Random disconnections

Since the beginning of December I have been getting what seem to be random disconnections with my broadband. Pages won't load for 30 seconds or so then it all goes back to normal.
Some times it will happen only a couple of times a day and other times (like tonight) it is every ten minutes. I have a HH3 and modem and all the lights stay on as they should be, just pages wont load, at the bottom of my browser sometimes I get the message "cannot resolve host"
I got on to @btcare via twitter and they have been brilliant, sent me a new HH3 and arranged for an engineer visit who found a line fault, fixed it but half an hour after he went, the disconnections started again.
It affects my PC (wired) 2 laptops and mobile phones (wireless) and also my Youview box (the internet channels will freeze, then come back about 20 seconds later)
I have fitted a new cable from the modem to the phone socket to no avail.
@btcare are phoning me back Saturday to see if the disconnections have stopped.
Most of the time it is just a small irritation and can be lived with, but times like tonight it is a royal pain in the bum!
does anyone here have any ideas as to what could be causing this problem?

damienhealey wrote:
Ive been getting random disconnections since infinity was installed. Wife complains, kids complain. Ofcourse since it doesn't usually last long by the time I phone customer services (who are useless) they think there is no problem. Cant wait until my contract is up and I can get back to a proper broadband supplier. No signal even when all three lights are blue on the router.
I would strongly advise anyone contemplating getting bt infinity to reconsider. Worst broadband I have ever had. Great when it works just doesn't work for long enough periods without dropouts. At least 10-20 a day.
What if anything have you tried to remedy this? Are you connecting by wireless or by Ethernet.  Do you want suggestions of what to try or are you just wanting to pass on your experience?

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    Does this happen with all Wi-Fi hotspots?  A specific one?
    Have you tried forgetting the Wi-Fi connection and then reconnecting to it?
    What about power cycling the Wi-Fi router?

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    $ iw dev wlp5s0u1 link
    Connected to <mac address> (on wlp5s0u1)
    SSID: <ssid>
    freq: 2437
    RX: 19939057 bytes (111695 packets)
    TX: 319269 bytes (2813 packets)
    signal: -50 dBm
    tx bitrate: 7.2 MBit/s MCS 0 short GI
    bss flags: short-slot-time
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    beacon int: 100
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    link/ether d8:50:e6:f4:33:24 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
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    [ 6.634808] r8169 0000:04:00.0 enp4s0: link down
    [ 6.634847] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): enp4s0: link is not ready
    [ 6.636405] rtl8192cu: MAC auto ON okay!
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    [ 7.006529] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp5s0u1: link is not ready
    [ 8.751113] wlp5s0u1: authenticate with <mac address>
    [ 8.774294] wlp5s0u1: send auth to <mac address> (try 1/3)
    [ 8.792882] wlp5s0u1: authenticated
    [ 8.794125] wlp5s0u1: associate with <mac address> (try 1/3)
    [ 8.815636] wlp5s0u1: RX AssocResp from <mac address> (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=4)
    [ 8.815672] wlp5s0u1: associated
    [ 8.815712] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlp5s0u1: link becomes ready
    [ 265.580381] type=1006 audit(1394469140.822:2): pid=253 uid=0 old auid=4294967295 new auid=1000 old ses=4294967295 new ses=1 res=1
    [ 265.639231] type=1006 audit(1394469140.882:3): pid=495 uid=0 old auid=4294967295 new auid=1000 old ses=4294967295 new ses=2 res=1
    [ 272.723778] fuse init (API version 7.22)
    [ 291.938590] ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3
    [ 291.981059] ISOFS: changing to secondary root
    [ 385.885587] hda-intel 0000:00:1b.0: Unstable LPIB (130824 >= 8192); disabling LPIB delay counting
    [ 423.970540] r8169 0000:04:00.0 enp4s0: link up
    [ 423.970548] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): enp4s0: link becomes ready
    This is all the information from when I fist see an wireless interface.
    All, I can tell is that my wlp5s0u1 doesn't go down, but a few seconds before I plug in my wireless bridge, or enp4s0, my 'Internet stops...' Or I can't search google, and my youtube stops streaming, conky says that about 30bytes get transfered from that point on, and there is no errors?!
    I'm not on a laptop, and my device's power saver is set to off. And as I'm not getting the second error I don't know how to fix this.
    $ iw dev wlp5s0u1 get power_save
    Power save: off
    (Sorry if this is blatantly obvious, I've only had arch for under a month, with no prior Linux experience, and my dad can't help me with it too!)
    Please can someone please tell me something that I can try or look into to resolve this, I have a useless dongle now, and an Internet connection that drops at least 50% of the packets.
    Last edited by Peilonrayz (2014-03-12 17:18:43)

    Unfortunately, join the crowd ....
    Wifi connection bad since upgrade to 10.4.10 (SAME PROBLEM IS IN 10.5)
    Intermittent WIFI with Leopard on Macbook
    New MacBook Pro & Leopard - Airport Connection problems
    Airport random disconnect
    ... that's a couple of the major threads about this issue, that has been going on since June.

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    *The problem:* My MacBook doesn't hold a steady connection to my router, even when I'm just mere feet away.
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    *I know it's not the router. My desktop Mac connects with ease. Should I take my MacBook to a Genius Bar?*
    Message was edited by: Pickleman

    Unfortunately, join the crowd ....
    Wifi connection bad since upgrade to 10.4.10 (SAME PROBLEM IS IN 10.5)
    Intermittent WIFI with Leopard on Macbook
    New MacBook Pro & Leopard - Airport Connection problems
    Airport random disconnect
    ... that's a couple of the major threads about this issue, that has been going on since June.

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    In the past, I've done a full restore, repaired the drive, etc. Nothing seemed to help.
    Any ideas?  Thanks!!

    Sometimes this works. Otherwise you will have to wait for an updte to the car system or the iOS on the iPod
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset the car system
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                                                                
      - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.

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    which ultimately means apple didn't do enough testing before releasing the last patch
    This is not always, and may not be, the case. What many don't realise is that many 3rd party developers stray from the 802.11 series specifications in an attampt to boost speed and get one up on their competitors. For instance D-Link, amongst others, use a short preamble setting by default in some of their routers to improve performance. However, this is non-standard and when it comes across wireless network adapters that don't support this then you have problems. They assume that their network adapters are being used for "maximum speed and compatibility". Whether Apple should or should not support a short preamble is another subject altogether.
    However, I do agree with you in that Apple should put more work into their Airport software.

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    I pulled his core logs and at the time of disconnect messages from RTMT I'm seeing this:
    |StationInit:   TCPPid = []Socket Broken. DeviceName=SEP002584189723,IPAddr=, Port=0xc702, Device Controller=[1,51,5397]|1,100,50,1.20646898^^SEP002584189723
    11:35:48.006 |StationInit:   TCPPid = []Socket Broken. DeviceName=,IPAddr=, Port=0xcbf2, Device Controller=[0,0,0]|1,100,55,3.1^*^*
    11:35:48.050 |StationInit:   TCPPid = []Socket Broken. DeviceName=,IPAddr=, Port=0xc436, Device Controller=[0,0,0]|1,100,55,3.1^*^*
    11:35:48.067 |StationInit:   TCPPid = []Socket Broken. DeviceName=,IPAddr=, Port=0xc55e, Device Controller=[0,0,0]|1,100,55,3.1^*^*
    11:35:48.099 |StationInit:   TCPPid = []Socket Broken. DeviceName=,IPAddr=, Port=0xc577, Device Controller=[0,0,0]|1,100,55,3.1^*^*
    The Cisco UP Presence Engine service on the peer node of a subcluster has failed AppID : Cisco Syslog Agent ClusterID :
    |StationInit:   TCPPid = []Socket Broken. DeviceName=SEP002584189723,IPAddr=, Port=0xc702, Device Controller=[1,51,5397]|1,100,50,1.20646898^^SEP002584189723
    11:35:48.006 |StationInit:   TCPPid = []Socket Broken. DeviceName=,IPAddr=, Port=0xcbf2, Device Controller=[0,0,0]|1,100,55,3.1^*^*
    11:35:48.050 |StationInit:   TCPPid = []Socket Broken. DeviceName=,IPAddr=, Port=0xc436, Device Controller=[0,0,0]|1,100,55,3.1^*^*
    11:35:48.067 |StationInit:   TCPPid = []Socket Broken. DeviceName=,IPAddr=, Port=0xc55e, Device Controller=[0,0,0]|1,100,55,3.1^*^*
    11:35:48.099 |StationInit:   TCPPid = []Socket Broken. DeviceName=,IPAddr=, Port=0xc577, Device Controller=[0,0,0]|1,100,55,3.1^*^*
    and lots of them, for a few minutes and then it stops.  When I search around for solutions for this I see "contact TAC" repeatedly.  Can anyone help me determine if I have a cm problem or a network problem.  He did reboot the cluster 12 days ago and it didn't stop the problems.  The disconnect errors related to all components of the phone system (cucm, cuc, uccx, cups) and have been anything from "SDL link to remote application is out of service", "OUT-OF-SERVICE AppID : Cisco UP Presence Engine ClusterID", "
    The Cisco UP Presence Engine service on the peer node of a subcluster has failed AppID : Cisco Syslog Agent ClusterID", "user 2 ntpRunningStatus.sh: Primary node NTP server, SVUCCX01, is currently inaccessible or down"
    So its just like all communication breaks and then comes back again.  I'd like to do as much leanring as possilble with this and not just run to TAC.  Any suggestions?

    Hi Dustin,
    Please see the explaination for the error you are getting:-
    CCM_CALLMANAGER-CALLMANAGER-1-SDLLinkOOS : SDL link to remote application is out of service  Remote Application IP Address [String] Unique Link ID [String] Local Node ID [UInt] Local Application ID [Enum]Remote Node ID [UInt] Remote Application ID [Enum]
    Explanation   This alarm indicates that the local Unified CM has lost communication with the remote Unified CM. This alarm usually indicates that a node has gone out of service (whether intentionally for maintenance or to install a new load for example; or unintentionally due to a service failure or connectivity failure).
    Recommended Action   In the Cisco Unified Reporting tool, run a CM Cluster Overview report and check to see if all servers can communicate with the Publisher. Also check for any alarms that might have indicated a CallManager failure and take appropriate action for the indicated failure. If the node was taken out of service intentionally, bring the node back into service.
    Reason Code - Enum Definitions
    Enum Definitions - LocalApplicationID
    Enum Definitions - RemoteApplicationID
    The most common Lost communication for CallManagers could be Callmanager server hang, network problems or high CPU
    You can use RTMT to monitor this.
    CM servers keep a TCP connection to other servers in the cluster. When that TCP connection is broken due to network connectivity or lack of server resources, the above error is generated.
    Also the sdi traces you have provided won't be useful to analyze the problem but rather please take detailed sdl traces.
    If possible then take SDL detailed traces with sniffer filtering TCP port 8002 in order to find out if this is a Network problem or not.
    Sometimes due to highly fragmented disk can cause heavy disk I/O utilizing all the CPU.
    Was there any upgradation or migration activity was carried out in network?
    Please check the server NIC and switch NIC or other NIC have the same speed/duplex settings.
    Nishant Savalia

  • Wrt600n / wpc600n random disconnect issues

    i've been running the new AP / cards for a few weeks now, and am seeing some weird behavior on them.
    when connected to the AP using either vista (using windows to manage wireless setting), or in xp (using the linksys utility), i'm getting random disconnects. the wireless connection will just drop from 1-10 seconds, then reconnect on it's own.
    for these connections, i am forcing the AP and cards to use the n band.
    the AP is set to N mode only, and all other settings on the AP are set to Auto. the clients are using all default settings as well, and this issues occurs during web surfing, email, etc. and is repeatable.
    any suggestions?
    Message Edited by d-rick on 01-20-2008 09:50 AM

    r u using the linksys adaptor on vista or on xp
    if ur using it on vista
    please download the drivers for vista from
    live life king size

  • ESATA HDD Random Disconnect SOLVED!!!

    Fellow ThinkPad owners:
    I've spent the greater part of the past two days trying to resolve the issue of my eSATA connected ThinkPad 500GB SHDD's tendency to randomly disconnect itself. I had just gotten my new W520 with Windows 7 64bit preinstalled, and was happily working away (I'm a banking applications developer) when out of the blue I would get a ThinkVantage message asking me to recover my current files to the C:\ drive. To my surprise and dismay, I noticed that this was occurring immediately after my HDD had "dropped" off MyComputer's list of available drives! I spent all day on the phone with Lenovo tech support to no avail. I did notice, however, that opening the ThinkVantage ToolBox (PC Doctor application) was a surefire way to cause the HDD to "drop" off immediately.
    Uninstall ThinkVantage Toolbox! 
    The problem has now ceased, and I've also noticed that the fan in the W520 is not nearly as overactive as it had been while the ToolBox was running in the background. 
    Come on Lenovo, don't saddle us with additional bloat that actually impedes proper function of the **bleep** hardware!
    And to PC Doctor, I suggest heeding the Hippocratic Oath: "FIRST, DO NO HARM"!!!! 

    Thanks for posting your fix...
    I agree, ThinkVantage Toolbox has gotten pretty invasive as of late. It has also become less useful, although you can install custom add-on modules to make it better.  Anyway, it is possible to keep the program installed w/o having all the background tasks.  This leaves the Blue ThinkVantage button active.
    Install TVT
    Launch TVT, Settings, then untick "Enable Quick Hardware Check", Save
    right click on task bar and uncheck TVT
    run taskmgr.exe
    Disable PCDEventLauncher, PCDoctorBackgroundMonitorTask, and SystemToolsDailyTest
    PCDEventLauncher will most likely be recreated if/when you next run TVT- but it is of little conequence.
    Also, are you are using AHCI?  It is required for eSATA hot plug (+ some other features).  We have had systems that refuse to keep a eSATA drive connected when running in compatible mode.

  • CUPC random disconnect

    I have a few people who have been saying that their CUPC client randomly disconnects and they can't reconnect for a long time, even through reboots.  I have a feeling that it's somehow an LDAP timeout, but I don't know.  Regular ethernet and phone connectivity remains normal.  I have attached the problem report from one of the people.  Can anyone decipher what might be happening?

    Do you happen to have a timestamp when you saw this issue?  There are quite a few log files in here.

  • After updating 8.1 , wifi still randomly disconnect sometimes. It never happened to me when i had iphone 4. That's really hard to accept.

    After updating 8.1 , wifi still randomly disconnect sometimes. It never happened to me when i had iphone 4. That's really hard to accept.
    Is it worth 900 dollars for a smartphone that has so many issues ? After 3 updates? After 1 month? I wasted 2 gb of mobile internet cause of ios 8.
    And battery is terrible.

    same here, iphone 6 plus 64 gb.
    additionally in 5 ghz networks the wifi connection is very slow or  there is no data transfer possible ( the wifi icon is already there and in a good status) other devices hasn't any problems in that network

  • The Wi-Fi randomly disconnects, and now it is not even available as an option in the "Network Preferences" area.

    After having the MacBook Pro for about 1.5 years, the Wi-Fi randomly disconnected. Ethernet works fine, however, whenever I tried clicking "Turn Wi-Fi On", nothing happens. I have tried a SMC reset, resetting the PRAM (resetting the PRAM worked for a bit and then suddenly it didn't), and shutting down/restarting the laptop multiple times. Often times does the Wi-Fi turn back on, however it immediately disconnects after about a minute. Now I have come to a point where, in the Network Preferences area, the Wi-Fi option is not available on the list that is on the left side of the preferences. A PRAM reset solved this case, but for some reason it doesn't work anymore. I took it into a local Mac store, where they said that they would need to check if it was the Wi-Fi card that was causing the problem and would need to charge me $50 for the tech service to check it out (which is obviously what I would not do...at least if there is some way to go around this). Help.

    I am also suspicious that your WiFi card may have a probelm.
    Do an SMC Reset before you do anything else.
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    An appointment at the genius Bar at an Apple store is FREE, in warranty or out.
    Apple only charges for services when parts are needed, and then it is a flat rate for the repair, no diagnosis fees and no surprises.

  • Network Adapter randomly disconnects

    I have a Thinkpad T60p with a 3945abg network adapter. The adapter works fine when I'm connected to a non-secured router, but randomly disconnects when connected to a WPA-2 protected router. Is there an updated driver to prevent this from happening. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. rjoeng1

    Yes, it is normal. A lot of times, routers security is not compatible with wireless card. You have to keep changing setttings in router firmware until you find the best settings. Good luck.
    Microsoft and Apple certified professional.

  • Mountain lion randomly disconnect wireless

    I have 2011 iMac bought in Nov 2011 and upgraded to Mountain Lion. Now wirless is randomly disconnected all the time. What should I do and how to fix it?

    Hi, this has worked for a few...
    Make a New Location, Using network locations in Mac OS X ...
    old... http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106653
    Hi, this has worked for a few...
    Make a New Location, Using network locations in Mac OS X ...
    System Preferences>Network, top of window>Locations>Edit Locations, little plus icon, give it a name.
    10.5.x/10.6.x/10.7.x instructions...
    System Preferences>Network, click on the little gear at the bottom next to the + & - icons, (unlock lock first if locked), choose Set Service Order.
    The interface that connects to the Internet should be dragged to the top of the list.
    Instead of joining your Network from the list, click the WiFi icon at the top, and click join other network. Fill in everything as needed.
    For 10.5/10.6, System Preferences>Network, unlock the lock if need be, highlight the Interface you use to connect to Internet, click on the advanced button, click on the DNS tab, click on the little plus icon, then add these numbers...
    Click OK.
    Also, turn off IPv6:
    System Preferences » Network » AirPort » TCP/IP tab » Configure IPv6
    Or whatever Interface you use.

  • Second Exchange Mailbox Random Disconnects In Outlook 2010

    We have our users temporarily using two exchange mailboxes in Outlook 2010.  The primary account is fine (exchange is local) but the second account we recently adds seems to randomly disconnect and not automatically reconnect.  The fix at the moment
    is to reboot the computer and everything works fine but this is obviously annoying to the users.
    Anyone else run into this issue or have a suggestion?
    Thanks in advance.

    I recommend using separate profiles for each account if they are using a same one.
    When the second mailbox cannot connect to Exchange server, it will leave some information/warning/error in the App log. Please post the details if there is any related content.
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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