Random JBO-27122 and ORA-01890 errors

hi All,
I am randomly getting this error. In Toad this query works always fine, but in web application raises this error from time to time (seldom). What can be a reason.
JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation. Statement: SELECT * FROM (SELECT WfsSignIn.SSN, BhsSatLoc.LOC_DESC SAT_LOC, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_pft_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) PftY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_h_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) HearingY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_vis_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) VisionY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_v_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) VitalY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_f_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) FitnesslY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_MM_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) MentorY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_Consent_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE) Consent, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_D_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) DISY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_B_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) BloodY, WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_SA_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) SAMHY, FDNY_APP_DATE -TO_DATE('25-JUL-02', 'DD-MON-RR') wtc, trunc(:P_DATE) today, :P_DOC doc, substr(WfsSignIn.SSN,6,4) SSN4, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE, WfsSignIn.SIGN_IN_ID, WfsSignIn.USERID, WfsSignIn.FNAME, WfsSignIn.LNAME, ComFdemp.GENDER, WfsSignIn.RANK_CODE, WfsSignIn.UNIT_CODE, ComFdemp.WORK_LOCATION, WfsSignIn.WALK_IN, ComFdemp.BIRTH_DATE, PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_sign_out(WfsSignIn.SSN) Can_Sign_Out, trunc(nvl(sf_empall_age(WfsSignIn.ssn),0)) Age, case when WfsSignIn.PHYSICIAN_CHECK ='Y' then 'Yes' else 'No' end PHYSICIAN_CHECK, sf_Emp_Cand_Name (WfsSignIn.ssn) Fullname, sf_get_title_wfs (WfsSignIn.ssn) title, WfsSignIn.SIGN_OUT, WfsSignIn.ANNUAL_YR ANNUALYR, 'Y' SIGNED_IN, pk_wfs.SF_GET_STATUS(WfsSignIn.ssn) Duty, rownum FROM HRIS.WFS_SIGN_IN WfsSignIn,EMP_CAND_V ComFdemp,bhs_sat_loc BhsSatLoc WHERE (WfsSignIn.SAT_LOC=:P_SAT_LOC or :P_SAT_LOC ='AA') and WfsSignIn.SAT_LOC = BhsSatLoc.SAT_LOC_CODE(+) and ComFdemp.Ssn=WfsSignIn.Ssn and not (nvl((WfsSignIn.SIGN_OUT),'N') in (decode(:P_Table,'Signed In','Y','N'),decode(:P_Table,'Signed In','A','N'))) and ( ( ((:P_FIELD is null or :P_FIELD='SSN') and WfsSignIn.SSN like '%'||:P_PARAM)and (ComFdemp.LNAME) like '%'||UPPER(:P_FNAME) ||'%') or (:P_FIELD='Name' and (ComFdemp.FNAME) like '%'||UPPER(:P_FNAME) ||'%' ) ) and WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE=trunc(TO_DATE(:P_DATE)) and (:P_Table='Signed In' or :P_Table='Signed Out') union select ComFdemp.SSN, '00' SAT_LOC, 'No' PftY, 'No' HearingY, 'No' VisionY, 'No' VitalY, 'No' FitnessY, 'No' MentorY, 'No' Consent, 'No' DISY, 'No' BloodY, 'No' SAMHY, FDNY_APP_DATE -TO_DATE('25-JUL-02', 'DD-MON-RR') wtc, trunc(:P_DATE) today, :P_DOC doc, substr(ComFdemp.SSN,6,4) SSN4, trunc(TO_DATE(:P_DATE)) EXAM_DATE, 0 SIGN_IN_ID, to_char(null) USERID, ComFdemp.FNAME, ComFdemp.LNAME, ComFdemp.GENDER, ComFdemp.RANK_CODE, ComFdemp.UNIT_CODE, ComFdemp.WORK_LOCATION, 'No' WALK_IN, ComFdemp.BIRTH_DATE, null Can_Sign_Out, ROUND(nvl(sf_empall_age(ComFdemp.ssn),0)) Age, 'No' PHYSICIAN_CHECK, sf_Emp_Cand_Name (ComFdemp.ssn) Fullname, sf_get_title_wfs (ComFdemp.ssn) title, 'Z' SIGN_OUT, to_number(substr(to_char(TO_DATE(:P_DATE),'MM/DD/YYYY'),7,4)) ANNUALYR, decode((select count(*) from HRIS.WFS_SIGN_IN where ssn=ComFdemp.ssn and EXAM_DATE>=trunc(TO_DATE(:P_DATE))),0,'N','Y') SIGNED_IN, pk_wfs.SF_GET_STATUS(ComFdemp.ssn) Duty, rownum from EMP_CAND_V ComFdemp WHERE (((ComFdemp.SSN like '%'||:P_PARAM and (ComFdemp.LNAME) like '%'||UPPER(:P_FNAME) ||'%') ) ) and (:P_Table<>'Signed In' and :P_Table<>'Signed Out')) QRSLT ORDER BY SAT_LOC DESC
ORA-01890: NLS error detected
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_pft_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) PftY,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_h_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) HearingY,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_vis_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) VisionY,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_v_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) VitalY,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_f_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) FitnesslY,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_MM_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) MentorY,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_Consent_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE) Consent,
WFS.PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_B_check(WfsSignIn.SSN, WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE ) BloodY,
trunc(:P_DATE) today,
:P_DOC doc,
substr(WfsSignIn.SSN,6,4) SSN4,
     PK_WFS_SIGNOUT.sf_sign_out(WfsSignIn.SSN) Can_Sign_Out,
trunc(nvl(sf_empall_age(WfsSignIn.ssn),0)) Age,
case when WfsSignIn.PHYSICIAN_CHECK ='Y' then 'Yes'
     else 'No' end PHYSICIAN_CHECK,
sf_Emp_Cand_Name (WfsSignIn.ssn) Fullname,
sf_get_title_wfs (WfsSignIn.ssn) title,
     'Y' SIGNED_IN,
     pk_wfs.SF_GET_STATUS(WfsSignIn.ssn) Duty,
FROM HRIS.WFS_SIGN_IN WfsSignIn,EMP_CAND_V ComFdemp,bhs_sat_loc BhsSatLoc
WHERE (WfsSignIn.SAT_LOC=:P_SAT_LOC or :P_SAT_LOC ='AA') and WfsSignIn.SAT_LOC = BhsSatLoc.SAT_LOC_CODE(+) and ComFdemp.Ssn=WfsSignIn.Ssn and not (nvl((WfsSignIn.SIGN_OUT),'N') in (decode(:P_Table,'Signed In','Y','N'),decode(:P_Table,'Signed In','A','N'))) and
((:P_FIELD is null or :P_FIELD='SSN') and WfsSignIn.SSN like '%'||:P_PARAM)and (ComFdemp.LNAME) like '%'||UPPER(:P_FNAME) ||'%') or
(:P_FIELD='Name' and (ComFdemp.FNAME) like '%'||UPPER(:P_FNAME) ||'%' )
WfsSignIn.EXAM_DATE=trunc(TO_DATE(:P_DATE)) and (:P_Table='Signed In' or :P_Table='Signed Out')
'00' SAT_LOC,
'No' PftY,
'No' HearingY,
'No' VisionY,
'No' VitalY,
'No' FitnessY,
     'No' MentorY,
     'No' Consent,
     'No' DISY,
     'No' BloodY,
     'No' SAMHY,
trunc(:P_DATE) today,
:P_DOC doc,
substr(ComFdemp.SSN,6,4) SSN4,
     to_char(null) USERID,
     null Can_Sign_Out,
ROUND(nvl(sf_empall_age(ComFdemp.ssn),0)) Age,
sf_Emp_Cand_Name (ComFdemp.ssn) Fullname,
sf_get_title_wfs (ComFdemp.ssn) title,
     to_number(substr(to_char(TO_DATE(:P_DATE),'MM/DD/YYYY'),7,4)) ANNUALYR,
     decode((select count(*) from HRIS.WFS_SIGN_IN where ssn=ComFdemp.ssn and EXAM_DATE>=trunc(TO_DATE(:P_DATE))),0,'N','Y') SIGNED_IN,
     pk_wfs.SF_GET_STATUS(ComFdemp.ssn) Duty,
from EMP_CAND_V ComFdemp
WHERE (((ComFdemp.SSN like '%'||:P_PARAM and (ComFdemp.LNAME) like '%'||UPPER(:P_FNAME) ||'%') )
) and
(:P_Table<>'Signed In' and :P_Table<>'Signed Out')

how likely is it that your database is version 9.0 or older ? If so, the bug is fixed in 9.0.1. If my guess didn't hit bulls eye then you may need to provide more information about your environment. Also, a reproducible pattern would be good.

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    Edited by: user10942416 on Aug 6, 2009 6:16 AM

    This error is caused when the block property 'DML returning values' equals YES. This property was introduced as of forms 6. What does it do ? As per the on-line help of Forms, "A database update or insert action may initiate server-side triggers that cause alterations or additional changes in the data. In Release 6, when using an Oracle8 database server, Forms uses the DML Returning clause to immediately bring back any such changes. When this property is set to Yes, Forms will automatically update the client-side version of the data, and the user will not need to re-query the database to obtain the changed values". When this property is switched to yes the generated insert/update statement will contain the 'returning clause' and this clause is causing the error.
    As far as I have tested, the only way at present, to get rid of this error is to set 'DML returing values' to NO. So, not to use this functionality.
    See also:
    Please respond if this solution works for you.
    Guido Zeelen

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    workspace => 'denialletterspoc_onmzpulp',
    table_name => 'MCM_MESSAGE',
    where_clause => ' id in (8403026,10134822,8259485,8259488,8426289,8426287,10186643,8426288) ',
    keep => 'CHILD'
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    ORA-00001: unique constraint (T2.MCM_MESSAGE_PK) violated
    ORA-06512: at line 16
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    Amit Gangwar

    Hi, Ben
    Our OWM_VERSION is
    I tried disable and enable constraint MCM_MESSAGE_PK. But didn't fix our issue.
    Split where clause from " id in (...) " syntax to " id = ... " syntax will reduce performance heavily. And I did some test that " id in (...) " syntax works well in our dev env.
    I opened our trace file and get below plsql block. When I perform it get same error with our original codes. Please notice the part of "forall wm_indx in WM_rowids.first .. WM_rowids.last execute immediate 'begin insert into T2.MCM_MESSAGE_lt ... ...", error occurred here. But if I change the "forall" syntax to normal " for ... loop" syntax then no error here. Can you give me some advice or suggestion?
    WM_rowids wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.rowidTabType;
    WM_rowids_vt wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.rowidTabType;
    WM_curver wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.int_tab;
    WM_vtRow wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.int_tab;
    WM_nextver wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.nextver_tab;
    WM_found integer := 0;
    /* update the auxilliary table of snapshots */
    /* These are rows in the current version that have already been resolved once */
    update T2.MCM_MESSAGE_aux st
    set (snapShotChild, snapShotParent, versionParent) =
    (select p.WM_childds, p.WM_parentds, p.WM_parentver
    from T2.MCM_MESSAGE_pkc p
    where p.ID = st.ID),
    value = '0',
    wm_opcode = 'CC'
    where st.versionChild = 614
    and (ID) in (select ID
    from T2.MCM_MESSAGE_pkc p
    where (id in (8403026,
    select distinct WM_ridchild bulk collect
    into WM_rowids
    from T2.MCM_MESSAGE_pkc
    where (id in (8403026,
    and WM_childver != 614;
    if (WM_rowids.first is not null) then
    WM_found := 1;
    forall wm_indx in WM_rowids.first .. WM_rowids.last
    update T2.MCM_MESSAGE_lt
    set retireTime = wmsys.owm_9ip_pkg.activeTimeForDML,
    nextver = wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.getNextVer(nextver,
    where rowid = WM_rowids(wm_indx)
    returning wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.getCurNextVer bulk collect into WM_nextver;
    /* These are the rows that have not yet been resolved after the latest BeginResolve */
    forall wm_indx in WM_rowids.first .. WM_rowids.last execute immediate
    (select t1.ID,t1.DPS_APPLICATION_ID,t1.TYPE_ID,t1.NAME,t1.PRIVILEGED,t1.CAMPAIGN_ID,t1.TEXT,t1.FILE_NAME,t1.GRAPHIC_WIDTH,t1.GRAPHIC_HEIGHT,t1.DESCRIPTION,t1.ACTIVE,t1.INCLUDE_IN_LIBRARY,t1.MESSAGE_FILTER_ID,t1.OP_USER_ID,t1.OP_WORKSPACE,t1.OP_TIME,614, wmsys.owm_9ip_pkg.activeTimeForDML, null,:1, sign(delstatus)*(abs(delstatus)+1),
    wmsys.lt_ctx_pkg.checkngetlock(''C'', t1.ltlock, t1.nextver, ''denialletterspoc_onmzpulp'', 0,
    ''MODIFY'', t1.version, t1.delstatus, 0, 1)
    from T2.MCM_MESSAGE_lt t1
    where t1.rowid = :2); end;'
    using WM_nextver(wm_indx),
    end if;
    if (WM_found = 1) then
    end if;
    if (WM_found = 1) then
    forall wm_indx in WM_rowids.first .. WM_rowids.last
    delete from T2.MCM_MESSAGE_aux
    where (ID) in (select ID
    from T2.MCM_MESSAGE_lt
    where rowid = WM_rowids(wm_indx))
    and childState = 'denialletterspoc_onmzpulp';
    end if;
    /* now insert new syncing information about these rows */
    execute immediate 'insert into T2.MCM_MESSAGE_aux (
    select ID,
    p.WM_childstate, p.WM_parentstate,
    p.WM_childds, 614, p.WM_parentds, p.WM_parentver, ''0'',''CC''
    from T2.MCM_MESSAGE_pkc p
    where ( id in (8403026,10134822,8259485,8259488,8426289,8426287,10186643,8426288) ) )';

  • Ora - 01110 and ora 01157 error

    I am using linux 9i and solaris 5.8 .while i am connecting to the database it shows the ora - 01110 and ora 01157 error.i moved the temp datafile to some location after that only i receiced that error.then i moved the temp file to the particular location.after that what i can to do to resolve the error.
    plz in detail sql query.

    Can you detail how you are moving the file? Are you using one of the following methods:
    With the database down
    move/rename the file with OS commands
    mount the database and issue the following
    alter database rename file '<original path and file name>' to '<new path and file name>';
    Open the database
    With the database open take the tablespace the contains the files to be moved/rename offline.
    move/rename the files with OS commands.
    alter tablespace <tablespace name> rename datafile '<original path and file name>' to '<new path and file name>';
    Bring the tablespace back online.

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    hi all,
    I am trying to generate the multiple reports of same template through a program.
    While this job is running, i get the following error at the BIP console and the reports don't get generated.
    [101711_044115578][][EXCEPTION] java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00604: error occurred
    at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    Kindly help.

    Lots of resources with a simple search to see what this is about, for example:
    ORA-01000:     maximum open cursors exceeded
    Cause:     A host language program attempted to open too many cursors. The initialization parameter OPEN_CURSORS determines the maximum number of cursors per user.
    Action:     Modify the program to use fewer cursors. If this error occurs often, shut down Oracle, increase the value of OPEN_CURSORS, and then restart Oracle.
    open_cursors parameter
    Oracle support note:
    OERR: ORA-1000 maximum open cursors exceeded (Doc ID 18591.1)

  • A question about PreparedStatement and ORA-03115 error

    Dear all,
    I have an issue with JDBC and I would appreciate if you could kindly give me a hand.
    I'm using:
    - Oracle Database 11g Enterprise (Release
    - JDBC thin driver version: (
    - JDK 1.6
    - Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu 8.10)
    Here is my code
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Main
        public static void main(String[] args)
            String dbURL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:mydatabase";
            String username = "scott";
            String user_password = "tiger";
                Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, username, user_password);
                String query_text = "SELECT * FROM mytable";
                Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
                ResultSet query_result = statement.executeQuery(query_text);
            catch (SQLException e)
                for (Throwable t: e)
    }This works pretty well without any problem. But when I want to use PreparedStatement instead of Statement I receive the ORA-03115 error message, that is, when I replace the Statement with PreparedStatement in the following way:
    String query_text =
            "SELECT first_name, ?, id, ?, job_title, salary  FROM mytable "+
            "WHERE id IN ('id14', ?, 'id17', 'id18')";
    PreparedStatement prepared_statement =  connection.preparedStatement(query_text);
    prepared_statement.setString(1, "last_name");
    prepared_statement.setString(2, "birthday");
    prepared_statement.setString(3, "id02");
    ResultSet query_result = prepared_statement.executeQuery(query_text);I get the following:
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03115: unsupported network datatype or representation
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(SQLStateMapping.java:70)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.newSQLException(DatabaseError.java:133)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:206)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:455)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:413)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.receive(T4C8Oall.java:1034)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(T4CPreparedStatement.java:194)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForDescribe(T4CPreparedStatement.java:791)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeMaybeDescribe(T4CPreparedStatement.java:866)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(OracleStatement.java:1186)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeQuery(OracleStatement.java:1377)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatementWrapper.executeQuery(OracleStatementWrapper.java:387)
         at mysqlpackage.Main.main(Main.java:33)Therefore, right after
    ResultSet query_result = prepared_statement.executeQuery(query_text);the exception is thrown,
    why it works with Statement but not with PreparedStatement? I tested with several other queries, insert a new row, delete a row, everytime it works well, but when I want to use PreparedStatement instead of Statement, again I have this error message.
    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance,

    OK, I found myself the answer.
    First error, I had use ? also for column names, which is not accepted as the SQL query has to be precompiled.
    Second error: Instead of writing
    ResultSet query_result =  prepared_statement.executeQuery(query_text);I had to write:
    ResultSet query_result =  prepared_statement.executeQuery();I tested with the following
    String query_text =
                  "SELECT first_name, last_name, id, birthday, job_title, salary "+
                  "FROM myenterprise "+
                  "WHERE id IN (?, ?, ?, ?) ";
                PreparedStatement prepared_statement =
                prepared_statement.setString(1, "id02");
                prepared_statement.setString(2, "id04");
                prepared_statement.setString(3, "id08");
                prepared_statement.setString(4, "id09");
                ResultSet query_result =  prepared_statement.executeQuery();And it works pretty well now! :)

  • Ora 600 and ora 7445 error in oracle 10g r2

    hi all,
    we are using Oracle 10g r2.
    os is windows 2003 server,
    ram is 4 gb.
    front end is java .
    we got a below mentioned errors.
    i got the RA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [qerghFetch:inc], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
    and ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [unable_to_trans_pc] [PC:0x61F04AC9] [ADDR:0xC] [UNABLE_TO_READ] []
    and Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn errors.
    for aug 3 11.42.47 we got a ora 600 error after that through front end (java) users can't able to connect the database.the not able to executed the query session disconnected error.
    what is reason for theis error . how it will rectifiy.?
    pls advice.Below i attached the alret log message .
    Sun Aug 02 04:04:24 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Sun Aug 02 05:48:10 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Sun Aug 02 05:49:10 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Sun Aug 02 07:38:49 2009
    Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 1732
    Current log# 3 seq# 1732 mem# 0: E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO03.LOG
    Sun Aug 02 07:44:14 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Sun Aug 02 07:45:14 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Sun Aug 02 22:00:26 2009
    Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 1733
    Current log# 1 seq# 1733 mem# 0: E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO01.LOG
    Mon Aug 03 07:08:15 2009
    Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 1734
    Current log# 2 seq# 1734 mem# 0: E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO02.LOG
    Mon Aug 03 09:28:23 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Mon Aug 03 09:30:27 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Mon Aug 03 11:42:47 2009
    Errors in file e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\orcl\udump\orcl_ora_6012.trc:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [qerghFetch:inc], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    Mon Aug 03 13:20:00 2009
    Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 1735
    Current log# 3 seq# 1735 mem# 0: E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO03.LOG
    Mon Aug 03 16:07:07 2009
    Errors in file e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\em_2\rdbms\trace\orcl_ora_4756.trc:
    ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [unable_to_trans_pc] [PC:0x61F04AC9] [ADDR:0xC] [UNABLE_TO_READ] []
    Mon Aug 03 16:07:11 2009
    Process m000 died, see its trace file
    Mon Aug 03 16:07:11 2009
    ksvcreate: Process(m000) creation failed
    Mon Aug 03 16:08:37 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Mon Aug 03 16:10:40 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Mon Aug 03 17:25:05 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Mon Aug 03 17:27:11 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Mon Aug 03 17:32:19 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Mon Aug 03 17:33:24 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Mon Aug 03 18:52:08 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Mon Aug 03 18:54:09 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Mon Aug 03 19:05:33 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
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    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Mon Aug 03 19:09:02 2009
    Errors in file e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\em_2\rdbms\trace\orcl_ora_5132.trc:
    ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [unable_to_trans_pc] [PC:0x7C34126B] [ADDR:0x0] [UNABLE_TO_WRITE] []
    Mon Aug 03 19:10:27 2009
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn
    Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn

    Hi reshumakur
    As this is your PRODUCTION system THEN_ The best help to offer in case of ORA-600, and ORA-7445 is to open SR with metalink. Submit with the SR the following
    1- Alert log
    2- Trace files (in ur case e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\orcl\udump\orcl_ora_6012.trc: and e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\em_2\rdbms\trace\orcl_ora_4756.trc:)
    3- Describe what was happening when you had these errors.
    Try to avoid free help when you have ORA-600 and ORA-07445. This errors could be becuase of BUGS. Oracle Support will know this from the call stack in the trace file.
    Then Do your best to patch and the latest CPU patch.
    Good Luck

  • Mview refresh and ORA-12008 error

    I am getting the following when I try to refresh a materialized view. This error occurs the first time I try to refresh, then if I try again, the refresh is successful.
    Most of what I have been able to glean about this error is that it is related to M$log changes, however, this view does not use nor build upon an other views that use, mview logs. Any ideas?
    ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
    ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 13 with name "_SYSSMU13$" too small
    ORA-02063: preceding line from db1
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2537
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2743
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SNAPSHOT", line 2712
    ORA-06512: at line 2

    Hi j_70!
    I'm not exactly sure about the answer, but I guess that the ORA-01555 is the main problem. Have you tried to grow your Undotablespace? I think that the refresh of the MVIEW takes a long time (like a long SELECT-Statement) and if there are many UPDATE and INSERT-Statements while the refresh is in progress than ORA-01555 may be the consequence.
    If you have Oracle 10g use the Undo-Advisor to look for the problem.
    Hope this helps!

  • ORA-01157 and ORA-01110 errors

    Dear all,
    I was  getting "ORA-00205: error in identifying controlfile" error while starting the database
    This had happened during the investigation of the IMPORT_ABAP phase failure, during our system copy (Import)
    I found out in alert_SID.log that control file was missing in 3 locations /oracle/SID/origlogA, /oracle/SID/origlogB and /oracle/SID/sapdata1
    So I copied the control file from /oracle/GRD/saparch/cntrl to the above 3 locations. Now I am able to mount the database but not able to open it.
    Getting the below mentioned error
    ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 1 - see DBWR trace file
    ORA-01110: data file 1: '/oracle/SRD/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1'
    Any suggestions?

    The control file from /oracle/SRD/saparch/cntrl was an old file so deleted it from the 3 locations as mentioned earlier
    Now there is no control file in origlogA, origlobB and sadata1
    Now I am getting the below mentioned error
    ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more in
    any suggestions?

  • Embed test throwing ORA-00604 and ORA- 12705 errors

    I've setup a JEE application and when tried to make a connection the IDE was throwing errors
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA- 12705: invalid or unknown NLS parameter value specified
    That I fixed adding two entrances in the jdev.conf file
    AddVMOption -Duser.region=us
    AddVMOption -Duser.language=en
    Now, when I try to run an embed test throws again the same errors
    javax.ejb.EJBException: Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0.1 (Build b09d-fcs (12/06/2007))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified
    how can I fix this in a jdev
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi, thanks for the reply.
    First, a question. How do I file a bug with customer support?
    Then, back to the problem.
    I have installed on a Windows Vista system the database. The windows system is set in Spanish and the database is an express edition 10.2.1015
    The JDeveloper's version where I have setup the project is
    The original value for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ORACLE/KEY_XE/NLS_LANG entrance was LATIN AMERICAN SPANISH_ECUADOR.WE8MSWIN1252, and now I have changed it to the result from querying from dual AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8, with SELECT USERENV('LANGUAGE') FROM DUAL;
    I did this, because so I understood from the [error description|http://ora-12705.ora-code.com/]
    I also looked for a key like ORA_NLSxx in the registry, but not found
    Also checked the ORACLE_HOME and the path does lead me to the oracle installation and there is the nls folder
    But still showing the same error
    Please let me know if more info is needed.
    Thanks in advance.

  • DRG-50857 and ORA-12838 error while INDEXTYPE IS CTXSYS.CONTEXT

    Hi Experts,
    I've been encountering an issue while creating INDEX.
    If I execute the below script from SQLDEVELOPER line by line, then the index gets created but the weirdest thing is, if I executed the same as one sql file from SQLPLUS or SQLDEVELOPER, I get the error shared below. As we need to deliver as one sql file to customer, how can we fix this issue?
    Below is the content of my sql file
    Below is the error
    Session altered.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    Session altered.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
    ORA-20000: Oracle Text error:
    DRG-50857: oracle error in dripref.set_preferences
    ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 160
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS", line 366
    Elapsed: 00:00:02.82
    Index altered.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    Commit complete.

    I get the same error in 11g, as shown below, but not in 12c, as shown below that.  So, it looks like there has been a change in the way that Oracle Text does things between versions.  When you create an Oracle Text Context index, it creates some domain index tables.  Apparently there is some change involved behind the scenes in the dripref.set_preferences procedure that perhaps does an append or some such thing.  If you post this question in the Text space/sub-forum, with a link to this thread, you may get a more detailed explanation and perhaps a workaround from Oracle Text product manager Roger Ford or others.  Or, perhaps some moderator will move this thread there.
    SCOTT@orcl> SELECT banner FROM v$version;
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE    Production
    TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    5 rows selected.
    SCOTT@orcl> CREATE TABLE emp_table AS SELECT ename emp_name FROM emp;
    Table created.
    Session altered.
    Session altered.
      2    (
      3       EMP_NAME
      4    )
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
    ORA-20000: Oracle Text error:
    DRG-50857: oracle error in dripref.set_preferences
    ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 160
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS", line 366
    Index altered.
    SCOTT@orcl> COMMIT;
    Commit complete.
    SCOTT@orcl12c> SELECT banner FROM v$version;
    Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE    Production
    TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    5 rows selected.
    SCOTT@orcl12c> CREATE TABLE emp_table AS SELECT ename emp_name FROM emp;
    Table created.
    Session altered.
    Session altered.
      2    (
      3       EMP_NAME
      4    )
    Index created.
    Index altered.
    SCOTT@orcl12c> COMMIT;
    Commit complete.

  • ORA-01180 and ORA-01110 error when restoring database by RMAN in

    I have a new installed database running in ARCIHVELOG mode on SUSE 10SP3. Catalog is not used. When I try to restore the database from a level 0 backup based on SCN, ORA-01180 and ORA-01110 were raised out today. Please help me through this. Thx. The senario follows:
    1. I got the current SCN by "select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual". Say it's 12345;
    2. I did a level 0 hot backup with current control file, archived logs and parameter files. Everything went well;
    3. Some other DMLs are applied to the database;
    4. I want to do a SCN-based incomplete recovery for this database to SCN 12345. Then I
    1) shutdown immediate;
    2) startup nomount;
    3) restore the control file from backupset;
    5) startup mount;
    6) catalog start with "[backupset path]";
    7) restore database until scn 12345.
    Just at step 4.7, ORA-01180 and ORA-01110 were raised out, saying cannot create data file 1. Note: Backup files are existing and file permissions are all OK.
    Then I issues "list incarnation of database". There is just one record with incarnation id 1.
    So I queried v$log_history, found serveral record there. The most recent one has NEXT_SCN later than 12345, say 12400. Then I tried to restore database until this SCN. It WORKED! The restore and recovery succeeded.
    My questions are:
    1. Why cannot I restore the database to a previous SCN, say 12345, but 12400 is OK?.
    2. If the database was RESETLOG prior to my recovery, should I reset database to the incarnation where I took my backup? What can I do if there is no that incarnation information in my control file?
    Waiting for your suggestion.

    Hi guys. There is one update.
    This issue is caused by the incorrect SCN vs. backup set. I got this SCN before the backup started. According to Oracle docs, it's not allowed for an SCN based recovery.
    Now, I changed the sequence of my operations, so that SCN is got once backup is done, which is exact the "most recent sequence# and least SCN" mentioned by some thread in this forum. It works now.
    Anyone could explain why the SCN got prior to the level 0 backup is not recognized by restore/recovery phase? Thanks.

  • Sql@loader-704  and ORA-12154: error messages when trying to load data with SQL Loader

    I have a data base with two tables that is used by Apex 4.2. One table has 800,000 records . The other has 7 million records
    The client recently upgraded from Apex 3.2 to Apex 4.2 . We exported/imported the data to the new location with no problems
    The source of the data is an old mainframe system; I needed to make changes to the source data and then load the tables.
    The first time I loaded the data i did it from a command line with SQL loader
    Now when I try to load the data I get this message:
    sql@loader-704 Internal error: ulconnect OCISERVERATTACH
    ORA-12154: tns:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    I've searched for postings on these error message and they all seem to say that SQL Ldr can't find my TNSNAMES file.
    I am able to  connect and load data with SQL Developer; so SQL developer is able to find the TNSNAMES file
    However SQL Developer will not let me load a file this big
    I have also tried to load the file within Apex  (SQL Workshop/ Utilities) but again, the file is too big.
    So it seems like SQL Loader is the only option
    I did find one post online that said to set an environment variable with the path to the TNSNAMES file, but that didn't work..
    Not sure what else to try or where to look

    You must have more than one tnsnames file or multiple installations of oracle. What i suggest you do (as I'm sure will be mentioned in ed's link that you were already pointed at) is the following (* i assume you are on windows?)
    open a command prompt
    set TNS_ADMIN=PATH_TO_DIRECTOT_THAT_CONTAINS_CORRECT_TNSNAMES_FILE (i.e. something like set TNS_ADMIN=c:\oracle\network\admin)
    This will tell oracle use the config files you find here and no others
    then try sqlldr user/pass@db (in the same dos window)
    see if that connects and let us know.

  • Trying to query data from a view - ORA-01882 and ORA-02063 Errors

    Hey there,
    I tried to query data from a view that was provided by a colleague. This view works fine and gives correct data using PL/SQL Developer or SQLPLUS, but in SQL Developer, I get the following error:
    ORA-01882: Time zone region not found
    ORA-02063: preceding line from SYSTOOLS
    01882.00000 - "timezone region %s not found"
    * Cause: Specified reason name was not found
    * Action: Please contact Oracle Customer Support
    Vendor Code 1882
    Where comes this error message from?! SYSTOOLS is the database link.
    Can't see an obvious reason for this error.
    OS is Windows 2000 SP4, SQL Developer is v1.1.1.25 BUILD MAIN-25.14

    From Oracle Messages 'Cause and Action'
    ORA-01882, 00000, "timezone region %s not found"
    Cause: The specified region name was not found.
    Action: Please contact Oracle Customer Support.
    Maybe invalid region in NLS_LANG?
    "select * from v$nls_parameters"
    Starting this script in all developer program and compared result...

Maybe you are looking for

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    This is one of those cases where when you boot off of the installation DVD you get the wonderful greyscale colors. I'm just wondering if there is any fix to this. I do know that if you install 10.3 and then install the 10.3.9 update, the driver is in

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    Hi all After creating Credit memo thru FB65 how i should adjust with a incoming invoice. please provide Tcode for doing this. Thx In advance. Kamal

  • Error: Could not find machine_name in any storage repository.

    Hi, we got 4 servers in the same Pool Group called PROD. vmserver10 = Virtual Machine Server      vmserver13 = Virtual Machine Server      vmserver14 = Server Pool Master,Utility Server,Virtual Machine Server      vmserver15 = Virtual Machine Server