Randomly Load External VDO w/o Repeat the Same File while Playing

Hey! I have nearly done programming my Flash file. But, I'm so tired of making it not repeat the VDO file it is playing.
I hope that you guys will have that solution for me. *()*
This is my source code
////////////To Load any VDO///////////////
import flash.net.NetStream;
import flash.net.NetConnection;
import flash.media.Video;
var video;
var nc;
var ns;
nc = new NetConnection();
ns = new NetStream(nc);
ns.client = this;
video = new Video(550,400);
/////////////Array for VDO Files/////////////
var VdoStore:Array = new Array("westler.flv","TomAndJerry.flv","GetThere.flv");
/////////////Keyboard and Screen Show////////////////
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
function onDown(e:KeyboardEvent):void{
var SelectedVid = VdoStore[Math.floor(Math.random() * VdoStore.length)];
//var DontRepeat:Array = new Array(); << I tried create another array to keep the file which was played
if (e.keyCode==49)
if (e.keyCode==69)
function onUP(e:KeyboardEvent):void
And thst is the code that I have removed all the things I have experimented out. Only the code that is working is shown above.
I don't need them all to be played before start new random. Just That, it shouldn't play the same vdo that is playing at the moment when I click any button after.
FYI,I will add more vdos, about 20, and more keyboard buttons to click as the same numbers.
Anyone? **Pleaseeeeeeee >///<

One way would be to remove the played video from the array when it is played so that it cannot be licked again.
Another way, since you don't mind a repeat later on, would be to store the index of the selected video when it is played in a variable that you compare to the selected index.  If the selection matches the variable then you run the selection processing again until you successfully pick another video.  To do this it will be easier to have a separate function that does the selection.

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    Q3 here http://pondini.org/TM/Time_Capsule.html
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    Hey cemccarty,
    Thanks for the question, and welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    The option to turn off repeat will depend on your iPod nano model. Here is the information for the latest model, the iPod nano (7th generation):
    (click to view larger images)
    via page 18 of manuals.info.apple.com/en_US/ipod_nano_user_guide.pdf
    If you have an earlier model of the iPod nano, see the relative user guide from this page:
    Apple - Support - Manuals
    Matt M.

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