Rc.conf: loading keymap from path other than default

I quickly noticed that the "us" keymap uses the right alt as AltGr (include "linux-with-alt-and-altgr"), which seems to be an "international" layout. What's the preferred way to change this?
I created a new map (poutine.map), which changes that line to "linux-with-two-alt-keys". Following a Wiki article[1], I put it in /usr/local/share/kbd/keymaps to follow best practices and to avoid its being overwritten during upgrades. So now my questions:
1. Will the system find the map there?
2. If not, how do I specify a path?
3. Is rc.conf only read at boot time, or is there a way to re-load it with the system running?
I'm only interested in the console for now.
[1]http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ext … in_Console
Last edited by CaptainPoutine (2010-09-16 22:11:17)

The KEYMAP article does not describe
* The full list of paths used by rc.conf ("most keymaps can be found in...less common...keymaps can be found in...")
* Where these paths are set (source code? some other config file?)
* How to add a new path to that list, since my keymap is NOT located in either of the paths mentioned in the KEYMAP article.
I welcome being told to "RTFM" when the "M" addresses my question. In this case, it doesn't, which is why I posted.
Last edited by CaptainPoutine (2010-09-17 11:41:32)

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    Purchase a device like this. They are offered by many cellular carriers
    Verizon Wireless - Mobile Broadband -

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    from your post, it is not entirely clear to me what you are atempting to do.
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