Random Ball Rotation

I created a movieclip through actionscript and loading the
images randomly. When I use one movieclip with alreadly loaded
images and rotating it , using the properties given in the
movieclip. It is working finely.
But in the same movieclip if I try to load another image in
the same movieclip using moviecliploader, ball is not rotating. The
properties whatever I set inside the movieclip is not working.
I do not want to keep 20 movieclips on the screen. I would
like to create 20 movieclips inside the actionscript and loading
different images using moviecliploader and rotate it. Can anybody
send the logic how to rotate this 20 balls?

You have to make sure the content is loaded completely before
you can use or assign the MC's properties. The MovieClipLoader
class provides events that execute when loading is complete, like
onLoadInit, which can be used to start the rotation.

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    Use a concatenation:Rotate (JavaFX 8.0)

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    You may have missed the note I added after posting the reply. The Data Explorer plugin will only help you find images that have been rotated from inside LR. I apologize for any confusion. The Data Explorer plugin is still a very useful tool. From the Library module go to toolbar Library> Plugin Extras> Explore.
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    You will have to use the maths function to generate a new array of your images every time.
    To give you an idea of what is required, check the code at this page - http://javascript.internet.com/miscellaneous/random-image-rotator.html
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    import flash.utils.Timer;
    import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent
    var keyArray : Array = new Array(false,false);//An array to check if keys are pressed
    var ballSpeed : int = 5;//the speed of falling lemmings
    var moveSpeed : int = 7;//the speed the player can move their boat at
    boat.x = stage.stageWidth/2;//move the boat to the centre of the stage at the start of the game
    var lives : int = 5;//the amount of lives the player will have
    var score : int = 0;//the starting score a player has
    var minSpawnTime : int = 1500;//the time it takes the lemmings to spawn
    var maxSpawnTime : int = 3250;//maximum time before next lemming is spawned
    var spawnTimer:Timer = new Timer(2000,1); //2 seconds and loops
    lives_txt.text = "Lives Left: " + lives;//text box reads lives left
    score_txt.text = "Score: " + score;//text box reads score
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//event listener to tell flash to call "key pressed"
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleased);//event listener to tell flash to call "key released"
    stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//event listener to tell flash to call "update" for new frames
    startGame();//tells flash to call the startGame function
    function startGame():void//a new function called startGame
        spawnTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, spawnBall);//new event listener to listen for the timer to run out and spawn new lemming
        spawnTimer.start();//starts the clock on the timer
    function keyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent) : void//a new function called keyPressed for when player uses arrow keys
        if(event.keyCode == 39)//if the keyboard event is the right key
            trace("right");//prints right in output window
            keyArray[0] = true;//right key array is true
        if(event.keyCode == 37)//if the keyboard event is the left key
            trace("left");//prints left in output window
            keyArray[1] = true;//left key array is true
    function keyReleased(event:KeyboardEvent) : void//a new function called keyReleased for when arrow keys are released
        if(event.keyCode == 39 )//if the keyboard event is the right key
            keyArray[0] = false;//right key array false
        if(event.keyCode == 37)//if the keyboard event is the left key
            keyArray[1] = false;//left key array false
    function update(event:Event) : void//a new function called update for updating the x position of the boat
        if(keyArray[0] == true)//if the keyArray for left is true
            boat.x += moveSpeed;//move the x position of the boat right with the designated move speed
        if(keyArray[1] == true)//if the keyArray for right is true
            boat.x -= moveSpeed;//move the x position of the boat left with the designated move speed
    function spawnBall(event:TimerEvent): void//a new function called spawnBall
        trace("SPAWN");//prints SPAWN in the output
        var ball : Ball = new Ball();//declares a new "temporary variable called "ball" that stores object of Type:Ball and populates it with a new object Ball
        stage.addChild(ball);//adds this new ball onto the stage
        ball.y = 0;//set the ball's vertical position to fall from
        ball.x = ball.width + (Math.random() * (stage.stageWidth - (2*ball.width)));    //sets the ball to have a random position on the x axsis so they seem to fall randomly
        ball.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);    //new event listener for the ball to listen for a new frame and to call the "moveBall" function
        spawnTimer.reset(); //resets the spawnTimer so it can be re-started
        spawnTimer.delay = minSpawnTime + (Math.random() * (maxSpawnTime - minSpawnTime) ); //set the delay for the next time to be somewhere between the minSpawnTime (1.5 seconds) and maxSpawnTime (3.25 seconds)
        spawnTimer.start();//tell the spawnTimer to start again
        if((maxSpawnTime - 20) >= minSpawnTime) //if the maximum time between spawn times is too close to the minimum time between spawns
            maxSpawnTime -= 20;//drop the minimum time between spawns by 20
    function moveBall(event:Event):void //new function called "moveBall" takes up 1 argument "event"
        event.currentTarget.y += ballSpeed; //move the object this functions event listener by the speed set.
            if(event.currentTarget.hitTestObject(sea)) //if the lemming falls and hits the sea object
            if(this.currentFrame == 2)//and we are still on frame 2
                lives--;//take 1 life away from player
                if(lives > -1)//if the player still have lifes
                    //set the text box to display the amount of lives remaining
                    lives_txt.text = "Lives Left: " + lives;
            if(lives < 0)//if the player has less than no lives game is over
                stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//take away event listeners for key presses and releases
                stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyReleased);
                stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//remove the update event listeners
                spawnTimer.stop();//stop the timer
                gotoAndStop(3);//tell flash to go to and stop on the loser screen
            event.currentTarget.parent.removeChild(event.currentTarget);//remove the falling objects from the game
            event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);//remove eventlistener for when game is over updating falling objects
            if(this.currentFrame == 2)//if the player is still in game
                if(event.currentTarget.hitTestObject(boat))//if eventListener is attached to hits the game object called "boat"
                    score++;//add 1 to the players score
                    score_txt.text = "Score: " + score;//update the score text to read the players score
                    event.currentTarget.parent.removeChild(event.currentTarget);//remove remove the lemming after it has hit boat
                    event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);//remove the eventlistener after caught so it doesnt keep updating
                if(score > 24)//if the player has more than 24 points
                    stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//take away event listeners for key presses and releases
                    stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyReleased);
                    stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//remove the update event listeners
                    spawnTimer.stop();//stop the timer
                    gotoAndStop(4);//tell flash to go to and stop on the 3rd frame of the time line i.e. the Game Over screen

    tried commenting them out doesnt effect it either...
    this is what the code now looks like with everything that should remove the key presses commented out
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent
    var keyArray : Array = new Array(false,false);//An array to check if keys are pressed
    var ballSpeed : int = 5;//the speed of falling lemmings
    var moveSpeed : int = 7;//the speed the player can move their boat at
    boat.x = stage.stageWidth/2;//move the boat to the centre of the stage at the start of the game
    var lives : int = 5;//the amount of lives the player will have
    var score : int = 0;//the starting score a player has
    var minSpawnTime : int = 1500;//the time it takes the lemmings to spawn
    var maxSpawnTime : int = 3250;//maximum time before next lemming is spawned
    var spawnTimer:Timer = new Timer(2000,1); //2 seconds and loops
    lives_txt.text = "Lives Left: " + lives;//text box reads lives left
    score_txt.text = "Score: " + score;//text box reads score
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//event listener to tell flash to call "key pressed"
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleased);//event listener to tell flash to call "key released"
    trace(this);  // if you fail to see this trace the playhead is not entering this frame and is executing none of this code.
    stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//event listener to tell flash to call "update" for new frames
    startGame();//tells flash to call the startGame function
    function startGame():void//a new function called startGame
        spawnTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, spawnBall);//new event listener to listen for the timer to run out and spawn new lemming
        spawnTimer.start();//starts the clock on the timer
    function keyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent) : void//a new function called keyPressed for when player uses arrow keys
        if(event.keyCode == 39)//if the keyboard event is the right key
            trace("right");//prints right in output window
            keyArray[0] = true;//right key array is true
        if(event.keyCode == 37)//if the keyboard event is the left key
            trace("left");//prints left in output window
            keyArray[1] = true;//left key array is true
    function keyReleased(event:KeyboardEvent) : void//a new function called keyReleased for when arrow keys are released
        if(event.keyCode == 39 )//if the keyboard event is the right key
            keyArray[0] = false;//right key array false
        if(event.keyCode == 37)//if the keyboard event is the left key
            keyArray[1] = false;//left key array false
    function update(event:Event) : void//a new function called update for updating the x position of the boat
        if(keyArray[0] == true)//if the keyArray for left is true
            boat.x += moveSpeed;//move the x position of the boat right with the designated move speed
        if(keyArray[1] == true)//if the keyArray for right is true
            boat.x -= moveSpeed;//move the x position of the boat left with the designated move speed
    function spawnBall(event:TimerEvent): void//a new function called spawnBall
        trace("SPAWN");//prints SPAWN in the output
        var ball : Ball = new Ball();//declares a new "temporary variable called "ball" that stores object of Type:Ball and populates it with a new object Ball
        stage.addChild(ball);//adds this new ball onto the stage
        ball.y = 0;//set the ball's vertical position to fall from
        ball.x = ball.width + (Math.random() * (stage.stageWidth - (2*ball.width)));    //sets the ball to have a random position on the x axsis so they seem to fall randomly
        ball.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);    //new event listener for the ball to listen for a new frame and to call the "moveBall" function
        spawnTimer.reset(); //resets the spawnTimer so it can be re-started
        spawnTimer.delay = minSpawnTime + (Math.random() * (maxSpawnTime - minSpawnTime) ); //set the delay for the next time to be somewhere between the minSpawnTime (1.5 seconds) and maxSpawnTime (3.25 seconds)
        spawnTimer.start();//tell the spawnTimer to start again
        if((maxSpawnTime - 20) >= minSpawnTime) //if the maximum time between spawn times is too close to the minimum time between spawns
            maxSpawnTime -= 20;//drop the minimum time between spawns by 20
    function moveBall(event:Event):void //new function called "moveBall" takes up 1 argument "event"
        event.currentTarget.y += ballSpeed; //move the object this functions event listener by the speed set.
            if(event.currentTarget.hitTestObject(sea)) //if the lemming falls and hits the sea object
            if(this.currentFrame == 2)//and we are still on frame 2
                lives--;//take 1 life away from player
                if(lives > -1)//if the player still have lifes
                    //set the text box to display the amount of lives remaining
                    lives_txt.text = "Lives Left: " + lives;
            if(lives < 0)//if the player has less than no lives game is over
                //stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//take away event listeners for key presses and releases
                //stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyReleased);
                stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//remove the update event listeners
                spawnTimer.stop();//stop the timer
                gotoAndStop(3);//tell flash to go to and stop on the loser screen
            event.currentTarget.parent.removeChild(event.currentTarget);//remove the falling objects from the game
            event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);//remove eventlistener for when game is over updating falling objects
            if(this.currentFrame == 2)//if the player is still in game
                if(event.currentTarget.hitTestObject(boat))//if eventListener is attached to hits the game object called "boat"
                    score++;//add 1 to the players score
                    score_txt.text = "Score: " + score;//update the score text to read the players score
                    event.currentTarget.parent.removeChild(event.currentTarget);//remove remove the lemming after it has hit boat
                    event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);//remove the eventlistener after caught so it doesnt keep updating
                if(score > 24)//if the player has more than 24 points
                    //stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//take away event listeners for key presses and releases
                    //stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyReleased);
                    stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//remove the update event listeners
                    spawnTimer.stop();//stop the timer
                    gotoAndStop(4);//tell flash to go to and stop on the 3rd frame of the time line i.e. the Game Over screen

  • How to make a really basic pong game for a beginner

    Hello.  I've read through a couple of threads on here dealing with making a game of pong in LabView, but in them the users had questions with far more complex aspects of the program than I want to deal with.  I am a beginner programmer in LabView with limited experience in Java and Visual Basic programming.  I was tasked with creating a game over winter break, and now that I finally have some time (this weekend that is), I decided that I'd make a really simple game of pong.  However, I have seriously overestimated the difficulty of this for a beginner who has very limited knowledge of Lab View.
    I ask you to please have some patience with me.
    I know what I want to do, and just need help inplementing it.
    Here is the idea for my design to keep it as simple as possible:
    -Create a field (I am not sure what to use for this, but from my reading it appears that some sort of a picture output is needed, but I cannot find that anywhere).
    -Set up some simple function that can output the dimensions of this field to use with collision tracking.
    -Create a ball that can be tracked by the program.
    -From my reading I understand that the simplest way to "bounce" the ball off the sides appears to simply reverse the X velocity of the ball when it strikes the vertical boundaries and the Y velocity when it strikes the horizontal boundaries.
    -Insert some sort of a "paddle" that the user can control with the left and right arrow keys.
    Now, as I have mentioned I am a beginner with approximately one month maximum knowledge of this software, spread over about a year.  I want to take things slow.  So for starters, would anyone be willing to walk me through creating a visual output for this and creating a ball that will bounce off all sides?
    If I can at least get that far for now, then I can move on (with help I hope!) of inserting an interactive interface for the "paddle."
    I have found some LabView code for a simple game like this, but it also includes a score keeping loop as well as an "automatic play" option, and I am attempting to wade through all that code to find the bones of it to help me with this, but due to my inexperience, this might thake a lot of time.
    I thank you for any and all help anyone may be able to provide.

    EchoWolf wrote:
    -Create a field (I am not sure what to use for this, but from my reading it appears that some sort of a picture output is needed, but I cannot find that anywhere).
     Wel, there is the picture indicator in the picture palette. In newer versions it's called "2D picture". The palettes have a search function. Using the palette search function is a basic LabVIEW skill that you should know. If you've seen the example for the other discussion, it uses a 2D boolean array indicator. The boolean array is only recommended for a monochrome very low resolution display.
    EchoWolf wrote: -Set up some simple function that can output the dimensions of this field to use with collision tracking.
    -Create a ball that can be tracked by the program.
    That seems backwards. Properly programmed, the code always knows the dimension and the ball position. The program generates, (not tracks!) the ball movement. Of course you need to do some range checking on the ball position to see when it collides with the walls.
    EchoWolf wrote:
    -From my reading I understand that the simplest way to "bounce" the ball off the sides appears to simply reverse the X velocity of the ball when it strikes the vertical boundaries and the Y velocity when it strikes the horizontal boundaries.
    Of course you could make it more realistic by keeping track of three ball parameters: x, y, spin.
    EchoWolf wrote:
    -Insert some sort of a "paddle" that the user can control with the left and right arrow keys.
    Pong is typically played with the up-down arrow keys.
    EchoWolf wrote:
    Now, as I have mentioned I am a beginner with approximately one month maximum knowledge of this software, spread over about a year.
    LabVIEW knowledge is not measured in time units. What did you do during that month? Did you attend some lectures, study tutorials, wrote some programs?
    EchoWolf wrote:
    So for starters, would anyone be willing to walk me through creating a visual output for this and creating a ball that will bounce off all sides?
    I have found some LabView code for a simple game like this, but it also includes a score keeping loop as well as an "automatic play" option, and I am attempting to wade through all that code to find the bones of it to help me with this, but due to my inexperience, this might thake a lot of time.
    Start with the posted example and delete all the controls and indicators that you don't want, then surgically remove all code with broken wires.
    Alternatively, start from scratch: Create your playing field. Easiest would be a 2D classic boolean array that is all false. Use initialize array to make it once. Now use a loop to show the ball as a function of time.
    Start with a random ball position. to display it, turn one of the array elements true before wiring to the array indicator using replace array subset.
    Keep a shift register with xy positions and xy velocities and update the positions as a function of the velocities with each iteration of the loop. Do range checking and reverse the velocieis when a edge is encountered.
    What LabVIEW version do you have?
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Help figuring out how to tell if an object is within a dynamically made circle

    Hello Everyone,
    I am currently in the middle of working on a project but sadly I am having a bit of trouble getting a few things figured out.
    Essentially what the project consists of is I have random balls appearing on the screen and moving around and I need to make it so that the user is able to draw a circle around the ball (may be more than one) and have that balls dissapear and count the number of balls circled.
    This project is being done in flash builder 4.5 and is being made for the android platform as part of a senior project.
    At this point this is where I am.. I have been able to randomly create the balls and give them a random movement. I have also been able to figure out how to allow the user to draw on the screen.
    What I am trying to figure out is how to make it so that if the user draws a circle around the balls make it so that I know these balls have been circled and make them dissapear and have the number of balls inside the area calculated.
    I have thought about making the entire background a grid and make it so that I can track somehow the line made by the user and then track the coordinate of the balls then if it is within that area it means that the ball has been circled but I would like something more efficient than that.
    I apologize if it is unclear for what I am looking for but a simple description is I am making a simple game where you are able to circle a moving item on screen, then once it is circled the item disappearsand you gain a point.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    that's non-trivial.  just determining if your user drew a closed curve is non-trivial.  then deciding what's inside and what's outside that curve is non-trivial.
    that's not to say it can't be done or even, that it can't be done with flash.  it can.  but you're not going to get a short paragraph answer to this one unless there are significant assumptions you can use to simplify the problem.

  • Force Quit doesn't work

    I have been kinda irritated with the following problem which is happening quite often:
    When I use Safari to surf, sometimes as it tries to download some videos or pdf files, it hangs and I can see the beach ball rotating indefinitely.
    I cannot force quit because the cursor remained as a rotating beach ball & refused to turn into an arrow so I cannot point it to the apple icon to force quit.
    Then I tried to press Option-Command-Esc simultaneously but the Force Quit dialog panel refuse to come out despite pressing Option-Command-Esc a thousand times !!
    These Option-Command-Esc method only works for me like 5% of the time, in the sense that only 5% of the time the Force Quit dialog appears upon pressing Option-Command-Esc.
    Because of this beach ball indefinite rotation & not being able to force quit, I am left with no choice but to turn off & on the computer again !!
    Why is the Option-Command-Esc in Mac so unreliable as compared to Control-Alt-Delete in Windows ?
    Is there some setting I missed out ?

    kisuke3 wrote:
    If you can't perform the force quit action using the key combination
    can you do it by the apple menu?if this method works. Your problem could be Keyboard or Keyboard settings
    1. go to keyboard and mouse pane in system preferences. Then keyboard shortcuts
    below you will see restore defaults. Try it again if this does not work
    2.Go to International pane in system preferences. Then input menu. Tick keyboard viewer. tick also show input menu in menu bar. Click the flag then show the keyboard viewer
    Verify if those keys are being registered into the screen. You may have a faulty keyboard
    Thanks kisuke3,
    Now my Mac cannot start up. It hangs at the blue screen satge. Probably bcos to too many power turn-off due to the force quit not working ... sigh ...
    Will come to this once I solve the start-up issue.
    Will post the start up problem in another thread.

  • Exported iMovie doesn't run

    The problem occurs when I compose an iMovie (Version 6.0.3) on my computer(G4,OS X 10.4.11) hard disk and then move it to an external hard disk (My Book, 1 TB). Although the clips on the movie track and the clip board on the EHD appear exactly as they did before export, the movie does not run properly or at all. These are different situations that I've observed. In some cases, I can click on a scroll bar and after a period that appears like it's rendering (?), the image will jump to that point. In other cases, I can manually slide the slider along the track and the movie follows. In some cases, the slider moves on its own, but no movie ever appears. In some cases, when a clip is in the movie track, it won't appear on the screen when selected, but will if I return it to the clip board. It still won't run. If I convert the movie into Quick Time before exporting from the computer to the EHD, it usually works fine. Some problems may be due to the fact that after a trasfer I erroneously clicked the option that warned me to do so would upgrade the movie and it could not run on the original version of iMovie. But the effects described, also occur when making new iMovies. I have plenty of memory on the EHD. Short movie clips imported from the Internet usually work fine. Help!

    Since I don't know how to edit my original question, I am adding this. If the start button is OFF, when the slider is moved manually, the picture follows. When the start button is ON, the picture only jumps to a point where one clicks on the slide bar after a moment of "rendering" (the colored ball rotates).

  • Why is PowerPoint so slow, and why does it keep creating "temp" files ?

    This is a recent problem which does not seem to be manifesting in other software (not Word, not Excel for example): my ppt is SLOW SLOW SLOW ! I am working in a very very simple presentation -- text only, black & white, no graphics, less than 15 pages -- and it takes at least 30 seconds to save, ages to open, ages to quit. I'm tired of watching that beach ball rotate !
    Just noticed that for some reason it is also creating "temp" files -- "Powerpoint Temp, Powerpoint Temp 1", etc etc.
    I run Software update automatically each week so should be up to date on all MS and Apple software. My 80G hard disk has 14G of free space, and I just ran "Terminal" earlier this week.

    Hello Tom, here's the rundown, thanks in advance !
    Machine Name: PowerBook G4 15"
    Machine Model: PowerBook5,6
    CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (1.2)
    Number Of CPUs: 1
    CPU Speed: 1.5 GHz
    L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB
    Memory: 1.5 GB
    Bus Speed: 167 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: 4.9.1f3
    Sudden Motion Sensor:
    State: Enabled
    Version: 1.0

  • Mail 3.6 delivering blank messages

    Mail has suddenly started delivering some emails with blank messages. The messages seem to be from businesses (bank, Netflix, library, etc). When clicking on message to open, multi-colored ball rotates for sometime, then black & white circle whirls with 'loading' displayed. The email finally opens with only the heading showing. Message is completely blank. Can receive emails from individuals with attachments without a problem.
    Any suggestions?

    HI Wanda,
    This is the Safari forum.
    Post over in the Leopard / Mail forum here.

  • Want to select DAQ for my application

    Hi friends,
    I am newbie to labview.. I am doing a project in which I have to measure the ball valve position.. for this I have attached ring magnet below the ball. when the ball rotates the magnet rotates along with ball and by using hall sensor we can measure the position. 
    I will be using max 2 hall sensors... for this application, which DAQ is better.. cheap and best
    Every Expert was once a Beginner!!

    This is the wrong forum for such questions.
    So you could either post this at the Data Acquisition Forums or, which is the better idea, send an email or call your local NI Office.
    Please also provide a bit more information regarding your sensors, e.g. voltage levels and also about acquisition rates you will need, and what kind of system should control this application, e.g. Windows Desktop PC or mobile Laptop, and so on.

  • Duplicate and remove MC's

    I have created a flash movie using actionscript 2.0
    when the movie loads, stars burst out from another movie clip
    in all directions and then the alpha value is pulled down until
    they are transparent and at that point they are removed,
    however i need to know,
    how do i detect that an instance of that clip has been
    unloaded and then duplicate it to go again and again after each
    time it is 'disolved'
    also can a movie clip remove itself from its own enterFrame
    //set starting position
    //set speed of movement
    //different trail characteristics
    this._alpha = 40+Math.random()*100;
    //random size
    this._xscale = this._yscale=12+Math.random()*10;
    //rotate each star
    rotate =Math.random()*300;
    //ranodom y fling
    this._x+=yfling ;
    if (this._alpha<=0){

    i have fixed the problem, i have deleted the a/s in the main
    timeline and made the trail MC duplicate everytime the star is
    dragged. thanks, could i have done it the other way?

  • Mapping an illustration to a 3d object

    I have a vector based illustration of 32 panels laid out, that make up the panels found on a football. I also have a 3d object of a 32 panel football. Is there a way of mapping the illustration onto the 3d object using Photoshop CC?
    Thank you in advance for your time and help.

    A little work in a 3D program is easy:
    Make each of the 32 faces of the football have a defined area domain.
    Make 32 graphic images (.jpg probably OK); one for each of the faces from your vector image.
    Apply the images to each individual domain as a texture map image.
    Render the 3D.
    Note, unless you want multiple output image views or a video of the ball rotating, you can save effort by not domain naming the unseen backfaces and you don't need the image texture maps for them either.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi , We activated Availability control in our Project System. We created a project, WBS elements, network activities. Then setup the budget (WBS level) then release the budget. Purchase requisitions were made to PO items, some were receipted and some

  • Videos do not show up when uploaded

    I have videos already on my computer, however when i try to upload them (to be placed on my ipod) nothing shows up...

  • Will pay paypal if you can help me.

    I have a LiveBox 1.2 and a WRT160N. Here's how I'm set up. My PC and my WRT160N are connected through Ethernet Cable. My LiveBox 1.2 is connected to my WRT160N via Ethernet Cable (The blue one which came with it) If I connect like this I can't access

  • WRT54GS v1 dropping signal

    I have a WRT54GS v1 (no firmware upgrade done yet).  It works fine downstairs in home office where it is 5 ft from the HP laptop and Brother printer.  Both work great wirelessly when close to router.  However, when upstairs on second floor the signal

  • Sample received from an external agency for testing

    Hi folks, My client is a testing laboratory where they receive samples from external company. Tested results are sent back to the customer along with a test certificate and is billed for the testing carried out. I have two things to clarify 1) how is