
When I try to reinstall iTunes , the message "Error writing to file: C:\Program Files\Quicktime\QTSytem\QuickTimeJavaExtras.qtx. Verify you have access to this directory" comes up.
What do I do? I tried uninstalling but that didnt work. I tried to delete the file. That didn't work.

"Error writing file: C:\Program Files\iPod\bin\iPodService.Resources\fi.lproj\iPodServiceLocalized.dll. Verify that you have access to that directory."
good gracious. i believe that's one of the Finnish language resource files for your itunes.
problems with those also tend to be associated with disk damage ... so running a chkdsk again might be of some help with that.
... but i'm starting to get kind of worried about your drive now. do you have backups of any data stored on her?

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    Verify that you have access to that directory

    Join the club!

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    For most users just using a browser other than Safari solves the trouble.
    When I encounter pages that don't show the Pro "pull down" (right end of the controller) I simply Control click on the video window to bring up the contextual menu.

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    If there is a jitter issue in Smoothcam on FCP 7 there will be a jitter issue with Smoothcam on FCP 6. There was no real change in the smoothcam filter's code from 6 to 7. It is important to know that if you plan on getting a new MacPro to replace your ageing G5 Quad core you will not be able to take full advantage of the MacPro multithreading & multicore perfomance enhancements with out FCP 7. Since the new Final Cut Studio is designed to take full advantage of the Intel's Quadcore performance in the Lastest MacPro's that Final Cut Studio 2 is not. Although FCS 2 is designed to be capatable with the Intel Processors it does not take full advantage of the Intels perfromance enhancements.

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    If  you require interaction you would have to use a full remote desktop solution as Skype doesn't have the functionality.  Teamviewer offers this as well as a built-in proprietary recording option but natively converting those files to standard formats usually resorts to using tons of hard drive space requiring additional compression and conversion time to get the size down.
    If you want to use Skype and record the desktop session including audio, the best way would be to use 3rd party screen capturing software.  This can you can record the whole screen or just parts of it.  There are also 3rd party add-ons that will capture the individual Skype streams but I find screen capturing software to be more universal and customizable.

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    There is no "Movie Properties" window in QuickTime X.
    Snow Leopard users can use both QuickTime Player (upgradable to Pro) and QuickTime X.

  • Faulting module quicktimestreaming.qtx

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    Please let me know if you have any information for this.

    Ok this original issue is back. Only this time, it's worse. Doing a repair of Quicktime wouldn't help either. I even uninstalled iTunes and Quicktime and reinstalled from scratch and everything was working fine before I rebooted... after reboot iTunes Store videos are crashing iTunes again (Quicktime can't play them outside of iTunes either) Anyone else with this issue or know how to solve it ?

  • URGENT! File will open in the new QTX no matter what done!

    The script at the bottom of the post worked perfectly on 10.5, but once I installed 10.6 it does not work anymore.
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    *On 10.6 it is like this:* The issue is that the newly created (copied) file on the external drive is opened not by QuickTime 7, but by the new QuickTimeX, so eventually it turns out that the file is opened in QTX and QT7 is just launched - the script fails. It is strange because specifically application id "com.apple.quicktimeplayer" (which is QT7) is asked to open the file, but it still opens in QTX.
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    +tell application id "com.apple.quicktimeplayer"+
    +close every document+
    +open thisItem+
    *and it actually did!*
    So I guess that the issue lies somewhere on the fact that the file is opened from a different location or something like that (QT7 can open thisItem, but cannot open theNewFile). To sum up, if the file is not moved - everything works, once it is moved - it does not.
    To conclude, the issue MUST be in this line:
    *set theNewFile to (move thisItem to (POSIX file house_path))*
    PLEASE, PLEASE help! Thanks in advance!
    property folder_path : "/Users/reinis/Transmission/"
    property family_path : "/Volumes/ALL/Family Guy/Season 8"
    property family_season : "8"
    on run
    tell application "Finder"
    set action_folder to ((POSIX file folder_path) as alias)
    set droppedItems to entire contents of folder action_folder
    end tell
    repeat with thisItem in droppedItems
    tell application "Finder"
    copy name of thisItem as string to FileName
    if FileName ends with ".avi" then
    if FileName contains "House" then
    set theNewFile to (move thisItem to (POSIX file house_path))
    set my_location to (path to desktop) as text
    tell application "iTunes"
    make new user playlist with properties {name:"Via"}
    end tell
    tell application id "com.apple.quicktimeplayer"
    close every document
    *open theNewFile*
    set movie_name to name of document 1
    set save_location to my_location & movie_name & ".mov"
    save document 1 in save_location
    close document 1
    end tell
    set movie_reference to save_location
    tell application "iTunes"
    add movie_reference to user playlist "Via" of source "Library"
    delay 3
    set pl to user playlist "Via" of source "Library"
    set ofi to fixed indexing
    set fixed indexing to true
    repeat with t from 1 to (count of file tracks of pl)
    set tr to file track t of pl
    if tr's played count is 0 then
    set tr's video kind to TV show
    set tr's season number to house_season
    set tr's show to "House"
    end if
    end try
    end repeat
    set fixed indexing to ofi
    end tell
    tell application "Finder"
    delete file movie_reference
    end tell
    tell application id "com.apple.quicktimeplayer"
    end tell
    tell application "iTunes"
    delete user playlist "Via" of source "Library"
    end try
    end tell
    tell application "Finder"
    empty the trash
    delay 2
    end tell
    end try

    It seems you're caught in a typical pitfall.
    It's easy to evade.
    Replace the line :
    set theNewFile to (move thisItem to (POSIX file house_path))
    with this line :
    set theNewFile to (move thisItem to (POSIX file house_path)) as alias
    Brief explanation.
    The original theNewFile holds an object specifier of Finder object and therefore 'open theNewFile' is handled by Finder whether or not it's in a tell block targeted to another application. It means 'open theNewFile' behaves the same as double clicking theNewFile in Finder, which will let QTX Player open it under OSX 10.6, I guess.
    Meanwhile the modified theNewFile holds an alias object, which is an AppleScript's own object and not owned by any application, and therefore 'open theNewFile' is to be handled by the application to which the immediate context belongs, i.e., to which the immediate tell block is targeted.
    Hope this may help,

  • Wonder if anyone can help? Have just bought a new Macbook pro and installed FCP7. I thought that I would get quicktime pro but stuck with QTX. Downloaded QT7 but it won't let me install it. Any suggestions? B

    Wonder if anyone can help? Have just bought a new Macbook pro and installed FCP7. I thought that I would get quicktime pro as standard but stuck with QTX. Downloaded QT7 but it won't let me install it. Says I can't do install as I already have QTX. Does FCP not come with QTpro or am I jsut being stupid. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.  B

    Hi there,
    Are you running Lion or Snow Leopard? either way this may help by the looks of it.

  • Problems opening URL in QTX

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    Absolutely, thanks for responding: here is one of the URLs I've been trying to connect to: http://bglive-a.bitgravity.com/twit/live/high. I open QTX, go to open URL, type in the URL and click open and then it freezes until I force quit and it sends an error report.
    Message was edited by: jeremyjaytaylor

  • GRRRRR!!!  AE CS3 crashes during render with quicktimempeg4.qtx as problem

    Rendering will advance a seemingly random amount of frames, only to crash repeatedly. The info on the error points to quicktimempeg4.qtx as problem module. I have tried an array of codec packs, as well as quicktime 7.0.3 through the latest 7.4.1 update. Memory seems to be fine as I'm running Windows XP SP2, 2.8 Ghz Duocore, 4Gb RAM. Sometimes render makes it 4 frames, 72, 205, etc., but still crashes whether .avi, .mp4 or .mov render. Any suggestions? Thanks.

    Thanks for the tips. I tried soloing about 30 of the videos for a render (with a 60 frame workspace just for testing), as suggested. Went with the QT Animation, alpha only, and it crashed after 1 second. Seriously, just instant crash. I did try render queue with an .avi export, no compression, and managed to get about 12 minutes into a decent render, but again crashes with quicktimempeg4.qtx as fault. I can export quicktime (.mov or .mp4) from Photoshop quickly and perfectly every time, no errors. So, its hard for me to think this is simply a quicktime or compatibility issue. I have had no problems whatsoever with Illustrator, Indesign, Flash, Photoshop, video conversion, etc. Occasionally with quicktime I will get a "buffer overrun detected" error when running multiple instances, but figured this was more of a memory issue. I'm totally flummoxed as this AE render error just seems to have no rhyme or reason at this point. The only unifying problem is that quicktime seems to be a problem. Although, when exporting .PSD files today, for individual screen captures on the same project, I had a crash that stated the OpenGL was to blame. So, I'll try disabling that per Jonas' suggestion. Of course any ideas are much appreciated!

  • QT MPEG2 Playback component and SL/QTX

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    Can anyone offer any insight into how I might make sure that mpegstreamclip (and any other application for that matter that uses mpeg2 playback component) sees the mpeg2 playback component.

    It may be that your component is out of date.
    Log in at the Apple Store (using the same ID as in the original purchase) and click the "Downloadable software history" link.
    Next to the MPEG-2 Playback Component is a download link.
    Try it.

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    http://industrial.datacolor.com/support/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Datacolor-QTX-File-Spec ification.pdf

  • I'm getting no audio from QTX on my new Mac Mini's digital o/p.

    VLC is fine (once I'd selected the correct audio o/p). QTX has no 'preferences' - so what can I do? Seems a shame not to use QT.

    According to the specs of your display, the kdl40v5100 does not allow you to make a digital audio connection between your mini and the TV, and therefore you can not use the TOSLINK cable you purchased to do this..
    However, you can make an analog connection. At the back of your TV, you will notice that one of your HDMI inputs has 2 plugs next to it- a red one and a white one.
    Here is a picture of the back of your set. Look at number 5. This is where you will make the connection.
    This is where you will connect the mini audio, by using a cable that looks like this...
    (and of course, if the HDMI for the mini is not plugged into the neighboring HDMI port you will have to switch things around to do so.
    Message was edited by: kguy

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