Random 'click' sound effect playing in Chrome - Mac or Chrome sound?

Anyone else having this? It started for me on Thursday and I can't for the life of me imagine what it is or what it might be doing - might it be a sound on Chrome that came without warning with the latest automatic update or a Mac sound that I accidentally turned on? If so, where might the file be? I recently deleted all the alert and user interface sound files cos I didn't want them anymore, so I'm pretty baffled. (I'm on OS X 10.7.5)

With Flash Player 10.2 the new StageVideo API became available. Using this new API enables hardware accelerated video rendering, boosting video performance and reducing CPU usage.
In the latest OSMF builds (starting with the OSMF 1.6 Sprint 1 build) support for the StageVideo is enabled by default.
What you've experienced it's a known limitation of using OSMF or SMP in a Flex application, where the video is shown behind all the Flex components.
To make your video visible, you have to set backgroundAlpha=”0″ for your mx:Application or other flex containers of your video.
Alternatively, if you don't want the performance boost you get from using StageVideo, you can disable it and your app should work as expected.
Here's how you do that: OSMFSettings.enableStageVideo = false;
As for your latest post, Chrome has it own version of Flash Player bundled with the browser and it manages the updates by itself.
I suspect you still have 10.2 installed in chrome. Use Chrome to visit this link to learn what version of Flash Player it's using: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/
I hope this helps!

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    Thanks very much, that seems to have fixed it!
    Must admit I was a little skeptical but on my speakers (Altec Lansing ones) it's silent when not playing music and no distortions or clicks are audible when it is. On my friend's own speakers (some fairly anonymous brand) there is a little hissing and clicking but I think they do that with my own 1st generation Nano plugged in. She's getting some new Logitech ones, a set for her living room and another for her bedroom so hopefully that's it sorted.
    Cheers again!

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    Thanks for the info but what is an External Hard drive Enclosure?
    Welcome to the Discussions.
    If you have an external hard drive enclosure you may
    be able to salvage the files on it.
    I had the same situation with my mother-in-laws iMac
    a few months ago. I removed the HD and put it in the
    freezer for 20-30 minutes and then into the external
    enclosure. I recovered most of the data before it
    quit working and then repeated the process to recover
    the rest of the data. If the freezer doesn't do it,
    try a warm (150˚F or so) oven. Once the data is
    recovered, throw the drive away...it's dead.

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    Failing Hard Drive Sounds http://datacent.com/hard_drive_sounds.php
    Listed by drive manufacturer.  Click on the > next to the drive & you will hear the typical failure sound.
    How to Tell When Your Hard Drive is Going to Fail
    http://www.lifehack.org/articles/technology/how-to-tell-when-your-hard-drive-is- going-to-fail.html
    Grinding And Clicking – Symptoms Of A Failing Hard Drive
    http://pcperformancetools.com/getdata/grinding-and-clicking-symptoms-of-failing- hard-drive.html
    Failing Hard Drives
    http://losangelescomputerhelp.com/computer_networking_news/failing-hard-drives.h tml
    Some newer Macs use a technology called S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) to attempt to detect problems with the hard drive that indicate it is about to fail, such as mechanical wear. If a SMART-equipped (SMARTReporter.app; Mac OS X 10.3.3 or later; at least one ATA, SATA or eSATA hard disk drive) computer detects that its hard drive is about to fail, it can warn you of this so that the data on the disk can be backed up.
     Cheers, Tom

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    gerryal1 wrote:
    Thanks for the response. The clicking does not occur if using JMStudio to simply play back the audio file. The clicking occurs when receiving (or monitoring) an RTP stream on the Mac.
    As for your idea, I don't believe JavaSound has the capability to receive RTP streams. If you know of any RTP example apps written in JavaSound without JMF, please let me know and I'll give them a try.And if it can play sounds without the clicking sound, but it receives RTP streams with a clicking sound, it suggests that JMF isn't decoding the RTP streams correctly...either that, or the RTP stream you're listening to has clicking sounds in the audio stream. But if they are clean on Windows and dirty on Mac, it's probably a Mac issue.
    Of course, JMF isn't supported on MAC at all, so there ya go ;-)
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    Hi, everyone.  This is Joey from Bongiovi Acoustics.  This is a frustrating and known issue that arose with the release of Mavericks. Click here for our help topic on the issue. 
    The solution is not to uninstall Digital Power Station (DPS) but to quit the application from the task bar when the issue arises. 
    Allow me to explain in detail:
    The Digital Power Station plugin works by capturing all system audio using a virtual audio output driver (a kernel extension called DPSReflector).  The audio then goes to the Digital Power Station application where we apply the Bongiovi DPS audio processing.  Then processed audio flows out to the physical output on your Mac that you choose in the DPS preferences window.
    When you quit the DPS application from the task bar menu, the DPSReflector is taken out of the audio path and your standard connection to the audio hardware is restored.  There is no need to uninstall DPS.  When you want to listen to music or non Quicktime X powered video, you can just restart DPS from Launchpad.
    Unlike most applications (word processors, video games, Photoshop etc) the use of a kernel extension vastly complicates our interaction with OSX.  Up through OSX 10.8 the kernel extensions that captured audio worked great.  These include the famous Soundflower by Cycling 74 as well as our own DPSReflector.  Apple provided tools to developrs to fine tune them and their interactions with OSX and the world was happy.
    With OSX 10.9 things seem to have changed.  See our forum topic on the issue. The tools for profiling audio processes at a lower level no longer seem to work properly.  And documentation about the changes to CoreAudio is incomplete.  We have had an open bug report with Apple's driver support team for several months and we are consulting with experts on OSX kernel extensions to resolve the issue.  As you can imagine, the lack of movement on this issue is frustrating.  We can't see inside of CoreAudio to see how it is built at a deep level.  So without documentation or good developer support we are at a standstill for fixing the issue.  As soon as we get actionable information from Apple we will fix the issue immediately and push out an update.
    We are dedicated to providing our users with amazing audio and we go to great lengths to see that their experience is the very best we can offer.  Our hope is the fine folks at Apple with get back with us and provide good data that we can use to squash this bug.  Feel free to keep up to date on our progress at our forums. 
    Thanks for your patience!

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    spotlight still indexing the drive, the armature bar is swinging back and forth and the HD is clicking
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    lllaass suggestion makes sense.
    The standard orientation is upright, and there is no strong reason to limit the end-play on the fan motor shaft. Even when placed horizontally, the fan would settle into one position when spinning and stay there.

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    mpb retina 15
    2,7 GHz
    16 go ram
    512 ssd
    hd 4000 + GT 650M

    Hi Gamadeus (cool name)
    Try the following instructions to see if they help with your issue:
    -Start > Control Panel > Sound and Audio Devices
    -Click Advanced > Options > Properties
    -Make Sure under Mixer Device dropdown you have selected "SB X-Fi Audio" and the "Playback" button is selected
    -Put a checkmark in all the volume controls (Play Control, Wave, CD Player etc) the press OK
    -You should have a long list of all your devices with volume controls. Place checkmark on Mute in all the devices except: Play Control, Wave, CD Player and MIDI Synth.
    -Click Options > Properties
    -Remove the checkmark from all the devices except: Play Control, Wave, CD Player, MIDI Synth. Then press OK
    **You should be done. If you still hear noice continue next
    -Start > Control Panel > Sound and Audio Devices
    -Click Advanced > Options > Properties
    -Make Sure under Mixer Device dropdown you have selected "SB X-Fi Audio" and the "Recording" button is selected-Put a checkmark in all the volume controls (Microphone, Auxiliary, Line-In etc) the press OK
    -You should have a long list of all your devices with volume controls. Lower the volume slider all the way down on all devices except: Microphone (or Line-In2/Mic2 if you have your mike connected to that device).
    -Click Options > Properties
    -Remove the checkmark from all the devices except: Microphone, Line-In 2/Mic 2, What? U Hear. Then press OK
    **Your sound sould be clear (hopefully)?

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    Relax, it was nothing you did. These are music libraries that other users on your network have decided to share over the network. These libraries are not on your computer and if you decide to, you can play the music from their computer.
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    Try Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    If that doesn't help, try Troubleshooting MagSafe adapters
    When you post, please tell us which Mac OS X you have installed. Thanks 

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    If a new profile has the same problem, it's an indicative that it's something external to Firefox that's doing this. As you can probably imagine, this doesn't happen to me or any one Firefox user I know of. This may be caused, then, by a plugin (go into ''Tools > Add-ons > Plugins'' to manage them), or any other thing in your computer. Even the drivers of your mousepad.
    Of course, if I was able to hear the sound, maybe I'd be able to identify where it comes from. Is it a Mac OS X sound? Maybe it's some kind of "error" that's being reported to the OS and that shouldn't be happening?
    In any case, try reinstalling Firefox. No data will be lost, so don't worry.

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    I figure if anyone had a the same problem and was able to resolve it, I can relate that experience to the Genius even if it start up for them.

    Try a SMC Reset using the extended method:
    Remove the AC power cord.
    Press the power-on button. [This drains the stored charge from the power supply]
    wait a quarter minute.
    Restore the power cord, being certain to JAM it into the socket, as the big block of rubber inhibits proper seating.
    wait a quarter minute
    attempt to power on.
    If no joy, examine the button battery half-hidden behind the graphics card. Remove it to measure the Voltage. A new battery should not cost over US$5, and measures a little over 3 Volts. BR-2032 is used in garage door opener controls and car door locks controls. The geeks at Radio Shack can measure it for you.

  • Random clunk/click sound...

    I know this has been brought up before, but those accounts have been when the user "tilts" their computer. Not my case. I can tilt my computer right now and no sound. I have a new MacBook Pro Intel Core i7 and when I am using it there will be a random "clunk" sound coming from my Mac. It sounds like it's internal. It happens usually every time I use the MacBook, almost as if it's every hour or two. I don't know what it is. Should I be concerned? I am concerned. Please help!

    Apple Portables: Hard drives and noise
    Have you run the Apple Hardware Test (AHT) yet ?
    Intel-based Macs: Using Apple Hardware Test

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    I would take it back to Apple and let them take a look at it. 

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