Random playing music on site

I have a music related site and wish for snippets of my
collection to be played in the background while visitors browse.
I would like the music to continue playing even if a link is
I have taken a 10 - 20 sec snip of each track and uploaded
all of the snippet files to the site ready to play.
I would like to have them play at random, but not restart
playing when they browse the sites pages.
( yes i will have the option to turn OFF the sound if they
want and that will be cookie based (hope they have this enabled) so
it remembers next time they visit.
hopefully this can be done.

I would look in either help or look for a flash movie player
that someobyd
has for free. It's going to probably be a bit complext to
build it yourself
in flash (if you've never used flash before).
Have you googled this group and checked to see how others
have done it?
"not very clever" <[email protected]> wrote
in message
news:e25k03$rff$[email protected]..
> ok worked out how to get the frames in place, all the
site works ok like
> normal
> but has an extra frame that can be seen at the moment,
but when i have it
> all
> working i will make it hidden, and hopefully have a tick
box that visitors
> can
> use to turn off the music.
> i have heard of flash but never really got to work out
how to use the
> software
> i have it but never really got my head around it much, i
have my tracks,
> about
> 10 or so that are about 10 - 20 secs long, i would like
to play them at
> random.
> how do i get flash to play them?

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
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