R9 270x was working now isn't

System Specs -
AMD fx6300
Asus m5a97 r2.0
8gb corsair vengeance
1tb seagate barracuda
msi r9 270x 2gb
corsair 750w cx series
i think my 270x has died, it was working last time i used it (xmas eve) now the tv it was plugged into only displays it whilst its booting, but when its booting it has a massive green overlay. the over tv i tried plugging it into displays only when the computer is booted, and when i give it permission to do anything it gives me a black screen and the tv says theres no connection, also when it does display on the tv it isn't scaled correctly so it is off the screen. every connection i've tried has been via hdmi as i don't have a proper monitor or cable to test it in any other way. i should also add, its not the tvs or the cables as i have tried all with my xbox one and that is fine. i have also had this since february, and not a single issue since then so i am pretty stumped...

Have you updated to the latest AMD Graphics Driver 14.4 ?
Do you have other graphics card to try?

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    I can see you are having some issues with scan to folder/email, I would like to see if I can help you on this issue.
    First, let me ask you, what is the operative system of the computer that you shared the folder for scan to folder?
    Now, one experiment you might want to try, is check if the computer that you shared the folder for "scan to folder" has any kind of antivirus, and if so, check your firewall settings. If you don't have any antivirus installed, check if you host operative system has any firewall installed and check the rights.
    Some times a firewall has some sort of policy to reject incoming connections from ports that are not port 80., and your printer is not using that port 80, which might be the root cause.
    The experiment is simple, try to disable your firewall and then reboot your printer and let them to connect again and try.
    This is not the solutions, but just an experiment to get to the root cause.
    I work at HP.
    Reminder: Please select the "Accept as Solution" button on the post that best answers your question. Also, you may select the "Kudos" button on any helpful post to give that person a quick thanks.

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    A +Summer 2001+ iMac G3 cannot boot Mac OS 9.0.4. It came pre-installed with 9.1.
    Macs can generally boot a version of Mac OS that it came with, or LATER (up to hardware limitations), but NOT earlier. 9.0.4 is earlier than 9.1.
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    Hello, pfotoguy.
    I see that you are having issues with your Apple TV.  Below, I have provided a couple articles that will help you troubleshoot this issue. 
    Apple TV: Basic troubleshooting
    Troubleshooting Apple TV not recognized in iTunes
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    Did it happen to other people ?
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    a new jmf.properties and .JMAppsCfg are created and all the standard codecs etc are listed in JMFRegistry.
    Does anyone have any ideas how I can get back the initial default setup?? and get the avi files to play once again.
    Many Thanks

    I downloaded jmf-2_1_1e-alljava.zip
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    java -cp ./* JMStudio
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    I have tried deleting jmf.properties and .JMAppsCfg
    I have searched the registry for anything that might be upsetting the default.
    a new jmf.properties and .JMAppsCfg are created and all the standard codecs etc are listed in JMFRegistry.
    Does anyone have any ideas how I can get back the initial default setup?? and get the avi files to play once again.
    Many Thanks

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    Please take a little time to help me!
    I am going absolutely crazy trying every logical resolution and i have to wait until wednesday evening for apple to call me back
    thank you so much in advance
    Amber Rose

    I seem to have 'solved' the problem by turning off the firewall on my G5. Entourage is on my wife's laptop. However, I originally had the Personal File Sharing and Personal Web Sharing boxes allowed with the rest of the firewall on and this enabled my wife to access the web but not Entourage. It was only when I turned the firewall off completely that she was able to use Entourage OK. Is there another box that I should check that would let her use Entourage without me keeping the whole of the firewall off ( its not obvious which one to set )?
    Thanks again.
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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