono causes an issue with QT. It does not cause a problem in FCP. I will try this today if we don't solve the problem.
    (3) I can upload a portion of the audio to a server and send you a link to the file so you can download it. Is there a way to private message on the forum so I can get an email address to send you the link?
    (4) The original video came from Canon HF M40 camcorder: AVCHD (using MPEG4-AVC / H.264 compression codec), MTS format. Audio is 48 kHz, 24 bits.
    I used ClipWrap to rewrap the video into ProRes 422 and decompress the audio and save as LPCM.
    The FCP Project was set up at:
    - Starting time code -
    - Format - 1080p
    - Resolution - 1920 x 1080
    - Frame rate - 29.97p
    - Audio channels - stereo
    - Sample rate - 48 kHz
    - Rendering format - Apple ProRes 422

  • Cannot open itunes -quicktime handler

    I can't open itunes anymore. I've tried plugging my ipod in and putting a cd in to open itunes. When i log out of my computer though it says "Program is not responding-Quicktimes Handler Window".
    This is really cheesing me off so help me will ya?

    Let's check to see if this is a systemwide issue or if it is associated with a specific user account on the PC.
    let's try an experiment.
    head into your user accounts control panel and create a new user account with full administrative rights. (there's help documentation on how to do that at the left of the control panel screen.) while you're in that control panel, switch off "fast user switching" in your logging-on preferences.
    now log out of the old account and log into the new account.
    does itunes launch properly from inside the new account?

  • Delicate ProgressMonitor/ event handling problem

    I have a delicate ProgressMonitor / event handling problem.
    There exists some solution on similiar problems here in the forums, but no solution to my special problem, hope anybody can help me out.
    I have a rather big project, an applet, that I've written a separate JarLoader class that will load specific jar's if the ClassLoader encounter a unloaded class, all ok so far.
    But, during loading, I would like to display a ProgressBar. And here is the problem. If my custom ClassLoader intercepts a findClass -request that needs to load the class from a jar from a normal thread, this is no problem, but if the ClassLoader intercepts a findClass that needs loading a jar when inside the EventQueue -thread, this is becomming tricky!
    The catch is that an event posted on the EventQueue finally needs a class that needs to be loaded, but I cannot dispatch a thread to do this and end that particular event before the class itself is loaded.
    So how do I hold the current EventQueue -event needing a jar -load, Pop up a ProgressBar, then process events in the EventQueue to display the ProgressBar and update repaints in it? then return from the event that now have loaded needed class-files.
    I've tried a tip described earlier in the forums by trying to handle events with this code when loading the Jar:
        /** process any waiting events - use during long operations
         * to update UI */
        static public void doEvents() {
            // need to derive from EventQueue otherwise
            // don't have access to protected method dispatchEvent()
            class EvtQueue extends java.awt.EventQueue {
                public void doEvents() {
                    Toolkit toolKit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
                    EventQueue evtQueue = toolKit.getSystemEventQueue();
                    // loop whilst there are events to process
                    while (evtQueue.peekEvent() != null) {
                        try {
                            // if there are then get the event
                            AWTEvent evt = evtQueue.getNextEvent();
                            // and dispatch it
                        catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) {
                            // if we get an exception in getNextEvent()
                            // do nothing
            // create an instance of our new class
            EvtQueue evtQueue = new EvtQueue();
            // and call the doEvents method to process the events.
        }Then, the loader checks
    java.awt.EventQueue.isDispatchThread()to see if its' inside the eventqueue, and runs doEvents after updating the ProgressMonitor with new setProgress and setNote values.
    More precise;
    The loader is loading the jar like this:
    (this is pseudo code, not really usable, but outlines the vital parts)
    public void load() {
      monitor = new ProgressMonitor(null, "Loading " + jarName, ""+jarSize + " bytes", 0, jarSize);
      // reading jar info code here ...
      JarEntry zip = input.getNextJarEntry();
      for (;zip != null;) {
         // misc file handling here... total = current bytes read
         if (java.awt.EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
         zip = input.getNextJarEntry();
    }When debugging doEvents(), there is never any events pending in peekEvents(), even if I tries to put a invokeLater() to run the setProgress on the monitor, why? If it had worked, the doEvents() code would have saved my day...
    So, this is where I'm totally stuck...

    Just want to describe how I did this using spin from http://spin.sourceforge.net
    This example is not pretty, but it can probably help others understanding spin. Cancelling the ProgressMonitor is not implemented, but can easily be done by checking on ProgressMonitor.isCanceled() in
    the implementation code.
    First, I create a bean for displaying and run a ProgressMonitor:
    Spin requires an Interface and an Implementation, but that's just nice programming practice :-)
    import java.util.*;
    public interface ProgressMonitorBean {
        public void start(); // start spinning
        public void cancel(); // cancel
        public int getProgress(); // get the current progress value 
        public void setProgress(int progress); // set progress value
        public void addObserver(Observer observer); // observer on the progressValue
    }Then, I created the implementation:
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.ProgressMonitor;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class ProgressMonitorBeanImpl extends Observable implements ProgressMonitorBean {
        private ProgressMonitor monitor;
        private boolean cancelled;
        private int  progress = 0;
        private int  currentprogress = 0;
        public ProgressMonitorBeanImpl(Component parent, Object message, String note, int min, int max) {
            monitor = new ProgressMonitor(parent, message, note, min, max);
        public void cancel() {
        public void start() {
            cancelled = false;
            progress = 0;
            currentprogress = 0;
            while (progress < m_cMonitor.getMaximum()) {
                try {
                    synchronized (this) {
                        wait(50); // Spinning with 50 ms delay
                    if (progress != currentprogress) { // change only when different from previous value
                        notifyObservers(new Integer(progress));
                        currentprogress = progress;
                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                    // ignore
                if (cancelled) {
        public int getProgress() {
            return progress;
        public void setProgress(int progress) {
            this.progress = progress;
    }in my class/jarloader code, something like this is done:
    public void load() {
      ProgressMonitorBean monitor = (ProgressMonitorBean)Spin.off(new ProgressMonitorBeanImpl(null, "Loading " + url,"", 0, jarSize));
      Thread t = new Thread() {
        public void run() {
          JarEntry zip = input.getNextJarEntry();
          for (;zip != null;) {
            // misc file handling here... progress = current bytes read
      t.start(); // fire off loadin into own thread to do time consuming work
      monitor.start(); // this will spin events on monitor and block until progress = max
      monitor.cancel(); // Just make sure ProgressMonitor is closed
    }The beautiful thing here is that Spin is taking care of weither the load() is inside the dispatch thread or not, making the code much simpler and cleaner to understand.
    The ProgressMonitorBeanImplementation could been made much nicer and more complete, but I was in a hurry to check if it worked out. And it did! This will be applied on a lot of gui -components that blocks the event-queue in our project, making it much more responsive.
    Hope this will help others in similiar situations! Thanks again svenmeier for pointing me to the spin -project.

  • Quicktime version problem

    Hi everyone, hope someone can help.
    I have Quicktime Pro installed 7.1.6
    I have been uploading podcasts
    with no trouble until last weekend. I don't know that I changed any settings or preferences, I didn't have any reason to. However, now when I go to my podcast page, select a podcast to play as streaming audio I no longer can. Previously I could see my company logo with a download/play scroll bar of Quicktime window, now I see it for a moment then it's replaced by a Q ? icon. When I mouseover the icon I get a "This enhanced podcast requires Quicktime 7.0.2 or later. Click here to download". I downloaded and reinstalled QT to be sure. I have fixed file permissions.
    If it's relevant, from the same time I no longer see my system disk icon on the desktop. I can access it through user/Applications/Music/Movies etc in a finder window, or as a server disk.
    many thanks

    Welcome to the club! Its QT 7.1.6 that does not open online content with file extension .m4a that has video in it...
    Got this from a QT geek as a temp. solution
    I would rather rename .m4a to .m4v ...
    Since .m4a is MPEG-4 audio and your "enhanced"
    Podcasts could include chapter tracks and a "video"
    track they really should be .m4v anyway.
    Me (carlo moll): I hope this is transitional and Apple restores a smooth iWeb workflow for enhanced podcasting again...
    Just rename the audio/video cast file extension to .m4v instead of .m4a and upload with iweb again. QT (and its Java police routines) expects no video in a .m4a file and simply refuses to recognize it...
    QT 7.1.6 is supposed to handle a security problem and the upgrade is recommended despite of this pretty naggy bug.

  • Request.getParameter(): special character handling problem

    Hello, there:
    This should be an easy question for the gurus in here.
    I use a string attached to the url as the parameter string, which includes spaces. the system automatically converts them to %20, but when I receive them in my servlet using request.getParameter, a special character, &Acirc; appears; I couldn't proceed with it.
    I suppose this is a common problem but seems that I didn't find topics about it on this forum.
    So anyone can help? Any encoder/decoder APIs to handle it?
    Thanks a lot,

    escape can solve ur problem
    use js function to submit form like
    function subForm()
    var any_spcl_value ="kdfhjdf$%@#$% 2FGSFG @%@#%@# V";
    mainForm.action = "index.jsp?value="+ escape(any_spcl_value);
    and use request.getParameter("value");
    u ll get kdfhjdf$%@#$% 2FGSFG @%@#%@# V as it is.

  • Quicktime Pro, Problem Converting Video to iPod

    When I convert my movie files using Quicktime Pro I encounter a problem. After the converting is over the video works on my iPod, but the audio track is lost and there is no sound. Can anyone help me?

    Check to make sure it is not a muxed mpeg by opening the source file in QT Player and looking at MovieInfo in the Windows menu. If it is a muxed mpeg you will have to use something other than QT since it will not export the sound from mpegs. Some people have had good results with this freeware, but there are other Windows programs starting to appear for iPod conversion:

  • ITunes / Quicktime Video Problems With Windows VISTA

    I took up Windows Vista as soon as it was available and initially had no problems with iTunes. Then later, video clips (those purchased from iTunes and those I had converted myself) started stuttering / freezing and eventually crashing iTunes and finally I lost audio as well.
    Ayyway to cut a long story short, I have uninstalled / re-installed Vista now about eight times for problems with installing drivers for USB devices (I've finally solved all these problems). After the last install the first program I installed was iTunes, tried video and it worked flawlessly. Then, each time I added a hardware device or program I would restart Vista and retry iTunes video.
    The first item I added was a USB thumb drive (as I had on all previous occasions to take advantage of Vista's 'Ready Boost'). The thumb drive is a 'Sony 2GB micro vault tiny', and meets the transfer speed requirements for 'Ready Boost', as soon as I had set the drive up for 'Ready Boost' I started having the same problems with iTunes video and Quicktime.
    Removed the thumb drive, restarted iTunes and had flawless video playback again. Have tried this over and over with the same result.
    So my question is, has anyone else had video playback problems with iTunes / Vista and found similar problems. Trying to tie down whether this is a compatability problem with 'Ready Boost' or the thumb drive used. I have also tried a Sandisk Titanium 2GB with the same result.
    I am not sure exactly how 'Ready Boost' works, I thought it added memory that was used to cache page files to the thumb drive instead of to the HDD making a faster seek /access time? Which should make things faster. Another article I read today was talking about 'Ready Boost' being an affordable extension to RAM, in this case I could understand the problem as I would think the access to a USB 2.0 thumbdrive would be slower than that to RAM.
    Any help appreciated, but I guess my bottom line is anytime I want to watch video on iTunes, I just pull the USB thumb drive .
    PC Pentium 4   Other OS   Windows Vista Home Premium

    I have the same stuttering video issues with iTunes and Vista. While I have used a thumb drive to transfer files (not Sony) I have not yet messed with Ready boost. I have seen several others complain about the video problem, perhaps they will chime in as well. Unfortunately, your solution doesn't work for me. I pretty much ignore iTunes, waiting for the next version (only god knows when it will be released).
    I do have an external firewire drive connected, I'll disconnect later today and see if that has any affect.

  • BSP extension "download" - event handling problem

    First of all, I apologize if the answer is already out there, but I spent quite some time to find the solution for my problem but finally gave up:
    I implemented the Download extension from Brian's and Tom's book. Since I am using an MVC based app, I put the event handling in the DO_HANDLE_EVENT of a controller instead of the OnInputProcessing event of a page. Here's how my app is designed:
    I have a main controller that has an execute button to trigger a data selection based on some selection criteria. The result of this selection is displayed by means of a subcontroller with tableviews that are wrapped into my “zdownload” extension. Everything works fine: I make my selections, execute the app through the button of the main controller and get my result shown in the tableviews. I push the download icon, select my file format (XLS, HTML etc), get the dialog to choose whether to download or to display the file, perfect!
    But now – after I processed the download successfully - if I click the execute button in the main controller again, I still get the download dialog. It looks like the created event for the download does not get cleared. As I mentioned, I searched through SDN, but all I found were referrals to the call of DISPATCH_INPUT( ) in DO_REQUEST of the main controller, but unfortunately this one is already implemented.
    Any ideas?

    There is an attribute of the download extension called display_url. You pass a value to the extension telling it what cached URL contains the binary content for your download.  if this display_url attribute has a value assigned to it, then the element will render an iFrame to call the URl.  However if the display_url attribute is empty, it won't render the iFrame.  I suspect that you have a stateful application and after your download event you aren't clearing whatever field that you pass into the display_url attribute.

  • Itunes and quicktime install problem

    I have just bought an ipod classic. went to apple.com, downloaded latest version of itunes, on the install i get an error saying some of the quicktime software is out of date to fix this problem by upgrading click 'Go there now'
    unfortunately it doesn't go anywhere!
    itunes will not start because of this either, it says it has a problem and needs to close.
    I have tried installing older versions of itunes,Quicktime;un-installing,re-installing,installing seperately, from different sites as well as apple, butit ends up the same.
    im only running windows firewall and AVG anti virus.
    can anyone help me as to why i can't install them especially Quicktime as it seems i need that for itunes and i need itunes to load the ipod!
    Please help if you have any ideas, i've been trying now for 5 hours!!!!

    Try installing from here:
    If that doesn't work, try and use Microsoft's Cleanup Utility and then reinstall Quicktime/iTunes:
    Make sure it's a new and fresh download from:

  • Itunes and quicktime major problems...

    I can't get itunes to work at all and now quicktime's stopped functioning! I get the usual "Sorry for the inconvenience but itunes has encounted a problem and needs to close" every time I try and start it. I've installed quicktime from the main apple download and it installs fine but won't actually work! I've tried uninstalling quicktime but I get the message ' fatal error during installation' and it quits the uninstall. I've uninstalled itunes and after reinstalling it get the same 'sorry for the inconvenience' message again. Need assistance from an itunes expert please. Thanks.

    hmmmm. i'm better at the 6.0.x and 5.0.x versions of this. but let's try some things here.
    the message that you're getting with the QT uninstall is a variation of the 1603 error message that folks used to get in the 6.0.x and 5.0.x days. so we'll atart working through some of the techniques that used to work with it on a QT uninstall/install in those days.
    Download and install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. then use it to clear any existing QuickTime installation configuration information from your PC:
    Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
    next, clear leftover QuickTime program files and folders from the PC.
    1. On the Start menu, click My Computer (or double-click My Computer on the Desktop).
    2. In My Computer, open Local Disk.
    3. Open Program Files.
    4. Right-click on the QuickTime folder and click Delete from the shortcut menu.
    5. Navigate to C:\Windows\system32\.
    6. Remove the files QuickTime.qts and QuicktimeVR.qtx.
    restart your PC, and try installing iTunes again.
    does the install go through properly this time?

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  • Error When creating a new Global Calculated Key Figure or RKF

    Hi, Coming across this problem with NW2004s BI 7 query designer. When i create a new CKF or RKF with the query designer, i get a error message. Currently the SAP GUI is on SP 8 and the problem exists after applying the collective note recently releas

  • Node doesn't display

    Hi, I have a tree hierarchy displayed in a form. And I'm doing tests to Add a node to the tree. I click a button and I create the node with the ADD_TREE_NODE. It seems to work, no errors, but I don't see the new NODE in the TREE. Am I suppose to do s

  • "Table in Table" in PDF Form

    Hi all, in my webdynpro view's content is two-level structure. Under top node is another non-singleton node and within this node another non-singleton node. I would like to display such structured information in PDF Form. I have created Subform (flow

  • Up-grade from version 7 to 8

    Hi all. Because the error goes out, it embarrasses it though the version improved from seven to eight. The error message is this. Variable form Variable is undefined. In version 7, this error doesn't occur. Did the specification of the variable check

  • [iPhone] UI control using OpenGL ES

    I'm writing a ui control using OpenGL ES. It should be able to function as a component on a screen amongst other components, or as a full screen component (not going to hide the status bar etc, I just mean occupying the full 'user area'). My question